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Everything posted by Bootes
- You try to Legally Change your name by Explaining to the judge "My Parents didn't pick a good Role Playing name" (also: The judge Agrees, but only if you give him a Wishpoint) -You ask your Astronomy Teacher what he thinks is causing the New Movement of the Sun... -You see people on the Street handing out Pamphlets, and you rush over to ask which Inner Magic document they Have... -You try to decide what to Rename your Pet when they "Upgrade" - After reading the Assigned Chapter for class, you ask your Teacher what Stats Bonuses you received - You can't wait to tell your Friends/Parents/Lover that you got mentioned in the AL - You get asked where the Nearest Bar is, and Explain it's located in the Sanctuary And for one that's a Constant Issue for me... - I start getting low grades for Papers because Random Words are Capitalized (Seriously I can't stop. Kids don't Randomly Capitalize words... It's Habit forming)
Yes yes, by all means Count the Books you can't see. And make sure to let Ren know how many there are in the Darkness, I'm sure he'd be interested Besides who wants to be caught in Necro during a storm?
This might be an Interesting Idea, but how you go about it can vary quite a bit. I'd suggest this might be a very Interesting Idea for a Premium Creature, but might be too much for Every creature. I can see the Idea of a "tree" type evolution working, but that quickly involves a lot of Artwork for one Creature, Possible, but not very timely. An Idea I have is that the Creatures stats get a boost based on your own Stats. You would add all the Base Stat numbers up, then divide each Stat by that Number (so you get Percentage of each Stat, this way avoids those with Large stats getting more bonus than an MP3 who buys the creature Early). Then when you upgrade this Creatures it's stats Increase by the same percentage as your own. Just to throw out more Ideas.
Interesting. Was it still attacking and being attacked? (was it Still a viable target?)
Trust me everyone goes through this, when new to the game you get picked on because you have weak creatures and those more powerful can get easy Wins/Exp from you. It's unfair, it's demeaning, and more than anything it's frustrating. So what do you do? Learn to deal with it. Sounds harsh, but that's what you do, that's what Everyone before you has done. Other than Traquinius' Sanctuary idea you can, set defense rituals (make sure there is at least 300 VE in them), continue seeking players willing to help you gain wins/exp, and as always wait until your creatures upgrade. If you can wait out these tough times, you will soon find your creatures are as powerful as most MP3 (though there are a few that will likely still be more powerful).
[quote]Uhu, that's right, I coulda slapped my teachers around, never do homework, only study the night before an exam, and then get a 5.5 (which is what? a c minus?) and then be adequate enough for college.. Bwahahahahahahaha![/quote] Study? What is this word? I went through the American High School system, never studied, skipped alot of class, and DID slap a few teachers around... (there was even a Day I didn't let my Geometry Teacher teach at all. I took the projector away from her, and then Erased everything she wrote on the Board. Luckily I'm a cool guy and all she could do was Laugh about it B)) Oh ya and I was the Valedictorian of my Class My GPA was 4.6 (Unweighted) So... hows them apples? Sorry, Minory MB's bragging distracted me. Glad to see you back
Well I don't think it would be too hard in terms of Programming (Basically a Ratio, keeps track) but the amount of artwork that would add would be way too much. A normally 3 Lv Creature would end up having 13 Different stages and Artworks (1 for LV 1, 3 for LV 2, and 9 for Lv 3 (or 3 for every LV 2 Option)). A Creature with 4 LVs would then have as much artwork (or more) than all the creatures currently in Game. Personally I'd rather just get some new critters, rather than have new evolutions for the old ones...
I still don't see the Winderwild, otherwise I had the rest.... *Rechecks Pic* Ok maybe I can see a bit of the nest, but it's not enough for me to tell what LV Bird...
Who reads the post before you Vote? I figuered "What the Crap" was about as close as I would get to yes anyways. Tim: There he is! King Arthur: Where? Tim: There! King Arthur: What? Behind the rabbit? Tim: It *is* the rabbit! King Arthur: You silly sod! Tim: What? King Arthur: You got us all worked up! Tim: Well, that's no ordinary rabbit. King Arthur: Ohh. Tim: That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! Sir Robin: You tit! I soiled my armor I was so scared! Tim: Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer! Sir Galahad: Get stuffed! Tim: He'll do you up a treat, mate. Sir Galahad: Oh, yeah? Sir Robin: You manky Scots git! Tim: I'm warning you! Sir Robin: What's he do? Nibble your bum? Tim: He's got huge, sharp... er... He can leap about. Look at the bones! King Arthur: Go on, Bors. Chop his head off! Sir Bors: Right! Silly little bleeder. One rabbit stew comin' right up! If you don't know how that ends, you have lead a horridly deprived life...
I'm not sure what you mean by "Activate" for the Tattoos, but I suspect having them "activate" based on certain events (being attacked) seems impractical when it could just be a Constant boost like Armor. I suspect there will never be Magic to help you with Puzzles and Quests, you will just need to Use your own brain. (Though for quests I suppose you could try Bribing the RPC ) I suppose having a "Enchantment" system might be Interesting. Where you spend Principle Points to Enchant your Armor and stuff. I could easily see a system where you have to choose what combinations of Principle points to try, and based on the Ratios your Armor gains certain amounts. Of course you would need to spend AP and VP (maybe even VE or Heat to fuel the Enchantment?) as well. Also certain combinations could give Negative Stats or something (and perhaps some would Destroy the Weapon). Could have potential, it depends on what Mur's intent for Principles are exactly, right now they are pretty much unused. Though Inner Magic will make use of Spending Principle Points, though it will be awhile till Inner Magic can be used (whenever Lv 1 docs get released).
I'm too many things to pick, what do you call someone who likes to learn about all Religions at least a little and just follow their own Path? I usually tell people I'm Agnostic, but in truth I'm only Agnostic about the Existence of "God" If I had to pick Religions I tend to agree with, or at least find many Ideas I like, I'd pick Buddhism and Taoism. chewett, you should explain these made up religions if your going to list them. What sort of Holidays Jedi's get to take off, you know important stuff like that
I enjoy the Exp Bonus balance brings, but I cannot seem to gain Wins as quickly as I gain Losses. Not that I'm trying very hard to dissuade losses mind you, as I know that eventually the Overwhelming amount of losses will return. So while I'll make the vague effort to keep the balance, it likely won;t happen, and I'll keep my main focus on Upgrading creatures and Stat Farming. Eventually I will make the effort to go to MP6, but that will depend on how hard I find losing Exp to be...
I have to agree with dst, Role playing cannot be "taught". However it would be helpful to suggests ideas similar to whats been discussed here, Good RP vs Bad RP. You really cannot say "This is how you Play a character..." or "To show you are doing some thing type...." that just doesn't work, and would also take originality in RP out. However discussing Avoiding Overuse of Action/Emoticon text, when to stay in character and when to fall out, and using the game as a basis, are all things that could be discussed. I think that is a point for the "classes" it shouldn't be one person telling everyone what to do, but a Discussion with people asking questions. Also I find that most times people Understand that you have to break character a little to answer Mechanics and Interface questions. When explaining how to view the Inner Spell Documents I often say something along the lines of "Refresh your awareness of the Realm, then you should look near the Adventure Log for the Spell Page" and that is as far as I'm willing to go to RP something like that (generally people understand, but I still often get, "Refresh my Awareness?" as a response).
Sounds good. Can someone also then Translate the game into Old English. [quote]"Ye Find thyself in yon Dungen. Ye see a Flask...Whatist thou do?" - Take ye Flask "Ye Flask sucks thy soul into it's Depths. Inside ye findith a wee Girl. Yonder waith of a wee Girl asks "Doest thou wish to Join me for a Game?"... How do Ye respond? - Offer thine Flask o' Mead to the wee Girl...[/quote] Couldn't help myself , though I'm not sure "wee" counts as Old English...
I have to agree with Tarqunis quite a bit. And he benefits from not responding at a time when Sleep will not come and is dreading the Onset of the next Tired day... Try to find Khalazdad, he's one of the better Role players in the game, and one I wish many more would take example of. There is far too many who simply get involved with the idea of "*'s denote actions, and I use them for RP" Denoting Action like that should only be done to Enrich the scene being created, or to note something special. And it should always be reasonable and feasible. The festival gave the ingame RP an almost overwhelming sense of Carnivalism, and one that will likely stay for some time. This is unfortunate and means that you will just have to roll with some punches on this... There are many people who stive very hard to play a Role, and play it well. I made a dedicated effort for sometime, and sometime during the Festival lost interest. Fortunately I've just gotten involved with Battling and idle chatter for the time being, which suits me well for now as I'm rather Busy in RL, and prefer to use MD to unwind a bit. Still I'm an RPC and when approached regarding my Role I make the effort to play that Role as best as I can (sometimes much to the dismay of those I speak to...) The fact that some like to play Roles in a totally fanciful way just shows that they are missing some of the deeper elements of this game, and those that try to RP at this deeper level are affected in many ways, mostly Presently.
You are well on your way to finding those Higher level Documents that us RPCs don't have...
The Tree (Bob as his popular name goes, Steve as the Official poll went) first Bloomed to signify the Introduction of Magic (of any sort) to MD. I recall it as being one of the first Public Gatherings that I ever witnessed in MD, it seemed to signify the Rise of RPCs with powers and not to long after that Alliances were introduced in their current format. I know Mur tried to get rid of the RPCs he considered Inactive, either he knows something we don't about these folks (Gilbert and Speaker for the Dead) or they slipped through the cracks. Also I question that Akasha is still there, I know she did a lot to help the game in it's Early stages but I had heard she was gone for good...
Yes it will be nice to see the Archives in full bloom... I've enjoyed submitting all my articles about Astronomy a lot more than I would have thought, guess I'm more of a Nerd [i]*Ahem*[/i], Scholar, than even I knew I also look forward to seeing some feedback on whats already Published in the Archives...
Well I can't say I'm a total Veteran, though it's nice to know I'm still Older than Ren Still it's been interesting to see the social life grow from a few small areas (I remember the Archives being always dead, as well as most areas not directly next to Willows and the Sanctuaries), to people claiming areas for their own social Interactions. [i]Makes a mental note to Keep an eye on what Whispers are passing through Whisper Alley these days[/i] Oh and while everyone else is giving their IDs, 40871 is from my first Account (Bootes was originally my Alt ), I think that is from April or May of this year...
Yes You should Especially Note Mur's Response to the Other Thread. He's only Suggesting LV 2 be Auctioned or whatever, but Lv 1 stays the same.
Do you want to auction for your avatar?
Bootes replied to dst's topic in MD Artworks (former Artisans Guild)
I think Lv2 Avatars can go to the Auction system, but Lv 1 should stay the way they are. That way everyone can get an Avatar through the Old system, yet if someone has alot of Credits they can try for some of the Special (colored) Avatars Available. I agree with Glor a better system needs to be in place for Custom Avatars, but that will likely not be coming anytime soon. -
RPC stands for Role Playing Character, and yes they are Actual People playing the game. RPCs have .s around their names, for Example my In Game name is .Bootes. Also there is a list of RPCs, just Look above the Adventure Log and you will see the Link to it.
I fully support the Idea of a University, which does Indeed need to be Well separated from the Dojo. Those who know me know that I often strive to help Teach and Educate people about my Own area of Expertise. In fact that is my Goal for my Quests, to have something Fun and Difficult to complete, and that Forces you to think and Learn a little as you Complete it. Hopefully those who tried my First Quest (the Puzzles I have used for the Spell Document do not count) realized this, I think it will be Very clear with my Next quest, Whenever I get it done I can also say that I have often had long Discussions about Astronomy with people in-game and found the Experience very Enjoyable. I hope I was able to offer those who Listened and asked Questions something of Value.
Dear God Red. How long do you plan to spend Packing? [color="#FF0000"]As long as I need to. Lets see, Bobble Heads, Check. Silly String, Check. Funions, Double Check. Ok that's the Essentials. I'm all ready.[/color] Finally that only took an Obscene amount of time... [color="#FF0000"]Moan Moan Moan. Come on It's time to check out Humphrey's Garden.[/color] [color="#FF8C00"] Hey, you guys are Leaving Finally... Can I come along? Penelope's been Giving me an Odd feeling that she's Using me for something...[/color] [color="#FF0000"]As long as you promise to talk as little as Possible. We can always use a Decoy.[/color] And we are Off, enough Chit Chat. It's too bad Humphrey lives so far away. It will be a Long boring Walk. It would be a good time for something else to happen... [u][b]Meanwhile:[/b][/u] [color="#4B0082"]Your Lord, Evilness. It seems they have Finally Departed. What shall we do?[/color] [color="#000080"]Igor, For now we do Nothing. You raided the Garden as Usual yes?[/color] [color="#4B0082"]Yes my Lord.[/color] [color="#000080"]Good then for now, that is Enough. We will watch and wait, the Time for Action will come later.[/color] [u][b] Back to our Heroes:[/b][/u] Ahh, Finally Green's Garden. [color="#FF8C00"]What a Horribly Long and Boring walk.[/color] [color="#FF0000"]Remind me to take Adventures a little closer to Home next time guys, that was Almost Unbearable.[/color] Guy's look at this, the Garden is all Torn up. [color="#FF8C00"]It looks like some sortof Rabid animal Did this, one Crazed and Demented. Driven Insane by it's own Power.[/color] My god... I think I know what we are Up against. Some sort of Giant Rabbit. [color="#FF0000"]Worse, look at these Tracks. Only one Creature can make these Tracks... a Giant Metal Bunny.[/color] [color="#FF8C00"]But, I though Metal Bunny was our Friend. Why would he do this to Humphrey's Garden?[/color] I'm more Interested in how he managed to make this Large of an Effect in my Subconscious. His Ego must have Wormed it's way into my Own psyche... that's actually a little Impressive. [color="#FF0000"]So the Goal is Clear. We must Find Metal Bunny, and Stop him from Destroying Humphrey's Garden. Well lets try and take some Time to rest and Search for Clues.[/color]
I'm impressed with how swiftly you guys were able to pull it off. However the whole writing Scripts business seems to me to be very...Uncouth. I would be far more Impressed if you had done this all on your own work, and not had "bots" do the dirty work for you... so Shame on you for that.