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Everything posted by Bootes
Woops, I clicked that I am Granos... sorry the Question was confusing. *Looks himself over* Wait... I'm not Bootes either!?! Whats going On? Edit: After much Testing and Collecting lots of Evidence I've come up with two Possibilities. 1) I'm a chicken. Doesn't make much sense, but the Data doesn't leave too much room for interpretation. Though it does explain my aversion to Foxes and love for Seed... 2) I don't Exist. Personally I like this option better, because now You can Ignore Everything I've said in this Post
This reminds me of When Wodin left the game, and Mur suggested that some RPC's be like Positions that players could take up as they are abandoned. Hence why Wodin is now a "Summoned" RPC controlled by the Leader of GG Alliance. Of course this was a very special Case as Wodin was integrated into the Game world (for those who weren't around in those Days, he was actually Pictured in the Environment at Road of Battles. Much like Knator Commander used to be in front of the Loreroot Hidden Exit) When that discussion was opened it seemed to be the general Opinion that RPCs should not be up for grabs like that, and Seeing how Wodin is now practically Non-Existent because he's not really "Wodin" anymore, I agree with this Position. Personally I don't see myself leaving MD ... Ever really. There may be lots of times where RL keeps me away or doesn't give me much time to play, but I'm sure I will always come back to see whats new and whats going on. In fact I feel these past few Months I have not been as Active as I would have liked to be due to RL (Ironic that RL gets busy right as I get into the AL here ) Like Ren said it will be interesting to see what Happens as the system grows. Who knows we may see more Characters like Wodin and Knator Appear, some of which may be Publicly ran. I think these Roles will have to be something new and Specifically created to suit such purposes though, rather than replacements for the Roles already held by RPCs.
Poll to know if i can do a lecture on...you'll see
Bootes replied to Muratus del Mur's topic in School of Thought
Like what other people have said the First question threw me at first... but I ended up having to Choose the 2nd Option. Not sure if it was intentional, but it was the wording of "I believe in IT..." that sold me I'm curious what is meant by Magic exactly... I assumed it was the most encompassing definition I could think of (Which would Include such "Paranormal" things like Precognition and "Divination", both of which I believe in). I say "Divination" because I consider that to be things like Tarot cards, I-Ching, and Astrology (I actually practice Tarot and I-Ching, though I find them to be more a method for self-meditation than a method for predicting the Future. And Astrology isn't something I put much faith in, though I enjoy reading about it on occasion. I mention Precognition as something separate because I have had experiences of Precognition in my life, though I haven't had any for years. I ask because to me Magic is usually considered to be things like wand waving, special words, and the like. I don't think you would restrict Magic to something as Harry Potter-ish as that, but thought I'd bring up the issue. -
I must be Bored at the Moment... I mean I read this Thread... but Since it is Boring as well, I will go Find something to Entertain myself.
As with Most Alliances of this Nature, I'm fairly Impartial.... Your Name Unnerves me just a Bit though... Hits a little Close to Home for me (I Tend to feel the Same way when I see Celestial Killer roaming about).
Well to be Perfectly Honest I found MD from a Advertisement in Another Game (It has a Really Interesting Drawing, Likely an Angien) The Music got me through those First few Days of "WTF?", and the Principles and Info on the Homepage got me Through my first Venture through Story Mode.
The Front Site was a Filter? Sure it's not Visually Attractive, but for me it was that Opening Music that got me Hooked on MD B) (I'm not Really Joking about that Either...)
Ohh, Can I start a Pirate Guild that Operates an Unlicensed Radio Station in MD? Seriously, MRNeg you really are asking childish here. By your own Post you say there Are may Forums of Pirate, yet the One that Cry suggests is the most Prevalent Notion. Also the Seafaring Pirate is the one to Fit best into the MD World. Cryxus, your Guild has my Support as well, and from the Few Interactions I've had with you, you are the Best Person To Lead such an Alliance. If and Hopefully When your Alliance is Made I will gladly Offer my Assistance in Navigation (Navigating by the Stars is Such a Lovely way to Travel).
I was Replying to your First post where you asked: [quote]i have to say what is this all about? if it's about recruiting people for writing then i think i want to join happy.gif but if it's about asking questions then, i think i have the right to ask this because this puts my curiosity to it's peak happy.gif[/quote] As far as the Dimensions go... I tend to go by the More Common Model where there are Infinite Dimensions which Play out all Possibilities. I'm not sure I agree with your Idea of a "personal" Dimension (assuming I understood you correctly), what you Were describing sounds alot more like what I would Call Perceptions, not Dimensions.
Unfortunately you just have to Wait for it to be Completed, but Other than the Boosts that you get in Chapter 3 (and access to New Places) You wont be Affected by this. And you can Gain access to those Lands by Other Means, so that isn't even a Big deal Really.
I'll try to Answer your Question (Then when Ren Reads this he can Correct me or Add anything I may have Missed)... Think of the Archives as a Body of Knowledge, of both the MD world and the Real World. It is not really a Place for Open Discussion (as that would be Too much Like the Forums, and the University should fill that role better Anyways), but a Place for Well Informed Research Articles to be posted. Of course there is a Place for More Creative Folk (there are a few Fun Tales Submitted already, and I'm sure those will grow in Time), but the Idea is for Submissions to not be Fictional. You may have Creative License, of Course, but Submissions should have Some basis in Reality (be it the Reality of Real Life, or Something that has Actually Happened in MD). My Understanding is that the Archives Embody the Link between the MD world and the Real World. As I hope Has come Across at some point, MD is not a Fantasy Realm, but rather a Sort of Offshoot of Real Life. For Example: The Magic in MD is of Course Very Unlike RL (Real Life), but the Basics of Magic in MD is the Principles. If you have Ever read the Principles (And I pity Anyone who Has not...) It should be Clear that they Are Principles of the Real World as much as MD. I Hope that Clears some things Up, and isn't Quite as much of a Rant as it looks like. PS. This is of Course my Own Opinion, and is Therefor Subject to Confusion, Bias, and Any of the other things Typical of the Human Condition
I'm from Colorado (as I know at least One other is) Is that a decent Middle Ground?
I think this Idea is Interesting, but I'm kinda with Soltis here. MD Battles and Chess don't really Mix, your taking out the Strategy of Piece movement, and Replacing it with Ritual Strategy. In my Opinion that destroys the Essence of Chess, but this Would still be Interesting. This would take a bit of Effort to Implement as well, but With some of the In game Mechanics I can see it being Possible... I think you could manage the Creatures and Pieces (Name Tags) easily enough with Illusions, but the Arena? Maybe it would be Possible to take the Pieces (I kinda like that Better than Players :diablo:) into a Dream, and that would be the Arena (That would also Allow a Time Limit to be Imposed Easily). The things I see as Being a Limiting factor, is Artwork and Coding. Artwork is self-explanatory, but by Coding I mainly mean the Piece movement, Turn basis, and this Top View you suggest. I can't Imagine any of those things being Terribly hard, but they take Enough effort to make this Idea mostly a Pipe Dream.... Though an Interesting one. Edit: Is it just me, or is the Devil Smiley not really all that Evil Looking ? I'd much Rather have the Head of Jonn's Avatar... B)
So I assume whatever Character is in the AL "solving" the Quest (as in Me for the moment) will not be Eligible for the prizes? I like awiiya's Idea about the Questions (though I'm not sure how well that will work in the Long run...), and the Idea about the Tag is actually fairly Easy, though a Puzzle Medal is far more Likely. Also from the Difficulty of the Last puzzle that Gave those Medals (the Broken Pattern Gazebo) it might take a Pretty Nasty puzzle to give out a few of those. I look Forward to Seeing whatever get Thrown in my Way next
[quote]Does a ritual of that kind exists which makes your creatures alive after getting rigorously attacked??[/quote] Sorta...Kinda... Yes. It is possible to Set Defensive Rituals Which "Never Die". [spoiler]You need to make Many of the Same Ritual, which you can Do Easily by hitting the "Bind Ritual" button Many times. From there the Idea is creating a Ritual where Even after it has Lost (and Been Forgotten) the Creatures still have enough VE (more than 301) to Have the next Defensive Ritual activate. There is One Creature that is Especially Adept at this.... but you Will have to Discover which one on Your Own.[/spoiler]
It should be Possible to give Small Boosts to VE and VP... Also maybe Reducing Profile Exp (by Whatever # feels Appropriate, and by MP LV) Trips to Necrovion of Golemus... Just to throw some Ideas out. I'm too Sure of what the "Value" of a WP is, but I'm fairly Certain none of the Puzzles/Quests in the AL quite Warrant one...Yet. Not sure if your Looking for a Range of prizes or One to give out Every time, but I suggest you go for a Range.
Rituals were Working last I checked. Mur fixed those Reasonably Quickly.
Umm. I logged out as "Wodin's Guard", and can't get back in.... I tried both as Wodin's Guard and .Bootes. and Nothing gets me back in... I'll keep trying.... Edit: List of Things I've tried: .Bootes. Wodin's Guard Wodin's_Guard Wodin's Guard Soldier G355 Wodin's_Guard_Soldier G355 Soldier G355 Soldier_G355 ... After that I was Temporarily Banned
Those are Pretty Normal, and do Not relate to Illusion testing. If you won a battle that gave lots of Honor it might have put you a little over 5000, it doesn't happen often, but it does on occasion. You do get Loyalty per Day, but a few things consume loyalty such as MD Shop Items. (There might be More in Depth Reasons, but I'm not Sure). [b] We should try to Leave this Space for Illusion related bugs, so Please do not post here till the Tests start and you are Actually Signed up as a tester. Thanks.[/b]
Humm, well Personally I've never had an Issue with running out of Exploration Points.... It's always AP/VE/ or VP that limit me in the things you mentioned Chewett....
I'm not even sure what the Point of the Exploration Points are right now. I know they get used when you First move into an Area, but I don't recall Ever actually being limited in any way by it... So I wonder if they will be used more later, like the AP upgrades in the Story.
The way Manu thinks I would not at all be Surprised if there is an MP0. The Mind Power levels are more like Levels of Existence, or something. I'm pretty sure Wodin and Knator Commander were MP1.
.Bootes. ID: 42972
One thing I know gets asked alot is, "I finished the Tutorial... Now What do I do?" I'd suggest addressing that Question, but in a Roudabout way. Rather than saying "Well theres a Puzzle here, and a Quest there..." it should be discussed how the Game works. Foe Example: The main Object of this Game is NOT beating random NPCs to get Exp for your critters. Nor is the Heart of the Game even the PvP, though PvP is important especially when you are just starting out. No the Heart of Magic Duel comes from Interactions with other Players and the Quests that you might Embark on with these Players. Also there are the Quests that RPCs give out, though you have to track down and check which RPCs have quests. Explore the MD world as though it were an Island you just landed on, where you must Learn the Lay of the Land and converse with the People to survive. MD is more than just a Game, it is a whole World which you can Explore with many Inhabitants for you to Interact With. (Well that's just My Opinion, but you get the Idea)