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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. I'd suggest something similiar... Once you reach an activity of let's say 450 Days, your avatar stays with you. I think given the fact it's over than 1 year not many can fulfill it, in fact even some RPC's don't have that many yet. Until then you need to be active enough, or select an option in the MDShop Avatar section which states that if activity does not meet the requirements free creds get taken or so.
  2. 3 silver 9 of 9 Death Ray 2 silver 10 of 10 King Daimon 5 silver 9 of 14 CrazyMike 5 silver 9 of 9 Amoran 5 silver 11 of 11 dst 0 silver 3 of 10 No one 7 silver 13 of 13 ScotinBelgie 5 silver 7 of 10 BrightShield 4 silver 16 of 16 Kafuuka 7 silver 12 of 13 ladytwin 4 silver 9 of 10 Demonwulf 7 silver 13 of 13 *Clock Master* 8 silver 7 of 7 phantasm 4 silver 10 of 11 JacoAnd 6 silver 8 of 12 MRV 4 silver 4 of 9 adiomino 5 silver 10 of 11 AqlBeast 8 silver 8 of 8 Cless 5 silver 11 of 11 Shady Jester 8 silver 10 of 10 Death Ring 6 silver 13 of 13 .Chewett. 11 silver 16 of 16 Ledah 5 silver 10 of 10 Willem RedBeard 7 silver 11 of 11 Marvolo 3 silver 9 of 13 MRI 5 silver 10 of 10 Shantu 5 silver 12 of 12 Granos 5 silver 10 of 10 .Pamplemousse. 8 silver 11 of 11 Lightsage 2 silver 10 of 10 Sparrhawk 5 silver 10 of 10 *Awiiya* 6 silver 9 of 9 *Princ Rhaegar* 5 silver 0 of 9 .Udgard. 4 silver 16 of 16 Poppitz Resurrection 2 silver 6 of 9 Gauge 5 silver 10 of 10 Guybrush Threepwood 5 silver 10 of 10 Unbelievable Power ID: 103695 7 silver 9 of 9 Mythrandir ID: 38628 4 silver 8 of 9 redneck (ID:151251) 4 silver 9 of 9 Tom6 Id 66717 4 silver 6 of 9 Handy Pockets (ID:136253) 4 silver 9 of 9 Tarie ID:153892 3 silver 5 of 5 krazedkid101 ID: 9767 8 silver 9 of 9 Mya Celestia ID:129416 4 silver 6 of 9 Jtz Champion, ID 79270 3 silver 9 of 9 Phantom Orchid ID:141255 4 silver 4 of 9 Gremlin ID:33164 6 silver 11 of 11 Blackwood Forest 4 silver 12 of 12 *Sagewoman* 5 silver 2 of 10 Czez 2 silver 12 of 12 Burns 5 silver 12 of 12 MRPip 6 silver 9 of 13 .Grido. Current stats without Items. Those having them need to remember themselves, first is silver, 2nd is QP (actual/max) and lastly the name. Random order in my list. After Day 6. Day 7 begins with these stats. Tarie and krazedkid excluded to to seemingly no action. (Sorry people, but there more inactive the more wasted work)
  3. Fenrir Greycloth. Excluded out of his own will (He has a drach already? Well, many would want two then lol) Nimrodel. No action whatsoever for the quest, although forum activity was given. These two got excluded from the current, running quest.
  4. Or not I guess, that's why reviving old topics can be awkward...
  5. free mmorpg quest (though I remember using one of these mass lists and the rankings..dunno how I ended here)
  6. Uhm..I'd send Day 4 if I could get onto the server, lol. And yeah, when nothing happens no reply to day 3 comes in.
  7. I was thinking of posting the logs. Means I publish my notes and the questdata, and give no clue at all what means which, but I guess you people should be able to figure out In case people find a mistake..that happens. My fault then, but I won't alter anything or so. Only under this condition people get to see the logs. (As in find out I accidentally picked the wrong option which made something bad happen...No, no alterations to rewards are made, unless I see that it happened repeatedly.) It'll be funny if people start OOHH and AAHHs if they see what they could do and what they should have done. Perhaps I'll also publish my WP criteria afterwards. And Fawe, sorry then. It's just that I dislike letting everyone hop in as they want (also to prevent alting a bit), and the registration has been there for a certain time.
  8. The CTC option makes things annoying. I mean, make 3 alts, get 1 drach on them via quests, (perhaps even cheat in quests as multiple solutions), and then CTC the drach to your main. Sorry, but that won't work well if you ask me. I wouldn't touch the usual drachs...make something wishshop only, yes. But those you can already get I wouldn't touch.
  9. ..Ugh, not more work <.< I'll let you guys hop in for 1 silver each. Real silver, not those I distribute "inquest". The disadvantage you get is that you lack a few rounds of actions (i think I'll just let you two join on Day 4, however I wait for the silver to come in later, or else no rewards ), but that can be positive as well...I bet some people would love a reset now.
  10. It has to be said that Burns did give proper explanations. You however don't seem to even try to understand those, and as such I can tell you exp gathering is easy. If you say negative vp, well, perhaps but also not a big barrier. If you however say exp, MANY mp5 find it annoying that they have too much exp, not enough wins. Take me. I have several million exp on creatures with only a few hundred wins. And in fact I almost always hit exp requirements before those of age/wins when I train them. And that even if I go and farm trees with something like let's say only 6 heretics. If you hit them and see they have that, don#t farm them anymore. Once is enough and done. If you get hit by those, ....well, I explained how to avoid losing exp already.
  11. works the same, would be nice. Thanks in advance. (I'm abusing outgoing messages for my PM spam..lol)
  12. Actually, since I am nice and do so much extra work, even those who don't send me one PM will get their rounds...only later than those who did it. And yeah, it's no problem if the message suddenly gets read, but wasn't there supposed to be a button at the top right corner for mark unread? Anyways, now don't go remove the PM (to the majority), it adds to my workload. redneck (ID:151251) Tom6 Id 66717 Handy Pockets (ID:136253) Fenrir Greycloth 86181 Tarie ID:153892 krazedkid101 ID: 9767 Mya Celestia ID:129416 Jtz Champion, ID 79270 Phantom Orchid ID:141255 Gremlin ID:33164 The list of people whom I lack a PM from, thus I decided to give them a small disadvantage in the quest. 9 permanent QP and only 4 silver to begin with. Mythrandir ID: 38628 Mythrandir is an exception, he messaged me, same with UP Unbelievable Power ID: 103695, because he told me he's on work and doesn't have time, not even for that. Or rather too tired, just go back to sleep.
  13. .... If you don't want to lose exp on some of your precious critters, then DON'T USE them. If that's not enough of a hint nvm.
  14. Well yeah, even if it's different... The result is the same, and so usually the cause is similiar. Usually, not always. Not like I knew what happened back then, so...
  15. Well, rough estimates. I think I may be off with the aramors and so, but it should be about that number.
  16. ID 150000 is funnily enough....LifeIine Highest right now is 158070 Substract the 1k accs mur didn't use at first, and those which got removed...makes about 140k I think. Probably less. But imo that's lots of accs which are unusused.
  17. Uhm..Lupinus...free registration ended.... I'd offer you to jump aboard for 2 silver or so, idk myself...But in fact I didn't expect anyone to jump in anymore, seeing as this topic was alive for some time. (And I spammed at GoE, etc)
  18. Then that makes me...none of those and yet one of those I guess. Not the God one though.
  19. It would be weirder if it indeed was usable in combat, and that happened ages ago, was an old bug I never saw again. Think on Cirith or Venger, when they still played. But seeing this is against no creatures, no harm I guess.
  20. Uh..interesting. Still, what sorta webcam ad, wouldn't a commercial spot be more effective then?
  21. Heh, no worries. It can wait, I'm gonna send it next week then. In fact, my hands are rather full atm, for example with the quest
  22. Well, I'm not suspicious, his style is similiar after all, it's just that making so many in such a short amount of time with such quality is rather hard. o.o Think you'd draw something I request, in a similiar style? (I'd offer some silver or so.)
  23. The heck...o.O You managed to switch drawing styles THAT fast? Now don't tell me you drew that within 2 days o.o
  24. No Z, he is NOT the center of the sandwich. Didn't you know he's the red tomato monster taking revenge for so many tomatoes being cut for sandwiches? He ate it, and now has become the center of the universe!!!
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