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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Oh, just in case it wasn't clear enough: The 5th aramor doesn't get to be rewarded by me. The lvl4 thing is something Mur said, not me, so he might do it on his own later.
  2. Best colorings- Ravenstrider The candle wasn't bad and earns, but I think the first entry, the psychedelic one was best. Nevertheless, you entered enough high quality colorings to get awarded this. Best drawings- This is very very hard indeed. I've seen some good ones, but in the end I decided to award dragonrider for his evolutionary aramor! Most funny Most funny- well, it seemed to me to be either Rex or duxie. duxies, however funny it may be, is not an aramor, but a mere imitation of it- thus Rex wins. (Pick one you laugh most about to know which won) xrieg as well, I think you can see why. (I used one of the spares) 2 extras- Now, who should get the last, indeed? I won't double award someone. There's a few noteworthy entries, and I keep pondering who gets what. But, I am obviously so very corrupt, that I want it for myself . P.S. You may now attempt to bribe me- I accept coins, creatures and credits. P.S.S. Judging is over if you haven't realized. I do award a WP to Ravenstrider for his entries though. And silver, oh yes: If any of the winners does not wish to claim his anniversary aramors, they may claim some gold from me in exchange for the CTCs (unused if possible)- 4 maybe? (I have doubt that this shall happen) samon, Eon, Pomegranate, duxie- 10silver each, if you come to claim it. I'll be at the MDP, but if you can't get it yourself you may name someone else who gets to keep it for you via a PM. Claim it soon enough though, please. I have attached my own aramor now, although it is nothing too special compared to some of those entered. Too much red, I know
  3. All contestants should get punished for giving me headaches on how to judge! Check the quest results page in a few hours, I should have them sorted out then.
  4. Last warning: The challenge ends REALLY soon.
  5. Price negotiable- if you want a fixed price I suggest asking the others. For multiple/aramors+silver I might have some creatures though.
  6. Wouldn't it be easier for those who don't know you if you describe yourself, style etc?
  7. Not exactly. Awiiya got his from the fossil contest, though I believe he'd have his chance assuming all the older IDs wouldn't barge in- in fact, I'm pretty sure a lot of them would take up some spots. Edit: And as Mur stated, gold vet is a MUST.
  8. It's not only the greeks with that kind of creation theory, also the chinese as far as i know, the norse, etc... Life to me seems to be a station- of expanding complexity, until it collapses because it reached too far. It's a process that builds on every step before and those still ahead of it.
  9. Warning to the participants, the contest will close in a few days.
  10. Just for the sake of arguing and spamming your thread a bit I'd argue that time the way we perceive it is measurement, but the basic idea of time is something else- It's just that we with our failed senses cannot understand and grasp time like a normal dimension. (5) Balance- curious about honor? It fights along with you, in fact it stays with you in every fight and adapts accordingly. And you can get pushed too unbalanced, or aim to get closer. (4)
  11. No. The TS itself lies dormant in a WPcost activated location, and although people do give them out for free like many LR creatures, I still do believe in their value. Thus, pick either- but don't mix.
  12. A knator, a priest, and 1silver. Something to hunt with something to pray with and something to pay with? Edit: Or i can offer you a knator, a priest and a soul. something to hunt with, pray with and carry with you? (If you don't get what I mean, those are all creatures)
  13. Thanks...now it gives the vibe of a rainy day, which fits more with the clouds in the background. I might use this persona.
  14. Alright..total attendance of Bunnies: 8/24. Makes one third exactly, I wished for more..but still an okay ratio I think. Total winner in the end was Eon. Round 1 East dst [b]Eon[/b] Maebius [b]sasha[/b] Aster [b]Leixer[/b] Handy Darigan Clock [b]Ravenstrider[/b] Ungern [b]phantasm[/b] Mya Child [b]aranna[/b] Happy Yala Round 2 Leixer sasha [b] Eon[/b] [b] phantasm[/b] Ravenstrider Aranna Round 3 [b]Eon[/b] vs phantasm [size="6"][b]Eon wins![/b][/size] I will now hold rounds for fun. Edit: Marked are the winners.
  15. ..... Well, Mur hijacked and altered my quest a bit again. Oh well. As for level 4- I reserve thr githt o give an aramor for a GOOD presentation, however may decide not to.
  16. I do object though- I got a really bad result, although the line wasn't THAT bad- and Shem got a whole score point more for basically the same line. Sigh. I guess being first screwed it up for me. Edit: Let's not screw up this topic by spamming it with a discussion. I've been told I have a bad sense of humor often enough anyways, so be it. And I do realise it is a game, but if you truly think I mean this in a way to WIN something, then you do not know me. It's a moot point anyways now, even if it is a sore point for me, no? Good. And I did enjoy a lot of the other jokes, even if you might be thinking I'm a shriveled, old, dried to dust and especially sour fruit sitting on a shelf now.
  17. Very nice...but I kinda dislike how bright the magic duel thing is. Think you could put one up without that please? Edit: rather, it is the yellowish tinge that I dislike.
  18. Oh, I'll buy that. 1 silver? It's relatively fresh, after all.
  19. I'll buy 555999, send me a PM with a price in silver? If it's acceptable I'll immediatedly take it, else I'll negotiate.
  20. I had a lot of people playing- The following qualify for round 2: Eon, sasha lilias, Leixer, Ravenstrider, phantasm, aranna2008 Round 2 will happen at 19:00-21:00 servertime, or earlier if 3 people pop up together. Round 3 shall then happen at Sunday. Repeat players can also play again during that period. Edit: If anyone cannot attend, please say so. We might find an alternative time.
  21. Due to a lack of clarification about how this was all supposed to be organized (MD Birthday) Those who pass the first round (either in team or solo competition), will take part in a 2nd round. Then, if we have too many, it will end in a 3rd round. Last one standing wins. Join up, go as a team, or solo? Sign up now. Team Bunny does not need to write they are that, but I will accept people from my team or even people with no team as well, but WRITE it clear so I know you are not in Team Bunny. Edit: Team does not mean you play together, but instead you group up to fight vs those you are teamed up with.
  22. Each team receives 50 Coins (imagine them, you can see them..). Then, we have 5 spots which I will auction off!! Now each team will, with each round, bid for one spot. The team which has the most spots at the end wins, with the one bidding more receiving the spot, all coins bid are taken. If 2 teams bid the same amount, nobody gets it. Since this might happen, if a tie in terms of spots has been reached the team with more remaining coins wins, if that is also a tie, then the last spot won determines the winner. Each round has to have a minimum bid of 1 coin. In the example i will just have 2 teams. Example: Round 1 A bids 6 coins B bids 10 coins. B gets the spot, B has 40 coins left, A 44. Round 2 A bids 15 coins, B only 5. A gets the spot, A has 29 coins left, B 35. Round 3 A and B both bid 5 coins. Nobody gets the spot. A has 24 left, B 30. Round 4 A bids 1, B 8. B gets the spot, A has 23 left, B 22. Round 5 If A now bids 23 and B just 1, then A gets the spot but B has 21 coins left and the same amount of spots, so B wins. If however A bids 23 and B 22, then A gets the last spot, both have 0 coins, and thus A wins. Now if A only bids..2 coins and B 1, then they both have 21 coins left and A wins. If A bids 8 and B 15, then B wins because B has 3 spots (with less coins left). Clear enough? These rounds, according to speed, could be repeated...obviously the one who are good with psychology and counting have an advantage with this game. Edit: Obviously the bids have to silent, via PM to me.
  23. If you manage to beat it? No idea, we might up this record by having 3 or 4 people doing it. But seeing as most of you have 100's it is a little stick to get you to the carrot
  24. Our own team holds proudly the current record: Me and Burns, 87 seconds! (Nim timed 1min 24s, duxie 1min 30s...so we use the middle) 87/2=43.5 Edit: Ravenstrider's comment: I see 3 letters at once! And this is our own challenge, but no cheating (how so?) and we attempted to set a record so that the Bunnies may attempt to beat it.
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