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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Ah, not thanks Pothos. 716617 would've worked.
  2. Hm, interesting. So basically all was rated was the feedback, not the quests themselves?
  3. As the topic title dictates: Happy Birthday.
  4. I won against VonUngern, both fights.
  5. Bump- still looking.
  6. We said that in chat already- she kept insisting it did not work. So, we need a printscreen.
  7. Isn't that exactly the same amount Pirate bid, Kyphis?
  8. Happy Birthday, Burning One. Remember to blow out the candles, not to just light them....
  9. Give them away, buy a cheap creature with it... Save up for more. There's various uses.
  10. So this is basically a necrovian scout?
  11. Hi, and welcome. Hope you have fun. (And in future please try not to doublepost, even if the forum may be slow or so- let it finish )
  12. ..We are supposed to record the morphs? I kinda understand the need for the aramors, but the morphs have been given out a LOT... I could name a handful of people who do own at least one now. Did Mur want this, or is this for your organisative purposes? (He could just pull a list after all) Edit: ShadowSeeker- as from january till now, I never got one. My morph is ancient in those regards...
  13. It's about a game, and that so called flaming weasle is an integral part in it xD
  14. Very interesting...too bad your rein isn't 696969, that one I'd jump for. Hm...thank you, but no.
  15. East, floating book I think.
  16. Happy Bday indeed.
  17. I know for sure Rendril had (has?) one, and 2 other people as well, so I'd assume they did.
  18. [list][*]“Draw your Aramor” (x2)- This should be 5, originally he gave 3, then added 2 more[*]“You know you’ve been on MD too mch when…” (x1)- announcement says 12 total[/list]As for people having received... Rendril Revant, Pipstickz, AmberRune, Familiar Face, Paracelsus, Ravenstrider, lone wolf pup- Didn't these people get theirs already?
  19. To avoid us mods spamming this topic even more- closed. And no Chew, but I couldn't resist If that happens in future again, just PM one of us mods or ask on the mood panel/open a topic or so.
  20. Done. Weird, slipped my search when I looked for pictures. A mod has to approve them. *mutter mutter* Maybe it would be faster if us mods would see the unapproved pics more..*mutter mutter*
  21. Eon, Pomegranate and duxie each have gotten 10s each already.# samon as well now.
  22. Ugh, a mistake on my side..Nefas gets 10 silver as well. Sorry, nefas, PMed you on the forum as well.
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