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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. I am in no manner an enemy of initiative as long as the reports are actually somewhat neutral: But this kind of biased commentary will not further in the cause, only harm it. Depicting things in a manner that are just utterly wrong does not exactly help when it is about "legal" spreading of news and not twisted rumors.
  2. Excuse me, but are you currently trying to write serious, reputable articles, or is this just some kind of gossip you are currently writing up with a LOT of personal views inside and presented in the most scandalous way possible? I surely hope you won't need me to quote all what you wrote in the latest tabloid about GG, though you seem to forget Indyra and Akasha... But that's not the main issue. Is this to be taken serious, or just like a cheap magazine (not even a newspaper?). Please be so kind as to clarify.
  3. The interface itself states the reasons can't be corrected. That's why a few minutes of typing should also be accounted for, no?
  4. I refer back to the old topic http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6686-wps-gone-bad/ As well. Death Ray Mya Celestia 576 Quest 01/03/10 06:24:11 Nimrodel Mya Celestia 571 Guardian quest 26/02/10 19:02:35 Firsanthalas Mya Celestia 570 Mentorship 26/02/10 18:53:38 Sharazhad Mya Celestia 569 Quality Mentoring 26/02/10 18:49:13 CrazyMike Mya Celestia 568 Completed the guardian only quest 26/02/10 18:46:43 Kouras sasha lilias 533 Helped to plan out a new story for me, helped lost puppy make a personal wix and completed the set tasks 29/01/10 13:13:00 mcvitie phantasm 473 Secret Reindrach drawing that Aelis did.A gift given for a very special time of year. With happy holidays for all 24/12/09 16:23:29 Kamisha *Sagewoman* 395 For having the guts and ball to apply and campaign for Kingship and to gracefully withdrawn knowing the odds were against him 22/10/09 16:58:46 13/02/10 07:35:44 One WP from Grido to cutler, saying help with the labyrinth. 26/03/10 04:10:57 One WP from Mya Celestia, saying from Grido for the Impossible Labyrinth. To cutler. Quote of mur: 2 wispoints (yes i am making an exception by giving 2 at one time, dont do the same ever) This above is a copy paste summary of all things mentioned, some are/are not acceptable, depends.
  5. "The waves were crashing, pounding against the cliffs-- angry as if demanding the walls to fall into its body, hungry and consuming. Above, staring at those waves, was a figure peering superiorly down upon those waves, perhaps thinking to itself..." How, just how did I end up here, in this barren, desolate piece of land? He turned around. The wild vibrant waves made him remember something he did not want to remember- his own wild times. Silently cursing and muttering insults to the world, he went back into the little cottage he inhabited. Maybe not even a real cottage, but rather a shack. If there had been any observer, he would have seen a scruffy middle-aged man wearing just his blue, striped pajamas with a mane of brown hair spilling out, wild and untamed, messy as it had been when he woke up. A beard across the face, a small mustache showing even, apparently he didn't shave for several days. The man disappeared into the run down shack, which was worn down by the elements, a mere toy for the heavy winds, which would blow through every nook and cranny. Just next to the door there was a mail box, with a scribbled name on it. Watson it said with blue marker, the only one which had not run dry. Inside the shack, barely enough furniture: An oven, a bed and a table crammed with papers onto it. Hidden behind the door was the cabinet, containing his clothing. And outside, next to the humming generator which provided the electricity was the fridge, filled with meals which were prepared in a few minutes, he didn't bother to cook. Breakfast was a cup of coffee made on the small oven with a few stripes of bacon he found, he did not even remember buying it on his occasional trip to stock up on supplies. A phone rang. The man turned around, then discovered his mobile behind a small pile of clothes and picked it up. He recognized the voice, and what was said gave him the chills. "We need you. And you should know, they have found you, although you were in hiding. We'll be waiting at the usual place." Click. Tut...tuuut...tut. Resisting the impulse to slam the phone into the wall, he dropped it carelessly and flopped onto the bed. "How...HOW did they manage to find me. I was tired of doing this, I wanted to escape it, this endless nightmare. Every time I went to sea, I came back filled with images of blood and slaughter." Silently mumbling all this to himself, he shudders. "No more, the dreams...the screams...it haunts me. Nor did it pay the bills well, we came back almost empty handed most of the time..." He stood up, stopping by a picture he hung up, since he was so nostalgic. It showed him and his crew, on their small ship. They would cruise the ocean, not too far off the coasts. Thinking back he smiled. He even got grazed by a bullet one time, that bastard managed to take a bit of his leg. The muscle healed, but it was still showing a clear dent. Thank god it was a clear shot, and he was able to clean it afterwards. Still, he had seen a man impaled by a harpoon...not a beautiful sight. Even now seeing bloody harpoons made him want to puke. The man shook his head furiously. No, this was not the time to worry about such. He quickly took out an old kitbag and stuffed a few clean clothes inside, some hard cookies, no idea when they had expired, and the stash of money he had hidden under the loose plank in the southern corner. He wanted to change his clothes, when he had an ominous feeling, a shiver crawling down his spine. He quickly went out and stepped onto a small rock, then began turning around until he saw it. On the distant horizon...a ship. And it was coming nearer real fast. Too fast even, his own ship wouldn't be able to run away from it at all. He sighed. So was now the time to be caught by them, and suffer from the interrogations they would put him through? This small rocky island he was on, abandoned by humanity was his hope of hiding. Seems it didn't work. He went back into the cottage and rummaged through his desk, shoveling the paper aside until he saw his passport. Quickly picking it up, he changed into a pair of jeans and a sweater. He went out again and saw the ship coming closer..several miles per hour. It gave him a fright, how would he suffer, repent for what he had done according to the eyes of his enemies? As it drew closer, he began reflecting upon his bloody past. There had been many fights. Great idealism, until it clashed with realism. It didn't end well, blood spilled. People got injured. He sighed. How did the world thank it to him? Like this. Brooding, in a dark mood, he just sat down and took out a pipe from a small drawer, stuffed it and lit it. Smoking, he waited until they had arrived. Since he was in such a depressing mood, he just sat there and smoked, puffing smoke rings into the air. He heard the motor of the ship being reduced to a mere stutter, and heavy footsteps. Not even bothering to look up, he heard heavy footsteps and suddenly felt a huge hand on his shoulder. A familiar voice said: "Hey there bud, how's it been going, ya old bastard?" The hand gently turned him around, and he faced a tall, imposing person, hairy and generally built like a bear. "Wha.." Having been surprised, his pipe fell out of his mouth and laid on the ground, forgotten for the moment. "Carlos, what are you doing here!? I thought it would be the police getting me ready for the court and shipment into jail." Upon hearing this, Carlos broke out into mighty, roaring laughter. "No my friend, the charges were dropped. They got silenced, if you know what I mean." Carlos' eyes glinted mischievously. "We figured you might want a lift off this place, Martha is down there in the boat as well. Pack your stuff, we're heading out, save the talk for when he got some good rum." Walking back already, Carlos grinned to himself, leaving a dumbfounded man behind. "They dropped the charges..but..how?!" He just stood there for several minutes recovering from the shock until he heard Carlos yell. Then he quickly picked up his pipe, took his small bag and left whatever was left in the cottage. He would come back later to sort it out. For now, his freedom at sea awaited him. Probably only until he would get caught again...but that was another time to worry about. When he stepped onto the boat, into the hug Martha gave him, he knew he was back. Back in the dangerous world of protecting the whales. Back in the glorious wild times of saving the animals of the sea.
  6. ID 68071. 1059 age. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8267-the-legendary-creature-for-sale-dont-miss-once-in-a-life-time-chance/ Give up
  7. You ought to have the coins in your MDShop right now..if not, ask them to check?
  8. Then the shop, the way you suggest it would only hold minor things..because the truly great things would be spread too far, and bought too much for this option 1 set.
  9. Sidenote as a mod: We have a section for quests already. So this should not be the place to post about quests, but rather events. Review of quests may be done here as well if the quest topic is not supposed to receive feedback or there is none. As for critique: Proper feedback will be allowed. Flaming, insulting or just generally harassing not.
  10. Given that you can acquire 8 WP by AD (possibly, at least that's hw the talk goes) and we have one from broken pattern possible as automated ones, I say 1/5th of the ticket value. So if the ticket costs 200$, then each should be worth 40$, if it costs 100$, then 20$. If you however implement this the first list has to be huge, since several players will receive multiple picks. (I can only guess the total amount, but it would be way over 100...) Randomised picks sound like a good idea.
  11. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1291418754' post='74278']Option 1:- permanent second level shop. This shop would have public list of items that are with limited stoc and not always the same. From time to time i will add things to it, while others get bought. It wont be nested like the normal shop, but things in it will variate in value a lot. Drachs, full tokend creatures, magic ctc options, all sorts of things from actual transferable md things (items, creatures, etc) to custom services like gold avy and creature modifications. The price would be calculated in one of these two ways (one or the other, let me know what you think best): Variant 1) every 200credits you have, spent or unspent, regardless when, means one ticket to this shop to pick any item you want Variant 2) a ticket would cost 100 credits, taken from unspent credits (and placed to spent)Using credits for this will allow purchasing of credits regardless if shop runs or not, and will also allow subscription 50% bonus to count more in such cases. A lot of players already have lots of unspent credits just because they buy them to sustain MD, not because they need them, and that needs to be rewarded somehow. [/quote] Option 1 Variant 1 has a big weakness, that would mean the current shop would be emptied- If you don't make it work back for the past, it's kinda unfair, but several people would get 3 or 4 tickets. In theory free credits would allow you to get it as well, which is a good thing though. If you start with a new record from now on, it would be different. Variant 2 seems more interesting, but also should allow the non payers some kind of way to enter...not sure how, because 100 creds just from free creds is unlike the 1 cred shop idea. Here I go with Burns' idea, however wish to include the option of exchanging WP for credits as well then, which existed back then, and maybe can be added to wishshop? Obviously this only should apply to manual giving with log checking, since this is very subject to abuse, and some WP we found should still be removed. (Other forum topic, just a sidenote)
  12. Showers. To me hot really hot showers are like a reset button, almost better than coffee and who knows.
  13. There is no such thing as insurance. It is part of the leaders responsibility- but you care for it in the wrong way anyways. The only truly effective method would be the leader himself, having so much loyalty that he can't be topped.
  14. I fully agree with point 1 of Awiiya's post. No more comment.
  15. Mind posting the solutions up here then, or if you don't want to, via a PM to me please? I'm curious how you were supposed to do that maths thing.
  16. I find it more weird that the removal of a spell went ahead with a giving of WP, rather- Not that I want to complain, but when RPCs got removed, lost their dangerous access or spells, there was no "compensation" either. Maybe this is because of what Lifeline said, he didn't have any criminal record previously, but as usual I find these candy and whip punishments an odd thing of MD.
  17. There was a reset option, it got removed.
  18. 1st wish: Actually have enough interesting stuff to read around me. Why yes: It's books, I have plenty of supply, but I don't feel like burning cash on them. New books COST. Why not: I'd have to buy the new ones instead of getting them from the library, thats expensive. Also I read too fast. Why: I read really fast- the library no longer holds any old book im interested in (what I saw so far, and thats racks full), only new books they get are still interesting. 2nd: Have enough interesting games on the PC for me. Why yes: Regularly thirst for new games, browse through old ones, there should be something. Why no: Well I play them way too fast anyways, as long as it's not MMO's or so- 50h gameplay? Pah, I finish in 20+... Why: Entertain my little mind, so it shall not end up bored. 3rd: Have interesting people to talk to. Why yes: It's not hard to talk to people. Why no: It's difficult to find INTERESTING ones. Why: Entertain my little mind, so it shall not end up bored.
  19. This depends upon your view of what shall happen afterwards. If you believe the death is the final end, the void, nada, then no. Because a meaningless life has a chance to create something a new, while the death uterrly bars that option.
  20. [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_OiRaWDzizpA/Sqp5yc9X0WI/AAAAAAAAAU4/9PiZ370Wq-I/s1600/Russian_Drunk_Yoga.jpg[/img] This is the complete version.
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