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Everything posted by Bootes

  1. I think Meiche's Idea about Gaining Loyalty Points is good, but from what I understand Loyalty is more related to Alliances... Perhaps Honor would work as well? Its definitly better to have it be more or Less Automatic and something Small, having a "Give" button seems Abusable... I think that Idea avoids the Issues dst Brings up, that way Each Player has different Rewards (and they can Change as that Player Changes), and no Stat is really "better" than another... I don't think the Reward should be the main way that you Choose to be Someone's adept over Another person, just an Incentive to Keep the same Master you have... Maybe the Bonus you get "Ticks" every Month at first, but if you stay Longer it starts to "Tick" faster, until everyday or Week, or something... ("Tick" is of course when the Bonus is given). If nothing else Maybe there Should be a Way to see how long Someone's been Adepted to you so you can reward the Most Loyal with More Attention, spells, whatever...
  2. True, I'm not Positive it works that way either, but If nothing else your Idea could be Added onto this Skill I think...
  3. Ahem... Not sure if it's Implemented in Exactly the way you suggest, but darned if it isn't Close... Come to think of it, can Alliance members Verify that this Skill is currently Active?
  4. There should be a Certain Device inside Willows Shop that you need to Use. One that people typically use Herbs and Water with...
  5. Well I can understand being Upset, but Leaving the game because of this one Incident? Thats a bit much, theres alot of Potential in this game, and realize it's still in Alpha so bugs are being worked out. Yes I know this isn't a Bug, I just mean that things are likely to Change, and that you can still make a Difference if you choose to. RPC's being able to attack any MP is supposed to be part of the game, though in this case I Agree it seems Cruel. Just a Note: You picked entirely the Wrong Forum section for this..you Aren't asking any Questions
  6. One word: Spoilers
  7. I suggest Finding Weaker MP4s... Looking at the Arrow Medals (which Count Active Days) is a good indication of How Powerful that player is (as players with more Active days will have more Age and Exp).
  8. Well of Course everything is Metaphor, but there is No Reason no Not view it Literally if only to Explore another way of Thought. In some ways I think of this Realm as a Dream (as you suggest as well), but it is a Shared Dream and thus a Reality Unto itself. Everything we see can Have Deep Meaning if we Stare at it Long enough, or it can be Utterly Superficial if we let our Eyes simply wander over... Hummm... All this talk of Dreams and Id makes me think of some things which Relate to the Sun and the Moon, which in themselves represent the Day and the Night. The Sun is often Thought to Represent the Waking Mind, the Ego... while the Moon represents the Unconscious, the Id. So in this World that is governed by our Collective Thoughts, a Balance of Night and Day would represent Reconciliation of sorts with the Ego and Id (I'm using these terms a little Loosely). This also makes me Wonder if there is Further connection to these Ideas in the Story where Perhaps the Carnival is part of this Ego, this Waking Mind...
  9. A Prologue A reincarnation without a past, Bootes is the reincarnation of His Constellation\'s Namesake. Who he is a reincarnation of is hard to determine, some legends say it is Icarius, others Arcas. A few tales even link him to the Titan Atlas, condemned for all eternity to hold the world on his shoulders. With no recollection of who he is, and with no two tales agreeing, Bootes has adopted the current name of his constellation. He is trying to find the answers to his past, how he became a constellation, and most importantly how he came to be reanimated in the flesh once again. Only his faint knowledge of his past, and interest in this new world he finds himself in, keep Bootes moving forward. Though his past remains a mystery, Bootes is determined to make his future an Adventure. 1: The Heads Contest Bootes first major feat came shortly after he discovered this world. While resting himself in a Sanctuary Bootes noticed some of the people traveling too and fro had satchels containing something that appeared valuable. Having not seen such objects yet, Bootes followed one such person out of the Sanctuary. Almost immediately that person was ambushed and his satchel taken. The person who's satchel had been taken replied simply, "About time someone took those heads off me." Heads? Thought Bootes, now both thoroughly confused, yet intensely interested. He set out to learn of these Heads, and what they meant. Bootes quickly learned there was a "Heads Contests" underfoot, and that those who proved their metal by collecting the most heads and holding them for the longest would be Greatly rewarded. Becoming Quickly lost in the furver of collecting Heads, Bootes finds himself Searching High and low for players with Heads collecting 10 here, 5 there. Slowly he raises his score and begins competing with the other top compedaters, Gargant and gacontnt. While fighting these players trying to hold onto his hard won Heads, Bootes learns more about these characters and slowly becomes to feel them as friends. Having participated in this contest, and meet some of his fellow desieans of this word, Bootes wonders if he should focus more on his future rather than dwelling on his lost past. 2: The Ferryman's Quest Having made connections in this ever growing land, Bootes continues to seek out new adventure and people. Soon he hears a rumor on the wind, there is a Quest afoot. Searching high and low for a clue of who is giving the Quest, and how to complete it Bootes stumbles upon .SmartAlek. who seems to have a piece of paper if one can answer his Question. After finding the answer .SmartAlekRJ. reveals to Bootes that there is far more to this Quest than it seems, and he must seek out 3 more pieces of paper to unravel the mystery. After seeking out three more people (.Metal Bunny., .John., and .Wodin Ullr.) and collecting their papers as well, Bootes realized they odd symbols on the papers are a code and quickly begins to decipher them. He discovers that the hidden message is actually a riddle in itself, and also discovers that this riddle was lost by .simplyzero., also known as the Ferryman. Upon showing his work to .simplyzero. Bootes finds he has earned a trip with the Ferryman, but must prove himself once more to .SmartAlekRJ. in order to earn his real prize, a Dragon. Bootes quickly finds .SmartAlekRJ. once again and begins to learn how to Prove himself. It takes some struggle, and more than a week but in the end .SmartAlekRJ. is convinced. After Bootes once again tracks down .simplyzero. the Ferryman grants Bootes his trip, and in a flash the pair find themselves standing on a distant coast. Bootes is amazed, he is standing in the fabled land of Golemus, not easily accessible to even the most notable Figures he has encountered, yet here he is. While .simplyzero. guides Bootes to the lair of the Drachorn, he is amazed at the unexplored land. After receiving his hard earned Dragon egg, Bootes thanks .simplyzero. and makes his way back to No Mans Land. 3: The Journey Begins Thinking apon all his recent experiences Bootes realizes he must strive to discover as much as he can about this wondrous land. While his lost past will ever haunt him, Bootes is resolute to look towards the future now, and carve his own path in the world of Magic Duel. But, how to begin his own path, especially when he has little Knowledge of his path until now. This is what troubles Bootes. It is the same question of his past, that seems to be a constant thorn in his future. With no other clues, Bootes just looks up, and sees the majesty of the Night sky. He quickly finds his own constellation and wonders again how he was immortalized as this pattern of stars. Who or what was he, that the Gods decided to give him a place in the heavens? Slowly another question tugs at Bootes' mind. What of the other constellations? At first the question is just a whisper in his mind. But as Bootes lends an ear to the thought it becomes louder. How had he never stopped to consider the rest of the Night Sky? Always he was focused on his own little corner, but now with that new voice in his ear, his eyes turn towards unexplored stars. To new patterns, and new discoveries. His mind a flame with the possibilities, Bootes searches the sky. At each new point of light he sees more possibility and more ideas flood to mind. Soon it is too much, and Bootes closes his eyes. However behind his eyelids the lights are still coming, they seem to illuminate his mind as well as his eye. Bootes realizes the lights are giving him a path, a new possibility to explore. Bootes decided right then and there that he will dedicate this new life he has found himself in to studying the Stars in the sky, and how they relate to those on the ground. Bootes will take on the Role of a Celestial Observer, and take on a new role in the stars. 4: The Sun that Never Sets Having Passed out from the Light, Bootes now Awakens in a Strange new Place. He finds himself in an Ancient Library, specifically on a Balcony that looks upon the Sun. He decides to Explore this New place, though in Truth it is just to Pass the Time while he waits for Night to Fall again. Though he finds many places interesting he is Unable to find any Books on Astronomy or even the art of Astrology. It seems he is the First to have such Interests, or at Least the Frist who Intends to record his Discoveries... After hours of Exploring Bootes returns to the Hall of the Sun, where he makes an Astonishing Discovery. The sun has Not Moved! It remains Exactly where it is, and waiting Further proves to Bootes that it is No Fluke of his Imagination. "How can this Be?" Thinks Bootes. A never Moving Sun would mean there is No Nighttime, yet he HAD seen the Night Sky.. Deeply Unsettles by this Discovery Bootes decides this shall be his First Task. To Understand how a Sun could Never Move, and at the Same time How Night could Fall in Such a Place. It seems a Daunting task, and Bootes eventually seeks Help in his Quest hoping that Perhaps others have some Theories... 5: Our Connection to the Stars His Quest helps Bootes Gather many Theories and in the End he feels Satisfied to Publish his Own Theory. However an Unexpected Discovery comes up... During his Quest Bootes had asked Questers to collect Coordinates from Places where he had Made Observations of the Sun (in his Haste he had forgotten to Record them Himself). After Reviewing the many Coordinates he Realizes something, Perhaps he can use these to Track the Place where he had Seen the Night Sky. He hastily prepares to Search for this place, and leaves before most know where he is Headed. His Search is hard and Long, and Bootes soon Regrets leaving behind all he Knew. In many ways it feels like the Journey he first took to Enter this world. However he makes careful Notes of the Path he takes so he may find his way Back. In the End his Search proves Fruitful, and Bootes is able to Actually find a Place where the Night Sky exists. He makes Careful Note of where this Place is, and then Sits for many Nights making careful Notes of the Stars. Once Bootes feels he has enough to Continue his Research he Feels it is Time to Return to the People he Left in Order to Learn better how the Stars affect their Lives. Knowing he can now Find this place Anytime he wants Bootes Begins to make his way Back...
  10. Well it sounds Decided then, Local Legends is the Place to Post... I guess I will post my Own story there... I'd like to get some Feedback on it...
  11. Not a Bad suggestion... However since it only takes a Refresh to fix this I wouldn't expect any Changes anytime soon.
  12. I'm all For deleting Old stuff... I just know that people like to post these things, and with the Role Playing contest and all It seems like Everyone is trying to have a Story now...
  13. So I've been seeing Player's Posting little stories about themselves on the Forums lately (I my self have had a Story in my Hate List for Some time now, before I saw the rest of these pop up B) ) The problem is, There is no good place for them to Go, I see most Going into either Storylines or Local Legends, but I don;t feel these are the right places for such things (Read the Descriptions of those Sections from the Main forum Page and see what you think) So I'm suggesting that Perhaps a new Section in the Forums for Player Stories should be made. I personally don't feel right Posting my own Story here, at least not while there isn't a good place for it. Please don't misunderstand, I enjoy these Stories, I just think they need a Place of their own.
  14. Khal, I enjoyed reading your Ideas, as Always I am interested in hearing Other Points of View. I'm not Sure I completely agree with all that you write, but it is Nice food for Thought none the less. Meiche, actually my First post (though Rather Long I admit) details a couple of Theories that explain how the Sun may be ever present and still Exist as a Celestial Body. In fact those Theories agree quite well with all that is Known of Modern Astrophysics as well... About the , I believe this is a Place I must investigate further, I have heard many Rumors of this place but have not yet seen it Myself.
  15. I'm not sure, the Couplet there reads something like... A wooden Arch to make one see this place holds a Memorie Seems it might hold some Significance to something... It was even the Answer to one of my Harder Haikus Such an Odd Greeting, Is it Gate or Device? Forward to New Lands.
  16. Well other than one other thing which Was HIGHLY Unethical, That incident is the only I have heard of, and the only one Since I became an RPC myself... The other thing I Spoke of hasn't had a Clear Offender so I can't speak much of it...
  17. For those of you who Particiapted in my Recent Quest you know it was all about the same Topic as this Thread. That is because this Quest was the first step into an Investigation of the Absence of Night, and Constant Daylight of the MagicDuel world. What Follows here is the Conclusion of that Quest, but I started this Forum so that the Investigation of whats Happened to the Night in MD can be discussed by all. Ok, heres the basics of how My Quest ran... 1) Each player Got/Earned 7 Hiakus (a type of Poem), Each of which Related to a specific Place in MD. - These Places are where I Investigated the Sun - In total there were 25 Haikus and Locations 2) For Finding the Right Location a Quester was given one of my Research Notes (found below). 3) After Collecting all 7 Notes, or as many as they could, the Quester then Had to come up with a Theory of their own about what is Going on. I should Note that my Research Follows very Scientific trends, and is based on Actual Physics and Astronomical Findings... The Rest of this Post is the Notes from my Quest, and the Theory that I came up with. This Theory is written in Italics to make it easy to separate from the rest... Note 1: One of the things that has bothered me Most about this Constant Daylight is that the Sun never seems to move… How is this possible? I seem to have some recollection that Sun move due to Planets spinning. Is it possible this planet is no longer Rotating about an Axis? This also sends a shiver down my spine, A never moving Sun would mean Night will never fall, yet There is evidence that once there was a Day and Night balance here. So how did the Night stop? I cannot believe that any force on this Earth could stop a Planet from rotating….. Note 2: Having confirmed my suspicions at the Archives I now know for certain that this place Did have a Day and Night cycle. However I find no reference to “sunrise” or “sunset”, all I find are the terms “Period of Light” and “Period of Shadow”… There must be more to this puzzle than I am seeing. Though some fear in me tells me my memories are wrong, or at best that what I Know does not apply to this place. No! I will not surcome to those thoughts. This place has reason, there is room for scientific thinking. Perhaps I only need only try a new approach to the problem. Note 3: I tried exploring as Far as I was able to today. This land is harsh though, I feel I cannot travel very far before needing to rest. I also find many paths blocked and cannot get very far. However in my travels I spoke to many to find out their ideas about the Sun. It seems many have never noticed the Fixed position of the Sun, and some had hardly noticed the lack of Night! Others had indeed put some thought into the matter. Some wondered about the implications that perhaps our Half of the World is bathed in Light, while another is in Darkness. Some also felt there was a connection to Necrovion and the Shades… Some people, Lulu, Sol, and Muloki, also Joined me in a Chat about Astronomy, where we discussed much of what we know about the Universe around us. Note 4: Spurred By all the New Ideas I’d found I decided I should start testing some Ideas. I set up some instruments at varying Locations and took different measurements at each location. My tests were to see is our Sun changes at all, if it always appears the same size, the same brightness, etc. While setting all my Equipment up I had to wonder what the effect of Constant light would have. Surely an Ever Present Sun would have very powerful effects on the Land, and those that lived there. I wonder how long this Constant Daylight has been going on… Note 5: Success! I was monitoring a crude device I had made to try and see if the Sun was moving. Basically just a Stick in the ground, and I marked the Shadow every few Hours to see if it moved. It does! I’m not yet sure to what extent, but the Sun definitely does move in a periodic fashion. My findings were also confirmed by another measurement, this time A Tube pointed at the Sun and some paper placed where the Image forms on the Ground. By drawing a circle at the Edge of the Sun every few Hours I find that it does get closer and further to us periodically. In fact the periods of the Two observations Seem to coincide. Note 6: By keeping track of all the Measurements from my Various Devices, I have been able to further clarify the Apparent Motion of the Sun. I say Apparent Motion because at these Scales it is hard to say if my Measurements are seeing A motion that we are making, or motion the Sun is making. Having reviewed my notes carefully I believe I can say with clarity that it is the Sun that is making this motion, not Us. Though the Sun is fixed in one Position in our Sky, it does move. It may not appear as much Motion to Us, but in Scales of the Sun even a little motion like I have found is Significant. How this is related to Night in this land is still beyond me, but I feel I am making progress. Note 7: I spent Days locked inside the Archives, looking up maths that would help me approach this problem. Trying to further clarify my only lead, the slight, periodic, motion of the Sun. After some Effort I seem to be able to say with certainty that the Sun actually travels in an Orbit. By Orbit I mean that the Sun seems to travel in a circle through Space, and this is what has caused the Wobble I’ve noted. This must somehow explain how Night used to come to the land, though I’m not sure it will easily explain how that Night was lost. I feel I am so close to the Answer now, but it is Too early to Share my Thoughts, First I must find others and see if they can reach a similar conclusion. I feel that this Stellar Wobble is the key… I recently Asked People In MagicDuel to Aid me in Some Research. Some worked Diligently and provided assistance, others thought Only of the Reward I promised to those that Finished the Task I asked them For. The Conclusion of This Quest was that the Assistant Submit a Theory about The Sun that never Sets. How it was Possible to Have a Sun that Never Moved, or how Day and Night Could Have once been in any form of Balance (as I believe has Occurred at least at some Point in the Realm). Here are My Ideas that I came Up with before the Quest for Assistants began, I will Post Some of the Theories that Impressed me the Best in Terms of Originality and Thought later. I Want to also Note the Players who Came to the Same Conclusion as I did (Which is what the Notes in My Quest were Hinting at…) *Those who Matched My Theory* Sacosphilz Morrel Udgard Reynaile My Theory: Based on My Notes I think I have come to a Fairly clear Theory of the Sun of MagicDuel, that includes how Night and Day could have once existed in a Cycle of Balance. First off, the fact that The Sun is always in the Sky suggests one of Two possibilities. A ) The Area of the Word on Which me Live is Actually Right on the Axis of this Planets Location. This Axis May Point to the Sun, thus Keeping us Ever Facing the Sun. An Axis may move due to Precession (Imagine a Spinning Top, It spins about the Wood Piece in the Center and for a Time this part sticks straight up. However as the Top slows its spinning gets more Erratic and this wood pieces begins to move in Circles itself). This is how an Axis can move to follow the Sun… B ) This Word is Tidally Locked with the Sun. Whenever a Small Body orbits a Larger One the Gravity Difference between the Two Sides of a Planet causes it to elongate a little, making the Smaller Body Slightly Oval or Egglike in Shape. However as a Body Rotates the Pull of Gravity constantly Pulls back just a little bit on the Planet Due to this Bulging. Thus the Smaller Bodies Rotation Slows until Eventually only One Side Faces the Larger Body. * A good Example of this is The Moon. It always has the same Face Pointed at Earth. As many of you Know, the Moon causes Tides on Earth, easily Seen in the Water as it “Flows” more Easily than Rock. In fact the Earth is Slowing ever so slightly as the Moon’s Tidal Force slowly pulls back…* I Prefer Theory B, as It Coincides with the Angien Theory a bit better, and makes a Bit more sense Scientifically Speaking… So How does Night and Day Occur on a World that is Tidally Locked? I got Many interesting Ideas from Questers, but I feel this one is best.. I Suggest that Our Sun has a Companion of Sorts, A large Planet or a Dead Star Perhaps? (note a Black Hole, would Qualify as a Dead Star) This Companion, that I will Refer to as the “Moon” of MagicDuel, could well Be Orbiting the Sun, and Be Massive enough to Pull the Center of Mass away from the Sun, Thus The Sun and Moon Orbit around a Point, Which We in Turn Orbit. This Moon could then have periodically Blocked out the Sun, giving a “Period of Shadow” (Basically this could be Considered an Elongated Solar Eclipse…) How did this Cycle End? Who knows… Something could have shifted the Moon’s Orbit so that We don’t See it (rather that it Doesn’t Come into Our Line of Sight with the Sun). Or Perhaps Something Greater happened to it… (It’s Possible that Gas From the Sun was Pulled to the Moon, and It Ignited Again. Assuming the Moon is a Dead Star, Not a Planet, or Back Hole) Angien Theory: As many of you may have Heard there is a Creation Myth about MD that involves a Powerful Angien. I believe My Theory Coincides with this Theory, but I felt it Necessary to Provide and Alternate Idea to what I have Presented. You have Seen the Image on the Homepage of MagicDuel, that Image is of an Angien Pulling the World of MaigcDuel out of the Ground (the Board, or Box in some images, is the Realm of MagicDuel). This Myth may have little to do with the Sun That Never Sets, however Some theorize that the Sun in our Sky is the Face of this Angien (much larger and more Powerful than the Angiens the Seekers of Enlightenment are Searching for) looking down on us. They suggest the Night was when the Board of MagicDuel was in the Ground. I however believe that There was a Time when there was a Cycle of Day and Night, a balance between the two so to Speak. That Cycle is in Truth the Heart of my Quest. I simply choose Science as my Method of explanation. One Note of Interest. After Developing my Theory (well before the Quest Began) The Seekers of Enlightenment were Born. In fact when I first began thinking of My Theory I had little Idea there were Even Beings called Angiens. Yet, when the Seekers of Enlightenment formed into an Alliance I noticed something Very odd. The Icon For the Seekers is, what Looks to Me, very Much like a Moon, covering a Sun. Basically, their Icon is of a Solar Eclipse…Strange, No? This Made me think Back to How Angiens were Rumored to Be Dual Sided… Perhaps This Icon is Representative of the Angiens, then Would the Sun and the Moon not represent their Dual Nature? What Really Strikes me is how this Seems to almost Unify My Theory and What I have Read of the Anigen Theory…. I's also like to Invite comments or criticism to my Quest... And most Importantly those who Developed Theories for the Quest are free to Share their Theories here if they so Choose.
  18. Ok, There is still a Bit of Controversy over what happened between Ren and Robin, and let me make it Clear that there are Varied opinions amongst the RPCs as well about Ren's actions. Still, this has been an Iscolated Incident, and I don't think it Speaks much about RPCs in general, or even Ren, who I find to typically be a fairly nice guy. RPCs are monitored by Shoeps and Mur (King Manu), and there is a Possibility that as the Game grows and the Number of RPCs rises there will be a RPC Manager coming about. As of right now I think the biggest thing is that RPCs don't use their abilities to their own advantage, but in cases like the one mentioned its a little more Unclear. I'm not sure, but I think there may soon be a way for Players to share their feelings about specific RPCs, but I'm not to Clear on this so Don't hold me to my word...
  19. Right... that secret feature, forgot about that... Well I guess my VP will continue to sit around then...
  20. Humm clearing Cache and Cookies might be a good idea... Just to be sure... You did click the Scroll, right?
  21. If a Ritual has less than 301 VE (not Pray Power, just Creature VE) then a totally Random Ritual is selected instead. Best way to Avoid it is to keep an eye on how much VE the creatures have when making the ritual. Also in Healing rituals you can Use Any creature that doesn't do Damage (so things like Weaken can be used as well...)
  22. Bootes


    I still think it Should be possible to Not be an Adept.... I don't see why I have to be one, especially when the Only reason I have one anyways is because I was messing around with the Feature when it first came out...
  23. I know I'd buy VE, this would actually be a good Idea I think. Perhaps AP should just stay out of it as Sacos says...with 30 per regen we get a lot now anyways. (lets hope we keep it I do think the Ratio should be high (though I wonder if Heat could have an effect) like 3:1 or even 4:1 (VP:VE) and I'd even suggest AP as part of the Cost....
  24. Bootes


    Well RPC's can See if you've completed Quests, or Quest Related things... Honestly right now Quests aren't exactly Coordinated enough to do the Point thing, Each RPC kinda does their own Quests at their whim (much to the Frustration of Older RPCs I might add...)
  25. Bootes


    As far as Finding the RPCs with Quests, Glai's suggestion is the Best way to do that. Though you Also have the RPC list to see who is on and where, even though we're rarely all Online... In terms of Prizes, many RPCs don't have the Abitities to do Much Yet. The thing we Can give out is a WishPoint. They are unfortunitly under work, and don't have instant Uses. RPCs are the Only ones that can see the WP right Now, but eventually you should be able to See your Own. From my Understanding, WP can possible be Accepted by RPCs as a sort of Payment (I don't suggest you go Asking RPCs to Give you something though).... And WP will also be Used in Magic, Whenever that gets Finished. Ren's AL seems to relate to Magic....
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