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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. In the end it comes down to that you feel it was excessive force. But that's exactly the point of making an example of you, or not? I'd think the others would agree with me there, given that you were the first to test getting Golemian land loyalty. While as Maebius pointed diplomacy is a nice method to resolve things, your PM or prior questionning was both not- thus leading to a massive fist slamming onto the table. If as you said you respect us enough to expect us to ask you, why did you not ask us first?
  2. That would mean we are afraid of people walking or recruiting, Pip. It is not xenophobic to reject someone who joins solely for his own benefits.
  3. 3gc for fenths 10sc for all plants.
  4. I know I said might, because I could not be sure- you agreed with me. You could have prevented this however by simply asking yrthilian first, or did you do that and he reneged? In the discussion there was another interesting point brought up: If you bring diplomacy and asking as a method up, you PMed Grido, but never stated intent to back off if asked. The PM itself also only states intent to get land loyalty. The way it was worded, it was to declare intent, not to ask permission, which you seemed to take for granted. If you had asked and gotten permission first, it probably would not have happened. While personally I do not care too much about this, apparently the other GG people do feel it warrant a jail period.
  5. While the announcement of Mur does say to not use them in the next few days, it has been a month since it. Because of that, there thus has been a void in authority- so until then, arguably the king fills it as a regent, till the next government can be established. I've had this argument myself with someone else, but ultimately it comes down to the fact that upon entering the alliance Azull risked punishment from the GG tools. Which until a clear stance upon how Mur decides to fill the void, is to be done by the regent in position, being yrthilian. The announcement itself was never meant to be permanent. I assume that the GG leaders requesting this action only made it easier to decide. And Maebius, in this case Azull himself said it: He did it to gain some land loyalty. Which, clearly being unwanted (I assume he'd realize himself earlier, but no later than after I pointed out yrthilian might jail him), would lead to expulsion. Obviously diplomacy would have been a better way to decide it, but it was not chosen, nor was the outcome clear- if Azull decided to take the risk of getting jailed, why would he leave the alliance which could only be forced from Kiley otherwise, who himself allowed him in? I'm just pointing out some things I discussed recently with someone else on this.
  6. I've just tested- they are all bugged, it's entirely google translates fault, nothing from ours. I'd suggest removal, but leaving clear tongue instead. If one uses that properly, silvertongue and toadspeak can be cleaned off...might make for interesting effects.
  7. I have to point out: There is a reason for that number. I was there when it was set, and the 4 as such should remain. If you really intend it to go higher, you should aim for 444 instead. I'd leave it at that though, most people cannot enter without walking through glue.
  8. From what I gathered taking buckets by yourself is fine (I was able to take 2 coagulators by myself, and that is something I will do again because the system allows me to). Getting the buckets if it is a shared tool is not fine [I mean being given or ITC], a nonshared tool however does not recall and as such should not be under the same restrictions. Possibly someone would be allowed to get as many shared tools as he can hold now, and I think even that might be allowed- but personally I will refuse to do so.
  9. For fairness, you never said people cannot retract bids either. While I agree it is unwanted and not such a great behaviour (which is why I really dislike doing it myself, I rather tend to pay the price even if I do not need it anymore), you should add a disclaimer saying no retracting allowed next time. I'd go with festive mood this time and warn her off, but leave it at that.
  10. Typically these kind of things would get no punishment, since if a player in unwilling you can't force him. I just suggest exclusion from further TK auctions- if one does not follow the bid once, it cannot be guaranteed to not happen a 2nd time.
  11. Then we might just agree having no confused santa, but everything else seems fine. It's just that the table system you suggested is too much like a reward system to me...and although other games have expectations like that, it does not mean we have to like it. And if I'm honest, MD is much more free with gifts than other games- they tend to lump one off with a few small freebies, or extra credits on buy, the likes. The creature tree (if it works for someone, and 70% doesn't seem to high a requirement) tends to grant quite good ones if one does not have it already- part of the reason why I did not expect anything, as one of the richer ones.
  12. With these kinds of requirements its not a gift anymore, then it's nothing but a bribe or payment for the conditions that you suggest.... The biggest issue I have is simply, you seem to expect something great. A gift means however that even if you get "just" a BP, you should be happy that you got anything for free. If people keep pushing like this, I almost expect mur to simply say: Alright, since so many are unhappy about being treated this way, NO MORE GIFTS. You might just accuse me now saying I can say that because I got good things, but the truth is I did NOT expect anything good from the tree (past experiences just keep telling me there won't be anything). I think the tree conditions might be modified, but I do not think the current ones are too bad either- MD shop also has freebies. Confused Santa seemed like overkill just looking at the sheer amount of rarities going out, and I know there have been questions regarding how the choice was. We have a topic for that. But hey it's Xmas time, not Jealousy time. We should rejoice, be happy for anything we got (maybe strike a few bargains here and there), and simply enjoy the festivities.
  13. Phones would have been overkill if you ask me. Still, there is a lot of ways, simply just asking etc- I do not see the issue of an mp2 being banned when she was warning previously. If she goes to mp3, problem solved, no? Illusions were a temporary stage, never meant to last.
  14. might be a bit less even, Hedge. Anywho, 5gc for nutcracker. (which outweighs 70, since 5 is 75 sc) Edit: if my offer is lower or not taken till the end of dec 31, I'm not buying for that price anymore. (just putting a limit since you never said when it will end)
  15. You ignored me.... edit: nvm, fixed. Editedit: sorry to bother again, but most links for the pictures are broken now. &- those parts of the links have to go, then it will work again. Here's the proper link for mine: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=3404
  16. Santa and nutcracker together: 5gc. Rein, 10gc. Edit: Because it may be hard to see what split bids are higher, I put: Santa 2gc, Nut 3gc. (instead of 5 together)
  17. I am similiar to Grido as well here, I wish to buy anything that is a rare/unreleased black white creature, or: A reindrach, morph, nutcracker, santa. If in doubt, PM me with the CTC to MDC (not the whole just, just that bit) so I can check. I've got mostly coins to use for these transactions.
  18. Out with it, if it's something we dislike we can always still ignore it lol That aside, maybe the issue could be resolved fast.
  19. Originally: [spoiler]13 aromatic 38branches 9 colored paper 199 fenths 27 lumber 12 memory stones 1 sand 25 tea leaves 48 timeless dust 2 toxic plants 3 unidentified 14 water 16 wiiya[/spoiler] Now: [spoiler]2 grassant ferment 15 aromatic 57branches 10 colored paper 2 fat 262 fenths flowers 11 gift wrap (Only 1 counts actually, I traded for one, grido thought the itc would just give me 1- remaining 10 are his) 46lumber 15 memory stones 16 mineral water 10rainwater 4 raw glass 2 sand sawdust skin solid stench 1 syntropic dust 29 tea leaves 50 timeless dust toxic gas 8 toxic plants 8 unidentified 15 water 18 wiiya 8rainbow candy yellow herbs [/spoiler] Increases: [spoiler]2 grassant ferment 2 aromatic 19branches 1 colored paper 2 fat 63 fenths flowers 11 gift wrap (Only 1 counts actually, I traded for one, grido thought the itc would just give me 1- remaining 10 are his) 19lumber 3 memory stones 16 mineral water 10rainwater 4 raw glass 1 sand sawdust skin solid stench 1 syntropic dust 4 tea leaves 2 timeless dust toxic gas 6 toxic plants 5 unidentified 1 water 2 wiiya 8 rainbow candy yellow herbs [/spoiler] Edit: nvm, fixed.
  20. Sale ended, thanks to everyone who participated.
  21. Alright, sold to darkraptor. Find me ingame to get it.
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