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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Due to my curious nature, I'd like to ask around a bit as to what you guys think some of my more premium creatures would be worth. Note, please take this seriously, you dont have to give me the maximum bid, but something you think is fair (I'm a mod so spam posts i'll delete myself), and if you actually have that offer, would you offer it for that creature? It would be more interesting for me to see bids consisting of things you actually have, and then possibly saying how much more coins you estimate it would be worth. Depending on what I see I might actually try to take you up on it, also depending on what creature. So, here the details on which I will not go into all details, unless really requested: Darkling (ID 1000, Age 1245, All Tokens, No transfer yet)-20g GG (ID:125065 , Heavily tokened, huge age) Santa (Age 629) 3 tokened aged rusts 5g+ 2 aged reins, untokened 10g+ Tainted Angien ID 666666, Age 163, no tokens 2 shades (tutorial, no tokens, some age, not too much) -10g Excuse me for the messy order, but I'm tired. Feel free to PM me if you wish to make a silent bid, on your request I won't release it as the highest I received even if it is- I'll just write overbid, anonymous.
  2. Closing this then, and as a reminder, if you see these kinds of errors please wait a few minutes and then retry, usually it will have been solved by then. S
  3. Well it should be fine, usually these kind of bugs disappear after a few minutes, if it's still there would you please provide a screenshot?
  4. Well, I'll say this is a funny thing, but one thing does bother me.. Aside from the code, the questcreator has to supply basically everything, since you demand it all typed out. Why should the questcreator not just run it himself then? I don't really see the incentive to write my quest to the end even if I get a WP for it, if its only the separation of the code in who is running it- especially since i'd ask for help if i didn't manage coding myself. Edit: To clarify, I'm not against this idea, but unlike Burns' quest you actually have basically the whole quest in your hands. In the past only rpc had WP, so I understood it more, however nowadays I'd figure the questcreators would be wanting to get codes and hold the quests themselves (unless they had no access to any for some reason). And in terms of clickies many people would help in setting it up. I wouldn't mind getting a WP for a very good quest, but from a creators point of view, wouldn't it be more enjoyable if they held it themselves?
  5. Nice reward, though I somehow don't feel like joining up that much. If I may ask, what did you mean with the leader stuff, like him telling you to hand over coins and you obey, or just rpwise?
  6. If this is still around, may I ask where you were (or did you get this from when you started?)
  7. That my quest was too simple had to do with the participants, not the idea itself <.< That aside, so you want the idea only, not the specifics as to how the code would work, since you stress that?
  8. What I gave you was the inofficial official meaning: I cannot say "Mur said XXX" because I haven't heard him saying it nor would i bother him for such a thing, so I said it in the closest manner to it, basically following every other opinion here and saying you have no chance. It's not that we mods like to pick on newbies, it's that we all think the same thing and bothered to reply. If you dont like me bossing around here, fine, then next time add a disclaimer to your topic asking that you do not wish an answer from me, once I read that I'll ignore it. Well, that having been said, [council], try that email. But I am willing to bet quite a fortune you will not receive the clearance.
  9. Well, the issue at hand is...you willingly told the other person to do this for you, so instead of asking us perhaps you should have thought about the consequences of your own actions first? Admittedly, it doesnt help anyone that we bar account interaction like this, but the filter is there because of abuse that has happened in the past. What dst said isn't the official meaning of the highest instance (since the game owner/creator actually does participate here), but I do not think he would make an exception for you like this.
  10. Shadowseeker

    black light

    Well, seeing as it is in offtopic.. Why call it "dark" light if you mean the total opposite and as such is not light at all?
  11. Kind of sad if all the oldies can't get it anymore then because of that, plus every person playing for 2 days would actually have it.
  12. That's not meant in that way, Akasha has a pretty refreshing and as many call it undiplomatic approach. It would be clearer to say that some events in the AL happened in a certain manner not the way Mur envisioned them, because for a while Renavoid was also writing it. Nevertheless, I do think that even if not everyone agrees with doing these kind of Memorials, each can make his/her own opinion, this is about a guild starting to do what a guild should do, and if they decide to, let them? I won't mind someone reading a summary of what I did in MD if I leave, I could imagine it as one single line myself. Of course, there will always be haggling as to who is deemed worthy or not, but I would actually give him a chance and wait for more selections to see who is chosen- if after 10 (or any number of speeches exceeding 3) NONE was acceptable to a player, speak up? There never can be everyone happy, and the Caretakers are also just trying to do their job. I'm sure they will also take requests, depending on whom we part with.
  13. You're opening a can of worms for that, but try with this: 1-2-4-8 (2^X) 0-1-2-8 (you notice 2^2= 4 is missing, instead you have a 0) 1-0-2-8 (1 to 0, to 2, and then..?) It's not about the way you order it, it's about the way you leap. (Maybe you get what I mean)
  14. Not really a fan of twitter. Your choice.
  15. Excuse me? Well, in the end 5 votes were cast, which is sufficient for me. Since I have rewarded Voldon, now as to why I found it lame in Group 2: Mighty Pirate, unless your intention was from the beginning to pass the WP on, then your construct was incredibly lame. It resulted in a 2 vote person to get the necessary 5 votes, without any convincing or whatever needed additionally. If you had created this construct and managed to bribe someone/talk him to vote for you and won the WP with little votes, a masterpiece of manipulation/persuasion....but, you did not. As such, you just created a shell which someone else benefited from, and thus, this WP was given by me rather unhappily. Another question for the questers: If you truly value your own questions this LOW, by not even voting for YOURSELF, why should YOU expect to get a WP anyways? Think about it. That's why I was VERY unhappy. And whoever was not happy that I said so about Makain...well, I dare you, explain to me why I should be happy. A WP quest means standing in for yourself, working on others, persuading people (especially the WP giver) to get one- neither of you showed enough selfconfidence and wits apparently. Unless Makain did more than I realised, in which case I applaud him for doing it very subtle, yet...I did not see much. As for the 1st group, this was done well. The conversation between Voldon and Kafuuka was on a simple basis, and Voldon did try properly, and suceeded in persuading Kafuuka. Simple words, which probably would not work with many other people, but well enough. Congrats.
  16. Before I bid something you do not wish anyways, what kind of creatures are you looking for?
  17. Actually, thats why I weep for Firefox 3- it's way worse than 2, in terms of stability and CPU usage. Your browser probably processed the request but failed to receive the data, and when you clicked on free creds you never saw that you were in the scene.
  18. I shall answer the questions after it ends- which should either be after Voldon or Kafuuka wins the WP, or in a few months (maybe shorter, depends on my patience).
  19. Makain Cristof has been rewarded. I can't say I'm happy about the way it turned out, but well, your choice.
  20. The only way I can see one with lower ID coming up is a mutation due to mur, from an aramor most likely. Or some special auction event.
  21. Well, apparently I only received 2 PMs so far. If there truly are 3 more getting in, I'd honor what I said- however, if these 3 do not come in, no WP. Then it's still open game for the rest. Edit: 2nd group.
  22. Wait..so basically you aren't trading for ingame things, but in RL, with gemstones?
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