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Posts posted by Udgard

  1. [quote name='Shemhazaj' timestamp='1327147637' post='101603']

    [color=#808080][i]she got kicked out twice Chewett.[/i][/color]
    [color=#808080][i]first time, yeah, she gained loyalty after dropping the illusion, after being kicked out second time (Illias managed to do that when she was almost catching up with him) she gained loyalty outside the alliance and knew exactly she'd be back in...[/i][/color]
    Wait.. so people can gain loyalty when in illusion mode? If yes, I think that's what should actually be fixed.
    If you are reset to your conditions from pre-illusion when you come out of it, loyalty gained during illusion mode should be reset as well.
    [quote name='lone wolf pup' timestamp='1327235630' post='101819']
    What would have happened if all the seats were taken and she tried joining in?
    Or more interestingly, what would happen if the alliance was disbanded when someone tries joining it..

  2. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1325526684' post='99398']
    they have the same stance as i do. or at least that was my understanding. the leaders of alliance run their alliances as they wish as long as it does not affect
    the land directly. players assume they know how the land is ruled. don't assume and speak with the alliances and stop trying to undermine something on the forum
    or if you "really want to know" make a separate topic on it and not high jack this one.
    Unless you forget, you told people to look around in old topics and figure out stuff about golemus, which is why I asked.
    You said to look at the civil war, and the only thing that came in mind was the formation of the triumvirate. LK and Fusioneers didn't even exist then, and I don't recall the Order being involved in the war either. I can't remember clearly if the MRs was involved, but my memory says they didn't. That's why I had to ask again, since this is news to me that they are part of the ruling land leaders as well. You say don't assume, hence I ask, and what I get is "hijack?"

    Since you don't seem to be able to understand the critique/advice implied in the last part of my post, let me spell it out for you.
    You say all alliance leaders are land leaders, which means you're all in equal position. One of your council members invited a person to her alliance and you banned that person when all he did was accept the invitation. It would've been in the land's best interest if you had talked internally between your leaders instead of taking drastic measures such as what happened. Instead of showing cohesion within the highest ranks of your leaders, you show internal breakup, where one leader's decision can be overturned using such harsh measures without prior consultation. If Kiley's action was unacceptable to you, you could've asked her to ask Azull to leave, or if needed, kick him out of the alliance.
    How much would it hurt to do that? At worse Azull would gain what.. 2-3 extra land loyalty depending on how long it took for you to meet? Not to mention that (according to your post) Azull had been in the alliance a week before you guys took action. Why not use the week to contact Azull or Kiley to ask him to leave until a decision has been made? Even if you're on a holiday surely the other land leaders can do it (unless it's been done and Azull/Kiley refused to cooperate, in which I apologize). Instead of doing a rash thing that has lead to so much commotion and showing internal cohesion problems, it would've been better for the land if more diplomacy and tact were used. If Kiley was not part of the land leaders, just an alliance leader, then what you did would be more acceptable. But this way you risk creating an image that Golemus leaders can't communicate well together, which would raise questions if they would be able to work well together for the good of the land.

  3. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1325514197' post='99383']
    history tells of who is land leader.
    come on people the golemus civil war?

    so that in turn make ALL alliance leaders land leaders.
    simple. the only difference is the GG alliance where there are 3 members in charge.
    so from that i am sure you can all figure it out.

    Yes kiley has been nothing but polite and that is great.
    Huh? I thought there was a triumvirate or something? Just 3 person?
    So is the land leaders actually all alliance leaders? Including the person who invited someone who got jailed for accepting that alliance invitation?

  4. I was there and met santa, and when I stepped forward when santa asked who hasn't gotten a gift from him yet, he gave me a cookie (a gift4 spell with "cookie" as the casting name). I could verify that the spell was casted on me because it has my ID there (unless I'm misunderstanding something and gift4 is another spell xD). But I can't find anything new, neither in my creature inventory nor my item inventory. No CTCs in PM either. So unless I misunderstood something, I believe Santa's gift for me hasn't arrived yet (lazy mail reindeers >.>).

  5. Personally I think access to the hidden forum should only be given if the current forum leader asks for a person to be given access, and position as forum leader only passed on if the current forum leader chooses to pass it on (or if they went MIA). If a takeover happens, the new leader can ask for a new sub-forum, and the old one can be renamed as a "legacy xxx alliance forum" or something.
    (basically, exactly what passant suggested)

  6. Adventuring Award

    Best Beautification

    Champion Fighter
    For the person considered to be the best fighter in the realm, this does not necessarily have to be the strongest fighter in the realm, but the one that uses the combat system to the best effect.

    Elite Evil Villain of the Year
    For the person who is viewed as being the most villainous over the past year. The voter can interpret this in various ways, including but not limited to; most negative disturbance caused, most times sent to jail, most people peeved off by them, most ingenious/devious plan devised and carried out.

    The Golden Protector
    For the player who is viewed as performing the best in the role of protector(MP6) during the past year. The player does not have to currently be a protector. The voter should take into account the actions of the other protectors in the realm, rather than automatically voting for their own. Best can mean how helpful the protector has been, to how effective they have been in recruiting worshippers, this is at the voters discretion.
    Amoran K Kol

    Most Addicted
    For the player who just can't leave MD for more than a minute without needing a fix.

    Outstanding Service to MD
    For the player thought to have done the most to contribute to MD over the year. This can be in any field.

    Pre-eminent Role Player
    For the player deemed to Role Play the best. The player does not have to stay in character all the time to win this award (though it may help), rather when they do role play it is to the highest standard - this does usually go in hand with remaining in character.
    [s]Awiiya[/s] Removed since I didn't realize he was a judge.

    Note: I saw that the rule is "you can't nominate people who are [i]viewed[/i] as being from the same land as you". Though I'm technically from Loreroot, I believe my actions over the past few years have shown that I'm more geared towards "neutral". If the organizers still view me as a Lorerootian though, please feel free to remove any conflicting nominations.

  7. If we go that route, I would personally prefer that the b/w is in the shop and the color drop in the deep level wish shop. If the b/w morph is in wishshop and the color drop is in MD shop, then the color drop in the shop will not be bought that much anyways, since demand for it depends on the limited number of b/w morph (which should be quite deep in WP shop, IMHO), and selling color dropping services will require transfer of creatures, which some people might be uncomfortable with (possible scam etc).

    On the other hand, making b/w available in the shop will allow supporters to buy them even if only as a collectible creature, and also allows resale for others, which will bring more income to support MD. The actual number of colored morphs on the other hand, won't be different with the original option since it will still be limited by the number of people with access to the wish in the MD shop. This option will bring more b/w morphs in the game, but if they can't be used in battle anyways, I don't think it would cause much of an issue. Of course though, this option would mean putting a b/w creature in the shop...

  8. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1323562959' post='97667']
    Oh, I now realize that I know hardly anything about how many wishpoints the average veteran has obtained. O.O
    To help you get a better idea of the number of wishpoints floating around, check the wishpoints top page. All 48 of the name listed there has 8 or more WP, so a WP depth of 6 means we'll see much more than 40 new morphs floating around suddenly xD

  9. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1323515007' post='97598']
    on a second thought, i might make a new spell just for them to allow direct transfer of things easy (by id for example)...
    Maybe a simple interface would be better? There are issues associated with spells such as limited casts (and during "high" seasons there would be a lot of winners that will need to be rewarded, thus depleting casts quickly), and possible (ab)use of the spell outside its intended use (selling of enchanted stones). With an interface I think it might make things easier (or maybe even an item with large cast amount like some of the king items that works like the spell?)

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