Okay, here's the scorelist:
.Grido. 36 1
*Awiiya* 32.5 1
Amoran 31.5
Shantu 31.5
Jester 29 2
Ledah 27.5 3
MRV 24 1
Marvolo 23 3
ladytwin 23
krazedkid101 ID: 9767 23
Kafuuka 22.5
Mya Celestia ID:129416 22 2
BrightShield 21 2
.Chewett. 21 1
CrazyMike 20 1
Willem RedBeard 20
*Clock Master* 20
dst 19 1
Phantom Orchid ID:141255 18.5
ScotinBelgie 18 1
Death Ring 18 1
*Sagewoman* 17.5
Poppitz Resurrection 17.5
Czez 17 2
*Princ Rhaegar* 17 1
King Daimon 17
MRPip 16.5 1
Mythrandir ID: 38628 16 1
Guybrush Threepwood 16 1
Sparrhawk 16
Blackwood Forest 16
Burns 16
phantasm 15.5 3
redneck (ID:151251) 15 2
Unbelievable Power ID: 103695 15
adiomino 14.5 1
Granos 14.5
MRI 14
Tom6 Id 66717 14
Cless 12.5 1
Death Ray 12.5 1
Handy Pockets (ID:136253) 12.5
.Pamplemousse. 11.5
No one 11.5
AqlBeast 11
Gauge 10
JacoAnd 9.5
Demonwulf 8.5
Jtz Champion, ID 79270 8
.Udgard. 6.5
Gremlin ID:33164 5
This order:
1)Name 2)Score 3)Reward(Real silver you can get from me, if any..you needed to get questsilver here to get some)
The idea is this..nobody managed to get the drachorn, although some got close. The score list bases off your silver, your QP, and your special items..
Silver counts as 1, current QP each point 0.5, max QP each point 0.5. Special items modify this way, leaving the others which nobody has out:
Scarf +2
1/3 map +5
Call unused +0, additional dice roll (in the drach roll)
Token +3
Coded Map +15
Lair +5
Shield +3
Both Equip +1
Special Event:
I'm dead? -5 score..goes to Gremlin.
Death Ray can get either a +15 score boost OR additional 4 silver to the one coin he'd normally receive for using the Call of the Knight on the last day....unlike other people.
Now, the following. People can either choose to roll in the Drach quest (I roll) if they want to, then they get no silver/WP. (spelldoc was available, nobody unlocked it) If the result of the dices is either 00, 25, 50, 75 or 99 that person gets the drach. This means 5% chance.
The order is determined by score (highest goes first), and unless you have an unused call of the Knight, you only get one. If nobody gets it after reaching the bottom it repeats until someone does get it. Repeat means those with two rolls have two rolls only during the first attempt.
The ones with a call are:
As for WPs:
Marvolo and Ledah are eligible, they'd get the WP and silver if they chose to, but no chance for drach.
Following events gave access to certain things (assuming you got enough score...10 for spelldoc, 20 for WP):
Death and me - Best friends. (Die three times) Unlock chance for WP and Spelldoc
Living forever (Get 20 Max QP) Unlock chance for WP
Money rules the world (get 10 silver) Unlock chance for WP
Heroic Acts (Never miss any round, never ignore) Unlock chance for Spelldoc
Sacrafice Water (In quest) Unlock chance for Spelldoc