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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. What's even more interesting...there's not even a need to set specific rituals. If you were to talk to the right people regarding this, i'm sure they'd gladly discuss various battle strategies with you and so on..however, does anyone actively do this? Plus, those who can read battlelogs, the help pages, usually do learn a lot. What you suggest highly sounds like wodin..If you wish to play such a role, dedicate yourself to it, but asking Mur to do it sounds very very off, I'm afraid, as many pointed out. The best way to get something done is not to wait for others to start, it is to initiate yourself.
  2. Agreed. Right now, there is no official person to complain to (it used to be me..but people didn't bother handing in complaints to me, only to rant about it, so yeah.) Oddly enough, there's many people there at times.. Enough offtopic though. In the end, it's about an idea of a group sharing...there's always some outsiders, and only in extreme cases they won't stop. Try talking, it helps a lot. Otherwise..as Burns said, peer pressure can be big.
  3. Until death do us part you mean, the (in)famous saying?
  4. It's usually a slow connection. also keep in mind, is your flash on the newestbuild? (updated?)
  5. Yes, as Z said..typo, meant to say saw instead of see.
  6. Assuming we possess several items of the same name (rare but exists not only as coins), could we perhaps see ALL of the ITCs? For example coins: If i use the ITC I see, then transfer one coin, the ITC I see gets invalid, because I just tranferred the item..(if not, then its a dumb method to make these codes and defies logic). So, my suggestion: If you have 15 coins, you see all 15 ITC's..you can pick the very last ITC, so unless you transfer all 15 coins, the ITC will remain active for a quest, for example where the first person gets to take a coin. Comments?
  7. He's referring to the owner, not creator..which I suppose is Nihal.
  8. Can someone do a mid count? I'd too tired to do one right now...
  9. Hm? Odd, I was showing 2 comments..test.

  10. Do we have to appear even if we don't "appear"? Shadowseeker, mp5, 700+ activity days. Signing up for; Day 1,2,3 and 4. List: - (on purpose if you can't guess)
  11. Assuming you aren't a mod yes. Well, the issue is, this way of voting can be easily accessed by forum alts. So if you think its really safe to go this way...I can also count the votes if needed in another topic, if anyone thinks dst is too involved to be the mod there.
  12. Thats easily researched nowadays. Unsufficient.
  13. As a mod: Stop the side comments. The next I read receives a warn, and I'll really move the stuff out. As for why we can't choose a name...some of the names listed are solely there because of the interest in that position. Ectremere, Pazur, Miq are the only ones I may consider so far, though I'm not voting for anyone. Nobody else? It's hard to get the names, but try to think..I'm not exactly involved with the newbies, so I can't name any myself.
  14. Please keep this in order and a discussion about the issue as to why this topic was opened. Open flame wars shall not be tolerated and warn levels given if the spam is too excessive. I'm saying this as a mod btw. If you want to discuss and flame, do so in another topic. If anyone believes I'm too involved to remain neutral as a mod here, step forward now, else I'll really mod it if I see the need to.
  15. Oh hell, you're right.. [2010-01-16 23:57:28 - Alpha 9] The current torch competition stats, counted since the first compatition untill this moment (fight is not over yet), is as follows: Golemus Golemicarum 94 Underground 30 Necrovion 7 Loreroot -57 Marind Bell -78 Its clear that some lands are more difficult to defend or have more people holding torches while other lands are more or less active than others in this competition. The positive scores of the torch count each competition but the overall situation shows the total score achieved so far by each land. This score is important and you should not ignore it. Torch competition is an event that still has a lot of things to surprise you in the future. Now that you know that score is tracked also over all competitions together, you might find it more important to raise your land score higher and build a good strategy to do it. Well, there aren't too many GG's, so it limits the choice...no clue who though.
  16. If I actually go by profile..then I'm not exactly sure Miq or Pazur fit in as well. Aysun doesn't fit from the profile of what I got just by looking over the old posts. Since I'm not too interested to act for this affair..I suggest everyone suggests some more names.
  17. Wait wait..that's the current score? I recall something saying the counter would show the total score.. Odd, but..the hell, who was doing that score?
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