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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Happy, your suggestion has been brought up before and was refused.
  2. Unless you make a log of how often you donated heat yourself, no.
  3. And the way you assume me to be trying to ridicule someone when I wanted to have better information to clarify is all. Seig, you should reread and think about what I asked- I have been perfectly polite and neutral, unlike you. You not having one, but knowing who has it I can understand- the way you worded it the first time sounded like you had several at offers to sell them if needed, which would have been another thing entirely. And before you even try to drag my position into it you should consider that this was a player asking, not an official enforcer or whatever you expect. If you have issues with me, PM me or Grido/Chew, who are my superiors in 2 of the positions named. A flame war should not happen in this topic.
  4. I'm slightly confused how you want to sell him one when I don't see one on you.. Nevertheless, I wanted to clarify Seig. Because I know of independent gathering tools, (normal), but not of rain collectors.
  5. Excuse me- is there even such a tool in MD? I know of normal water gathering, but not of rain gatherers.
  6. [quote name='MoM' timestamp='1311844766' post='88994'] @Quas, this is in case things don't go too well with Eva ^^ and @Katt, basically, it'll be weird saying "hi, click the scroll to start... (more help comes here), now, will you be my girl friend =)?" [/quote] Now, don't get me wrong- you have some kind of relationship with Eva, and you still wrote up this topic? Does she know about this here? It's not my place to comment really but personally I think you ought to open this topic AFTER you make sure what your relationship with Eva is or you broke up with her. If she's fine with it, it's between you two, shrug, though I have to admit I am not impressed by the way this topic goes so far...
  7. Just pointing out, if it were recruitable in any manner it would be within silvers- the issue is that so far it's only specific rare events which give them out (e.g. Xmas, though alts gave a lot of them out as well, but that ought to be fixed now, and mur rewards though i cannot remember any), so they are expensive. Closed otherwise.
  8. I would also like to point out- no matter what kind of player it was, when they got an item, it became theirs. Obviously it is annoying to have the items lost, especially if there were some awesome things with it, but each player deserves some kind of respect for that. The avatar was bad enough if you ask me, because the concept was to have them stay yours forever originally, if you did the same with items you may as well take their creatures... The only reason where I would not disagree was if you permanently deleted an account (or moving it into the database where you store them?) due to inactivity, and taking the items to prevent the loss of them. It is reality after all, time moves on no matter how many fond memories we may have. If they do come back later to find out their account was deleted..that's too bad, we have 6 years of MD by now, so sooner or later cleanups would happen. I'd set the timeframe high though, seeing as many people come back after a year or so- I would suggest 2 years total inactivity.
  9. Call me biased.. Finish that what got me jailed and the items related, and I think it will be enough. "[color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 1901 - [2011-07-10 03:22:19 - Stage 10][/color] I issued a special decree to jail Sadowseeker for guessing secret stuff and sharing that guess work with others, ignoring he might be right. He successfully found out details about ongoing, unreleased and unannounced features, with details. As you can realize this is obviously the most uncommon Jail reason in MD history, yet it is a jail. To be released if he manages to get out anyhow, or then the feature he anticipates gets fully implemented (a matter of days). Till then he should be regarded as any convict . Don't mistaken the reasons, he actually did nothing that could be jail reason for any of you, yet some people in md could occasionaly get involved in activities that could reach this end, only via a special decree, announced properly, signed as an item too. (funny, laugh!, now shh, its serious)"
  10. Therefore, closed. xrieg, find me ingame to receive your stone.
  11. Well, I'd like to be fair, so unless someone bids within a few hours of this I'm just going to close it and xrieg wins.
  12. I think the total bonus is a bit excessive considering we're talking about over 300 max AP right now...still, it will help exploring and be useful later. I can hardly imagine anyone running out of AP because of fighting unless it is for hours either. Edit: If then he might just get a warning for making such a long post when he could shorten it lol.
  13. Happy Bday. Though I am not sure how much longer the vacation will be.
  14. Yes- I want to encourage people to post though
  15. "Aromatic herbs" "Tea leaves"- add tobacco to this category, I'm rather sure I saw cigars around. I would call it "Luxury leaves" "Toxic plants" I would extend this by: "Medical plants" (If you have poison, you also should have medicine) This sums it up pretty well, either they are for food, luxury, medicine or poison.
  16. I would suggest making herb gathering universal, but the gathered herb when it gets determined will have an individual touch after identifying. Basically, everyone knows that shiny red pepper is a herb, so one who is better at spotting those (because he has more briskness maybe or so?) will gather more of those- he only gathers "herbs", but with an identifying of the load he did gather it turns out he got like 5 red peppers, just 2 oregano or such stuff. It would be interesting to have the tool vary its responses based on whom uses it- just like how some people can find smaller stuff better others gett o pick the bigger stuff. Maybe someone is even so special he just gets rare herbs more often than anyone else even- (or make two kinds of tools, which give different kind of herbs) [b]Summary for those who don't want to read:[/b] Herbs as a total resource, make different tools or have one tool give different herbs based on the gatherer.
  17. Sorry MasterB, but I don't really think those interest me...more rare creats I doubt you will bid however seeing as the bid is only 1gc.
  18. That symbol reminds me of....dripping blood. Surprisingly I can't seem to find it in this combination, perhaps because it seems too dark.
  19. Happy Bday though I heard rumors it is tomorrow...
  20. Do we PM you with the recipe or post it here? Posting here could reveal some things, for example the full recipe.
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