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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Hello then I guess.
  2. You don't seem to get the point of ve. Every time you use angiens, you use the strength of a wounded warrior. The more you fight, the weaker you grow. You had 1Mil ve? After one attack, you may only have 600k left. Next one, 300k. Afterwards, perhaps even just 1k. And...if he truly wouldn't fear losses, he would use his creats. Want to bet he would be within stat dmg in a very fast amount of time? If he agrees, and stays idle as he likes, we can try and see. In any case, get ontopic, people. This is about the issue of capped mp3. The way I see it now, since Mur also doesn't want to change that much, I assume an administrative item would be created. Question would also be, who would hold it, and how would that person know who to advance?
  3. Remembered? Definitely.
  4. Bump. I'm in no rush to sell, but they are having many tokens. 2 left.
  5. It isn't a huge problem, because if someone were to do that en masse that player would get punished. I am one of those who could cap you. Do I do it? No. And I can cap you as well with you being outside of alliance btw, and I know you are an mp4. The thing you suggest isn#t even a solution, because no matter what newbies might still click attack..they dont know about exp and cap. So the defense rit would still cap them. And the code you suggest is altering the combat system so greatly, that it will most likely never get done. (It's rare for mur to code something big like this) Alas, this is about a case where it happened. It happened a few times, so we are talking about it now. Bronzometh..I advise you to think of it a bit more in future.
  6. Closed.
  7. : Haedrin grabs his blade and starts to carve something into the bark of the small tree beside the road... : Haedrin looks satisfied - takes a quick look over his shoulder and continues towards the Gazebo of Equilibrium... Leaving a small carved symbol in the bark...
  8. To learn what is the best left unlearnt, I have traveled through lands wide and far. To teach what I have learnt, I first seek myself in my mind, at war. War with acquired knowledge, ethics. War with myself: Should I share? In the end I teach a few tricks, And leave them be under other's care.
  9. I still vote for stat cap, maybe higher, but as harsh as it may be: Capping counter, each newbie capped is one too much. Sac limit can work, but again, what about the people who recruit 16 aramors and then get rid of them? It's just the same with stats...and no mp3 should have 15k attack, for example. Administrative item..well, who'd get it is the question, seeing as most people would fear for abuse. Conclusion: I still support stat cap.
  10. Death, Freedom, Loneliness, Friendship, searching for something, attempting to forget. A mixture of something I wrote above is what I'd think of.
  11. People, don't stray off too far in regards to the aim of the topic.. Ontopic: We don't need a commitee, nor do we need a guild. Hell, it just needs one person who could do the click thing, in case we do go by the manual approach and not the mechanic stat cap. That one person can do it himself, although there can be input from others...that person should act by himself. If we make a big group we have no use for them, and generally observing the actions of that person elevating MP's is hopefully done by us anyways. I say, make it a general rule thing. Add a stat cap, afterwards they don't get anything, and if they abuse their stats by messing up MPs we discuss this again here.
  12. A stat cap for mp3 that isn't too low: 20k ve 500 attack 500 defense 100 regen I mean, unless someone really grinds a LOT using low exp methods, there's no way they'd ever hit that cap in mp3 normally. Mp4 I propose: 120k ve 1000 attack 1000 defense 200 regen Should put a cap on the grinders. And normal people shouldn't be affected by these limits. Edit. Altered the ve cap on mp4 a bit, but if you ask me it shouldn't be any more than that. The change was due to high storymode gains..so in case someone with 20k ve goes in he should still get a little bit spare to use. (assume 20 is max, after heads 30k, so he still can get a few k ve MAX)...Any more and mp4 will get bashed by the same people again. General idea is..if you do max out, after storymode you can only advance a little more. On the other hand, if you didn't max out, then you still have plenty of time till the cap arrives.
  13. Admittedly, it's a hotfix for the lazy, but no computer which is somewhat decent has a cooler that breaks down that fast..in some cases (this sounded just like mine) this hotfix helps...simply because the case is storing up the heat. It's about what outside temp you have as well, partially.
  14. Or trying to. It's the old game of who has the bigger gun. In any case... it's his doing, and he seems to love the negative response he gets this way, encouraging to do it more. Just ignore it, and sooner or later it'll die anyways.
  15. Tip: Get a better fan. I shudder at the thought of your comp overheating due to MD already.. Or, if you lack cash, open the frame of it, and take one part out. DO NOT DRINK around the tower if you do so. I play with that, and my prior overheats are gone now.
  16. 9 silver for 3.
  17. Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain.

    1. Magnus X

      Magnus X

      that may well be true. as your death may be easily forgotten like a feather blown by the wind but your act of duty will stand as a mountain of a monument for ages to come.

  18. Angien 3- 5silver.
  19. Ah, since it's unclear..I don't recall summoned army ever inflicting neg ve, in any way. And yes, the record for negative ve was 300k. Or more, I forgot the exact value.
  20. Sure about that? 300k negative VE? I don't recall anything like that, really.
  21. Ha. The record was around..300k? Negative? Somewhere there.
  22. Hm..old topic. Closed.
  23. You considered trade sense? Once you pass 100, you shouldnt use vp anymore in shops..
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