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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Z doesn't have a teleport spell to goe or jail if I recall, and all others on your list would have it even if he wasn't in a mainland..you forget, the majority decides to pick a land anyways. I say, your thesis is wrong, it isn't about the status quo being the problem...it's about enthusiasm. If you truly wished to be a king, you'd try to overthrow etc.
  2. So let me summarize: You are saying all the authority placed on certain people within MD has created a status quo, which allows no creative outburst, or external influx from new players...and you blame this off the accumulation of power?(So you are basically saying we should abolish that, even if you never said it directly.) You post is a bit hard to read, so I'm just asking to clarify here.
  3. Knowledge grants power. Only rarely power grants knowledge.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pipstickz


      It's a joke, sorry for trying to lighten your day.

    3. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Knowledge is a fist sandwich.

    4. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      knowledge=banana... i have all dah banana s in da world! (but i still cant spell DA right... darn did it again!)

  4. Happy Bday. Yes, I doublepost. A double for a double Birthday.
  5. Happy Bday. Two distinct people, huh.
  6. Before anyone gets to this staff thing again... I simply point to my own experiences. When I was idle, or even active there all time, how often would you believe did I receive PMs regarding anything? In fact, not more than a couple each week, there was even periods where NONE came in. Thus, I would say, no staff. And even if it came to staff, I personally can say, I could count the people I'd probably think of with one hand...not only for the newbies, but also for the people being staff themselves. Staff, to do what? I'm afraid I have to disagree, the SG was implemented to alter the attitude of the players a bit, essentially making them more aware of helping themselves, and not relying on an imperfect protection. Heck, if anything/anyone major comes to disturb of it, I (hopefully) would hear of it, or others, who would tell me. SG was based around mechanic-based punishment, and I dislike the idea of implementing a new staff other than those I'd think of, because they would need special powers again, if you asked me. Just let there be a community, if it really is threatened by single or several people, they will be dealt with. If I left by then, there's still the other players here, apparently thinking of it, no?
  7. Note: You can say you get attacked, without any proof I won't listen to anything. If you truly feel that bad about it, get some solid proof (did you actually PM those hitting you, asking whether they knew and such POLITELY?) onto this and we'll see. And if you wonder, yes, I don't trust your words easily like this because you have no good reputation (yet) in my eyes, although I believe you got hit a few times.
  8. Right now the mods are discussing as to what shall happen to Harion, anyways, topic closed per request. If you want to spam about this more, Harion, make a new thread: However be warned that more of this offensive language will get more punishment.
  9. Well, that took me a few mins, I'd be 2nd..if you ask me though, this isn't worth a WP, whatever some people claim about quick quests.
  10. Sorry, what exactly should they do, enter GG? Join GG? I'm not sure what you propose. Also, 3 WP codes, to be used in quests, or 3 WP rewarded? There's a rule of no more than 1 wp per quest, you'll be in trouble for more.
  11. Harion, this is an official warning from a mod now: You're on the verge from getting a warn, if not worse from me. This exact kind of speech is hateful..it isn't about an opinion of someone being good or bad, but there is a limit to it. You just crossed it for me as well.
  12. People, keep in mind that this is no place to curse. And, the last post especially is pretty hateful, Harion.
  13. [2008-11-23 08:05:08 - Alpha 7] Perpetual ballance now also requires honor over zero. In that way as soon as you drop belo zero you will exit perpetual ballance and will be able to adjust your win/loss ratio to controll your honor. [2008-11-23 05:59:54 - Alpha 7] Perpetual ballance for alliance members is now possible only after 1000 won fights. etc..actually, that option is in the announcements. Now's a bit too late, I'll remove some bits, but yeah, I'm surprised so little people ever realised it. My bad, I don't keep tracks of whether things are spoilers or not.
  14. That should keep you in a balance forever, from what I heard. If I'm wrong, please correct me, Burns, dst, whoever.
  15. I attached a copy of a message I sent to the new staff 2 weeks ago, and didn't even receive the curtesy of a reply, although I asked for one..well, I decided to have a discussion, seeing as MP5 is getting more barren from day to day. This change, asked for by many, in another forum topic, coupled with alliance would result in eternal balance, which would prevent statloss from happening again. It is a wishshop addition, reset balance for 1 WP, 2 or 3 available, no spent WP required. I myself am working to achieve eternal balance, to put up..let's say more enjoyable rituals like Burns. I just find it sad that so many people simply get driven out because of statloss. If any of the people mentioned does not wish to be named in this regard, my apologies, I shall remove you as soon as you contact me. <---------------Letter: Hey there, It's been raised in the forums and whatelse..is there a method to implent a reset w/l balance for the people? I'm not suffering from it, but I could name many who do..just recently, I heard of the following that they are always near skilldamage: Metal Bunny, Ailith, Asterdai, Blackwood. I remember in the past there used to be a few others as well, and those hiding in sancs (like Lifeline) suffer from it as well. So how about a wish in wishshop, buyable 2 or 3 times, no wp's spent required, 1 WP cost: Reset your balance. (If you stay in alliance you can even have eternal balance due to that) Just a sidenote on what I thought, a reply would be welcome. Thanks in advance for your work. Shadowseeker --------------------->
  16. Closed on request.
  17. Note: Any of this has so far undergone testing, and will get more in future, also more extensive. An unholy on lvl1 taking 40%? from 500k ve A maxed pope taking 120%? from 500k ve Sorry, the unholy is way too great with this..40% perhaps, but 120% is way over the top. I'm not sure of the formula, but both times it was vs a 0% slider, so no power influence. I suggest a great tweaking down, because this way elementals will get almost useless.. Compared: 0.8 * 0.8 * 0.8 * 0.8 = 0.4096 An elem steals 59% after 4 rounds, targetting multiple, this aura however could target all if you use 6 creats. I suggest making the value be 10% starting going to 30% or 40%, however no more than 50% at all cost...else elems get nerfed too much and would need a bigger drain limit. That was vs single creats, will have to do more on multiple later. Soulweaver/TS is going crazy as well: I heard reports of SW's doing like 300% steal (not confirmed), which defies the reason to have skillsteal. A maximum of 25%, maybe 30% is my suggestion, else everything spins out of place..plus, no idea how some creats could get 150k attack out of nowhere. Again, this has to stay below 50%: Otherwise you essentially have the same stats as your enemy in the rit, but added to your own. Even though it appears SWs can steal back and forth, it has to be kept in mind that this would almost force an Sw into many rits with more..defying the stat system in the basics.
  18. As it is now, the mp5 cannot hit mp3, mp4 either, so that's no valid point tipu..read up please?
  19. Well, if you aren't satisfied with those guides, you can ask... as for the web not having tutorials? Try www.google.com using alpha transparency photoshop. I personally even tried that search and found a few guides.
  20. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6979-avatar-editing-tutorial-for-photoshop/page__p__61303__hl__%2Balpha+%2Btransparency__fromsearch__1#entry61303 http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6903-how-to-export-transparent-gif-avy/page__p__58418__hl__%2Balpha+%2Btransparency__fromsearch__1#entry58418 Try using search function first please?
  21. Unconfirmed rumors speak of a tomato processing machine....
  22. Happy Bday. Third time, huh? you're getting old in here
  23. Well, sidenote since I was looking a bit, which region, any specific people out of that lineage you could name (along with dates of death, birth etc?)
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