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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Each seperately. Obviously only one reward, and more questions means theoretically more chances..but don't forget the negative.
  2. Surprised nobody has created a topic yet, but this is someone who lurks around silently, no? Happy Birthday.
  3. Questions you ask, but will they be answered? This is similiar to a former contest Mur once held, however I reserve judgement of rewards for myself. Those rewards will include silver, but may or may not include WP, depending on what I get. A maximum of 2 WP will be rewarded. Questions made public previously in the forums might be accepted, but will earn negative points, according to who asks them, and how. Now you might wonder what this is about, but I assure you, all I want is a question of something you think is relevant, but you have difficulties answering. Originality and relevance of the answer will count towards judging. (Meaning the stereotypical question what happens after death will earn little, but more specific, and well thought ones will count more.) Good luck, it will probably only last till the 31st Dec. Send me the set of questions, no more than 5, but at least one, to me via PM or forum PM. The questions sent in and recognised will be displayed in a topic seperate from this. Any questions left? Feel free to ask. S
  4. If I had to say it, MDA is def more special, because archivists are not just an alliance, but an administrative one- Legend Speakers isnt, Archis is. LoE, Underground don't hold officially administratives, though dst's SI might be seen as an administrative one..still, she's not an official bug tester anymore as back then, so I'd say not adminis, but rolebased. The players inside might have adminstrative access, but the alliance itself isn't- that's what makes archivists special, same with advertisers, or artisans. That we have a huge library and the M.A. was always a power of "power" also helped create this unique situation.
  5. Very much so because of the previous ones. Also, why H.A? Might be a newer term, I'm used to M.A.... Anyways, Renavoid, then Je Suis & Pample were in a position of M.A, and held administrative traits. Though it never was anything official, they were accepted to be some kind of "inofficial leader of MDA"- whether that was supposed to happen or not remains a question, but the rpc status that came along with it seems to be a hint towards it. (Since Legend speaker leadership does not qualify for RPC, or did not when RPCs existed) If I had to compare it, it's like the kings in medieval times, when they were both worldy and religious powers...very annoying to differentiate where one flow was, where the other. Unlike that time we don't have a split category, people with administrative access also can be powerful players, so they get mixed up.
  6. I think the M.A, if he/she existed, would be both..both a representative of those lands, possibly even inofficially higher in hierarchy than other ally leaders, and the ruler of the small bubble called archivists...with it being a special bubble, different from alliances as such. It's administrative after all, but well, this right now is too speculative, as the archivists are not even a shade of their former self. Edit: Chew posted first. The bubble I refer to includes the administrative bits, which included AL at some point.
  7. 100 - Ocult Arts Practitioner--- shouldnt it be occult? 200 - High Court Member - Currently no 200-400 rank, Suggest one below--- Initiate.
  8. It's work to get over 120 triggers at once done, since I'm not a protector. Maybe next year, right now I don't feel like it.
  9. Are you sure that new avy is generation 2? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have overlooked it if it was....
  10. If you guys call this spell madness, then one day I'll have to burn all my casts down. 138 casts, including 15 tp casts (just working on me?) I wonder....how the trigger box would look like.
  11. Actually it's the timer.. If I'm not wrong, this is just a statement of how the timer unsuccessfully works. Your stats didn't update, so you missed the first refresh. As for 2nd..well, let's say I think although you may call this a bug, it's a problem with the timer code itself.
  12. ...Rex, that's a pure scam. Literally. I advise vs buying from him this way.
  13. Ah my bad, I wrote this when I just woke up, let me explain more. First of all I say it is a good idea in general what you propose, but it's certain aspects which I dislike, in this case the combative bits. It's to keep things simple, if you ask me- the simpler, the better to remember. If you now bring in training groups (means more organisation needed as well, else they die out fast..not to mention newbies, and you make this weekly? Many leave soon you know...) at the same location, there's bound to be attacks from others they do not wish, for example. The other issue is with creatures, we have enough supply via Protectors/Quests already as it is, or on request sometimes. I really don't see a need to spread them that much more, some I think should be recruited by themselves as well. As for the SG issue..people keep bringing the unattended for time thing. Well, perhaps I should just take it up to silence that argument, but if it goes the same way as the last time, I won't get any PMs even if they complain to themselves about it..and of what use is it then? But I digress, this is about your idea. To sum it up I welcome your try, but I think you ought to focus more on the newbie help then, because the combative things will be harder to implement, and may as well cause more chaos. If you do manage to pull it off, I have no doubt that it will require a LOT of time tending. And if it works out fine, but if it doesn't, we have another set of things which confused the newbies as for rules (the more you add, the more confusing it can get)..that's what I meant with I would be against it. If you'd set the combat related things in another location, it would weaken my arguments, it's just that I think the park has enough rules as it is.
  14. Not to sound arrogant, but in terms of information some kind of things are better off not to be told...even if told, sometimes they don't understand, and if told, you may also lead them in a cfertain direction. Each person's mindset when approaching an answer is differently, especially with this kind of stuff. If you spoonfeed answers, you also destroy the own choice that person would have done. If that person does not accept it, almost no harm done, but it can still influence. It's like people come up with several ways to make the same thing happen, but because you told them one way, YOUR way, most will stop searching, and the other methods get lost.
  15. Also do not forget, if you truly wish to alter it that way, with the current setup and support you have, I will try to stop it. I'm just saying since SG covers mp3/mp4, while fight club mp5.. If you introduce the new system, you either have to kill the other two, or your own won't be established.
  16. On that note, rookie of a year should include people with 365 AD, registered after nov. 2009. I mean, rookie of the YEAR, not quarter or anything.
  17. Given that it has 4h, and 100 uses before it's going to be reviewed... Why the hell is there such a fuss over a totally not OP item. Even if you do it nonstop, 24/7, it's 17 days you got banned in chat? So...? Afterwards the king has made a fool of himself. Look at it this way..if you have to insist on rebelling by doing it this way, which will not let you get jailed at all?! and even retain a method to stay inside the land...unless you have no good reason, but just a grudge, this works out fine. If the king does bad. Then surely you're not alone? And your group of followers surely is bigger than those of the king? If not it's just a political war of tug and tie, and boiling down to personal conflicts and miniwars. And, if you asked me...vs a true rebellion this item is utterly useless. Utterly. Vs a private war of single persons (keypersons, not entourage), it is. I summarize: If you are truly a rebel, then: - You'd take the risk of being silenced for 4h, over the course of the next month, simply to make a point - You'd not be alone - You'd have people just as strong willed as you helping you out, you're not the sole leader, or if you are, the others would still manage without you, knowing you are there, but cannot speak If you are not, but merely having a private war, then: - Your entourage also will be silenced simply because you are the key person who dragged them in - Your threats to the land will be ineffective, because you represent a minority with no powers as well. (There's a thing called majority rules, and thats applied most of the times) Warfare is about planning, fighting, but also diplomacy.
  18. There's one more thing that I would like to know, what happens if you use the rebel status to leave an alliance, is there a decrease in loyalty? As of now that seems to be the only abusable point I see.
  19. I personally would rather go for a ring than a medallion...well, I'm male after all and medallions go too far into the jewelry direction for me. I can't promise I'd buy one for sure though, i'd have to see designs first.
  20. As for the differences..if you look closely, the only things done were simplyfying the original artworks (e.g. the gloves) and moving the sword from the back instead to the hip.. Clearly copied. Would be nice to know who sumbmitted it though.
  21. If i recall correctly..it has been moved already? Mine has a cliche name =D. If you can't guess which, fail .
  22. I've got an untokened for sale, what age range are you looking for?
  23. Giving one for free to someone you probably like, or at least enjoyed rping with, is hardly an excuse for making other avys so expensive.. If it were a gold avy you can ask for more, probably would get better bids. But this? Normal, B/W avys for so much? Unless you got offered this much by someone, it's hard to believe you will sell those. If you do..well, good luck, apparently your greed was coupled with luck.
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