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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in My short experience in MD.   
    [quote]And now come on you IMPORTANT people. Start blubbering about how wrong I am[/quote]

    I fell importand so here is what i have to say about how wrong you are or are not. First of all, thank you vey much for posting your opinions so honeslty up and not just leaving without any remark. That is very valuable to me and even if i am right in what i will say next (or not), i basically failed to ensure you as a MD player to achieve something out of it , so bad point for me. Anyway here it is .. the blubbering:

    1) The way you behave to others is relevant for the way you respect, control, and value yourself, not them. If you have to be polite to idiots you learn to control yourself and still achieve your goal without crossing your ideals and ways..polite means diplomacy, you learn something, or you dont. In RL you are surrounded by idiots you need to be polite to but there you are not a character you can learn from , you take the hits directly. The people that reach leadership positions are not idiots in md..that should make you think..what was it that you missed when considering someone an idiot. This can make you learn something...like for example to understand those you usualy judge first, and only judge or label them after you understand them fully...
    Again, this is not for them, is for yourself, for the way you respect yourself and your judgement. Its a mirror, everyone around you might be you , how can you understand yourself when your eyes can look only outside and you are unable to understand others?

    2) Taking md to YM is something i was against and still am and will always be. If you take this beyond the virtuality border, md is no longer a training field or a learning experience , it becomes an extension of the reality you live in, so become the things that happen in it. I keep saying (with words or actions) that a character in md should not be bound by the person behind the keyboard. I use PLAYERNAMES with everyone, and i do mind when called "Manu" since you actually dont know manu at all. Same applies to each one of you. My advice..if you decide to go outside MD borders, keep being your character, or be ready to face whatever will come. Your character is NOT you , is ALSO you...big difference.

    3) creation is perfectly possible, md is not only about understanding it..thats optional. In fact if you would look around, so many create rather that understand what i created. I don't mean roles, i mean ideas, discovering things, new things. See MD as a foundation that gives a start, a unwritten book. Its true you cant be as creative as you wish in md...just imagine the chaos. MD "goal" is not making you understand it..stop making assumptions to what md is. Anyway why do you believe "understanding" hinders "creativity" ?

    4) true, a virtual world amplifies any traits , any character features or flaws. If assholes are 4 times more assholes as you claim, then you should think you should have been 4 times more resistant to assholes in this "virtual world". However you can't do that since you moved MD to messenger..your fault only. You think it give you the illusion of being different? well , in my opinion , if that illusion stands in front of others that judge it (in-realm) then its not an illusion. If you end up loved or important for some, its your merit, not an illusion. The fact you discover in RL that you fail badly at it its because the outer-world as influences you miss to consider. Lets assume you are a fat ugly pig with the most hideous face humanity ever saw (example), then you are a charming guy in a virtual world (ANY). Ofc this creates a gap between your daily reality and your virtual character, but also allows you to see things from an other perspective and learn about things you could have never knew existed. Me for example, i am a skinny littly guy, yet I once played the mighty Knator Commander, a strong beast (not so strong anymore at all but eh..). Being in a way in rl affects your judgement in a direction, making you miss things about yourself due to the way people see you. MD allows you to evaluate what might be if people would see you different. If you are a charming jonny bravo in RL, and everybody moks you in realm, you might think about why too...

    I should write a big waranty note at login: MD experience waranty lost if YM opened.

    Thanks again for your observations, very useful to know, the replies too.

    dst, how true ..sadly this was my painful lesson in md, i cant get attached to anyone because of what is described in the quote below. TTL at least you can run, I cant.

    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1311177321' post='88358']
    ..there is an user life cycle which I've learned to respect ...
  2. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Fyrd Argentus in My short experience in MD.   
    [quote]And now come on you IMPORTANT people. Start blubbering about how wrong I am[/quote]

    I fell importand so here is what i have to say about how wrong you are or are not. First of all, thank you vey much for posting your opinions so honeslty up and not just leaving without any remark. That is very valuable to me and even if i am right in what i will say next (or not), i basically failed to ensure you as a MD player to achieve something out of it , so bad point for me. Anyway here it is .. the blubbering:

    1) The way you behave to others is relevant for the way you respect, control, and value yourself, not them. If you have to be polite to idiots you learn to control yourself and still achieve your goal without crossing your ideals and ways..polite means diplomacy, you learn something, or you dont. In RL you are surrounded by idiots you need to be polite to but there you are not a character you can learn from , you take the hits directly. The people that reach leadership positions are not idiots in md..that should make you think..what was it that you missed when considering someone an idiot. This can make you learn something...like for example to understand those you usualy judge first, and only judge or label them after you understand them fully...
    Again, this is not for them, is for yourself, for the way you respect yourself and your judgement. Its a mirror, everyone around you might be you , how can you understand yourself when your eyes can look only outside and you are unable to understand others?

    2) Taking md to YM is something i was against and still am and will always be. If you take this beyond the virtuality border, md is no longer a training field or a learning experience , it becomes an extension of the reality you live in, so become the things that happen in it. I keep saying (with words or actions) that a character in md should not be bound by the person behind the keyboard. I use PLAYERNAMES with everyone, and i do mind when called "Manu" since you actually dont know manu at all. Same applies to each one of you. My advice..if you decide to go outside MD borders, keep being your character, or be ready to face whatever will come. Your character is NOT you , is ALSO you...big difference.

    3) creation is perfectly possible, md is not only about understanding it..thats optional. In fact if you would look around, so many create rather that understand what i created. I don't mean roles, i mean ideas, discovering things, new things. See MD as a foundation that gives a start, a unwritten book. Its true you cant be as creative as you wish in md...just imagine the chaos. MD "goal" is not making you understand it..stop making assumptions to what md is. Anyway why do you believe "understanding" hinders "creativity" ?

    4) true, a virtual world amplifies any traits , any character features or flaws. If assholes are 4 times more assholes as you claim, then you should think you should have been 4 times more resistant to assholes in this "virtual world". However you can't do that since you moved MD to messenger..your fault only. You think it give you the illusion of being different? well , in my opinion , if that illusion stands in front of others that judge it (in-realm) then its not an illusion. If you end up loved or important for some, its your merit, not an illusion. The fact you discover in RL that you fail badly at it its because the outer-world as influences you miss to consider. Lets assume you are a fat ugly pig with the most hideous face humanity ever saw (example), then you are a charming guy in a virtual world (ANY). Ofc this creates a gap between your daily reality and your virtual character, but also allows you to see things from an other perspective and learn about things you could have never knew existed. Me for example, i am a skinny littly guy, yet I once played the mighty Knator Commander, a strong beast (not so strong anymore at all but eh..). Being in a way in rl affects your judgement in a direction, making you miss things about yourself due to the way people see you. MD allows you to evaluate what might be if people would see you different. If you are a charming jonny bravo in RL, and everybody moks you in realm, you might think about why too...

    I should write a big waranty note at login: MD experience waranty lost if YM opened.

    Thanks again for your observations, very useful to know, the replies too.

    dst, how true ..sadly this was my painful lesson in md, i cant get attached to anyone because of what is described in the quote below. TTL at least you can run, I cant.

    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1311177321' post='88358']
    ..there is an user life cycle which I've learned to respect ...
  3. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Yrthilian in My short experience in MD.   
    [quote]And now come on you IMPORTANT people. Start blubbering about how wrong I am[/quote]

    I fell importand so here is what i have to say about how wrong you are or are not. First of all, thank you vey much for posting your opinions so honeslty up and not just leaving without any remark. That is very valuable to me and even if i am right in what i will say next (or not), i basically failed to ensure you as a MD player to achieve something out of it , so bad point for me. Anyway here it is .. the blubbering:

    1) The way you behave to others is relevant for the way you respect, control, and value yourself, not them. If you have to be polite to idiots you learn to control yourself and still achieve your goal without crossing your ideals and ways..polite means diplomacy, you learn something, or you dont. In RL you are surrounded by idiots you need to be polite to but there you are not a character you can learn from , you take the hits directly. The people that reach leadership positions are not idiots in md..that should make you think..what was it that you missed when considering someone an idiot. This can make you learn something...like for example to understand those you usualy judge first, and only judge or label them after you understand them fully...
    Again, this is not for them, is for yourself, for the way you respect yourself and your judgement. Its a mirror, everyone around you might be you , how can you understand yourself when your eyes can look only outside and you are unable to understand others?

    2) Taking md to YM is something i was against and still am and will always be. If you take this beyond the virtuality border, md is no longer a training field or a learning experience , it becomes an extension of the reality you live in, so become the things that happen in it. I keep saying (with words or actions) that a character in md should not be bound by the person behind the keyboard. I use PLAYERNAMES with everyone, and i do mind when called "Manu" since you actually dont know manu at all. Same applies to each one of you. My advice..if you decide to go outside MD borders, keep being your character, or be ready to face whatever will come. Your character is NOT you , is ALSO you...big difference.

    3) creation is perfectly possible, md is not only about understanding it..thats optional. In fact if you would look around, so many create rather that understand what i created. I don't mean roles, i mean ideas, discovering things, new things. See MD as a foundation that gives a start, a unwritten book. Its true you cant be as creative as you wish in md...just imagine the chaos. MD "goal" is not making you understand it..stop making assumptions to what md is. Anyway why do you believe "understanding" hinders "creativity" ?

    4) true, a virtual world amplifies any traits , any character features or flaws. If assholes are 4 times more assholes as you claim, then you should think you should have been 4 times more resistant to assholes in this "virtual world". However you can't do that since you moved MD to messenger..your fault only. You think it give you the illusion of being different? well , in my opinion , if that illusion stands in front of others that judge it (in-realm) then its not an illusion. If you end up loved or important for some, its your merit, not an illusion. The fact you discover in RL that you fail badly at it its because the outer-world as influences you miss to consider. Lets assume you are a fat ugly pig with the most hideous face humanity ever saw (example), then you are a charming guy in a virtual world (ANY). Ofc this creates a gap between your daily reality and your virtual character, but also allows you to see things from an other perspective and learn about things you could have never knew existed. Me for example, i am a skinny littly guy, yet I once played the mighty Knator Commander, a strong beast (not so strong anymore at all but eh..). Being in a way in rl affects your judgement in a direction, making you miss things about yourself due to the way people see you. MD allows you to evaluate what might be if people would see you different. If you are a charming jonny bravo in RL, and everybody moks you in realm, you might think about why too...

    I should write a big waranty note at login: MD experience waranty lost if YM opened.

    Thanks again for your observations, very useful to know, the replies too.

    dst, how true ..sadly this was my painful lesson in md, i cant get attached to anyone because of what is described in the quote below. TTL at least you can run, I cant.

    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1311177321' post='88358']
    ..there is an user life cycle which I've learned to respect ...
  4. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from xrieg in My short experience in MD.   
    [quote]And now come on you IMPORTANT people. Start blubbering about how wrong I am[/quote]

    I fell importand so here is what i have to say about how wrong you are or are not. First of all, thank you vey much for posting your opinions so honeslty up and not just leaving without any remark. That is very valuable to me and even if i am right in what i will say next (or not), i basically failed to ensure you as a MD player to achieve something out of it , so bad point for me. Anyway here it is .. the blubbering:

    1) The way you behave to others is relevant for the way you respect, control, and value yourself, not them. If you have to be polite to idiots you learn to control yourself and still achieve your goal without crossing your ideals and ways..polite means diplomacy, you learn something, or you dont. In RL you are surrounded by idiots you need to be polite to but there you are not a character you can learn from , you take the hits directly. The people that reach leadership positions are not idiots in md..that should make you think..what was it that you missed when considering someone an idiot. This can make you learn something...like for example to understand those you usualy judge first, and only judge or label them after you understand them fully...
    Again, this is not for them, is for yourself, for the way you respect yourself and your judgement. Its a mirror, everyone around you might be you , how can you understand yourself when your eyes can look only outside and you are unable to understand others?

    2) Taking md to YM is something i was against and still am and will always be. If you take this beyond the virtuality border, md is no longer a training field or a learning experience , it becomes an extension of the reality you live in, so become the things that happen in it. I keep saying (with words or actions) that a character in md should not be bound by the person behind the keyboard. I use PLAYERNAMES with everyone, and i do mind when called "Manu" since you actually dont know manu at all. Same applies to each one of you. My advice..if you decide to go outside MD borders, keep being your character, or be ready to face whatever will come. Your character is NOT you , is ALSO you...big difference.

    3) creation is perfectly possible, md is not only about understanding it..thats optional. In fact if you would look around, so many create rather that understand what i created. I don't mean roles, i mean ideas, discovering things, new things. See MD as a foundation that gives a start, a unwritten book. Its true you cant be as creative as you wish in md...just imagine the chaos. MD "goal" is not making you understand it..stop making assumptions to what md is. Anyway why do you believe "understanding" hinders "creativity" ?

    4) true, a virtual world amplifies any traits , any character features or flaws. If assholes are 4 times more assholes as you claim, then you should think you should have been 4 times more resistant to assholes in this "virtual world". However you can't do that since you moved MD to messenger..your fault only. You think it give you the illusion of being different? well , in my opinion , if that illusion stands in front of others that judge it (in-realm) then its not an illusion. If you end up loved or important for some, its your merit, not an illusion. The fact you discover in RL that you fail badly at it its because the outer-world as influences you miss to consider. Lets assume you are a fat ugly pig with the most hideous face humanity ever saw (example), then you are a charming guy in a virtual world (ANY). Ofc this creates a gap between your daily reality and your virtual character, but also allows you to see things from an other perspective and learn about things you could have never knew existed. Me for example, i am a skinny littly guy, yet I once played the mighty Knator Commander, a strong beast (not so strong anymore at all but eh..). Being in a way in rl affects your judgement in a direction, making you miss things about yourself due to the way people see you. MD allows you to evaluate what might be if people would see you different. If you are a charming jonny bravo in RL, and everybody moks you in realm, you might think about why too...

    I should write a big waranty note at login: MD experience waranty lost if YM opened.

    Thanks again for your observations, very useful to know, the replies too.

    dst, how true ..sadly this was my painful lesson in md, i cant get attached to anyone because of what is described in the quote below. TTL at least you can run, I cant.

    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1311177321' post='88358']
    ..there is an user life cycle which I've learned to respect ...
  5. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Watcher in Land logo   
    Tribunal - Dominion of Mur - Coat of Arms

  6. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kaya in Land logo   
    Tribunal - Dominion of Mur - Coat of Arms

  7. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Luke27 in Land logo   
    Tribunal - Dominion of Mur - Coat of Arms

  8. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in viscosity , reasons, effects and intentions   
    This is a public reply to the concern of more people that think viscosity is destroying MD

    viscosity won't change.

    it is a change that cant be fully understood by old players that knew things one way, but its inteded to change the way md is perceived. The viscosity increases basically distances in the realm, traveling from one place to an other is equivalent to a larger distance, the feeling of "discovery" is strengthen when you adventure in a place harder to access. You complain this is destroying the game...lets be honest, how much have you traveled till now , when there was no viscosity? You notice its hard to reach certain places only now that you got scared they might become inaccessible but while they were accessible nobody visited them. Traveling to get heat is not what i intended traveling for.

    Quest makers that find it difficult to sustain their clickables will receive a new way to do that much much easier, hopefully within a month, depending on how well my other work (new items and such) goes. Keeping clickables active won't depend on viscosity or far away inaccessible locations.

    Pickles are not the solution to viscosity, Fyrd is just one man, his items are more intended for special occasions not for "solving" a realm wide "issue". Visc is not a problem/issue that needs solved, it is a concept change that you will have to deal with. There are countless reasons and _side effects_ i am counting on, many of them are not the obvious ones, and i will not detail them.

    The settings for viscosity might change over time, such as the speed it increases at, but the changes are not inteded to keep ENTIRE md fluid. Those that hope to achieve that have very noble intentions but i advise them to focus their efforts in keeping certain paths open rather than entire areas.

    Under these updates everything will change, especially things like head contest, quests but also, very important for me, i will be able to keep certain places theoretically open while practically closed at the same time. This means the potential will be there, for who cares.

    I am sorry I can't tell you more of my reasons, but i am even more sorry you didn't get used already to the fact i actualy think ahead when throwing apparent wild random changes into play like this.
  9. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from The Great Wanderer in viscosity , reasons, effects and intentions   
    This is a public reply to the concern of more people that think viscosity is destroying MD

    viscosity won't change.

    it is a change that cant be fully understood by old players that knew things one way, but its inteded to change the way md is perceived. The viscosity increases basically distances in the realm, traveling from one place to an other is equivalent to a larger distance, the feeling of "discovery" is strengthen when you adventure in a place harder to access. You complain this is destroying the game...lets be honest, how much have you traveled till now , when there was no viscosity? You notice its hard to reach certain places only now that you got scared they might become inaccessible but while they were accessible nobody visited them. Traveling to get heat is not what i intended traveling for.

    Quest makers that find it difficult to sustain their clickables will receive a new way to do that much much easier, hopefully within a month, depending on how well my other work (new items and such) goes. Keeping clickables active won't depend on viscosity or far away inaccessible locations.

    Pickles are not the solution to viscosity, Fyrd is just one man, his items are more intended for special occasions not for "solving" a realm wide "issue". Visc is not a problem/issue that needs solved, it is a concept change that you will have to deal with. There are countless reasons and _side effects_ i am counting on, many of them are not the obvious ones, and i will not detail them.

    The settings for viscosity might change over time, such as the speed it increases at, but the changes are not inteded to keep ENTIRE md fluid. Those that hope to achieve that have very noble intentions but i advise them to focus their efforts in keeping certain paths open rather than entire areas.

    Under these updates everything will change, especially things like head contest, quests but also, very important for me, i will be able to keep certain places theoretically open while practically closed at the same time. This means the potential will be there, for who cares.

    I am sorry I can't tell you more of my reasons, but i am even more sorry you didn't get used already to the fact i actualy think ahead when throwing apparent wild random changes into play like this.
  10. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Rumi in viscosity , reasons, effects and intentions   
    This is a public reply to the concern of more people that think viscosity is destroying MD

    viscosity won't change.

    it is a change that cant be fully understood by old players that knew things one way, but its inteded to change the way md is perceived. The viscosity increases basically distances in the realm, traveling from one place to an other is equivalent to a larger distance, the feeling of "discovery" is strengthen when you adventure in a place harder to access. You complain this is destroying the game...lets be honest, how much have you traveled till now , when there was no viscosity? You notice its hard to reach certain places only now that you got scared they might become inaccessible but while they were accessible nobody visited them. Traveling to get heat is not what i intended traveling for.

    Quest makers that find it difficult to sustain their clickables will receive a new way to do that much much easier, hopefully within a month, depending on how well my other work (new items and such) goes. Keeping clickables active won't depend on viscosity or far away inaccessible locations.

    Pickles are not the solution to viscosity, Fyrd is just one man, his items are more intended for special occasions not for "solving" a realm wide "issue". Visc is not a problem/issue that needs solved, it is a concept change that you will have to deal with. There are countless reasons and _side effects_ i am counting on, many of them are not the obvious ones, and i will not detail them.

    The settings for viscosity might change over time, such as the speed it increases at, but the changes are not inteded to keep ENTIRE md fluid. Those that hope to achieve that have very noble intentions but i advise them to focus their efforts in keeping certain paths open rather than entire areas.

    Under these updates everything will change, especially things like head contest, quests but also, very important for me, i will be able to keep certain places theoretically open while practically closed at the same time. This means the potential will be there, for who cares.

    I am sorry I can't tell you more of my reasons, but i am even more sorry you didn't get used already to the fact i actualy think ahead when throwing apparent wild random changes into play like this.
  11. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in viscosity , reasons, effects and intentions   
    This is a public reply to the concern of more people that think viscosity is destroying MD

    viscosity won't change.

    it is a change that cant be fully understood by old players that knew things one way, but its inteded to change the way md is perceived. The viscosity increases basically distances in the realm, traveling from one place to an other is equivalent to a larger distance, the feeling of "discovery" is strengthen when you adventure in a place harder to access. You complain this is destroying the game...lets be honest, how much have you traveled till now , when there was no viscosity? You notice its hard to reach certain places only now that you got scared they might become inaccessible but while they were accessible nobody visited them. Traveling to get heat is not what i intended traveling for.

    Quest makers that find it difficult to sustain their clickables will receive a new way to do that much much easier, hopefully within a month, depending on how well my other work (new items and such) goes. Keeping clickables active won't depend on viscosity or far away inaccessible locations.

    Pickles are not the solution to viscosity, Fyrd is just one man, his items are more intended for special occasions not for "solving" a realm wide "issue". Visc is not a problem/issue that needs solved, it is a concept change that you will have to deal with. There are countless reasons and _side effects_ i am counting on, many of them are not the obvious ones, and i will not detail them.

    The settings for viscosity might change over time, such as the speed it increases at, but the changes are not inteded to keep ENTIRE md fluid. Those that hope to achieve that have very noble intentions but i advise them to focus their efforts in keeping certain paths open rather than entire areas.

    Under these updates everything will change, especially things like head contest, quests but also, very important for me, i will be able to keep certain places theoretically open while practically closed at the same time. This means the potential will be there, for who cares.

    I am sorry I can't tell you more of my reasons, but i am even more sorry you didn't get used already to the fact i actualy think ahead when throwing apparent wild random changes into play like this.
  12. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Watcher in viscosity , reasons, effects and intentions   
    This is a public reply to the concern of more people that think viscosity is destroying MD

    viscosity won't change.

    it is a change that cant be fully understood by old players that knew things one way, but its inteded to change the way md is perceived. The viscosity increases basically distances in the realm, traveling from one place to an other is equivalent to a larger distance, the feeling of "discovery" is strengthen when you adventure in a place harder to access. You complain this is destroying the game...lets be honest, how much have you traveled till now , when there was no viscosity? You notice its hard to reach certain places only now that you got scared they might become inaccessible but while they were accessible nobody visited them. Traveling to get heat is not what i intended traveling for.

    Quest makers that find it difficult to sustain their clickables will receive a new way to do that much much easier, hopefully within a month, depending on how well my other work (new items and such) goes. Keeping clickables active won't depend on viscosity or far away inaccessible locations.

    Pickles are not the solution to viscosity, Fyrd is just one man, his items are more intended for special occasions not for "solving" a realm wide "issue". Visc is not a problem/issue that needs solved, it is a concept change that you will have to deal with. There are countless reasons and _side effects_ i am counting on, many of them are not the obvious ones, and i will not detail them.

    The settings for viscosity might change over time, such as the speed it increases at, but the changes are not inteded to keep ENTIRE md fluid. Those that hope to achieve that have very noble intentions but i advise them to focus their efforts in keeping certain paths open rather than entire areas.

    Under these updates everything will change, especially things like head contest, quests but also, very important for me, i will be able to keep certain places theoretically open while practically closed at the same time. This means the potential will be there, for who cares.

    I am sorry I can't tell you more of my reasons, but i am even more sorry you didn't get used already to the fact i actualy think ahead when throwing apparent wild random changes into play like this.
  13. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in viscosity , reasons, effects and intentions   
    This is a public reply to the concern of more people that think viscosity is destroying MD

    viscosity won't change.

    it is a change that cant be fully understood by old players that knew things one way, but its inteded to change the way md is perceived. The viscosity increases basically distances in the realm, traveling from one place to an other is equivalent to a larger distance, the feeling of "discovery" is strengthen when you adventure in a place harder to access. You complain this is destroying the game...lets be honest, how much have you traveled till now , when there was no viscosity? You notice its hard to reach certain places only now that you got scared they might become inaccessible but while they were accessible nobody visited them. Traveling to get heat is not what i intended traveling for.

    Quest makers that find it difficult to sustain their clickables will receive a new way to do that much much easier, hopefully within a month, depending on how well my other work (new items and such) goes. Keeping clickables active won't depend on viscosity or far away inaccessible locations.

    Pickles are not the solution to viscosity, Fyrd is just one man, his items are more intended for special occasions not for "solving" a realm wide "issue". Visc is not a problem/issue that needs solved, it is a concept change that you will have to deal with. There are countless reasons and _side effects_ i am counting on, many of them are not the obvious ones, and i will not detail them.

    The settings for viscosity might change over time, such as the speed it increases at, but the changes are not inteded to keep ENTIRE md fluid. Those that hope to achieve that have very noble intentions but i advise them to focus their efforts in keeping certain paths open rather than entire areas.

    Under these updates everything will change, especially things like head contest, quests but also, very important for me, i will be able to keep certain places theoretically open while practically closed at the same time. This means the potential will be there, for who cares.

    I am sorry I can't tell you more of my reasons, but i am even more sorry you didn't get used already to the fact i actualy think ahead when throwing apparent wild random changes into play like this.
  14. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from phantasm in Personal rare resources collection   
    I am looking to buy any regenerable materials that I don't already have in my inventory. Buying only from TB citizens, i can't risk to have some non-citizen pass me some timeless dust pretending its simple sand and such, might affect my demonic eternity you know.

    No need to post here, i will not hold an auction and I will only buy it while in realm. I need the resources for testing so even if i already have them now, it might happen that i will run out of them.

    I am looking for resources, byproducts but also heat stones (no other stones for now).

    I will not be considering real market price when purchasing these, this is a limited time need for my demonic purposes and i will not be needing a constant supply over time.

    citizens only
  15. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from nadrolski in The Demise of the Sentinels   
    yeah, i'll make sure jester will be packing it carefully, specially, for, you.
  16. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Distribution of Inner Magic Docs   
    A little spoiler from the upcomming future...

    Stage11 that will be announced this year, maybe after i finish my dev rampage, will bring a new, perfectly integrated way for people regardless of mp, role or citizenship, etc, to unlock the spelldocs. There will be new additions to the ancient spelldoc collection. Finally i have a way to integrate spelldocs the way they should be, as research and not as rewards.

    More about this in stage 11
  17. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Soothing Sands in Distribution of Inner Magic Docs   
    A little spoiler from the upcomming future...

    Stage11 that will be announced this year, maybe after i finish my dev rampage, will bring a new, perfectly integrated way for people regardless of mp, role or citizenship, etc, to unlock the spelldocs. There will be new additions to the ancient spelldoc collection. Finally i have a way to integrate spelldocs the way they should be, as research and not as rewards.

    More about this in stage 11
  18. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Distribution of Inner Magic Docs   
    A little spoiler from the upcomming future...

    Stage11 that will be announced this year, maybe after i finish my dev rampage, will bring a new, perfectly integrated way for people regardless of mp, role or citizenship, etc, to unlock the spelldocs. There will be new additions to the ancient spelldoc collection. Finally i have a way to integrate spelldocs the way they should be, as research and not as rewards.

    More about this in stage 11
  19. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from nadrolski in Distribution of Inner Magic Docs   
    A little spoiler from the upcomming future...

    Stage11 that will be announced this year, maybe after i finish my dev rampage, will bring a new, perfectly integrated way for people regardless of mp, role or citizenship, etc, to unlock the spelldocs. There will be new additions to the ancient spelldoc collection. Finally i have a way to integrate spelldocs the way they should be, as research and not as rewards.

    More about this in stage 11
  20. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sephirah Caelum in Distribution of Inner Magic Docs   
    A little spoiler from the upcomming future...

    Stage11 that will be announced this year, maybe after i finish my dev rampage, will bring a new, perfectly integrated way for people regardless of mp, role or citizenship, etc, to unlock the spelldocs. There will be new additions to the ancient spelldoc collection. Finally i have a way to integrate spelldocs the way they should be, as research and not as rewards.

    More about this in stage 11
  21. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Chewett in Time: Check If Person Took Too Long   
    [code]// first object

    @vd = time();
    // gets time in seconds and sets it to a variable
    // stores the variable into whever


    // object two

    // Gets the time we stored in object one
    if((@vd + 10 * 60) < time() ){
    // first it gets the first time, and adds 10 * 60 onto it (which is 10 minutes) then
    // compares it with current time. If current time is bigger than the sum you calculated
    // then it will be over the 10 minutes and it displays the apropiate text
    echo "sorry you are too slow";
    echo "you win the game!";

    time() will retrive the current time (for more techincal people its actually a unix timestamp) Basicly in seconds from a certain event.
    This is not easily readable by people as its returned in seconds but for this example its great.

    NOTE: i dont have mdscript, nor will i ever since i dont quest, so this is all vague guessings from documentation and my knowledge of php.
    I know php, so techincally it should work...

    Any questions or if someone wants to test it, Go ahead

    This is just an example, You will need to make sure that @vd is set already from the first object but i left that out as it clouds the example
  22. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Seigheart in Distribution of Inner Magic Docs   
    A little spoiler from the upcomming future...

    Stage11 that will be announced this year, maybe after i finish my dev rampage, will bring a new, perfectly integrated way for people regardless of mp, role or citizenship, etc, to unlock the spelldocs. There will be new additions to the ancient spelldoc collection. Finally i have a way to integrate spelldocs the way they should be, as research and not as rewards.

    More about this in stage 11
  23. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Rendril in Time: Check If Person Took Too Long   
    Nice code Chewett, but I think you mean @vh [b]+[/b] 10 * 60
    Otherwise it would be checked in the next 6000 years or so

    Burns, regarding the scope of the storage. It will work for each user seperately, we are waiting for multiple types to be supported. Also you're right about the @vh needing to be @vd.

    This example performs the same logic checks as above and shows how to calculate the remaining time.
    It gives the user 14 hours to save the world.

    @vz = "rendrilrevant-";//define key prefix
    retrieve(@vt);//get timer data
    //check if the player started the timer already
    if(mds_has_rpcq_keys(@vz . "timer-started"))
    @vd = floor((@vt - time())/60 / 60);//get remaining time by subtracting current tiem from given time length
    echo "You only have " . @vd . " hours to sa"."ve the earth!";
    //calculate given tiem by adding 14 hours (50400 seconds) to current time
    @vt = time() + (14 * 60 * 60);
    //flag that timer has started
    mds_give_rpcq_keys(@vz . "timer-started");
    //store time value
    echo "You have 14 hours to sa"."ve the earth!<br />Run! Run like the wind!";

    @vz = "rendrilrevant-";//define key prefix
    //check if timer was started yet
    if(mds_has_rpcq_keys(@vz . "timer-started"))
    retrieve(@vt);////get timer data
    //check if current time is less than or equal allowed time
    if(time() <= (@vt))
    //perform actions if successful
    mds_give_rpcq_keys(@vz . "world-sav"."ed");
    echo "Well done you sav"."ed the earth!<br />Now go to something con"."structive.";
    //perform actions if not successful
    mds_give_rpcq_keys(@vz . "world-not-sa"."ved");
    echo "You were unable to sa"."ve the earth =(";
    //clean up the timer key
    mds_take_rpcq_keys(@vz . "timer-started");
  24. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Rendril in Generating Random Events For A Quest   
    Simply gets a random number and outputs the quest info.

    @vb = rand(1, 4);
    echo @content[@vb];

    Gives/removes a key depending on certain event
    @vz = "rendrilrevant-";//define key prefix
    //make sure user cannot retrigger the events
    if(!mds_has_rpcq_keys(@vz . "random-event-triggered")){
    @vb = rand(1, 4);//generate random number from 1 to 4 inclusive
    if(@vb == 2)//event in case of 2
    mds_give_rpcq_keys(@vz . "second-event-key");
    else if(@vb == 3)//event in case of 3
    mds_remove_rpcq_keys(@vz . "third-event-key")
    mds_give_rpcq_keys(@vz . "random-event-triggered");
    echo @content[@vb];//display event's content
    echo "You have already been here...move along."

    Sometimes the user might want to retrace their steps to look for clues in the quest where they have been, in that case barring them from revisiting might not be the best choice. But this was a random event, better remember it next time
  25. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Chewett in Forms!   
    Forms comprise of two parts. The actual form, and the processing Code

    Here is my form
    <form method="post" action=""> Please type something in here: <input type=text name="box" size="25" maxlength="50"> <br /> Do you use GGG? <input type="radio" name="radio" value="use"> yes <input type="radio" name="radio" value="dont use"> no <br /> Pick some of these, you choose! <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox_1" value="1"> one <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox_2" value="2"> two <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox_3" value="3"> three <br /> Are you a... <select name="listbox"> <option value="Fighter">Fighter</option> <option value="Roleplayer">Roleplayer</option> <option value="Fighter and roleplayer">Fighter and roleplayer</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="Submit!"/> </form>
    Here are some numerous examples of the differnt objects you can have on a form. points to note.

    1. the "name" value will be sent to the MDscript as @input['name'] Where name is your name of your object
    2. You can only select one choice with radio buttons
    3. You can select more than one with a check box

    And here is my Mdscript that "handles" the form
    if(isset(@input['box'])) { echo "you typed in " . @input['box'] . "<br />"; } if(isset(@input['radio'])) { echo "You said you " . @input['radio'] . " GGG <br />"; } if(isset(@input['checkbox_1'])) { echo "You selected Check box 1! <br />"; } if(isset(@input['checkbox_2'])) { echo "You selected Check box 2! <br />"; } if(isset(@input['checkbox_3'])) { echo "You selected Check box 3! <br />"; } if(isset(@input['listbox'])) { echo "You said you are a " . @input['listbox'] . " <br />"; } echo @content['0'];

    Here i have used the php function isset() to see if the variable is set.
    if(isset(@input['textbox'])) { ... }
    All this means is, Check if @input['textbox'] is set (someone typed something in) and if it is, do what is in the brackets. This will prevent all this code from being done when the user first loads up the page

    Instead of just echoing the values you could make it more intresting by doing something with the values, like storeing the value as a variable in your quest.

    But! be careful, Just because someone can enter something, doesnt mean it will be something you nesscariy want to be entered. For example if you need a number to be entered, someone could enter a letter, and if your script doesnt check, it might break your script!

    NOTE: This is PHP and i have no access to MDscript, So, if anyone wants to help me, please test the script.
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