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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Note: Awiiya isn't an archivist anymore, so i wonder who'll take this up.
  2. The latter, more likely. Since when did that cause any troubles, and since when did IaB not try to find such stuff?
  3. Seeing as this topic is pretty much dead I'll necromance it: Success, as via definition, is a state we are in, whereas the relativity of it depends on subjective judgement. However, one can claim it's related to things like fate or hope, and as such is a state which can be attained in future, or currently being in place. The past only matters when that state is lost, due to whatever circumstances. Now the question is, what is the success for every single person? Mankind strives for happiness, some others say freedom, or many other things, so the basic idea of success implies acquisition and usage of power. Power as in abilities to do certain things if wanted.
  4. Happy Birthday! *throws several bottles of rum and wonders if he'll manage to catch them*
  5. Meh, from what I know vampires are mostly european tales..at least I still haven't seen anything vampiristic in eastern lore.. Of course, we have the demons, ghosts etc, but nothing like a vampire as in has extreme fangs, sucks blood, cannot be exposed to daylight and has inhuman strength/hypnotic eyes. The closed that comes to it is a jiangshi, but that's more of a puppet, no vampire as such. Edit: Ah, explains. Didn't read your edit. And yeah, I recognized your hints there with the special stuff But eastern vampires..*shrugs*
  6. (huh? Where did you get such names from? As far as I remember there's nothing like a real vampire in eastern mythology, but I may be wrong.)
  7. Hm..pity baiano's profile is hidden now. That guys stats were negative.
  8. I'm not voting, but I say give him two accs back: the one with the old CTCs and the one with the premium creatures he paid for. All others, leave banned.
  9. Just to clarify, how many alts got banned, and exactly how many TS/Angiens did you have stored?
  10. Heck, I don't like the values myself. I'm one of the people who will suffer from it, and one major downside are angiens...they'd unbalance things soon, probably. But it should balance combat for now...if mur works on it that is.
  11. Those interested get me a list of all tokens..no worries, I know what they all do. Give me that and you'll get the new sys list.
  12. *points to a fenth* Easy. Otherwise, work on getting them to 0 ve, sometimes you cannot.
  13. Well, seeing as I doubt mur will read my pm (it's too long ) those who want a copy of my new system (and if they're skilled enough to know enough not to get spoilers imo) then they'll get a copy of the sys I suggest. Anyone care to check? Needless to say, I'm killing myself with the system if it gets added, I'll be a LOT weaker. And Udgard, it's exactly that way actually in the system I have, as far as my simulations go.
  14. I just don't see why people (or just you) want to limit tokens to be stat based. I am no stat grinder, and here I am, being able to kill most of the people. And I would like to see a system implemented which stay out of stats, since that would be a nice alternative. And yeah, the system nobody of you has seen yet (I'm still pondering if it's a spoiler or not) would solve the trouble with overly massive stats. But it's pretty much crippling tokens imo compared to the current status, making them useful to a certain degree, but not too strong. And combat would actually be possible again if you just have the right mixture of creatures, stats and tokens even against 5 rustgolds and 1 GG with huge tokens. And yeah, it's pretty much overhaul for almost each tokens etc.
  15. Not to mention you rarely see anyone getting banned. Trust me, you can do quite a few things without having to fear being banned. But if you get banned, then it's for HEAVY reasons.
  16. Actually this happened then, I only just remembered to report it here. Someone was telling soemone else the html code for the papers, and then the new player was like WTF, my inbox is black! Etc. Reminded me to ask for fixing.
  17. Well, I assume html is disabled in usual PMs for a good reason, like reducing the serverload etc. Unless that changes I'll see this as a bug.
  18. I believe it's a bug, so yeah.. html you put into PMs actually gets converted when you click on reply, because it shows on that right side box and the system accepts it. I think this was unwanted. Perhaps a fix may be wanted.
  19. You guys do realise that we have people with like 700 init (I exaggerate a bit, but it should be around 400 to 500) and like over 50k principles? And that balancing tokens this way would change little, since the increase in stats like init still would be huge? And the impact it leaves still so much that you just cannot beat some people unless you work forever? Well, that aside, I handed something in to Mur..although i doubt he will read it. If he doesn't, then I may post the version here, but only may, since it's may spoil things and all, but it's a remodeled version which should..should of course, balance combat properly for now. At least until we have people with like 2k initiative and 30k attack popping out..it's always the same. But you get me.
  20. That's what I mentioned way earlier, such a cap..cripple them entirely. And otherwise, the percentage won't work. Count the farmers, count their principles, and even if you orient on them, making the percentage low, people still will have endless stats, while the non farmers suffer.
  21. I think we should make it level 1,2 and 3. Reduce the perm vit of latter ones, and temp boost of the 1st.
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