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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Actually happiness doesn't lie within your actions, rather just the way you perceive the world. The thing is, positive thinking can make an optimist be happy whatever happens, so happiness doesn#t seem to work as a factor. Not to mention, we're talking about abstract success here...wouldn't happiness drag it into subjectivity again? Edit: To clarify..what I mean is, no matter what, as long as you do not have ultimate power over anything within your radius of actions, wouldn't that mean you are not successful from a certain point of view? And yeah, the sad thing is: If you wish to achieve a personal, subjective success, then you need to be able to know what happens if you choose that branch...which would be related to someone needing to be omnipotent again. At the very least the way this debate spins makes me think there's no abstract success at all.
  2. Well, phlegmtheorem..is someone I guess the new ones wouldn't remember. He was a quester back then, when everything was different (sorry for sounding like an old man). I just wanted to name him here in case nobody else did.
  3. The Nomads also apply. No Man's Land- The Nomads are there. What are The Nomads? A faction of people who learn how to survive in MD. A faction for independent people with a heavy role play bias. A faction designed to integrate newcomers. We are belonging to no land, owned by no man, and allied to no clan but our own and any we choose to stand with. Would you be a wily trader, cunning thief, courageous guardian or imaginative creator? Can you appear as coyote, yet have the smarts of an owl? Can you learn the ways of…survival? We combine MD themed lessons with those from real life. Survival techniques, things you usually wouldn't learn. While first talking with each Faction Leader, the new faction member will then decide to pick a path to walk upon. Roleplaying is the first thing they learn about, and it is a basic skill everyone has to learn, no matter what they choose Information Gathering, Trading, Fighting, Magic, Crafting. All of these are available as lessons- provided due to a few selected Teachers: Zleiphneir (Focus on being a Guardian) Kragel (Focus on being a Creator) Shadowseeker (Focus on being a Thief, but not just any pickpocket, secretive things etc.) Kriskah Arcanu (Focus on being a Trader) Kafuuka (Focus on being a Helper for now) Spots may have to be filled according to inactivity.
  4. I do admit I sometimes godmod a bit, as in give shadow traits he shouldn't possess... But everything has it's limits. The way you create something is easily said in a few lines, but it won'tbe affected by everyone: 1. Interaction. You can't just go around saying you'll kill everyone with just one swipe of a sword, give them a chance to bend it to their liking. So if you attack them, they can dodge or flee or hit back..whatever. The timing is crucial sometimes, which is why certain roleplay is more suited when you wait a bit, or else you dominate it too much. It's hard to find someone who fits your speed, sometimes. 2. Powers. Powers do exist, but you aren't a god. Things like dreams, creating fire out of nowhere are already borderline to me, but things like flying without wings/other means, being able to shoot lasers which destroy everything etc..are a bit unlikely and weird not? This most likely will be heavily critisized, but yeah...It should stay solid to a certain degree. If you are someone who can't read, how can you manage to decipher the ancient language nobody else gets? You hopefully understand what I mean. 3. Story. Roleplay is about stories. You can pick up strands left by other people, you can pick up on events and even as you roleplay you create stories. Roleplay is nothing but a way to express yourself and be creative, in a sense we are all writing one huge book named MD. I'm not sure what the sum of it is or what the standard is, but everything together forms MD, every single one of us. Shouldn't we aim to improve these stories? So they should be fun to read, write and also give us a feeling of satisfaction. But yeah, what should I say? Not everyone would follow what I just wrote. Sadly enough, in my opinion.
  5. Not only been told, I did it firsthand and got it... I redid it today, and the popup still is there. If you did not get it, I'd advise you to check your settings, and if then nothing happens, people WILL wonder why you didn't get it. Edit: Alternatively give me your solution sheet. I solved it, and I can check and confirm whether your browser is at fault or not. And of course I don't mean post the answer here, I mean over PM.
  6. Uh, pardon for asking, but why is phlegmtheorem not here? Although I assume not many would remember him... One of the older questers.
  7. *bumps this alive because of boredom* Nobody saying anything else anymore? Success isn't easy.. If people believe in fate, then the existence itself is the success. If you believe you are not governed by something higher, what is it then?
  8. Erm..I should redo it just to check, but why did you PM him and didn't follow the instructions? ...I'm gonna redo it to check later, but you should have gotten instructions appearing.
  9. If you had read the topic, you should know there ought to have been something telling you what to do...how the heck did you manage that without that?
  10. Well yeah, it's not like I can't view it...it's just that it is the same for FF.
  11. Does not work in Firefox either.
  12. Well, it's true that lots of warps seem to have been described this way, see StarTrek or even the Wheel of Time if you ask me..(first things that pop up). Assuming space is nothing more than a fabric, we fold it and take a needle to pierce through it, that's the way it was being described. There's real people browsing through the possibilities, this is just one of the articles I'm sure some have heard of or even read: [url="http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1874760,00.html"]Article[/url] As for the energy..low energy due to not accelerating to the speed of light, but rather isolate, huh? What would happen if you made this field mirror something and then make it travel really fast? Wouldn't that make the counterpart younger/older?
  13. Sidenote: It's supposed to be finished, but bits of the game may still appear in english or have wrong grammar etc. If you see so, you can inform me or wait till I fix it myself. Now it's waiting time till the german version is released though.
  14. In case that happens just refresh, then the new (real) location will appear. That also may happen if you get teleported btw.
  15. Well, even if needed there can be a map..thing is, if you know MD well enough, you don't need it.. I may claim that I would get somewhere faster without consulting a map most times, and the times where I do get lost are places I don't visit...
  16. An interesting theory, but as usual there's one problem: How can you use this devide without actually having this device out of "order"? In order to create such an influence, I'd think that the device itself needs to be not influenced by the usual forces like gravity etc...becuase usually everything inside would be affected by it as well. Unless you plan on creating and outer shell where energy forms the inner shell with no signature, which in return forms the location..however, where does the no signature energy come from again? I find it a bit hard to actually manage to create such a no signature energy. And even if we did manage, wouldn't the energy consumption and dangers be enormous?
  17. ..Since when did RPCs turn into a police to regulate alts? Sorry, but I just find this ridiculous. It's one of the special rules in MD that you CAN use alts..(and bugs, until people abused too much). Alter this and some of the freedom gets lost..I admit I don't know every alt, but the active alts sooner or later get found out..and some are really incredible in RPing. I won't name them yet though. I myself have no serious alt, but for a sole reason: If I would alt, then I#d have to divide my attention to give it the amount of time it deserves. If people can manage, let them do it. It's about creativity, and alts are a way to express that.
  18. It seems it's not entirely clear WHY I proposed that the BloodDrop 2 is getting altered. It's a simple thing, freeze is the only thing besides lifesteal which helps against high stats...and lifesteal doesn't work as often as I#d like it. So, we need to ensure that freeze STAYS a possibility. When you cannot, then the stats kick in: However with enough freeze you could manage, freezing the damagers enough to prevent high damage. That's why although you need to make something against the values, freeze it the highest priority: Think of combat back then, then the stat grinders were winning more often, it's the same. And NO, no cap. As I suggested, that is unsuitable for veterans who did get more values, which shoul still help...just not as much.
  19. lol..I just picked 5000 as an EXAMPLE. If you want something more realistic, make it more towards a function like: X=principle value involved y=stat bonus y=100 ln (1+X) (ln= logarithm naturalis, you know, that one based off e) Why 100 before? Because this way you have about: 10 points mean +230 100 points mean +460 1000 points mean +690 stats 10000 points mean +921 As you can see, REALLY low stats. REALLY. Alternate this by tweaking the function using a modifier in the logarithm function, make it another base, or adding another multiplier, or base constant, like +100 right off the bat. Small edit, thanks to Kafuuka for pointing a flaw out. I'd have thought the system recognizes the variable as non existing..but you never know.
  20. You already have something else boosting grassans, if you just knew what. Pimped's look nice, and never were expected to help..so they were made a bit stronger than common grassans, but that was it. Did you know there was a round of free pimped's at the beginning? Also, don't forget that those who do get a rust can get way more. Essentially meaning they are too common to make them be useful in my opinion. So..I'm either guessing you want this caus you want to buy a rust and then sell it while keeping pimped's unlocked, or caus you have several. Fact is, it's not needed.
  21. I might have not clarifies enough, I meant that with exponential lowering like this: You have 5000 principles, and get 5000 boost (random example numbers). You have 7000 principles, and only get 6000 points...exactly values still have to be determined, of course.
  22. There's more to it, I can prepare a list of tokens which I think need to be balanced, like adding either a maximum value or a dropping percentage the high principles you have: make it exponential, so that if you do want to squeeze out more you need lots more principles. That would help with stats being a more decicive factor again, however tokens would then provide an option instead of stat grinding. Claw II- attack stat, though already less blooddrop2- The freeze aura is too imporant for strategy, the other antifreeze can stay. This one has to be altered, or a huge element will get taken out. kellethafire- defense enlightning- make it maximum of 4k/1k imo. firedrop- debtable, should add less. darksky- attack claw3- attack and initiative sunshine- lower the percentage, make it to something like +30% attack...and I'm not sure, but I think the +20% def one is not working. Pretty much any token adding stats to either ve, attack, defense or init has to be balanced out. My suggestions: The following should have the required exponential raise to increase the stats further...Because adding a cap is not benefitial for the veterans who actually farm. claw2 kellethafire firedrop darkysky claw3 These just need their values adjusted: Sunshine enlightning [b][u]Most important[/u][/b] in my opinion: blooddrop2- The freeze aura is too imporant for strategy
  23. It would be interesting if I did got something, but discussing seems to have come to an end for my topic. I'll revive it a bit there, and if it doesn't work out, just see who else gets to pick rewards.
  24. Although I do agree with the current system not being the best for most players, first there is what udgard pointed out. Secondly, sometimes it may be better to "remove" a bit from game: After all, inflation will keep happening if we constantly add and add....SO the penalties may be better off just being sacced or so. As for such a fund, in a sense it already exists: But the RPCs usually dislike funding with anything else but a use of their spells, spelldocs or WP. It's rare for them to hand out rare creatures, out of their own pockets. So I'd actually suggest a fund where some things are placed in which normally are not rewarded: Items gold/silver creatures avatars etc. As for such a fund, RPCs can claim something out of it to reward people, but in return they have to add something back of equal/similiar worth. That way there's no inflation, and donations may actually keep it alive. In case really too much gets hoarded there we could remove the put stuff back rule for a bit, but I doubt that will ever happen. And this would be a great way to see what players like most: What they desire and what the rpcs reward. (They should offer a selection of what they could give)
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