You don't seem to get the point of ve. Every time you use angiens, you use the strength of a wounded warrior. The more you fight, the weaker you grow.
You had 1Mil ve? After one attack, you may only have 600k left. Next one, 300k. Afterwards, perhaps even just 1k.
And...if he truly wouldn't fear losses, he would use his creats. Want to bet he would be within stat dmg in a very fast amount of time? If he agrees, and stays idle as he likes, we can try and see.
In any case, get ontopic, people. This is about the issue of capped mp3.
The way I see it now, since Mur also doesn't want to change that much, I assume an administrative item would be created. Question would also be, who would hold it, and how would that person know who to advance?