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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. In fact, it's the silver..the data is up, enjoy looking people. Marv and Ledah both got 10 silver or more...nobody reached 20 max QP, which would be easiest by accepting the stew and drinking from fountains all the time. And dst, the silver is seperate..so I'd rather not mix things. You were able to get that silver due to getting 6 or 7 questsilver, 8 or 9 means 2, 10 to 11 means 3...since it's real silver I offer here. Of course, many will see the chance for a drachorn as more valuable, but then again it's a chance only. I really wish to leave it that way, one or the other, choosing one means abandoning the other entirely, not reaping profits for the choice either. As for the quest, I see...people wish interactivity (which means endless work though), which I cannot afford seeing I have no way (or had, until the RPC changes are done) to make everything automatically. It was meant to be a fair quest, and I by myself would tend to give people I like better events and those I dislike more negative ones...hence how it turned out. I'll try to keep this in mind for future quests. EDIT: for some reason it won't let me add the excel sheet I made.. http://shadowseeker.redio.de/Quest.xlsx Here it is. Needs my answer sheet to make people be able to understand what everything means though.
  2. Don't be too sure about the silver, the dwarf has a pretty nasty warhammer which he can strike you with Well, a drachorn is a rare creature..or supposed to be, that's why you won't find marks of it everywhere. I'd find it fake if I were to say you find drachorn scales scattered everywhere or so. But, there's people who got to the Lair, (which would equal the Drachorn Lair ingame) and that's where the theme kicks in a bit.
  3. Mhm..Well, I can tell you now: 2 more pieces (means 3 total) and you get to the Drachorn lair...another method was getting water in an empty bottle and sacraficing at the corresponding door. The stew could be really good, either +3 perm QP, +5 QP, lose 5 QP or lose 1 perm QP...means the overall expection is to have sth positive. And well, it ended mainly due to the fact that i have no automatisation.. If you were me, I'm pretty sure youd think similiar.
  4. Hm..Well, I know I was cutting on a few things, but in the end I could not decide on the events, it was randomized due to the dices. if you got the same several times, it was due to that, not me being lazy.
  5. Oh yeah, feel free to comment here, that's also why I added the poll. I had three different ways to get to the lair..somehow only 1 got used from two people though. I'll post the data sheet here later, the solution sheet with all events which is needed for understanding the data might cost a small fee though..ask me if you're interested. [b]IMPORTANT[/b] Unless people say they want their silver (and possible WP) I assume they want the drach. They have time until the weekend or next one, depending on when I want to roll. Write here if you want silver to be sure, or send me a PM here/ingame.
  6. Okay, here's the scorelist: .Grido. 36 1 *Awiiya* 32.5 1 Amoran 31.5 Shantu 31.5 Jester 29 2 Ledah 27.5 3 MRV 24 1 Marvolo 23 3 ladytwin 23 krazedkid101 ID: 9767 23 Kafuuka 22.5 Mya Celestia ID:129416 22 2 BrightShield 21 2 .Chewett. 21 1 CrazyMike 20 1 Willem RedBeard 20 *Clock Master* 20 dst 19 1 Phantom Orchid ID:141255 18.5 ScotinBelgie 18 1 Death Ring 18 1 *Sagewoman* 17.5 Poppitz Resurrection 17.5 Czez 17 2 *Princ Rhaegar* 17 1 King Daimon 17 MRPip 16.5 1 Mythrandir ID: 38628 16 1 Guybrush Threepwood 16 1 Sparrhawk 16 Blackwood Forest 16 Burns 16 phantasm 15.5 3 redneck (ID:151251) 15 2 Unbelievable Power ID: 103695 15 adiomino 14.5 1 Granos 14.5 MRI 14 Tom6 Id 66717 14 Cless 12.5 1 Death Ray 12.5 1 Handy Pockets (ID:136253) 12.5 .Pamplemousse. 11.5 No one 11.5 AqlBeast 11 Gauge 10 JacoAnd 9.5 Demonwulf 8.5 Jtz Champion, ID 79270 8 .Udgard. 6.5 Gremlin ID:33164 5 This order: 1)Name 2)Score 3)Reward(Real silver you can get from me, if any..you needed to get questsilver here to get some) The idea is this..nobody managed to get the drachorn, although some got close. The score list bases off your silver, your QP, and your special items.. Silver counts as 1, current QP each point 0.5, max QP each point 0.5. Special items modify this way, leaving the others which nobody has out: Scarf +2 1/3 map +5 Call unused +0, additional dice roll (in the drach roll) Token +3 Coded Map +15 Lair +5 Shield +3 Both Equip +1 Special Event: I'm dead? -5 score..goes to Gremlin. Death Ray can get either a +15 score boost OR additional 4 silver to the one coin he'd normally receive for using the Call of the Knight on the last day....unlike other people. Now, the following. People can either choose to roll in the Drach quest (I roll) if they want to, then they get no silver/WP. (spelldoc was available, nobody unlocked it) If the result of the dices is either 00, 25, 50, 75 or 99 that person gets the drach. This means 5% chance. The order is determined by score (highest goes first), and unless you have an unused call of the Knight, you only get one. If nobody gets it after reaching the bottom it repeats until someone does get it. Repeat means those with two rolls have two rolls only during the first attempt. The ones with a call are: ladytwin .Chewett. Granos .Pamplemousse. As for WPs: Marvolo and Ledah are eligible, they'd get the WP and silver if they chose to, but no chance for drach. Following events gave access to certain things (assuming you got enough score...10 for spelldoc, 20 for WP): Death and me - Best friends. (Die three times) Unlock chance for WP and Spelldoc Living forever (Get 20 Max QP) Unlock chance for WP Money rules the world (get 10 silver) Unlock chance for WP Heroic Acts (Never miss any round, never ignore) Unlock chance for Spelldoc Sacrafice Water (In quest) Unlock chance for Spelldoc
  7. Oh, this sounds fun somehow. Reminds me of the Djinn stories you hear...I am yours to command master, and then they make things totally otherwise unless it's stated clear enough... Then again, that'll require lots of time to review..
  8. Hm..is the depth (as in unlock more items) already in there? I just bought the ve increase, but it seems nothing new popped up.
  9. It's a colored Tormented Soul, and the section should show in the Shop. New collectible creature - Soulweaver (powerups branch) I suggest reading the short teasers to the right.
  10. 10 one time chases or permanent?
  11. I think I mentioned that, dst And yeah, emails are great. I'm not even using my charname to login usually.
  12. Forum yeah. As for the account Falen, it is not listed in the DB anymore... (see http://magicduel.com/players/Falen%20Angel) So, two possibilities: It got renamed or deleted somehow. It shouldn't have been the backup, so I'm curious as to what happened. Try logging in using the email you used to register and then the password. If that works you should be able to see the new name of the account, if not then the account..seems to really have vanished.
  13. Erm, forumwise or ingame? And King Manu got renamed simply, to Muratus del Mur.
  14. Is it just me or can't I move anymore? Nvm, fixed
  15. As for the access to places...I'd make it a straight line leading from entrance to the capitol, not alowing anything else. For example the fenths should be kept locked away, or the places where creatures can be recruited from.
  16. move master if the regen timer is lower then at full regen time, true, but there is no sense to double AP then...I mean, if you always reduce it to one? and the killing is annoying right now, I'd allow it to happen over the MPs, since mp5 as to hit mp5 now or so...
  17. Regen seems to be faster if it's not your land as well.. But...the thing is, if you get two times the AP, but it takes all but one to move, where's the sense? I'd say change the way you lose AP. Like, you lose 20 AP per step or so, but not all but one...If you only have 1, you lose that last point. But there's no sense for doubled regen then.
  18. Ages ago, but my impression was like this: It's basically like a PL...thing is, those are not being used so much anymore, so I wonder how this turns out. Does it mean you request people to write? (Watch out for the factor of friendship...I am not so sure Shoeps would give you a good text for example, while a friend of yours may decide to do so) Then also, if you call it diploma...it means it's being achieved after some time. Good, that done, it needs upgrading all the time. I mean, new achievements do pile up. But that won't easily happen I think, just what I gained as an impression.
  19. Uhm. Just saying, so far the mods and admins seem to do quite fine, and I particularly don't noticed anything overly excessive from them. Guy, Crazy was just suggesting something in order to know what she meant when she posted this. There's no reason to act as if he is crazy like his name may indicate, nor is there a reason to imagine things because one person says so directly. And Grido always seemed nice to me, I really want to know why you pick him out of all. So, any example perhaps? It seems weird to write this topic anyways, it's just spam and offtopic...if you ask me, not to be taken too serious.
  20. I spam here, since this post makes no sense besides for the last sentence Happy Birthday!
  21. RPC items, more creatures, tokens, doc editors, top lists, inventory... Alpha 8 really has been adding a lot of features. My wishes would personally be things like customized weapons/armors, as stated more WishShop items (aren't there *cough* 5*cough* or only 2?) and otherwise surprises I think.
  22. Well, the effect of such a diploma will kick in when MD has become famous..until then I'd frame it and hang it up somewhere...however, how do you assign a diploma if you still continue? I can imagine a few people would need several a year.
  23. That is to say, I didn't get anything but the story It's been a fun quest and worth trying even if there is no reward fixed for you.
  24. Well, those wanting to use it go ahead...I personally dislike those emails and usually don't bother with it. If I want to promote it, I'd chat with them and give them the link manually.
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