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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Conspiracy Theories   
    79) MD "stages" are just different names for the firmware used by the alien logic virus to function in your bra in to function in you to function in your brai n to function in your brain properly.

    Sry for the lag, i was downloading latest updates.

    80) Viscosity is actually real, the mousebutton takes longer to press than on normal links.O.o
  2. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Wishpoints, Items, and Alt Abuse   
    the issue is that any rule stated before wasn't considering the current situation where alts can basically farm wishpoints. I can not give a final decision on this matter as it is now, but i can issue a temporary rule just so you know what and what not to do.

    [color=#ff0000]As time passes i will know better what impact the activedays wp have on the realm and If the situation demands it, i will change this rule to fit. If nothing uncommon happens it remains as it is.[/color]

    [b]Item creating using alts is allowed, but the crafters (or anyone able to create items at the cost of wishpoints) will be requested to be extra careful with this and not to allow anything they consider repeated abuse to happen. In other words, using this with decency, one, two items from your alts because those items are suited for your main character is FINE. Breeding alts to create a repeated source of items through wishpoints received for active days is NOT OK. The decision belongs to those that have this ability, about what is abuse and what is not. It is also their responsability to avoid such abuse and ensure they respect the guidelines i provided about what items can be created and what not.[/b]

    To bring a level of responsability so to say, I will publicly ask the crafters (or anyone with the ability now or in the future) to specifically ask is the item creation request is for an other account (meaning using alts) or not. They should also base their decision if to create the item or not upon this information. This information should be kept confidential but in case of any trial, if you provide false information, it will definitely mean you had the intent to abuse.

    I think everything stated here should be clear, yet if it is not, please ask.

    If noticing repeated item creation requests from what they believe to be alts of same person, the crafters should warn about this rule. I have no itention to trap people to make "crimes" they have no clue about, the purpose of rules are to keep md balanced...lets not forget that.

    [b]Clarification on alts and item transfers[/b]
    Also, to say this again: item transfers and COIN transfers from and to alts is OK. If you are confused why..i can try to explain shortly. At the base of having those things stay unregenerable sources. For coins people pay money or trade goods, they are not receiving them for free. The goods they trade or the money they spend are the same regardless if taken cumulatively or individually. The advantage that they could get gold without a shop reset is a benefit considered in the gold "value" already. Items, (except now with the wp situation) where achieved also for something, not for free, so there was never the issue of cummulating "free" stuff to benefit a main. The items are also role dependent, accounts are too, this matters also when considering the impact of allowing alts to hold items...maybe as backup holders. The "trade" value of the items depends on their rarity and importance in the realm but also on the traders skill to sell or buy them. None of these changes if items are stored on one or more accounts belonging to same person (alts).
  3. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Wrong movement arrow tooltips   
    would be very helpful if a mod renames this to "Wrong movement arrow tooltips" and use this topic to report similar issues from any place you find them, that way i can fix them all in one

  4. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Princess Katt in Stage 11, ready or not?   
    I think that the new calculation of AP based on active days is the natural complement to the addition of viscosity, and thus, should be the cap to Stage 10.

    [quote]Ann. 1939 - [2011-07-25 01:14:33 - Stage 10]
    Actionpoints bonus for Active Days
    The number of active days will influence from now on the total action points you can accumulate. The older you are the more Ap you will have. The way the bonus is distributed is not constant but in the first 6mo matches half of the active days count, later on growing slower. . The exact bonus values are posted on the forum. The intention is to keep newer players in more central areas, while older players will feel more comfortable to adventure in deeper areas of the map.[/quote]

    I think changes after this should go toward Stage 11.
  5. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Deatznce0 in Stage 11, ready or not?   
    Due to the radical changes with gameplay i nominate:
    [color="#cccccc"]Ann. 1765 - [2011-03-25 00:21:59 - Stage 10][/color]
    [b]No more Experience, but HEAT - Concept change[/b]
    I am glad to announce one of the most important concept changes in the past years in MD. There is no more "Experience", its now the same with HEAT. Functionality at this point remains the same but things will change over time according to this concept. Heat is finally what it was supposed to be from the start and "Experience" as a concept is gone. XP was never too much "MD Style" anyway.

    Player XP, Creature XP = Stored Heat
    Max XP, or XP cap = Max heat tolerance
    You dont gain xp but you store/refill heat
    You dont lose XP but you free stored hear

    The name changes are already in place and will be followed in time by functionality changes, things like heat burn, a more dynamic system of skill limits and more. This is a major change even if it might not seem so at this moment. The merger between heat and "xp" made heat be the "blood" of all activities in md, its used in some items to power them up, its used in fights, in creatures, in skills, character development and so on. The heat of the "erolin device" (glowing thin in right corner of the interface) is also heat , same heat as your stored heat, only in unstable form. Also from a story point of view, without any current implementation, Heat is the counterbalance of liquid dust and will be later called "negative heat" (as in "minus" not as in "bad", not the same with "cold"). This means a lot more but in the end it makes all perfect sense since the Shades are the counterbalance of the players too. This change fits as a glove on how things were already in MD, it is not shaking too much, but the name change might make you understand more of how things work in md. As usual, opinions about this are welcome on the forum.

    But on a more serious note, this probably is the most deserving of us entering stage 11...
    [color="#cccccc"]Ann. 1929 - [2011-07-14 07:14:02 - Stage 10][/color]
    [b]All snowmen have melted![/b]
    Rest in Peace Frosty, if we enter stage 11 because of you, your death will not be in vein! *respectfully salutes*
  6. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from MoM in Wrong movement arrow tooltips   
    would be very helpful if a mod renames this to "Wrong movement arrow tooltips" and use this topic to report similar issues from any place you find them, that way i can fix them all in one

  7. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sephirah Caelum in Request for punishment for sasha lilias   
    whatever / if / council reacts about this , will have to be considered in place of the next. I had no time to check if council is analyzing the matter so my reply here might be hasty.

    i believe this is indeed a punishable crime, however i do not enjoy people asking a specific punishment for someone else. "i do not enjoy" means in other words it is highly likely i will avoid giving THAT punishment to someone just because you suggested it, unless its perfectly suitable.

    In this case i believe this next punishment should be applied after a week from now if council wont decide otherwise:

    - one week of jail
    - title changed without any compensation
    - warning that if an other scene will be renamed in such CARELESS manner the punishment will be disproportionate

    the renamed scene is a key position not just some alley, therefore i believe she should have asked about it , just a bit to make sure.

    i also must check if this restriction is clearly stated under the textfield where you set it, and make sure it will be if its not (cant remember how it was made ages ago)

    I have no intention to put trap rules and catch people commiting crimes they have no clue to be crimes, but also i cant forgive a crime simply because someone cant read properly

  8. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Tarquinus in Request for punishment for sasha lilias   
    whatever / if / council reacts about this , will have to be considered in place of the next. I had no time to check if council is analyzing the matter so my reply here might be hasty.

    i believe this is indeed a punishable crime, however i do not enjoy people asking a specific punishment for someone else. "i do not enjoy" means in other words it is highly likely i will avoid giving THAT punishment to someone just because you suggested it, unless its perfectly suitable.

    In this case i believe this next punishment should be applied after a week from now if council wont decide otherwise:

    - one week of jail
    - title changed without any compensation
    - warning that if an other scene will be renamed in such CARELESS manner the punishment will be disproportionate

    the renamed scene is a key position not just some alley, therefore i believe she should have asked about it , just a bit to make sure.

    i also must check if this restriction is clearly stated under the textfield where you set it, and make sure it will be if its not (cant remember how it was made ages ago)

    I have no intention to put trap rules and catch people commiting crimes they have no clue to be crimes, but also i cant forgive a crime simply because someone cant read properly

  9. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Stage 11, ready or not?   
    one step done
  10. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from phantasm in Request for punishment for sasha lilias   

    my punishment suggestion was made without considering the fact that sasha/mcvitie was not at its first alt abuse incident
    the jail time cant possibly be lower than the first time. in fact my punishments for repeated abuse are too disproportionate so i will let council find a fair way do deal with this matter.
  11. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Curiose in Request for punishment for sasha lilias   
    whatever / if / council reacts about this , will have to be considered in place of the next. I had no time to check if council is analyzing the matter so my reply here might be hasty.

    i believe this is indeed a punishable crime, however i do not enjoy people asking a specific punishment for someone else. "i do not enjoy" means in other words it is highly likely i will avoid giving THAT punishment to someone just because you suggested it, unless its perfectly suitable.

    In this case i believe this next punishment should be applied after a week from now if council wont decide otherwise:

    - one week of jail
    - title changed without any compensation
    - warning that if an other scene will be renamed in such CARELESS manner the punishment will be disproportionate

    the renamed scene is a key position not just some alley, therefore i believe she should have asked about it , just a bit to make sure.

    i also must check if this restriction is clearly stated under the textfield where you set it, and make sure it will be if its not (cant remember how it was made ages ago)

    I have no intention to put trap rules and catch people commiting crimes they have no clue to be crimes, but also i cant forgive a crime simply because someone cant read properly

  12. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to dst in Request for punishment for sasha lilias   
    I want sasha lilias to be banned for at least 1 month and also her WPs to be removed. Also, what she has done needs to be un-done.

    Cause of this:


    This is what the wish says:
    [b]Change location subtitle[/b]
    Allows you to change a subtitle on a given location. The new title will remain forever untill someone else changes it and for at least 4 days. With this you can mark locations to support your role, such as pubs, markets, themed gathering places, mark historic locations to remember an important event for all future players, organise group activities, support role play situations, etc.[color=#FF0000][b] You are not allow to write playernames in this subtitle[/b][/color]. Abusing this by writing ofences, advertising or similar will be penalised.

    I will also send an e-mail to the council and Mur and complain about this.

    This is not the first time she breaks the rules. She is not a noob. She knows exactly what she's doing but choose to ignore all the rules. I will NOT accept such things!

    MD is NOT your personal playground!
  13. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Hedge Munos in Request for punishment for sasha lilias   
    whatever / if / council reacts about this , will have to be considered in place of the next. I had no time to check if council is analyzing the matter so my reply here might be hasty.

    i believe this is indeed a punishable crime, however i do not enjoy people asking a specific punishment for someone else. "i do not enjoy" means in other words it is highly likely i will avoid giving THAT punishment to someone just because you suggested it, unless its perfectly suitable.

    In this case i believe this next punishment should be applied after a week from now if council wont decide otherwise:

    - one week of jail
    - title changed without any compensation
    - warning that if an other scene will be renamed in such CARELESS manner the punishment will be disproportionate

    the renamed scene is a key position not just some alley, therefore i believe she should have asked about it , just a bit to make sure.

    i also must check if this restriction is clearly stated under the textfield where you set it, and make sure it will be if its not (cant remember how it was made ages ago)

    I have no intention to put trap rules and catch people commiting crimes they have no clue to be crimes, but also i cant forgive a crime simply because someone cant read properly

  14. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Seigheart in Request for punishment for sasha lilias   
    whatever / if / council reacts about this , will have to be considered in place of the next. I had no time to check if council is analyzing the matter so my reply here might be hasty.

    i believe this is indeed a punishable crime, however i do not enjoy people asking a specific punishment for someone else. "i do not enjoy" means in other words it is highly likely i will avoid giving THAT punishment to someone just because you suggested it, unless its perfectly suitable.

    In this case i believe this next punishment should be applied after a week from now if council wont decide otherwise:

    - one week of jail
    - title changed without any compensation
    - warning that if an other scene will be renamed in such CARELESS manner the punishment will be disproportionate

    the renamed scene is a key position not just some alley, therefore i believe she should have asked about it , just a bit to make sure.

    i also must check if this restriction is clearly stated under the textfield where you set it, and make sure it will be if its not (cant remember how it was made ages ago)

    I have no intention to put trap rules and catch people commiting crimes they have no clue to be crimes, but also i cant forgive a crime simply because someone cant read properly

  15. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from nadrolski in The structure os a Fenths capsule   

    The viscosity shroud

    Reality is the harmonious dance between the observing and the observed.
    One can not exist without the other. Existance is relative, the reality of an observed subject is determined by the sum of everything observing it. There is a difference between living observers like you and me and simple objects. Living observers are gates to reality, repeating and recreating observed reality over and over in what is called Mind. Objects are static observers, they receive information about surrounding things and do nothing creative with it. Everything is an observer regardless if intentional or not. A stone under layers of dirt "observes" the dirt that surrounds it, a plant observes its surroundings just not conscious like an animal would.

    This is the role, or better said the reason why viscosity forms around a fenths. The viscosity shroud surrounding a Fenths capsule starts at zero and reaches infinity levels close to the fenths surface. In this way, the capsule is invisible to the outerworld, any information transfer between the capsule and its surroundings gets stuck in the viscosity shroud.

    Have you ever seen frog eggs? That transparent jelly prottecting a central core, protecting life. Fenths are like those eggs, protecting a core of untainted reality. Untainted reality means actually "void", from void starts everything, reaches "anything" and returns back to "nothing" in a cyclic neverending process.

    Fenths are not cyclic, they are "everything" on the exterior and "nothing/void" on the interiour.
    In a way, fenth are the opposite of black holes. You can not touch them, they are invisible and slipping throught reality like frog eggs slip through your fingers. Analizing them from outside they seem to be unidimensional, a dot, seen from inside they are infinite. However untouchable they might be, certain rules help us create an artistic (slightly flawed) representation of how such formations could look like if visible (See the picture)


    this was one of the hundreds of articles and clues i will flood md with in stage 11


    other titles in the series "Fenths"

    - Fenths relation to heat
    - How Fenths form
    - Sepparating the soubtle from the gross (Fenths Press)
    [s]- Conversion of a creature into Fenth[/s] (added)
    [s]- Fenths as a universal resource[/s] (added)
    - History of the name (keep in mind its a fully original MD name)
    - Fenths and the alchemic Gold

    more..always more

    see u in stage 11

  16. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Watcher in The structure os a Fenths capsule   
    sry for the delay but took me other 12h to actually go to sleep after the initial post
  17. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Rumi in The structure os a Fenths capsule   

    The viscosity shroud

    Reality is the harmonious dance between the observing and the observed.
    One can not exist without the other. Existance is relative, the reality of an observed subject is determined by the sum of everything observing it. There is a difference between living observers like you and me and simple objects. Living observers are gates to reality, repeating and recreating observed reality over and over in what is called Mind. Objects are static observers, they receive information about surrounding things and do nothing creative with it. Everything is an observer regardless if intentional or not. A stone under layers of dirt "observes" the dirt that surrounds it, a plant observes its surroundings just not conscious like an animal would.

    This is the role, or better said the reason why viscosity forms around a fenths. The viscosity shroud surrounding a Fenths capsule starts at zero and reaches infinity levels close to the fenths surface. In this way, the capsule is invisible to the outerworld, any information transfer between the capsule and its surroundings gets stuck in the viscosity shroud.

    Have you ever seen frog eggs? That transparent jelly prottecting a central core, protecting life. Fenths are like those eggs, protecting a core of untainted reality. Untainted reality means actually "void", from void starts everything, reaches "anything" and returns back to "nothing" in a cyclic neverending process.

    Fenths are not cyclic, they are "everything" on the exterior and "nothing/void" on the interiour.
    In a way, fenth are the opposite of black holes. You can not touch them, they are invisible and slipping throught reality like frog eggs slip through your fingers. Analizing them from outside they seem to be unidimensional, a dot, seen from inside they are infinite. However untouchable they might be, certain rules help us create an artistic (slightly flawed) representation of how such formations could look like if visible (See the picture)


    this was one of the hundreds of articles and clues i will flood md with in stage 11


    other titles in the series "Fenths"

    - Fenths relation to heat
    - How Fenths form
    - Sepparating the soubtle from the gross (Fenths Press)
    [s]- Conversion of a creature into Fenth[/s] (added)
    [s]- Fenths as a universal resource[/s] (added)
    - History of the name (keep in mind its a fully original MD name)
    - Fenths and the alchemic Gold

    more..always more

    see u in stage 11

  18. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Watcher in The structure os a Fenths capsule   

    The viscosity shroud

    Reality is the harmonious dance between the observing and the observed.
    One can not exist without the other. Existance is relative, the reality of an observed subject is determined by the sum of everything observing it. There is a difference between living observers like you and me and simple objects. Living observers are gates to reality, repeating and recreating observed reality over and over in what is called Mind. Objects are static observers, they receive information about surrounding things and do nothing creative with it. Everything is an observer regardless if intentional or not. A stone under layers of dirt "observes" the dirt that surrounds it, a plant observes its surroundings just not conscious like an animal would.

    This is the role, or better said the reason why viscosity forms around a fenths. The viscosity shroud surrounding a Fenths capsule starts at zero and reaches infinity levels close to the fenths surface. In this way, the capsule is invisible to the outerworld, any information transfer between the capsule and its surroundings gets stuck in the viscosity shroud.

    Have you ever seen frog eggs? That transparent jelly prottecting a central core, protecting life. Fenths are like those eggs, protecting a core of untainted reality. Untainted reality means actually "void", from void starts everything, reaches "anything" and returns back to "nothing" in a cyclic neverending process.

    Fenths are not cyclic, they are "everything" on the exterior and "nothing/void" on the interiour.
    In a way, fenth are the opposite of black holes. You can not touch them, they are invisible and slipping throught reality like frog eggs slip through your fingers. Analizing them from outside they seem to be unidimensional, a dot, seen from inside they are infinite. However untouchable they might be, certain rules help us create an artistic (slightly flawed) representation of how such formations could look like if visible (See the picture)


    this was one of the hundreds of articles and clues i will flood md with in stage 11


    other titles in the series "Fenths"

    - Fenths relation to heat
    - How Fenths form
    - Sepparating the soubtle from the gross (Fenths Press)
    [s]- Conversion of a creature into Fenth[/s] (added)
    [s]- Fenths as a universal resource[/s] (added)
    - History of the name (keep in mind its a fully original MD name)
    - Fenths and the alchemic Gold

    more..always more

    see u in stage 11

  19. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Fire Starter in The structure os a Fenths capsule   
    sry for the delay but took me other 12h to actually go to sleep after the initial post
  20. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Luke27 in The structure os a Fenths capsule   

    The viscosity shroud

    Reality is the harmonious dance between the observing and the observed.
    One can not exist without the other. Existance is relative, the reality of an observed subject is determined by the sum of everything observing it. There is a difference between living observers like you and me and simple objects. Living observers are gates to reality, repeating and recreating observed reality over and over in what is called Mind. Objects are static observers, they receive information about surrounding things and do nothing creative with it. Everything is an observer regardless if intentional or not. A stone under layers of dirt "observes" the dirt that surrounds it, a plant observes its surroundings just not conscious like an animal would.

    This is the role, or better said the reason why viscosity forms around a fenths. The viscosity shroud surrounding a Fenths capsule starts at zero and reaches infinity levels close to the fenths surface. In this way, the capsule is invisible to the outerworld, any information transfer between the capsule and its surroundings gets stuck in the viscosity shroud.

    Have you ever seen frog eggs? That transparent jelly prottecting a central core, protecting life. Fenths are like those eggs, protecting a core of untainted reality. Untainted reality means actually "void", from void starts everything, reaches "anything" and returns back to "nothing" in a cyclic neverending process.

    Fenths are not cyclic, they are "everything" on the exterior and "nothing/void" on the interiour.
    In a way, fenth are the opposite of black holes. You can not touch them, they are invisible and slipping throught reality like frog eggs slip through your fingers. Analizing them from outside they seem to be unidimensional, a dot, seen from inside they are infinite. However untouchable they might be, certain rules help us create an artistic (slightly flawed) representation of how such formations could look like if visible (See the picture)


    this was one of the hundreds of articles and clues i will flood md with in stage 11


    other titles in the series "Fenths"

    - Fenths relation to heat
    - How Fenths form
    - Sepparating the soubtle from the gross (Fenths Press)
    [s]- Conversion of a creature into Fenth[/s] (added)
    [s]- Fenths as a universal resource[/s] (added)
    - History of the name (keep in mind its a fully original MD name)
    - Fenths and the alchemic Gold

    more..always more

    see u in stage 11

  21. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Seigheart in The structure os a Fenths capsule   

    The viscosity shroud

    Reality is the harmonious dance between the observing and the observed.
    One can not exist without the other. Existance is relative, the reality of an observed subject is determined by the sum of everything observing it. There is a difference between living observers like you and me and simple objects. Living observers are gates to reality, repeating and recreating observed reality over and over in what is called Mind. Objects are static observers, they receive information about surrounding things and do nothing creative with it. Everything is an observer regardless if intentional or not. A stone under layers of dirt "observes" the dirt that surrounds it, a plant observes its surroundings just not conscious like an animal would.

    This is the role, or better said the reason why viscosity forms around a fenths. The viscosity shroud surrounding a Fenths capsule starts at zero and reaches infinity levels close to the fenths surface. In this way, the capsule is invisible to the outerworld, any information transfer between the capsule and its surroundings gets stuck in the viscosity shroud.

    Have you ever seen frog eggs? That transparent jelly prottecting a central core, protecting life. Fenths are like those eggs, protecting a core of untainted reality. Untainted reality means actually "void", from void starts everything, reaches "anything" and returns back to "nothing" in a cyclic neverending process.

    Fenths are not cyclic, they are "everything" on the exterior and "nothing/void" on the interiour.
    In a way, fenth are the opposite of black holes. You can not touch them, they are invisible and slipping throught reality like frog eggs slip through your fingers. Analizing them from outside they seem to be unidimensional, a dot, seen from inside they are infinite. However untouchable they might be, certain rules help us create an artistic (slightly flawed) representation of how such formations could look like if visible (See the picture)


    this was one of the hundreds of articles and clues i will flood md with in stage 11


    other titles in the series "Fenths"

    - Fenths relation to heat
    - How Fenths form
    - Sepparating the soubtle from the gross (Fenths Press)
    [s]- Conversion of a creature into Fenth[/s] (added)
    [s]- Fenths as a universal resource[/s] (added)
    - History of the name (keep in mind its a fully original MD name)
    - Fenths and the alchemic Gold

    more..always more

    see u in stage 11

  22. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Fire Starter in The structure os a Fenths capsule   

    The viscosity shroud

    Reality is the harmonious dance between the observing and the observed.
    One can not exist without the other. Existance is relative, the reality of an observed subject is determined by the sum of everything observing it. There is a difference between living observers like you and me and simple objects. Living observers are gates to reality, repeating and recreating observed reality over and over in what is called Mind. Objects are static observers, they receive information about surrounding things and do nothing creative with it. Everything is an observer regardless if intentional or not. A stone under layers of dirt "observes" the dirt that surrounds it, a plant observes its surroundings just not conscious like an animal would.

    This is the role, or better said the reason why viscosity forms around a fenths. The viscosity shroud surrounding a Fenths capsule starts at zero and reaches infinity levels close to the fenths surface. In this way, the capsule is invisible to the outerworld, any information transfer between the capsule and its surroundings gets stuck in the viscosity shroud.

    Have you ever seen frog eggs? That transparent jelly prottecting a central core, protecting life. Fenths are like those eggs, protecting a core of untainted reality. Untainted reality means actually "void", from void starts everything, reaches "anything" and returns back to "nothing" in a cyclic neverending process.

    Fenths are not cyclic, they are "everything" on the exterior and "nothing/void" on the interiour.
    In a way, fenth are the opposite of black holes. You can not touch them, they are invisible and slipping throught reality like frog eggs slip through your fingers. Analizing them from outside they seem to be unidimensional, a dot, seen from inside they are infinite. However untouchable they might be, certain rules help us create an artistic (slightly flawed) representation of how such formations could look like if visible (See the picture)


    this was one of the hundreds of articles and clues i will flood md with in stage 11


    other titles in the series "Fenths"

    - Fenths relation to heat
    - How Fenths form
    - Sepparating the soubtle from the gross (Fenths Press)
    [s]- Conversion of a creature into Fenth[/s] (added)
    [s]- Fenths as a universal resource[/s] (added)
    - History of the name (keep in mind its a fully original MD name)
    - Fenths and the alchemic Gold

    more..always more

    see u in stage 11

  23. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in The structure os a Fenths capsule   

    The viscosity shroud

    Reality is the harmonious dance between the observing and the observed.
    One can not exist without the other. Existance is relative, the reality of an observed subject is determined by the sum of everything observing it. There is a difference between living observers like you and me and simple objects. Living observers are gates to reality, repeating and recreating observed reality over and over in what is called Mind. Objects are static observers, they receive information about surrounding things and do nothing creative with it. Everything is an observer regardless if intentional or not. A stone under layers of dirt "observes" the dirt that surrounds it, a plant observes its surroundings just not conscious like an animal would.

    This is the role, or better said the reason why viscosity forms around a fenths. The viscosity shroud surrounding a Fenths capsule starts at zero and reaches infinity levels close to the fenths surface. In this way, the capsule is invisible to the outerworld, any information transfer between the capsule and its surroundings gets stuck in the viscosity shroud.

    Have you ever seen frog eggs? That transparent jelly prottecting a central core, protecting life. Fenths are like those eggs, protecting a core of untainted reality. Untainted reality means actually "void", from void starts everything, reaches "anything" and returns back to "nothing" in a cyclic neverending process.

    Fenths are not cyclic, they are "everything" on the exterior and "nothing/void" on the interiour.
    In a way, fenth are the opposite of black holes. You can not touch them, they are invisible and slipping throught reality like frog eggs slip through your fingers. Analizing them from outside they seem to be unidimensional, a dot, seen from inside they are infinite. However untouchable they might be, certain rules help us create an artistic (slightly flawed) representation of how such formations could look like if visible (See the picture)


    this was one of the hundreds of articles and clues i will flood md with in stage 11


    other titles in the series "Fenths"

    - Fenths relation to heat
    - How Fenths form
    - Sepparating the soubtle from the gross (Fenths Press)
    [s]- Conversion of a creature into Fenth[/s] (added)
    [s]- Fenths as a universal resource[/s] (added)
    - History of the name (keep in mind its a fully original MD name)
    - Fenths and the alchemic Gold

    more..always more

    see u in stage 11

  24. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from MRAlyon in The structure os a Fenths capsule   

    The viscosity shroud

    Reality is the harmonious dance between the observing and the observed.
    One can not exist without the other. Existance is relative, the reality of an observed subject is determined by the sum of everything observing it. There is a difference between living observers like you and me and simple objects. Living observers are gates to reality, repeating and recreating observed reality over and over in what is called Mind. Objects are static observers, they receive information about surrounding things and do nothing creative with it. Everything is an observer regardless if intentional or not. A stone under layers of dirt "observes" the dirt that surrounds it, a plant observes its surroundings just not conscious like an animal would.

    This is the role, or better said the reason why viscosity forms around a fenths. The viscosity shroud surrounding a Fenths capsule starts at zero and reaches infinity levels close to the fenths surface. In this way, the capsule is invisible to the outerworld, any information transfer between the capsule and its surroundings gets stuck in the viscosity shroud.

    Have you ever seen frog eggs? That transparent jelly prottecting a central core, protecting life. Fenths are like those eggs, protecting a core of untainted reality. Untainted reality means actually "void", from void starts everything, reaches "anything" and returns back to "nothing" in a cyclic neverending process.

    Fenths are not cyclic, they are "everything" on the exterior and "nothing/void" on the interiour.
    In a way, fenth are the opposite of black holes. You can not touch them, they are invisible and slipping throught reality like frog eggs slip through your fingers. Analizing them from outside they seem to be unidimensional, a dot, seen from inside they are infinite. However untouchable they might be, certain rules help us create an artistic (slightly flawed) representation of how such formations could look like if visible (See the picture)


    this was one of the hundreds of articles and clues i will flood md with in stage 11


    other titles in the series "Fenths"

    - Fenths relation to heat
    - How Fenths form
    - Sepparating the soubtle from the gross (Fenths Press)
    [s]- Conversion of a creature into Fenth[/s] (added)
    [s]- Fenths as a universal resource[/s] (added)
    - History of the name (keep in mind its a fully original MD name)
    - Fenths and the alchemic Gold

    more..always more

    see u in stage 11

  25. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Hi, my name is God, 45y old male from Ro   
    finally I have proof! God exists, he is Romanian, a bit bald, a little fat, about 1,60m tall and he was spotted about an hour ago in a train somewhere west while he was fighting satan himself. 

    If you didnt notice the funny part of this yet, repeat after me .."ha", "ha ha".

    Now what is this all about? I am traveling randomly across the country, the train is a beautiful place to rest your mind. Traveling without a purpose or destination is my ideal state of mind . I usualy end up in strange places or meet weird people when i do that.

    Once I met a lady that she insisted she was saint and that she was speaking with the vergin mary on a daily basis, how awesome is that. I think she had her phone number too. Oh and I forgot to mention she was a nun.. dressed in a green nun outfit. I wonder where she got a green outfit. But the truth is, i have to admit, she  was one of the most "glowing" person I ever saw, too bad her brain was so messed up. (If you don't understand what i mean by glowing, no problem )

    Today, I met God himself, more or less ..he was quite uncertain about his name, sometimes refered to himself as Savaot (look for Sabaoth on google, very interesting), but sometimes as some name with merf/mafab something i couldn't understand. The guy, that was quite human and badly mentally deranged, in case you didn't realised yet, was speaking with his imaginary enemy, quite agressively. I always wished to have a chance to see what is inside the mind of such a person, so, i made an experiment. I treated him as decent as possible without moking him or making bad jokes. Even if now i present it as a funny experience, it is a very sad thing. It goes even more sad  when you go deeper down the path and see the torment in his mind. It is nothing to laugh about the person, nothing to judge, his intentions were good, he just wanted to save the universe he created from an evil dragon/demon ("balaur" in romanian is like a multi headed dragon). I promised him to keep the demons name secret and I intend to do so even if its just about an imaginary figure in a madmans head it is still my word. The few hours we stood in the same train compartment I had the unique opportunity to listen to his story in full, disvuss with him as if he was a sane, fully function man, ignoring for the moment the strangeness of his tale and the obvious mental insanity.

    I told him directly that his behaviour isn't quite standard, to avoid worse words, but i am seriously interested to listen to what he has to say. I was shocked of his reply. He told me to wait a few minutes so he can calm down, so in a few minutes he continued...

    I will use his exact wording (transled as best as i could), because some things are quite interesting. 

    He claims the world we live in was just one in a million billions worlds he (sabaot) created to destroy this ~balaur" he fights. Each world drags the 'balaur' down from his true form and forces him to be represented in the material world so he can destroy him. The final trap is to cath him between two flat universes. FLAT universes.... i considered it interesting so I asked him how else can the universe be if not flat (played stupid). He answered it is made of "four", we see "three". Since I am currently writing about 2-4-8 fold universe model you might think I altered what this guy said to fit my theories, not at all. The flat universe, he said, is made of ~2~ but can exist only 2 and 2, paired. When I heared numbers and such , my brain immediately started all its engines and i was prepared to go wild talking about the subject...but I almost forgot he was just mad and really couldn't detail much of what he said.  I asked him if he is figthing this enemy for a long time, and he told me it was "now", as if it was yesterday ..but mentioned year 1989. In that year the revolution against communism in Romania started in that area (Timisoara) so probably some tragic event marked him back then...but I am not his shrink, so I didn't asked about details of what might have happend in his personal life. He was convinced anyway that he saved human kind back then, preventing this demon to unite with his forms in the other universes. 

    So..in case you lost track of who did what..here is a summary: This guy, aka God on a train, diluted this ~pure evil non-being" as he called it, over a million billion worlds to make it less powerfull so it can be destroyed. He tried ~static sunrais~ (cool concept for a fantasy movie, admit it) but it was uneffective, so now he plans to use two flat universes to trap him.

    I must make a remark here, the way seals to trap demons were made, the two circles used to close a seal, has _VERY_ much to do with something that could be described as "two flat universes~, each circle being a symbol for a flat universe in 4 points. But back to his insanity, it gets more interesting.

    The problem when talking to him is that I never understood why he was calling himself savaot , but moments later his other personality was cursing savaot , same name, for taking credit for the world the (the man) built. It was confusingand he was not very helpfull in explaining this blatant logic conflict... but nevermind, lets go on as it is  
    I guess..only ~god~ can be as powerful as ~god~ so both him and his arch enemy woud have to be one and the same for his mind to work through his insanity barrier.

    I asked him, wht would be so wrong to leave human kind to be destroyed by that demon. I always wanted to ask that to someone that wants to "save the world" ...WHAT FOR? 
    He freaked out, ofc, but also gave me a very cool description of why the world should be saved. Honestly, it is the best reason i heared so far. He claims that this demon is incomplete, he would integrate in his own being all the humans he could, but they would be mixed together. One mans foot will go through an other man's eye and one thousand thirty three people , an infinite amount of times, will be merged together in this horrible way, with body parts missplaced all forming one giant monstrosity. This would harm his beautifull and infinite order and would make it impossible for him, savaot (THIS TIME THE GOOD CREATOR GOD, NOT THE BAD DEMON) to complete his work. Interesting...the reason to save man kind is to prevent chaos. I was thinking we bring chaos ..heh.

    The way he mentioned the number 1033, i wrote in letters because he repeated it several times each time a little different. It might be 1000 and then 33, or 1033..idk..i know 33 was clear. This is without doubdt connected to the notion of ~Legions~ used to described the size/power of a demon, but he presented it in such an original way. 

    I agreed to him. having humans all glued up in one big monstruosity is reason enough for me to save them. Its not death that you save them from , so makes sense...for now.

    Interesting, i tried to see if he understands what i mean..and told him that humans are already glued up together in cities, we live in groups, we get "merged" with the identity of people around us..and so on. He said that is nothing compared to this..because in a city there are just a few people, but this "balaur" will glue "1000 33" an infinite number of times both in past and in future". Now when he dded this little remark..both in past and in future...the infinite number started to make more sense.

    Now the interesting part is over and the sad part of this mans reality comes up. He told me he is immortal. i told him i believe he might be immortal, but his body is not and he should make well to remember that. I get out of the train while he took it very personal and started to scream nothing can destroy him, that he is infinit and immortal, and he was luky the window of the train was locked or he could have taken his only chance to prove he is not that immortal afterall.

    I hope he will have rest one day, in his mind most of all. He was obviously exhausted, claimed he didnt slept for days. He actually took a nap of about 15min in the middle of the discussion then he continued right where he stopped...quite creepy.

    Thats about it.
    Not so funny afterall, makes me think a lot
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