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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. You gain AP- temporare. Maximum, no.
  2. Shadowseeker


    Inactives refers to those who do not play for a few days or longer. By your current actions, you are NOT one of those. Think a bit more before you speak please, curiose. As for those who then truly fall inactive..it is not their fault, but it isn't the protectors fault either for hoping they do continue being active. And if he cannot find enough new adepts, yes, then those dropping have caused him to drop..just like you may say it was because he didn't recruit enough.
  3. Hawthorne/Seahorse Can't say it perfectly fits, can't say it fails to hit.
  4. Alright, closing this then since it's settled.
  5. Once per month is too much. Make it once every year, or twice, not 12 times? Hell no. Could be, but I might want to add a bracket for the non-mainland as you put it...which is a tricky thing in itself. And the competition..well you say its easy to make it fair, but in reality that's a harder thing to do than you think. We'll see, those were my first thoughts reading this.
  6. You forget though- One spell was bought from WPs, the other you get "for free". Really, I see nothing wrong with heal spells only giving that much. After all, if it isn't the newbs, who else would profit from them the most?
  7. Created this since you guys keep bickering. Might move the topic elsewhere..oh and Watcher, stop backseat modding.
  8. Sidenote..if there is anyone having anything to do with the big amount of heads I see on people lately, send me a message ingame, PM here or so. I've been resetting many many people I saw, if this is interfering just tell me. S
  9. I can, and used it so far, minor things. But not in a quest yet. Clickies I can do as well. Just message me when needed.
  10. Not to mention you may take into account the wishes of the person himself. So, I just suggest you do NOT post these kind of things when you yourself don't see the full picture. I'm saying this as a mod, we did what we ought to have done, but you however act unlike how a user of a forum should act: simply by posting like that.
  11. Which I have to say..is one of the biggest mistakes ever, saccing stats should be removed from angien eggs lvl2. Bit offtopic, but that creates big ve problems.
  12. I'd pick suggestion 2 then, if we had a choice. Limits one type of mp3 overpower, but it's the sort that caps newbies..so that should be helpful. Can't think of anything else to add right now...if feb insists to stay on mp3, and caps more mp3 though, what will happen then? Jail, penalties or others? Because as of now everyone could go cap every new mp3 they see, and not receive punishment (3 would avoid that somehow, but its still allowing repeated abuse..)
  13. Being lost isn't the opposite of comfort, happiness..it's about contentness. I am like I am, and I like it. That sentence tells me I am content with myself, I feel that even though people are having more fun than me, cash than me, etc...I am content with what I have, and what I did. Being lost to me means I don't feel this contentness I have when I can rest at home. Contentness iss partially involved with the purposes, but only if these purposes make you think: YES; I am glad that I can do this. So right now to me it seems you lack this contentness, be it due to stress, unhappy events which spoiled the formally fun purposes, and so on. Edit: The only advice I can offer is: Try to do things you haven't done in ages, or experiment, try to do new things. However, it is unlikely that doing what you currently do will help you Rediscover or discover something- that often helps.
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