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  1. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to ZenTao in Question Time Post   
    Is there a sort of checks and balance to make sure the counsel also is being fair in making choices and would your actions as counsel always be visible to the public?
  2. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Grido in Question Time Post   
    If you post consecutively within 5 minutes of your previous post, they automatically merge. As Shadowseeker said, we can't split posts.

    Now, my question;
    What would you like to happen with the kingship system?
  3. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Question Time Post   
    How would you describe your overall change in perspective as a group regarding MD and it's community having gained this role?

  4. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Dragual in Illusions   
    Ah, I have never used an illusion before. As I do not have any and don't know how they work. So, I apologize. Perhaps this idea could then be implemented into the Invisibility spell?
  5. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chewett in MD Awards 2011 - Category Suggestion   
    I disagree Master of controversy should be added. I personally dont think scandals and such should be awarded and it does overlap between best villein. To give some view, i would say Eon would win both prizes since he has been quite villein like this year, assuming he doesn't see the loophole in voting or doesnt want to take it.

    I agree with removing best quote
    i agree with merging "Best Artist" and "Paragon Papers"
    I feel best quote should be removed
    I disagree that MD Clown should be added this time around, perhaps next time if lots of people like said idea.
  6. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tarquinus in MD Awards 2011 - "24h" Discussion   
    [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1322500020' post='96773']
    It's kinda wrong to enter in the "corruption" possibility seas and to stop on the first checkpoint. There will never, or rarely, be true "winners" of these categories, and if you try to limit it to force out some kind of "proper result" it will only turn bad.
    Make it fair, and let the mass pick whom ever it wants to pick.
    I couldn't agree more. The revelation that weight was given to certain voters in a previous election or elections was very unsettling to me - it seemed to me that a ruling clique of veterans wished to dictate the course of the awards. I don't know how realistic this is to suggest, but ideally I think we should have one vote per player ([u]not[/u] per character/account) and no more. A restriction on minimum active days makes sense to me, but apart from that, I say formulaic determinations of vote counts should be avoided.
  7. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Jubaris in MD Awards 2011 - "24h" Discussion   
    If we remove the option for land citizens to vote for other citizens of their homeland, let's make Friendlists too.

    Grido cannot vote for his best buddies: player A, B and C.
    Grido Hates Player D, so if he votes for Player D, he doubles his vote actually...

    It's kinda wrong to enter in the "corruption" possibility seas and to stop on the first checkpoint. There will never, or rarely, be true "winners" of these categories, and if you try to limit it to force out some kind of "proper result" it will only turn bad.
    Make it fair, and let the mass pick whom ever it wants to pick.
  8. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to ZenTao in I WTB tormented soul   
    I have a tormented soul with 1 token, Emerald glare I will sell it for 2 gold pm me if interested.
  9. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Happy Birthday Ivorak   
    Thank you all for the birthday wishes!
  10. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Shadowseeker in Fugitive Quest 1 "The Master of all Stealer"   
    The one question I have is...

    How can you differentiate from stealing and getting gifted/rewarded?

    I "took" Mur's 3 7sided rare dice a while ago. I don't think he'd consider it stealing, and they are mine now, but I wouldn't call it stealing either. So where is the line between stealing and getting?
  11. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Blood Prince in WTS Tea, Resources and Stones   
    Ignnus you are entitled for your own opinion... if you want to neg rep me go ahead an do so it will not change anything though.
  12. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in MD Awards 2011 - "24h" Discussion   
    I am not impressed by the suggestion of a time delay on people receiving rewards, or banning the same people getting rewards. I used to race when I was a kid and a teacher once told me to run slower, so the other kids could win the races. I found it then, and now, ridiculous.

    As for nominations....how about we just do what pretty much every award ceremony in the world does and do it based on number of votes or ranking numbers (so if there are 5 people to vote for you give one person a 1, one a 2, one a 3 etc)? Maybe I'm missing something.

  13. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Blood Prince in WTS Tea, Resources and Stones   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1321881114' post='96338']
    Once you have placed a bid, you should be honor bound to make it. Retracting it after making the price go up lots is both rude and plain wrong.

    BloodPrince you should keep the bid as it is, Or, shadow has the chance to take his bid down to what you took before.

    You should honor your bids, what you did is untrustworthy and sneaky.

    Chewett I never said Shadow can't do that. I only said I retract nothing about shadow.
  14. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Shadowseeker in WTS Tea, Resources and Stones   
    Which, were it a real auction, would have been a binding offer. Fine. I will change my highest bid to 3gc 5sc, anyone bidding over it can have it.

    Try to see it from my perspective for once- I see someone raising a price, then silently removing, and then refusing to tell why until I say I refuse to pay the higher price?

    Edit: And actually, no, to me the resource is not worth a lot more, on accounts that I can gather them "for free". It takes time, but that's what I have plenty of in MD...but no outlet for. I simply loathe being "scammed" now, because that's simply what it looked like to me.
  15. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Sharazhad in Teamwork Controversy, with a little Eon around the Corners   
    [color=#008000][i]@ McVitie: Read up, it appears that Eon's behaviour has been compared to far worse than Mugabe (..but Im not about to get into African Politics )[/i][/color]


    As I have said before, if you spend more time training than chatting, roleplaying and complaining (this goes for all of you) perhaps then you will be able to grind stats like he has managed. Unlike some players, Eon has not used bugs to raise his stats, he has used his brain, initiatives and money. if you cannot do the same then quit your whining. As for the SD? Well he can use it however he bloody well wants to. He earnt it as a prize for winning the BHC. So unless you have a problem with him winning the BHC, I would also stop complaining about that. There is a reason it is given as a reward, and it's not so that he can just admire the title and number.
    Thirdly, do you not perhaps think he attacks you so many times, depletes resources and causes so much "harassment*" because of the amount of harassment he gets from others? Perhaps it is his way of getting his own back.[/quote]

    [i][color="#008000"] This whole attitude of "Quit whining and work harder" is very disappointing. One fails to realise that the people who play MD come from all walks of life and varying economic backgrounds tied together with various financial responsibilities. To say: " he has used his brain, initiatives and money. if you cannot do the same then quit your whining" is very myopic and stupid. I don't need to point out that not everyone is able to grind or spend the large sums of money that Eon has pumped into MD ergo this argument fails to hold water.[/color][/i]

    [i][color="#008000"]Eon gets harassment from who?! Does he own land that is constantly being depleted of it resources from other people? Does he own resources that people are taking and selling to others? Or are you talking about the needles? Intelligence and money, doesn't mean anything [to me] if you show general disrespect. [/color][/i]
  16. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Sharazhad in Teamwork Controversy, with a little Eon around the Corners   
    [color=#0000ff]Several posts moved from http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10978-how-kings-should-have-handled-eon-issue/[/color]

    [quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1321694033' post='96180 ]I have to support mur it is up to the kings to use there powers as they see fit. However I have never had a problem with eon and I just don't see why people are so intently focused on him. I don't know if people feel threatened or just plain annoyed. If they are you can just hangout in the sanctuary for a while then leave later. Fighting is part of the game people.[/quote]

    [color=#008000][i]@ Kamisha. The rest of us are so intently focused on Eon because we have nothing better to do, than to gang up on someone who clearly has oodles of respect for players and the game and demonstrates his/her respect by depleting resources, dishing out massive SD, stalking players, and shows common courtesy by general harassment. Surely you cannot be that pig-headed?! [/i][/color]

    [color=#008000][i]If you took this kind of behaviour and placed it in the real world, how is this different to that if say, Robert Mugabe? and would you still be saying "I don't understand why the Zimbabweans were crying?! Surely Mugabe cant be that bad? Raping and pillaging a country is part of life people! If you don't like it just go to the UK for a bit and then come back to Zimbabwe when he leaves on business trips"[/i][/color]

    [color=#008000][i]Yes fighting is part of the game, but it is not acceptable when the odds are stacked so highly in one persons favour, and do not give me all that jazz about MD not being fair. There is unfairness in MD when it comes to fighting such as the Heads Contest, and then there is this. If I were a new mp5 who worked hard on achieving my stats not by grinding only to have them squashed by a troll like Eon, I would never want to play this game again, especially when the developers appear to be nonchalant and doing nothing about it and then blame the players for the lack of action.[/i][/color]
  17. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Burns in Teamwork Controversy, with a little Eon around the Corners   
    If you could stop Eon in the blink of an eye, that'd be imbalanced, wouldn't it?
    Attacking people is a vital part of the game, should it be that simple to turn that ability off? Just because you wish to?

    Ask yourself, would you like it a lot if people could stop you from playing just like that? 2 people don't like you, and suddenly you're in solitary confinement jail for the next 3 hours. Is that fair?

    And hooray for negative rep, i really want some:

    Shrinking population generally doesn't seem like a bad thing to me. In fact, I don't think that the people who quit because they don#t always get what they want were a big asset to MD in the first place.

    PS: If we get more into the Eon-corner again, as it seems right now, i'll split again. That's not an invitation to go wild, but i don't see the need to stop a discussion just because it doesn't fit with the topic title
  18. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tarquinus in Meta-gaming and the Dark Knight   
    I've been following the actions of Eon and the complaints of many about them. I have to say that I personally find it all rather amusing, but I offer some remarks about the situation in hopes that we as a community can get something to happen in the realm of MD.

    [quote name='Blood Prince']It seems Eon is becoming a problem. I'm not talking about skill damage (even-though its a part of it) but rather other bitchy things Eon has started doing. He has too much power to be contained by most of the MP5's kings/queen's are helpless because any action against him would obviously reverted by Mur. May be because Eon brings a lot of cash to the game which it needs. So it's time to fix Eon if the community think it is a problem.[/quote]
    I have no wish to single Blood Prince out here; this is just the most convenient quote that came to mind. I have to note that Mur strongly denies Eon's monetary contributions as a factor in Eon's status and abilities, and that I find that denial plausible.

    That said, I'm a little tired of/disappointed in seeing the community want to handle in-game situations through out-of-game discussions. That's called meta-gaming, and in my experience that's usually a negative word. Eon is to me a dark knight, perhaps one of the greatest villains MD has ever seen; he's not a problem, but a gift. I've only seen some tentative attempts at players coordinating to fight back against Eon, but I do think such attempts are the way the thing should go. As far as I know, Eon isn't harassing people out-of-game and he isn't breaking any rules. He seems invulnerable, but I argue that this appearance is encouraged by general perceptions that are not exactly in synch with reality. Got a problem with Eon? Don't like what he does? Well, are you gonna cry about it and wait for your white knight to save you, or will you step up to offer some heroics yourself? Mur is not wrong to point out that there are numerous in-game ways to deal with problematic characters, and that they have not been used to anything like their potential, or as nearly as I can tell, at all. What are we waiting for?

    After all, this is a fantasy role-playing game. Play it. Please. Because stuff like this - conflict - is interesting.
  19. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Yrthilian in Resignation letter of Yrthilian - King of Golemus   
    Well i would have preferd to have done this myself.
    I at least waited until i got a reply before i made it public.

    So yes i have decided i should step down as king. I have many reason
    some are personal and RL issues some are in game issues.

    As most of you know i have been on-line less and less this is for RL reasons more so than
    anything else.

    I also felt it best to step away from what i see is a big issue and lack of respect from comunity
    towards the kingship. Players like Eon whom have a complete disregard towards land rule
    and cannot be punished for it is what broke the camels back so to say.

    Yes i could have used a tool to hurt Eon and i do not speak of the needle. But I fear if i was to use it
    in the way i planed i would be punished again for it. But that is only a small matter.

    The position of King was to enforce land rules. when there becomes a lack of respect for the kingship
    the king cannot enforce anything without support. I had made request to have players punished for
    things they have done and they were not done or take too long to do that the community forgets about
    it to the point of the punishment being pointless.

    For now until the voting is done i will still act as king to keep things in order.
    I do not wish to get into arguments over who didn't do what or what could have been done by the king
    I just wish to step away while i can be considered a fair king before i do something drastic and damage my rep further

    Just to add

    I do NOT blame Mur for any of this. When i say lack of support yes Mur and council are part of it but the main support
    comes from the community so in turn i blame the community and myself for failing in this.
  20. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Muratus del Mur in Resignation letter of Yrthilian - King of Golemus   
    I thought this is something that needs to be public.
    It doesn't contain any 'too personal' lines or anything that
    could require it to be kept private so i am posting it here for reference.


    [i]Hello Mur,

    This is an email to officially state i am going to step down as king of
    I have many reasons for this some i will out line below.

    When I joined MD I found MD to be a wonderful positive place to be. The
    creativity of that time was like a drug to me. The RP and interaction of
    was great and encouraged one to strive for things in the realm and to
    discover. I am sorry to day that this to me has been lost.

    MD has become what seems like a big ball of negativity and hate between the
    many have tried to improve the mood but have not been able to break out of
    the cycle of mood swings and negativity.
    I dont know may be this is just one of the balancing cycles of MD as for
    such a long time things where good and positive.

    To me things needed fixing and have not been and probably wont be at this
    stage. Many where brought to you and the council
    and yet nothing got done even the things that got agreed to didn't get
    done. It is also this lack of support that drives me away from
    my role as king as what is the point when one cannot enforce the basic
    rules of the land.

    Eon is proving that point very clearly right now with the draining of land
    resources and the complete lack of respect for other lands
    and their rules. If i was to do what i could to stop eon i know you would
    reverse it again and and i would gain another point agents me.
    so in essence you have tied my hand to any sort of punishment i could enact
    on him.

    I love the land of Golemus and that is where i will always be. I am not
    leaving MD. I am just stepping down as king. As to me i no longer see
    the reason for a king. Yes the king has some powers but nothing like what
    they should have and the lack of support for the position and lack or
    respect for the kingship has made it a pointless role.

    I hate the idea of removing myself from that role but i think to save my
    sanity and who i am in MD I should go back to what i know best and
    carry one being the technomage.

    I am sorry to send you such bad new like this or good news depends on how
    you look at it i suppose.

    Golemus Technomage
    Ex King[/i]
  21. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in No   
    Sail well.
  22. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Mighty Pirate in No   
    This is about Murs announcement no 2076 and this thread: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10912-is-this-allowed/#rep_filter_menucontent"]http://magicduel.inv...ter_menucontent[/url] where I said that I will take any punishment seriously.

    [quote]Ann. 2076 - [2011-11-12 07:20:00 - Stage 11]

    Sent to jail for shared tools related abuse: Nadrolski, Paracelsus, Mighty Pirate. jail time two weeks (to be relased after day 330). At the time i issued the warnings i said something about a bounty for anyone helping to track item related abuses or potential abuses, the bounty collected by Eon.

    Here is what I think. There are basically two ways to handle this. One way would be to use the jail time to finish the Fusioneers quest, do research, try to give skill-damage back to Eon, and do all the other funny things.

    The other option is to join the MD police and complain department. I could analyze log files and complain about all people who transfer items between Alts. I could spy out MP6 and complain about all MP6 who keep their status with Alts. I could complain about a person because that person accepted a bounty for jailing people but abused his Alts to collect the data for this. I could complain about a person because this person abused his Alts to spy for attack or transfer spell targets. However, this is definitely NOT the way I like MD.

    I finally decided that I will take a third option. Yrth is my king. He gave me permission to act. My Fusioneers guild leader supported me. Mur decided to overrule Yrth and put me to jail. I am Mighty Pirate and I overrule Mur - I do not accept his punishment. I love freedom too much. Mighty Pirate will sail away and there is nothing you can do about it.

    My items and creatures will go to Yrth. I will take all my Gold and Silver with me. My memories will keep all the nice people from MD (which, of course, includes Mur).

    [color=#0000ff]*Mighty Pirate closes the prison door behind him and sails away.*[/color]
  23. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Blood Prince in A Sanctuary Spell   
    I too think sanctuaries are too much a common place now. From GOE the whole left path through the Fenth's press is a sanctuary. I really did not see a necessity to have sanctuaries in places where public meetings are held and it never happened in the past. But with the recent advancements in the game like giving skill damage to three players can have disastrous proportions if the meeting was not done in a sanctuary. Therefore I agree with Mur on holding public meetings in a sanctuary or making that location a sanctuary.

    However I also don't like these locations to be a sanctuary forever. So here are the solutions I propose.
    [*]Remove skill damage ability from the players which posses that ability until the public gathering is over. I say this because its not the lost fights one gets irritated with its the negative stats one would get. An un-allied MP5 attending a 2 hour meeting in a non-santuary location can get attacked roughly around 40 times. If I take Eon as an example (which I'm sure will attack to the maximum capability given the opportunity ) that MP5 would loose roughly 40* (-0.12) per skill which is too much for attending a meeting.
    [*]The next idea I have is keep a specific location (might be easily accessible to all like GOE or some other deep place) for public meetings. When public meetings happen the link in the trigger box will get people to the location. Make that place a sanctuary and we don't need to make anymore places sanctuaries.
    [*]Another idea is to provide unlimited number of attacklock spells for all people attending the meeting which is castable at that location only. So the people who don't want others to attack them can do so if they wish.

    I don't like too much sanctuaries so Mur should remove all the additional sanctuaries but I would like to keep Awiiya's place as a sanctuary in respect of the tree.

    Also this is not the place to say this but I'm too lazy to create another topic. Lets decorate Awiiya's tree as our Christmas tree this year.
  24. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chewett in Elucibrat Auction   
    cant remove it, personally involved, ask another mod to

    As for asking, surely seems a valid question, i wanted to know where have the other TK's stock has gone... i will make another post then.
  25. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chewett in Elucibrat Auction   
    This isnt related to the TK's not giving out all of the prizes that they were sponsered to give out? it seems rather... timed...
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