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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. 0.00 servertime huh. Too late for me, have fun with those participating.
  2. Note: I suggested this, but only since Katt here kept insisting that I [i]should have continued[/i]. Since I don't feel like it, I told her to try to organize the staff she so desperately wants herself, and caling for help here may work. However I have to say that the way she asks for this, I only see a repeat of Calyx, and thus do not support this. I'm not against this either though, I'm just watching now to see if people from the park will actually manage a semi working structure that will not go against anything that I believe in. (Don't forget how insulting people in the park are.)
  3. Moved Also, the 2nd winner is required to come forth soon and claim the prize.
  4. This was the original lists (those with names behind mean these got taken): - Usable item, type: gathering tool (probably for water) - One time enhancement to all your creatures (or a selected group) to allow them the next trade (only) to be done without penalty. - Asterdai - Pack of two unmorphed morphs. They are tradeable untill morphed (might turn as never before seen variations or as existing one)- Yoshi - 100 credits, on the account of your choice - Get full tokens on a creature of your choice, regardless of current owner. - 3 shop resets (to be used anytime) - a tour for TWO people (at the same time) to various limited access places, including prison, locked places, unreleased locations and such. (no screenshots allowed, time limited, escorted by me) Secondary: 5 cr 5 cr, 10cr, 15cr, 20cr, 20cr, - CrazyMike 1 magic CTC on cr id, 1 magic CTC on cr id, 2 magic CTC on cr id, +1 shop reset, - Zleiphneir +50% max Ve, - Eon +50% max Ve, - dst +20k max Ve, +100 attack, - Yala Sviseusen +30 briskness, +5 cr slots, +5 cr slots, +1 gold in cash, +3 gold in cash, +10 silver promisory note, +10 silver promisory note, +20 silver promisory note, -200 combat wins, +200 combat wins, +500 honor over zero, name cosmetics request - Dark Mystic name cosmetics request XP reset to zero - BigC 1000 to one of the principles you have 2000 to one of the principles you have 4000(max) to one of the principles you have 1 random item selected from postman inventory, by postman 1 random item selected from postman inventory, by postman 1 random item selected from postman inventory, by postman 1 random item selected from postman inventory, by postman
  5. Well, all I can say that I am baffled. And I can honestly say that as a forum mod, or an LHO, I don't get what is causing this. Try messaging [council] and see what they say to this? EDIT: Just realised, MAX VE/VP aren'r rising either...I suggest you include that fact in the email, I suspect that part of the code causes free credits to stop working for you.
  6. Yeah, but Shiona seems to mean that this happened 3 days in a row, so I assume flash is not up to date, or something alike, and hte counter actually ticks while she thinks it hasn't..it's a strange case though.
  7. I find this rather strange, the free credits work for many others..did you try clearing cache already? Maybe 2 screenshots would help, one before, one after. Also: I assume you use firefox?
  8. Voting should only add to VE and VP. As for powerups, which did you use? I'm not sure what you mean though, do you mean after voting there is no change to VP/VE?
  9. 20silver for the santa.
  10. It would especially be helpful in the battlelogs, where too heavily tokened creatures won't display properly- and the new combat interface can let us read about the tokens anyways if we want to. I'd also be for it.
  11. Hard to place this topic somewhere else, I'll leave it be for now.
  12. I'm not sure if I gained one, but I think I did. I have 2 now, and from what I recall I only had 1. (Pointing this out since Kyphis thinks everyone who fulfills that criteria didn't get it) Edit: just counted, so I'm not sure whether this is due to me already having 2 or gaining one...I wouldn't mind getting one more, though I probably won't get to spend it.
  13. Leaving aside the fact that there's only few creatues which really require so many wins. I haven't even maxed my angiens yet due to the massive grind required, so why should mp3, mp4 have more wins than that on creats that if sacced only add minor stat boni from lots of fights? I don't dispute that for angiens such kind of rits work well, but aside from them I don't see any excuse as to why people should use this style of training, it is very inefficient to grind this way.
  14. If anyone with a proper method wants to beat some sense into this, feel free to go ahead. As of right now I do not have the time nor the spirit to care.
  15. Busy with exams, forgot to post. As well, a belated happy birthday.
  16. I wondered, yes. But how would I be able to answer it without having been witness to creation, or at least a part of it, or the ability to answer one of the deepest mysteries? The why always is a lingering question, with no real [i]correct[/i] answer. I wondered, but have no conclusion other than I think it exists.
  17. If either team wants my help, message me from the 13th onwards. I reserve the right for refusion though, in case something comes up.
  18. If you mean this new homepage with just one page to register on..isnt that disabled already? When I use magicduel.com I get to the old page..
  19. Got one with 11 tokens, some useful. PM me for details?
  20. Well, I updated it a bit. if there's so sign, I personally think that's about a fair amount, whereas a + means thats what others said, but I think actually is more still. Interesting to see what everyone thinks, I've left the gg out for now. Edit: Aside from being rare, this dark also has an id thats very low
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