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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Yes, the text might be a good idea to use as a tone- though I figured the artworks were enough orientation.
  2. THis Halloween contest is going to be about replacing the 2nd level of a lumbering, basic creature: The Grasan. We need a picture of the Grasan drawn in the current style, one for level 2- different from the one we have now, but close enough to be recognizable. This is because we do not wish to replace the Pimped as well. The background has to be white, so no drawing on paper that has lines on it. Handmade (no computer drawing), and best done with a high quality scan. I will add the pictures of the Grasan and the Pimped Grasan as a spoiler as well, so artists can use them to orientate themselves. The contest ends on Nov 1st. The first 3 places will get rewarded. But, please be reminded, this contest was held due to suspicions of the original artist to get "inspired" too much by DnD, [b][size=5]so under no circumstance is blatant copying allowed![/size][/b] First place: A wish to Mur (can mean creature, credits, shop resets, item, etc...within limits) + 1WP Second place: A pack of 20 credits and 1WP Third place: A pack of 20 credits. (If you haven't realized yet, this is funded by Mur) Edit: The judging will be swift and clean, and be focused on 3 areas. Cleanness (Overall drawing style, precise lines) Closeness (Similarity to the original level 2) Compability (How well it fits with the other levels and the Pimped level 2)
  3. Why would it be? Selling is a harsh word for something that returns...still, loaning a tool that is under control...it's the same as if a group of players keeps taking control of all herbal tools etc every time, and then offers to share them for loan. I don't see why not.
  4. The tools..there's too many for just Golemians. I believe Golemians would get priority, and we would deny the shared usage to people we do not wish to have them. Otherwise, we will probably organize a loan system of sorts.
  5. This particular book was first printed in June 2010...do we happen to know when that monster got introduced? I mean, which monster books lists that first? Er, my mistake, for some reason I believe 3.5e holds it, but it doesn't...as weird as this sounds, it seems as if DnD copied MD... The artist is Wayne Reynolds, perhaps we should ask Mur if he got his artwork from him partially?
  6. dots have way less space/character usage than letters. And personally, I think it is an art to word many things with little words. Why not impose the same standard here?
  7. It's not the first time this has happened, though I think the other times were known as well. I have to admit, I was damn tempted to get the supporter medal this way, or at least try to, by having someone else pay me through a trade.
  8. Er...let me get it right, you will name scenes, and then whoever walks there the most wins? You do realize the winners will probably range into the 10k visit range? o.O
  9. Hah..I'll take the bonus points by naming a certain tree and packaged gifts.. 4sc for the claw3 one.
  10. Note: The spell (and the vid) seems to only last 8mins. I've tested it myself, and at times it is bugged and needs repeated casts to start.
  11. Try when you have 501. If that still fails, I can edit for you as well- so can any other mod.
  12. My comments were not only for you, Pip, also directed at those in this thread who complained. The "don't do it again" thing is something I would guess has happened. As to your demands, I cannot help you more with this, you'd have to get Grido. I was just giving my own opinion, because some of the demands in this thread were a bit more extreme.
  13. Assuming you call bugs information (not just talk about shades or whatever, but really a bug), you would expect an LHO to know what a bug is and not, right? Aside from the publicity of this event, there has been no other punishment inflicted aside from giving Phantom a year more to learn about what is acceptable and what not. I can't know how Grido would treat me, because I'd try my best to avoid a position like hers. If you give me proper proof of me being in a similiar situation, I will take the same punishment any time. (And yes, I meant Manda and BFH..can't find the documentation, though I remember it somewhere) As to the publicness, I believe the best method would be to call this would be that he made an example of it, creating a (exemplary case? I remember there was a word for that, I forgot which.) I for one can honestly say that I believe me selling bugs and having that discovered would result in some kind of public humiliation and demotion.
  14. You omit the various other meanings I included when I mentioned only dst making this possible, but you did hit one. For all the opinions that are displayed here, none suggests a punishment...it would help your causes if you could at least define that. If I were a judge and had to punish dst, it would be something more creative than jail, true. And yet, you do point out "do not do it again"- by that do you mean the silencing, or just the general troublemaking? Dst selling bugs? Would be enough to demote. etc etc etc...yet for all you list, you list small things and seem to expect big punishment. I agree small things are piling up, and yet there is the issue of her not "doing it again" with things like these, which are not acceptable. If she does repeat it, okay. If she doesn't..people, with the history between her and Seig I'm surprised it didn't happen earlier, or rather that there has not been another clash between them again over something minor.
  15. I keep wondering...please people, no matter how much you may detest people, read the announcements properly at least. "as a cummulative punishment for her way of causing scandals, not for commiting an actual crime." So leave the jail issue out, while it actually may include all this here. Regarding the whole issue...how is it that nobody demanded the chatlog either? From my own point of view, this is another of the cases where dst causes a small borderline scandal, and all those who dislike her mob up. Jumping at the smallest fault there is. I somehow fail to see how this could happen if it was not dst...in several senses of the meaning. And: Grido refusing to state anything, might just be the refusal to state the obvious: "dst..don't do it again, or...!" I mean what do you expect people? Demotion and/or Jail because you think it is just, or actually just want it? If she continues this way, there will be heavy punishment out there...however you keep blowing every single incident out of proportions.
  16. Pipstickz, regarding rules: There is no written rule, only something called common sense. The same reason why BFH got punished with the drachorn cave incident, when he failed to realize something was a bug, this being the same thing. I can't find it right now, but yeah. LHO's who fail to recognize a bug and sell it...what do you expect, a police officer selling drugs, won't he get demoted as well? As for the accusations of the punishment: Please note Phantom was NEW, and this even happened right when she was in her evaluation period. Had we known this, she probably would not have been promoted, because no matter what, an LHO is supposed to recognize a bug and also not to sell it. Seig: I do not say it is acceptable, however it has to be noted that you are also one who invites the harassment yourself, partially. Maybe she started first, I have no idea myself...however your own actions aren't helping either at times. Tarq: I admit dst did get jailed, still I cite "as a cummulative punishment for her way of causing scandals, not for commiting an actual crime." Everything within this is borderline, although her temper should be reigned in some more.
  17. To be sure: How high do you value the memory stones in coinage?
  18. If you just give 5 creds randomly split amonst the online users, maybe, but we do have free creds for credits already. If you however give 5 to each, as Fyrd says, will totally crash the economy. Still, You keep introducing a lot of free credit gifts, while we already have those. Why not use those what we have instead? If you want more credits, I suggest trading for creatures/coins etc and selling those.
  19. Okay, it's been VERY long. I'm surprised nobody prodded me about this, but the result is out: Ungern, you won. Could you please upload your first (half masked) submission to the avy system? Would be great if the avy mod approved it as well ..if not, we'll have to see. If Chew wants your pictures on his items, he'll have to contact you- you get your WP when the Wookie has his new avy in place though.
  20. It doesn't make sense to just disable skilldamage out of the blue though. I do however agree that defenders should get a bonus for winning- after all, the attacker can freely use [spoiler] combo [/spoiler], while the defender has absolutely none of that. While attacking might be better in terms of "real" fighting, the proportional gains are not the same. Think of someone who prepares a gun, readies himself with equipment to attack someone who just has a dagger. The one with the dagger wins. Wouldn't you think the one with the dagger learned more than the one attacking?
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