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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. So far everything fine, but do you have a PM of mine saved, fenrir? Otherwise you couldn't participate.
  2. Edit your sign up please, I need the player ID ingame as well, or the entry won't count.. Okay, if this goes on at this rate, it'll be held. If you guys manage to hit the 40, 100% sure, but I'll have to write the longer quest then...(damn, more work for me <.<)
  3. Since I'm unsure whether to write this quest at all, here's the signup: You hereby enlist to a daily progress quest, means each day you get one action: If you do not take the chance and answer the PM, you lose that round. Final reward will include silver and a [u][b]drachorn[/b][/u] I sponsor. Only one, don't go asking for more. Also, don't go and spam me regarding things like spoilers, help for the quest...not even others, if I hear of it you will get disqualified. I may decide to put in multiplayer features, so you have to group, but that is my choice, not yours. If you work in groups and I get proof, you're out. Why? That's because I'm making one where everyone has about the same, equal chances...I'm going to use dices to determine events. If you group, that's going to make things easier, and I don't want to see the main event (drachorn chase) being finished within a short amount of time. So, write here, posting your playername and ID if you want to participate. I may take some time to write this, so be patient please. You have till Day 172, means Jun 22 23:59 servertime to sign up for free. Everything afterwards will require one silver, if it's way later possibly 2. I expect the quest to be held within a month. However, if not enough people enroll I'm just going to throw the towel and stop this idea. So, have fun signing up. Edit: Everyone who signs up (and I'll allow RPCs) may be chosen to be asked into a contract where he/she collects silver for me by other players participating. Edit2: Alts are forbidden from this, obviously. And yeah, be sure that I will check the one who gets my drach, and where it will reappear later. Just for the sake of safety, everyone who participates better tells me when they do sell it within the next time. This only means one player (in RL) one chance in this quest. You can get your alt to do it, but it better stays there, not going to ship it to your main afterwards. That would result in a ban from my quests and whoknows, and longtermwise that would be more of a loss.
  4. Uh..think I did answer it, my idea is the paste...after all, I'm more for restoration instead of regeneration.. Ashes with the usage of cyclicity would mean it regrows, but that is something different from recreating it...thus the paste.
  5. Uh people, no more comments?
  6. Yeah, Mur did that He was informed and then went to work on it. Usually the same for major bugs which interfere with gameplay heavily..the minor ones might take longer, since he's busy.
  7. Yeah, chinese elements are a good way to put it, seeing as they describe certain energies. No, I also think he means Amoran. She is a dryad and as such naturally connected to trees, though not Bob specifically. [img]http://imspeakingtruth.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/tree_branch_and_seed_img_0807.jpg[/img] That's how I'd depict the branch to look like, and we also need Z's memory of how it used to be.
  8. As an idea of how a poem may look like: (We need several for each spell, so keep posting!) Timeless Shot From one form three, from three form one. This is the secret of the hit to come. Create a loop, remove the bond, and await the the effect beyond. WillemRed Beard made a nice one as well, for example.
  9. Not to mention even if you tried on a specific creature, I'm sure the system notices if you input 10k wrong tries or so.... And even after 10k tries you need way more. Unless you really know the method how it's being encrypted, I somehow doubt you can get it.
  10. Actually, I really wonder how your creatures can get stolen if nobody knows your account info. The idea of having the IDs surely is helpful in tracking, I agree. 5. Don't trade creatures with untrustworthy people.
  11. Makes me wonder who is liked and who is respected . As for negative vp..did anyone test exactly how much you lose by giving up/win by gaining a high ve rit? I haven't bothered, but it would be interesting to know. PM or whatever of course, it would be weird to see that in public .
  12. Still, deactivating them doesn't really make strategic decisions possible...I mean, you can get a few annoying effects off that way, but you can't fool the enemy this way.
  13. Yeah, true to that...but Heisenberg described that in his theory, that's what I meant. I mean, that observing makes the wave function collapse, or so scientists think. Quantum physics are pretty interesting, there's even some who claim our brains work that way.
  14. Simply by perceiving something you can alter it...ever heard of quantums? When you shoot them onto two openings, they don't choose one, they choose BOTH to go through. When you observe the single quantums however they don't do that anymore somehow, as if knowing you watch them. Heisenberg. Time travels seem like a huge effort for little information to me...then I'd rather make something like look into the different times, if you need that at all. You sometimes don't need to know what happened to be able to do what you plan, and I think in this case it's one of those. It would basically change so little that it would be useless to do it, if you ask me... This is as if you say that you'll use up 1000 GB worth, while you only need 1 MB to save the video.
  15. lol. Cmon dst, I find it hard to believe it's so hard understanding this concept..and fighting is rather simple, imo. Not to mention fighting prefers grinders.
  16. Typical Burns..you give them a bit too much info as usual Just make them sweat and work for it, lol.
  17. Do not forget, that Priestess Aia has left, sadly enough. We'd need someone else to be known to be aligned with the light (as in either has the principle or RPs it enough, best would be both). Whereas all of the principles mentioned are needed that way there's still core principles..I'd advise the core to be placed upon 2 or 3, while other helps help with the rest..trustworthy ones of course, one mistake and all blows up. @eigger Time travel..ever heard of the time paradoxon? I wouldnt want to risk that. @storm sorry, but that is basically saying nothing else but what the description of principles say, actually way less. *cough* A bit more constructive perhaps? @Phantom That was the idea with the paste I think, as in protection. And I think you misunderstand the idea of energetic fingerprints here.. Something had evil intent-> A mark was left, cutting off the tree branch. If you now say you wish to remove that evil intent, wouldn't that also equal destroying the one who did it? Not like that doesn't sound too bad, but that would complicate things a LOT. Bob is what he is today, by adding together good and evil intent. I'd leave that untouched.
  18. Actually Burns, RPCs have troubles getting GG drachs as well. And if you invested enough you could get them via trades, like I proved.
  19. Other method is if you lose a lot of high ve fights, then your vp gets lower. Might also be that someone attacked you with regen trees, then that will greatly reduce your vp...In this case I'd recommend you ask someone with high ve for a burst you can farm (use heat and lifestealers), or just wait.
  20. Pure Age. I don't have that counter anymore, since I transferred...But yeah, good idea, entirely forgot the phone creds could be used for that. But I am proud of the fact that I never spent money on MD so far to reach what I have today.
  21. ...You just had to post the mechanics regarding that? <.< Gee, I didn't write that at all exactly because of the use of it........
  22. I wish to say that I haven't been saying anything regarding about Loreroot lately simply because of this excessive behaviour. I am not entirely happy about the methods used during this fight, I'd just like to see this come to a rest and being patched up with an apology from both sides. Yes, both sides. Perhaps both will consider this annoying, and why should they apologize to each other? Out of the sheer respect everyone on MD doing something should have, even if the methods are bound to be enraging people or at least make people question their behaviour. I was saddened to consider leaving and even doing that finally, retreating from my position both the KC and the HC confirmed. I always thought of it as an interesting place and an interesting position to be in, but with the things as they were I was heavily disliking it. As to the reason, the lorerootians ought to know, and I find it interesting that I don't get asked for help anymore even though I offered it to Loreroot. So be it then. Unless I get some requests in the near future, I'll withdraw that offer, since apparently they do not wish for my counseling anymore. As such I can only say, let's see what comes out of it, and I wish those involved the best of luck. I have no right to confirm someone as a leader, I have no right to decide someone is not to be fit a leader: But I wish those aiming for a leadership which grants Loreroot stabilty overall a strong will, and a long rulership.
  23. I personally heard Kellethafire works fine. What is known to be having issues I thought is emeraldglare. That one should be the one to give losses when you ought to win via lifesteal or so.
  24. Extreme: 24.96$ on free credits counter. [img]http://shadowseeker.redio.de/credsproof.JPG[/img]
  25. Er...why is everyone assuming profile exp> or equal to creature exp? That would be my comment to that, Nex.
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