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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. I am hereby auctioning the chase wodin stone I have with me off. For those who wonder, it sends one to the Tribunals, Borderview tower. 3 casts. Just Yourself. This is going to be an auction, so please only bid if you are serious. I will probably end this by sunday, the exact time not specified, earlier than that if enough time has passed and nobody really bids anymore. Starting bid: 5sc. Have fun. Edit: Someone bid 10sc, anonymous.
  2. So without the stone, 6sc for each; attacklock 1 boostdefence 1 guardianarmy 1 mirrorritual 1 movelock 1 noarmor 1 protection 1 toadspeak 1 And, say 9sc for each (also without stone); teleport_papercabin 1 freezecreatures 1 Chase_wodin will be sold in another thread.
  3. I'd like to point out- my entry is fully serious, the only humorous part was the addition that came later with the "proof" of me designing it.
  4. I hereby present my submission: The Angien. (Device can be sold for the proper reward) First, two switches. Each switch can only be flipped when certain conditions are met, creating a change within the device. The switch will be labelled "Upgrade". The emergency button is called CTC- a secret code that when used will reset the device back to the original state, however it has to be passed to another person to happen. This always works, unless you happen to be restricted by other special forces. The enclosed power source is perpetual and keeps the being alive, unless one is so dumb as to empty the vitality- then it becomes useless, but exists as matter still, using all of the energy to sustain itself. This self sustaining always happens. The amplifier is the ve it holds- creating an effect of burning others, only possible at the last stage. The real purpose? To burn trees your enemy might set on defense. P.S. Any further switch pressing beyond the first two times is not included within the guarantee. I have been asked to show proof that I designed it: (All to be taken humorously.) Frankenangien...er, *cough cough*, I mean The Angien! Read from right to left.
  5. ID1 is the cube Mur has. Edit: *I have ID11.(said 12, dont have it anymore)
  6. Hah..there's an uneven amount of people right now if you let Lone join (it hasn't been a full week it seems), right? I can even it out if needed as well.
  7. The biggest issue with coinage is that whenever you transfer you transfer the oldest...might be older ones around.
  8. I'd like to commission a scroll of parchment, which has a seal on it that's been broken, with the first line showing Jail Decree in letters, and the scroll not pulled out far enough to see anything else but the Jail Order line. Is that descriptive enough? I'd prefer to put the picture up myself, because it does have the reason why I got jailed on it actually, however I can wait for my item picture (until Mur finishes that feature).
  9. Could you please put a list on which shows how many more items you are working on? It would help to know how long the wait might be.
  10. Price variable and negotiable. Please PM what you'd like. I'd prefer to pay in coins etc as I have no spare for tainted or gg's.
  11. You conducting the tests in the same place where I am doesn't really help either...I can stay out if it's wished to keep it LR/neutral, but since I'm already there, why not have me help test as well while I keep sapping water?
  12. Weird..I missed this topic earlier? Happy Bday.
  13. attacklock 1 boostdefence 1 chase_wodin 1- Borderview Tower is the location, in the tribunals. A teleport for yourself only. freezecreatures 1 guardianarmy 1 knightboost 1- this particular one I may or may not sell, but the flag wielders have priority. mirrorritual 1 movelock 1 noarmor 1 protection 1 teleport_papercabin 1 toadspeak 1 weaken 5 Since a few people asked, this should be the list of spells I'm currently doing. I wasn't sure at first, but yes- I'll try to keep one stone in stock at all times of each sort however no promises. If you give me a stone on the 3rd or 17th to enchant, I'll just charge for the spell itself. If you wish for me to charge on other dates, I'm raising the fee by 5 silver (Sorry, but I want my casts accessible if I can to use them if needed). If you buy it already enchanted from me, that means an extra 2 silver to the fee, because I have to buy the stone. I'm not sure about the prices myself yet- I figure you'll just have to convince me. That having been said- until the 17th I'm not charging extra for anyone who wants his stone enchanted soon, because of the newness of the stones. PM me here or ingame to ask for prices. P.S. Note, chase_wodin will be probably the most expensive. I might even just auction each stone I make off this spell, the current one I'm keeping until the 18th unless a really good offer appears.
  14. Which you could have found just by using search or checking for earlier topics...merged.
  15. Don't let the evil Wookie get his hands on me! *hides*

  16. This is now going to be a quest about who can utilize Chewett's current avy best and replace his cap and boots with a wookie cap and wookie slippers. For those who do not know about either, examples in RL are these, but you are not limited to drawing them, these are just models you can use: [img]http://schongehoert.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/blog-starwars-wookie.jpg[/img] [img]http://cn1.kaboodle.com/hi/img/b/0/0/4/d/AAAAC9hG5GsAAAAAAATb0w.jpg[/img] The reward will be a WP for the winner and may get better prizes if it gets sponsored. Don't you all want to see Chewett wear the disfigured avatar? He agreed to wear it one month in advance without knowing what awaits him, so people, please come up with some nice MD-style avatars. I can clean the boots and the cap for you if necessary, providing a blank to draw on. Deadline: 1 month from now, assuming an avy with enough quality comes in. P.S.: Bonus points for drawing item pictures for Wookie slippers and the Wookie cap as well. So if I have two avy's I like as much, the one with a decent item picture as a bonus wins. Multiple entries allowed.
  17. Confirmed. 3 stones went into one.
  18. How many guesses can I sell before I get tossed somewhere deeeeeep deeeeeep below?

  19. "[color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 1177 - [2009-11-19 18:44:35 - Alpha 9][/color] Better than directly ban ... "Curse" punishment spell will be used from now on for minor crimes, not always announced. The spell is cast for now only by me and drains a high amount of skills (-1k to -4k) for over a week. Longer periods and higher drains are possible for each cast of the spell. The cursed accounts will get [size="3"][u][b]2800% [/b][b]skilldamage[/b][/u][/size] on all their lost fights during this period. This spell is designed to be used mainly against players that do abuses related to stat gaining and alt using with the purpose to boost their main acc, but its not limited to. (values and power of the spell might change without notice or per case and they are not subject to debate or complain)" [b][b] That's what I refer to. [/b][/b]
  20. Oh, a few will probably be given out for quest rewards or gifts- anyways, I'm buying a batch of 10 first and see later.
  21. Yes, but curse also gives you statdmg. That's a totally different thing from weaken, which just removes stats.
  22. I am aware that only two people currently can gather those- I will say in advance though, I only offer to pay 1-3sc each, depending on the amount offered. Not more. The more you give me, the more I might pay- but I have limited use for those, so not too many please. So for a rough estimate, guess that I'll pay 2sc each. If they set huge prices, I'd like to ask other people to adopt this kind of stance as well (until a new system gets implemented), because I feel that these kind of stones should be considered a nice feature, but not an overly expensive service. For example I could use the stone to imbue a transportation spell into the TB- if I have to buy the stone at 5sc (example), to make a profit it would have to be sold for at least 7s, which makes it too pricy if you ask me, especially if newer players wish to get one.
  23. To clarify- is this the curse, and in the spell that is used to punish people usually or just a weaken?
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