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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Sorry for not bothering to read all of this, but I'm sorta distracted: Adding an AURA which makes something every turn isn't wise, make it the ability of the creat itself. Auras apply at the start, continuosly, they don't change..if you make it that way it means a lot lot of extra code for mur. (if he adds it that is)
  2. No, the weakest mp5 I can think of is baiano: If grido is weak, then baiano is so fragile a touch will make him shatter: Regeneration : -28 Energetic immunity : -82 Trade sense : -13 Briskness : -137 Initiative : -42 Defence : -320 Attack : -287 Power : -62 Luck : -10
  3. *coughs to Burns* I'm not a grinder of stats, but I am sure I can beat a few people. Not EVERY rpc is weak.
  4. The current thing is that people may think of saying the dojo is..ineffective, especially for mp5. And it's also partly due to the recent banning which was overdone in my opinion.
  5. Day 211, Friday. And watcher, being the chair, alas leading should be held by neutral people, do you not think so? I'd have expected more interesting comments. Sad.
  6. BloodPrince ID: 39520 I believe, if not I'm sure grido can handle it later/anyone else with the right spell.
  7. Well, I stated my opinion there and do it repeatedly in case nobody bothers to check: As to the dojo..before it even got approved of officially, I told Calyx something: Endurance is what will be needed if you wish to walk the path of no harm to others. (Not these words, but same sense) That opinion was there and still will be there. And still is here. The dojo can brand people, can tell them to stop, but they shouldn't have the right to take any measures, even if it includes being farmed, if you follow the entire idea of it. But since so many people cry for help and that doesn't get ignored, well, dreams exist, prison is alike to that, then yes. But it shows the flaw of the dojo not being able to sustain itself without punishment which immediately removes the attacker, which is really sad in my opinion. So yeah, basically this ban shows that the dojo lacks greatly. If you cannot endure the attacks or make the person give up by their OWN will, then the basic idea of dofo gets thrown out of the way and it becomes into a battleground enforced by rules.
  8. Total ban into prison...is pretty much the same as a total ban from MD, or close to it. If that is permanent, hell no.
  9. If this means ban as in prison, then I'm unsure what to say. Well, for the sake of improving the in my opinion almost non-existent effectivity of the dojo, yes. If this means total ban, absolutely NOT. As to the dojo..before it even got approved of officially, I told Calyx something: Endurance is what will be needed if you wish to walk the path of no harm to others. (Not these words, but same sense) That opinion was there and still will be there. And still is here. The dojo can brand people, can tell them to stop, but they shouldn't have the right to take any measures, even if it includes being farmed, if you follow the entire idea of it. But since so many people cry for help and that doesn't get ignored, well, dreams exist, prison is alike to that, then yes. But it shows the flaw of the dojo not being able to sustain itself without punishment which immediately removes the attacker, which is really sad in my opinion.
  10. If you count tag only as pwr as well..probably. Otherwise less, full descrip is rarer.
  11. Well, I can tell you about this: The thing is Mur himself is too busy to fix that usually, we have no GM doing it either...and no translator manager who could've done it. Basically, nobody has access to the panels and has enough time to work on them...at least not in the recent time. It will however be helpful if you do make a list and save it, but it will be rather unlikely to be used within a shorter timeframe.
  12. Well, people often complain about them being rare...I personally (before turning rpc) acquired several, even to the point of me getting a spare one which I gave away in my quest...So yeah, my answer is they are too common lately, and hus it's wise that RJ gets annoyed whenever someone asks him for one. I won't claim they are accessible to all, but you are able to do it if you invest the right work and know how to.
  13. Forgot to add the winners..<.< .Grido. 47 *Awiiya* 10 Amoran 44 Shantu 44 Jester 54 Death Ray 51 MRV 31 ladytwin x 68 95 krazedkid101 ID: 9767 26 Kafuuka 46 Mya Celestia ID:129416 6 BrightShield 3 .Chewett. x 36 50 CrazyMike 94 Willem RedBeard 85 *Clock Master* 49 dst 22 These were the results... SO, CHEWETT WON. I didn't expect/want an rpc to win..but yeah. <.< Amoran, Shantu and dst get a Pimped Grassan each, amoran's will have claw1 and claw2 for being the first in the list. going to send CTC soon, if you didn't get it ask me. and yeah, do me a favor and take those. Ingame PMs will include the CTCs.
  14. Yeah, keep it closed...this is a very very old thing (and I even remember quite a lot of people here...)
  15. ahahahaha. I heard the story from someone who was there... Oh yeah, let's remind MB of it all the time. Keep reviving this!
  16. Well, since it probbly will include a few rolls I was thinking to put it on webcam, that way people can't claim I cheat or so. not too sure, it's just that due to some work I recently have to do I have less time here, that's why it's getting delayed. I however can announce that there'll be a few creats mixed in I guess, like Pimped Grassan/TS, unsure what else to add for now.
  17. hm..funny. As for the name, Jester..Shady Jester was on the list. So is Jester there as well? I wouldn't think so, unless the Shady part has carried over.. And dst, I'm not sure the claws would withstand the ironwood...
  18. I wonder...should I attempt the trivia again This sounds nice, really nice. I look forward to it.
  19. As I stated somewhere earlier, on the weekends..people with silver might get cashed out anytime, I was waiting for WP controls. I cashed out: Marv Ledah adio phantasm Poppitz, Sage, that . in between is for score.. so 17.5 means score, NOT 17 score 5 silver. For now I leave you two in the roll...but geez, you should read/ask first. WP and silver should have been distributed now.
  20. total of 100? make it 240 I think..rough number, but I'm positive it's about that number total.
  21. It's not too late Death Ray, and I think you wanted the drachorn roll (only a chance) instead of the 5 silver. Or do you want silver instead?
  22. er...I think the hint is clear.. Be careful, you never know who's watching...Care to think of of anyone who is in that state and has access to admin tools? Let's also assume basically everyone knows him and he start with a M.
  23. phantasm, you can cash in 3 coins. Or roll, depends on what you want. Marv Poppitz Ledah adio phantasm Anyone else for silver?
  24. Poppitz Resurrection Marvolo These two want silver so they are excluded from the roll for the drach. Anyone else?
  25. Wasn't Princ Rhaegar CoE a few days ago or so?
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