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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. If someone is just adding 2sc that'll never work..2gc 5sc for sand+fenths.
  2. Well..Mur is slow as usual, so wait? I'll poke him with a stick if needed. Edit: I meant for rewards, saved it is, but rewarding...he told me he will do it himself, but that it might take time. So no enquiries please.
  3. It seems to be fixed now. Moved to resolved.
  4. The real abuse however was when nadrolski used 10+ buckets to get water. Then it is not only hoarding, but also abuse of shared tools. And if it really comes down to keep them distributed to people- it's still hoarding, because non MB people may wish to take them (although they cannot use them).
  5. May I know what the corresponding creatures are?
  6. It seems helpful for the occasions where new players get stuck- for example someone attended the halloween party, but missed the tp's back to pc, now is stuck in tutorial and at goe. I would suggest the following: Initial 3 "free jumps" for every account, then increasing with 1 every 3 months. I do not think it should be 1 per week/month, etc, because it should be for emergencies only. It would however fix the issues of stuck people.
  7. when upon seeing a number you think someone mistyped your ID... (I saw 5059, and thought it was a typo of my ID 50659 )
  8. May I know how many submissions you have gotten so far in each category? I was planning on writing a poem maybe.
  9. Brulant, that method cannot work unless you have left some time between logged out, because it registers that you were there, so when you log back, there is no lowering. I think I noticed how the lowering works. When you leave or do something interactive on the scene (making it register you are there- haven't tested with PLs etc, so no idea, but think it's limited to clickies on the scene), then viscosity gets lowered, no matter what you did. Be it shop, sac creats, etc.
  10. This is weird though. I logged into a scene, did nothing- refreshed, viscosity was lowered.
  11. Erm..if it shows 0/5, then it's correct, you have 5 casts left. If it shows 5/5, then it's bugged.
  12. Skeletons Skeletons are one archtype of the typical monsters we encounter in nightmares, dungeons and graveyards etc. They are nothing but bones. Often even showing cracks or signs of age, however still moving- which is pretty much impossible without muscles, but they are animated somehow. The typical skeleton that we come across in dungeons (here named Skeletonis Dungeonus) is usually equipped with a shield and a scimitar or a sword of some sorts. A subtype exists which uses a bow and arrows and some reports even claim there are mage type skeletons, which albeit existing, is not seen often. I shall not dismiss it as a myth, too many reports speak of it, but I shall account for it as a rare type. Dangerous, even more than the other types however when one comes across. [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_egME-wKAc1g/TH-uWwgj5qI/AAAAAAAAAqc/1xvbqkYR09s/s1600/skeletons3.jpg[/img] In nightmares, the skeletons tend to be still having pieces of rotten meat or the likes, increasing the horror effect. (Skeletonis Nightmarus) There is not much to say, they scare the people more, could even be classified as a rotten zombie subtype. The pale bone still partially covered by flesh and such would be indeed a scary sight- they also especially like to stay in the dark, popping out from nowhere. Since they rarely use weapons aside from their own limbs (especially if torn away from them), they are not as dangerous. The third one and most scary one IS a zombie subtype. The Skeletonis Graveyardus is the most dangerous, considering the bite will infect other people. Usually appearing first by sticking a bony hand out of the graveyard; we can speculate the Tormented Soul is indeed one of these, but luckily it does not bite us directly, but our creatures, which seem immune. Not fully, for the aura does steal stats, but no transformations happen. Note how we can find an example of this specimen on the Berserkers Charge. Usually the flesh is still halfway existing, but still bits of dirt and insects like worms will be crawling around inside. Since it is in fact a skeleton, it will only feel the damage to the bones, not the flesh. These skeletons can all be transformed into a Skeletonis Flammatus, thereupon losing all previous attribute and just turning into a flaming, burning skeleton. Dangerous touch, they at times wield weapons or just their flame. The flame is extinguishable by crushing the skull. Otherwise, it may be reduced, but will light up again. [img]http://4iphonewallpapers.com/iphone-4-wallpapers/main/2011_02/flaming-skeleton.jpg[/img] To fight against skeletons, one needs to dismantle their bones- by hand, weapon or whatever. However one risks them forming back again, which has happened far too often in tales for me to disregard. The first recommendation as weapon is a mace, to smash the bones apart. Blunt damage, not cuts, inflict much more damage. Fire only works so far, but also risks the transformations into the Skeletonis Flammatus. However, it removes all the flesh and then can be put out and by an expert macewielder trained in the arts crushed apart. The other best weapon you could use against skeletons is holy water- note however that it does no permanent damage, it will only slow and paralyse them, depending on their strength.
  13. The ratio usually tends to be 2sc per credit by now, however given the count, people might pay 3- which I personally regard as a high price. So going by that 15 creds would be about 45 silver, AT MOST, usually being less.
  14. I am sure it can be arranged- it is just that Mur said his submission would need changes, and he didn't upload a replacement. So, I excluded it based on that post. I meant, total of 3 judges. As i said, until the both of them tell me they are okay with being named, which I only will request if enough people wish to know (I do think they would judge fairly though), then I will not name them. I just copied the table into a word doc on request.
  15. Alright, I finished judging. As you can see, Marv was excluded because of his drawing style, which leaves the following three winners: (others are in the document) VonUngern first, Amoran second, dragonrider third. I'm not sure how the rewarding etc will be handled, TK or Mur himself, but we will see. Edit: For some reason it displays it as a doc file, it is in truth an excel file. Just rename it and it should be fine. Also, 3 judges, not sure if they want to be disclosed or not, one is me, 2 others as well. If the public demands it and they are okay with it, I'll publish it, otherwise not. The ratings changed from Closeness to creativity, effectively using cleanliness, creativity and compability.
  16. Sorry Manda, but today is the 3rd already...in fact, I'm compiling the judging results as I write this, so too late
  17. Frankenstein Originally the name of the creator of an artificial human, now a name used to refer to the being itself, which is a man-made monster, having been infused with lightning to make it alive. The process on how it can be created is not so clear, however it is a combination of science and alchemy, the whole process being possible through galvanism. However, right after the creator witnessed it coming alive, he discovers what a horror he has made and flees from it. The being thus abandoned and frightened searches for something to help him understand the world. By hiding out, he begins to learn speech from a peasant family and later on, when he does decide to reveal himself to the blind patriarch of the family experiences kindness from him. When the family returns however they drive him away, because they see him as an ogre-like figure, with a yellow skin that cannot disguise the vessels beneath. When he tries once more to make contact by saving a girl who is about to drown, he instead gets shot by a man chasing him away. The creature thus denounces humanity and decides to take revenge on his creator. Based upon papers he took from the laboratory, he begins to learn of his own creation and learns about where to find him as well. When he meets a young boy who denounces him, he learns he is related to his creator and kills him, framing it on the maid of the family. She is later sent to the gallows, innocent. The creator Frankenstein realizes it must have been the monster he made and retreats into the mountains, where the monster approaches him and tells him his story. When he agrees to the wish of the monster for a companion, he stops just before the final step out of fear for a monstrous new race. He flees, but not before the monster can swear for more revenge. The best friend of the creator and his bride soon get killed- when his father also dies, Frankenstein (creator) tries to hunt the monster down, which finally ends in the artic circle. However, he dies. When the monster hears of this, he is overcome with grief and decides to kill himself and burn even the ashes, so that no new being can be made like him, to vanish forever without a trace. The whole personality of the depicted monster is an intelligent, empathic creature. The film adaptations later make him bestial and mute, or childish and innocent, but also clumsy. There is much to say about Frankenstein, he is one of the most famed Hollywood monsters- ranking together with vampires, werewolves and the like, being a classical monster. There have been at least 40 movies that were properly published about this monster, and many many more mentions in comics, books and myths generally speaking. One could say Frankenstein, the giant with his strength and desperate search for humanity has been engraved into our lore. At the same time, it is incredibly sad how everyone rejects him solely based upon his appearance, although he does his very best to be helpful and friendly to the humans.
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