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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Well..I am assuming you are selling for credits? You never specified what you want, but from the number it could as well be gc.
  2. 15gc, assuming I can transfer it to some other avy. (I do not see my already gold avy getting more gold)
  3. If it's 5 casts, 25 gold.
  4. Mod comment: please refrain from posting spoilers in here. edit: or if you do, please ask us to hide it. Mur will see.
  5. Modded, moved. Auction for auction/unless it's to clarify things- if I moved the wrong stuff, PM me.
  6. I believe we start to build our personality when we consciously receive feedback from our senses- that is when it is built. "I think, so I am." The infants start that because we receive feedback- but there is is merely in the building phase. Conciously multitasking would for me be the stage where the consciousness has fully assembled and then begins to emerge. It's a gradual process for me, where the senses tip the scales until the consciousness could form fully.
  7. If I wouldn't know better I would think you photoshopped this...can you grab ctc's?
  8. Closed and moved to resolved then.
  9. [color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 1342 - [2010-03-08 05:58:57 - Alpha 9][/color] [b]Storymode Percentage Bonus[/b] From now on, story mode will give a 4% bonus based on your existing stats for each page you advance. This bonus applies to stages MP3 and MP4 and only to the stats or skills the story would normaly give for that page. The meditation bonus will apply additional to that value, making it quite big (up to almost 8% for 24h wait). That means that you could at least double your stats during a mindpower advance. This has implications to the overall gameplay and is a major change. It also means that if you wait more at one stage before moving on to the next, you will be able to increase stats more and then receive a significantly bigger bonus on each story page. At this moment i don't know if 4% is much, enough, or low. For sure its much for those of you that gahtered already insane stats, but question is, how is it for the other majority of players that advance normaly. Feel free to discuss this on forum and the percentage might change later if needed. The announce was specific that is it MP3/4 only.
  10. The taker and the creator are two different things. The one picking up up "creates" it, as was stated in another topic....I'll close and put this in resolved, since it is not a bug.
  11. It's not a bug. Shem was the last taker, and picking up the tool does not count as taking for the system.
  12. 123. Alliances also undergo rotation like the council. See Eon in SoS, causing people to switch to CoE- followed by SI.
  13. 30sc.
  14. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1327020923' post='101302'] as soon as the gold ammount needed is reached i will stop this and even void ongoing auctions if any (nobody loses anything ofc) [/quote] So by the current threads, about 4 to5 times the gold needs to be moved before it ends.
  15. That's what happened, Maebius. I just consider the mechanism of the spellstone, which by then should have a 6months every new stone, not going off the first one- every new one refreshes the memory so to speak, and has the same weight as the previous.
  16. 6 months ago. Which is why I can see why it vanishes now, but seeing as I used another, new stone a few months before, that means the 2nd stone actually has the same expire date as the other.
  17. I can repeat the experience, I had about 7 acousticremains and 2 lighthouse uses left. By usage, I should have lost them in a couple of months, not now. Only realized however, or it happened recently. Edit: While the lighthouse may have been old enough to vanish, I refreshed the spell with acousticremains within a few months- clearly not exceeding 6. And now that I think of it, I used a lighthouse like 3 months ago. I assume this happens because it only remembers the first imprint. It might be useful to show when they will vanish, or make them vanish by simply depleting the casts- it is a bit annoying to see it be gone totally, not even remaining in the spellbook.
  18. How are we supposed to request these things? I assume it has not yet started.
  19. For those trying, thank you- I'm still reading, but none match my interest currently.
  20. Dispatch is for taking tools- itc happens inside willows shop.
  21. er..you realize that almost all of the things you listed have a price close to equal or more compared to the morph? bull, dark, tainted all fall into that category...maybe the difference to the tainted might be smaller, but almost any of those combos that you list I would only do if I were to sell, not to buy. you do not take any coins in this, I take?
  22. I'm not sure what you refer to phantasm...if you refer to the forums he posted in, this is valid, though others like getting involved, etc would also be fine. (at least that's my opinion as a mod, not sure what the others think) or what do you refer to?
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