attacklock 1
boostdefence 1
chase_wodin 1- Borderview Tower is the location, in the tribunals. A teleport for yourself only.
freezecreatures 1
guardianarmy 1
knightboost 1- this particular one I may or may not sell, but the flag wielders have priority.
mirrorritual 1
movelock 1
noarmor 1
protection 1
teleport_papercabin 1
toadspeak 1
weaken 5
Since a few people asked, this should be the list of spells I'm currently doing. I wasn't sure at first, but yes- I'll try to keep one stone in stock at all times of each sort however no promises. If you give me a stone on the 3rd or 17th to enchant, I'll just charge for the spell itself. If you wish for me to charge on other dates, I'm raising the fee by 5 silver (Sorry, but I want my casts accessible if I can to use them if needed). If you buy it already enchanted from me, that means an extra 2 silver to the fee, because I have to buy the stone. I'm not sure about the prices myself yet- I figure you'll just have to convince me.
That having been said- until the 17th I'm not charging extra for anyone who wants his stone enchanted soon, because of the newness of the stones. PM me here or ingame to ask for prices.
Note, chase_wodin will be probably the most expensive. I might even just auction each stone I make off this spell, the current one I'm keeping until the 18th unless a really good offer appears.