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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. ..... No, goddamn, limited usage is the same as a spell or so. Why the hell should you have bought any tokens if they don't work all the time? And, if you honestly ONLY add something like 200 in total to it, it's crap. I then pretty much see almost no reason to buy any. Especially with you making tokens either substitute for stat/ve, then it's getting more useless, because a little farming with personal stats gives you more than this. And as already was pointed out, unless you totally cripple tokens, making them so useless nobody wants to buy them anymore (or just shut them off), or totally remodel it, I see little way to make it happen that everything is balanced. Gosh, even if I were to sit down and get paid for making such a system I think I'd need a month to get the construct done.
  2. Not extreme enough..check baiano. Or however he's spelled.
  3. Move on request. Hard to tell where it belongs to.
  4. Actually that exists already..I remember a time when land affiliation only was given for a test in wars. So far I've never seen anyone using it properly though.
  5. Affiliation only counts in. It's..that house bonus.
  6. Getting that spell to open lore is different..you spend one to walk in by yourself, whereas buying it would mean you can let others pass as well, just like with necro. And the name itself stated it as it is, so well..bad luck I guess.
  7. Perhaps also the regeneration/loss. Not much more, different regen timers.
  8. Well, originally I intended the contest I was planning just for fun, perhaps a doc or so, but nothing serious as a reward. But..I'm not planning to do it anyways for now, since it takes some time to get everything sorted..as of now I'm thinking of..Group Matches! May never get done, but yeah, the idea: People will be grouped together in equal teams, and there will be 4 different types of players within each group: Attackers get 0 heads, but they get 5 score each time they kill another person, but if they kill a spy it's -2 The King gets 1 head, and once he is killed by an attacker the game is over...but if anyone else hits him and wins, then that team with the king getting attacked wins! Defenders get 2 heads, and basically don't get points. Spies get 3 heads and 2 score for each opponent killed. The score needed to win will be adjusted according to members participating, otherwise it's killing the king. The trouble is, can you all form groups by yourself to let's say 8 people, and compete? Those taking part each can only attack for a maximum of 2 times..and I won't allow teams with just strong people only..it has to be even to a certain degree. If the people applying can't do it by themselves, then I'll shuffle. Attacks within the team can apply and won't result in a loss of the team, so strategy is helpful as well.
  9. Would be interesting... The thing is, theoretically there's no need to make a special HC programming, but the manual work would be..annoying. Even then, I actually am against a repeated, automatized version of it. Why? Because Heads is unfair. So pretty much saying, get rpc before you win, bad luck. Means you worked too much, were too good, so you skipped it . You won once, be it due to playing too much with heads and getting a score too high (as it happened to me), or whatever the reasons are, so be it..over and out. Not satisfied? Make an RPC with Heads Control hold one manually! I await entrants and donations and persuasive methods. There's also more like Grido etc, so..?
  10. Well yeah, but the whole links method is just interesting for new people..veterans can just recruit directly, and it seems links count differently then, still just for creatures.
  11. [quote name='I am Bored' date='31 August 2009 - 12:28 AM' timestamp='1251671285' post='40485'] if you are going to have that you have to have a 'biggest loser' one where you need to collect -1500 attack, -1000 defense, -100 energetic immunity, -100 tradesense and -100 regeneration (base stats). [/quote] That's supposed to be one single award I suggested.. And MB, do you think you should reduce the numbers a bit? I'm almost sure there's not more than 300-400 items in MD now..
  12. Suggestions I suppose go to another topic if they're implemented, but since it's not yet I'm going to write here Perhaps add something like: Expert Trader- Traded 5 valuable creatures like Drachorn, Rustgold, Wind, Soulweaver with over 50 age. (does that include past creats as well? I do hope so, caus then I should fulfill it ) PM flood- get over 1000 PMs total. Absolute PM flood- get over 2000 PMs total. Capture your flag!- Get a spell casted on you that changes flags permanently. Demonic Fighter- Get 666 wins in a row And..I'll so look forward to some achievement to unlock using spells . If I'd get the latter I'll be like yay. Not sure if it gets added, perhaps a Collector's badge? The following is a SINGLE badge: Collector- Collect 20 different creatures, including 7 premium, (doesn't matter what level) Collect 5 WP, Collect 20 Spelldocs, Collect 5 different spells, Collect 1500 attack, 1000 defense, 100 energetic immunity, 100 tradesense and 100 regeneration (base stats), Collect 50k max ve and vp, Collect 1000 principles in each you chose Values as equal or higher. That would be a heavy badge, don't you people think so?
  13. Well, there's not many werewolves I think of..besides Cryxus and Marvolo. I'm sure there's more, don't you have a list prepared? If not, bad hunter! Preparation is the A and O of hunting, and that includes knowing the prey.
  14. Yes. Once you get into positive again it's no problem anymore. And closing this to prevent spam, if there's nothing else left? I'm going to wait a bit.
  15. It's your honor. You have so much negative it shows as max exp reached and has the same effects I think, no win, exp for creats, only vic/loss for profile.
  16. Hm..and who are the targets? I haven't been hunting lately, might want to set a few free.. I wonder what endures more, the continuous flames of a drachorn or the regenerative ability.
  17. Uh..what is MpMur? That's no existing one. And..you're trying to get new players, not veterans to go there, right?
  18. Mm..not to mention we have such T-shirts already. I don't remember for sure, but I think MRHolyONe collects them..not to mention mugs, MDA decorated or so?
  19. I'm closing this to prevent spam, seeing as the new poster is not appearing and the post is just a quote of the old. Id needed, make a new topic then or so. And no, I think Faust never joined any alliance, but I may be wrong. Doctor Faustus as well.
  20. There's a spell for locating players already..and if you really want to know if someone is on get friendslist on him. I'd dislike a new feature like this, taking some of the charm. MD is about running and seeking sometimes..(unless you seek an rpc, we get targeted through our list)
  21. That's the same Guybrush, if you use something like a logarithm whether you have 10k or 100k principles makes no difference, may as well cap it..unless you think a few points are worth that. A change you say? Make the blood token give some nice aura, let's say antifreeze. Done..that's no immunity and existing.
  22. Why the hell are you bumping this topic alive?
  23. ..Not another section there please. Honestly, I have so many things there already I'd rather have it under the profile, medailii section, or whatever the name is..you know, the blank page.
  24. Wait, that street is really entirely named Jesters Street? And yeah, what about the whole load of medals which exist as of now? Would they carry over into that system, or be seperate?
  25. Well, that's the deal Guybrush..you CANNOT, unless you cap it like I mentioned. That what I suggested means you need to have over 6000 attack etc to compare to the tokens stats alone. Not to mention insane initiative, the values I set were high already. You need to multiply by 6 to see your personal stats you'd have to use. And yeah, udgard, just like I said...in previous posts. The permanent one was the biggest issue if you asked me. As for mixing things to get certain things, considerable, but means loads of work to code as well, or so I assume. Otherwise, interesting idea..but I'd also want an option to choose if I want the new feature even, and if I do get it I would like to be able to revert back... But just stacking auras is no method imo. I mean, what original things can you come up with that won't mess combat even more, alike to the old method? Name a few which aren't copied off the existing ones already and don't mean loads of work and actually have a real use...
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