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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Curiose in What annoys me in MD   
    I will tell you how I got my job, or role as a secretary.

    I posted on the forums that I will work for Christmas gifts.
    My influence over the land is because I DOVE myself straight into the fires. Yes, I got burned, yes, I faced criticism and still do. Yes, I abide by the rules to the best of my judgment.

    I have no 'super' powers. All I have are my wits, my knowledge, and my friends.

    There is no 'elite,' only those who can be trusted to do the right thing, and respectively do so. They are considered 'elite' in some eyes, because they have proven that they are worthy of the things they do.

    MD is how you make it.

    If you whine and cry about it, and sit around twiddling your thumbs about how many things annoy you, then sure. You won't get far. I personally have a few qualms about a few things in the means of how MD is structured [socially], but do I often sit around, making a forum post with lists of how many things are wrong, and how I hate what certain people do? No. I suck it up, and I do what I need to do. Why? because people count on me to do the things that I need done, and for that, that gives me the drive to get up out of my bed, and help MD.

    I am not even a year old. Yet, look how far I have gone.
    You, as a player, should have known that this is no ordinary game.
    Why do you think Mur let's people make choices in story mode?
    Or why there are no ordinary 'classes' that originate in every other game?
    It is because this is MagicDuel.

    You are, what you are.
    It is, what you make of it.
  2. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Seigheart in What annoys me in MD   
    There is a reason why the elite of MD have all the powers. They have shown dedication and loyalty to the game. They have given a lot to the game. They have shown that they can handle "power" and "responsibility."

    If you want these same priveledges, strive for it, but never ask for it.
  3. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to TTLexceeded in What annoys me in MD   
    I would like to see examples as well but I think you are exaggerating a bit. They dont have god powers, they do abide to the same rules you and I have to abide to. And they do get punished big time when they break the rules. The same way me and you will get punished.
  4. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Udgard in What annoys me in MD   
    To be honest I'm still confused what the thread is really about. Is it the shooting down of ideas, or general rudeness when doing so?

    I'm not doing irony or anything, I'm honestly getting confused on which one is the issue here. Can someone please explain to me? Thx
  5. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Kafuuka in What annoys me in MD   
    [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1307609527' post='85987']
    To be honest I'm still confused what the thread is really about. Is it the shooting down of ideas, or general rudeness when doing so?

    I'm not doing irony or anything, I'm honestly getting confused on which one is the issue here. Can someone please explain to me? Thx
    Going by rep, there's at least six people who think it is about rudeness. Going by content of other posters seems to indicate shooting down ideas and 'how tough it is to become elite'.

    I have no idea which logic people use to arrive at the conclusion they ought to explain sharpwind about how to become 'elite'. There is no such recipe. What worked for Curiosa, our beloved example here, won't work for someone else. Trying to worship another tree is definitely not going to work either. I am pretty certain that someone who's been around long enough would realise it already and the topic starter is not brand new at all. If not, there's little hope telling it outright will suddenly work.

    If I am right, those who're ranting about how to become elite/powerful are doing exactly what is considered the problem: they shoot down a topic without even thinking about what is being said. There are dozens of ways to disrespect somebody. One is to be rude directly. Another to be haughty. Or to be subtle, provoking and relentless at that. One is to refuse to listen (read) what people say and keep talking yourself. It is a tricky thing to discern between genuine mistakes and brutal lack of effort to understand. Yet if it keeps being repeated, the end result will be the same: either you assume people are lazy bums or they are incompetent fools calling themselves elites. I'm still trying to figure out which is worse, but I am positive this is the 'attitude' which is being talked about in the original post. One of the things that drives new people away. Another example of things which can be often read on the forum.
  6. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Manda in Fierce BHC Pool!   
    bets should not be refundable, if your participant gets disqualified you lose the bet basically. The coins get splitted between those that have bet on whoever wins.
  7. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Udgard in Fierce BHC Pool!   
    bets should not be refundable, if your participant gets disqualified you lose the bet basically. The coins get splitted between those that have bet on whoever wins.
  8. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Grido in Fierce BHC Pool!   
    bets should not be refundable, if your participant gets disqualified you lose the bet basically. The coins get splitted between those that have bet on whoever wins.
  9. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Seigheart in Fierce BHC Pool!   
    bets should not be refundable, if your participant gets disqualified you lose the bet basically. The coins get splitted between those that have bet on whoever wins.
  10. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Mith in Public cry for help to convict Mur of horrible crimes   
    i turned them into cows..i love cows, in fact i plan to chnge all creature sorts in md into cows,unless ofc you manage to terminate my horrible dictatorship till i ruin some more things.
  11. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Public cry for help to convict Mur of horrible crimes   
    i turned them into cows..i love cows, in fact i plan to chnge all creature sorts in md into cows,unless ofc you manage to terminate my horrible dictatorship till i ruin some more things.
  12. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Burns in Public cry for help to convict Mur of horrible crimes   
    Don't forget that he did a lobotomy to a random newbie without consent or any sort of medical care. Just cutting out half the brain of somebody and throwing him out in the sun afterwards can't be right.
  13. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to dst in Public cry for help to convict Mur of horrible crimes   
    It is right if that person is Darigan.
  14. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Seigheart in Public cry for help to convict Mur of horrible crimes   
    Mur's most atrocious crime has yet to come to light... and that crime is...

    He has stolen the MOON and stopped the rotation of the realm preventing any sort of night! How could someone be so inhumane, and deprive us of darkness and sleep! He purposely has done this so that we become delirious preventing us from seeing his many other crimes!
  15. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Claim against Backlash Ro   
    [b][color="#FF0000"]I am sorry, but i will have to veto your decision out. backlash is out of jail sooner. please read below.[/color][/b]


    - this is obviosuly a personal fight between two players that one of them decided to take into a potential jailing of the other part, i dont like that, especialy the recomandation of the jail time. The jail time is for the one doing the punishment to decide not for the accuser.

    - one month jail is extreme considering the only real evidence i could see in your discussion points to this personal fight and a few offensive lines. If you jail someone for that one month then what punishment value will my jailings have when i punish a major abuser "just" two month.

    - some of the "evidence" that was claimed here were pure assumptions

    - the fact that one of his other accounts did jail before is not decisive to punish him. What chance would anyone have if we start jailing all their accounts in line just so. This mass jailing should be reserved for realy bad things, like scams or massive abuses, NOT for punishing personal fights.

    - it is undeniable that he has an offensive attitude and that he should have not spoken like that regardless of reasons, especialy in public places. the mood panel entry alone is serious enough. [b]For that he did one week of jail already and will receive the warning at the end of this post.[/b]

    I believe a mass histeria turned into a public stoning, and a very very rude person got his actions exagerated and ..punishment badly judged.

    warning to backlash: If i see any more similar talk on your side you will get 4 month of jail without warning and immediatly without a trial of any sort. This is basically your one chance to change or leave. It also means that anyone pissed enough on your disrepectful attitude will provoke you to get you jailed...you WILL get jailed if you don't learn to controll yourself, and you will get jailed at first mistake from now on. Espressions like "give it to me bitches" have a different context meaning in romanian, i know, it means like "i am the strongest"..regardless ..you are not among your fellow tribe members to speak like that, you are in an international community that sees such talk as offensive, and it is. Respect in md is earned and becomes mandatory, when you address to people that earned their status in here you talk respectfully, not like if you are beer friends. "nu ati mancat din aceiasi oala, ma intelegi". If you can not understand such basic concepts then its game over. If you get in jail again for talking like that, after 4 moth when you will be out, if you do it again, the punishment will be 6 month, and so on, till eventually you will give up disregarding this warning.

    For now you are free and i consider this trial as i said, a mass histeria that i do not enjoy seeing. Its up to you how serious you take it from now on. Players that were in similar situations like you managed to understand what respect is, and they even got in highly important public roles. Your reputation has a chance to get rid of any stain, i will always treat anyone as i think fair.

    Enough said
  16. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Shemhazaj in Claim against Backlash Ro   
    see the other side.. this is a last chance, my punishment is far worse than yours if you think of it.
  17. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sasha Lilias in Claim against Backlash Ro   
    see the other side.. this is a last chance, my punishment is far worse than yours if you think of it.
  18. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Mya Celestia in Claim against Backlash Ro   
    [b][color="#FF0000"]I am sorry, but i will have to veto your decision out. backlash is out of jail sooner. please read below.[/color][/b]


    - this is obviosuly a personal fight between two players that one of them decided to take into a potential jailing of the other part, i dont like that, especialy the recomandation of the jail time. The jail time is for the one doing the punishment to decide not for the accuser.

    - one month jail is extreme considering the only real evidence i could see in your discussion points to this personal fight and a few offensive lines. If you jail someone for that one month then what punishment value will my jailings have when i punish a major abuser "just" two month.

    - some of the "evidence" that was claimed here were pure assumptions

    - the fact that one of his other accounts did jail before is not decisive to punish him. What chance would anyone have if we start jailing all their accounts in line just so. This mass jailing should be reserved for realy bad things, like scams or massive abuses, NOT for punishing personal fights.

    - it is undeniable that he has an offensive attitude and that he should have not spoken like that regardless of reasons, especialy in public places. the mood panel entry alone is serious enough. [b]For that he did one week of jail already and will receive the warning at the end of this post.[/b]

    I believe a mass histeria turned into a public stoning, and a very very rude person got his actions exagerated and ..punishment badly judged.

    warning to backlash: If i see any more similar talk on your side you will get 4 month of jail without warning and immediatly without a trial of any sort. This is basically your one chance to change or leave. It also means that anyone pissed enough on your disrepectful attitude will provoke you to get you jailed...you WILL get jailed if you don't learn to controll yourself, and you will get jailed at first mistake from now on. Espressions like "give it to me bitches" have a different context meaning in romanian, i know, it means like "i am the strongest"..regardless ..you are not among your fellow tribe members to speak like that, you are in an international community that sees such talk as offensive, and it is. Respect in md is earned and becomes mandatory, when you address to people that earned their status in here you talk respectfully, not like if you are beer friends. "nu ati mancat din aceiasi oala, ma intelegi". If you can not understand such basic concepts then its game over. If you get in jail again for talking like that, after 4 moth when you will be out, if you do it again, the punishment will be 6 month, and so on, till eventually you will give up disregarding this warning.

    For now you are free and i consider this trial as i said, a mass histeria that i do not enjoy seeing. Its up to you how serious you take it from now on. Players that were in similar situations like you managed to understand what respect is, and they even got in highly important public roles. Your reputation has a chance to get rid of any stain, i will always treat anyone as i think fair.

    Enough said
  19. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sasha Lilias in Claim against Backlash Ro   
    [b][color="#FF0000"]I am sorry, but i will have to veto your decision out. backlash is out of jail sooner. please read below.[/color][/b]


    - this is obviosuly a personal fight between two players that one of them decided to take into a potential jailing of the other part, i dont like that, especialy the recomandation of the jail time. The jail time is for the one doing the punishment to decide not for the accuser.

    - one month jail is extreme considering the only real evidence i could see in your discussion points to this personal fight and a few offensive lines. If you jail someone for that one month then what punishment value will my jailings have when i punish a major abuser "just" two month.

    - some of the "evidence" that was claimed here were pure assumptions

    - the fact that one of his other accounts did jail before is not decisive to punish him. What chance would anyone have if we start jailing all their accounts in line just so. This mass jailing should be reserved for realy bad things, like scams or massive abuses, NOT for punishing personal fights.

    - it is undeniable that he has an offensive attitude and that he should have not spoken like that regardless of reasons, especialy in public places. the mood panel entry alone is serious enough. [b]For that he did one week of jail already and will receive the warning at the end of this post.[/b]

    I believe a mass histeria turned into a public stoning, and a very very rude person got his actions exagerated and ..punishment badly judged.

    warning to backlash: If i see any more similar talk on your side you will get 4 month of jail without warning and immediatly without a trial of any sort. This is basically your one chance to change or leave. It also means that anyone pissed enough on your disrepectful attitude will provoke you to get you jailed...you WILL get jailed if you don't learn to controll yourself, and you will get jailed at first mistake from now on. Espressions like "give it to me bitches" have a different context meaning in romanian, i know, it means like "i am the strongest"..regardless ..you are not among your fellow tribe members to speak like that, you are in an international community that sees such talk as offensive, and it is. Respect in md is earned and becomes mandatory, when you address to people that earned their status in here you talk respectfully, not like if you are beer friends. "nu ati mancat din aceiasi oala, ma intelegi". If you can not understand such basic concepts then its game over. If you get in jail again for talking like that, after 4 moth when you will be out, if you do it again, the punishment will be 6 month, and so on, till eventually you will give up disregarding this warning.

    For now you are free and i consider this trial as i said, a mass histeria that i do not enjoy seeing. Its up to you how serious you take it from now on. Players that were in similar situations like you managed to understand what respect is, and they even got in highly important public roles. Your reputation has a chance to get rid of any stain, i will always treat anyone as i think fair.

    Enough said
  20. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Chewett in Claim against Backlash Ro   
    [b][color="#FF0000"]I am sorry, but i will have to veto your decision out. backlash is out of jail sooner. please read below.[/color][/b]


    - this is obviosuly a personal fight between two players that one of them decided to take into a potential jailing of the other part, i dont like that, especialy the recomandation of the jail time. The jail time is for the one doing the punishment to decide not for the accuser.

    - one month jail is extreme considering the only real evidence i could see in your discussion points to this personal fight and a few offensive lines. If you jail someone for that one month then what punishment value will my jailings have when i punish a major abuser "just" two month.

    - some of the "evidence" that was claimed here were pure assumptions

    - the fact that one of his other accounts did jail before is not decisive to punish him. What chance would anyone have if we start jailing all their accounts in line just so. This mass jailing should be reserved for realy bad things, like scams or massive abuses, NOT for punishing personal fights.

    - it is undeniable that he has an offensive attitude and that he should have not spoken like that regardless of reasons, especialy in public places. the mood panel entry alone is serious enough. [b]For that he did one week of jail already and will receive the warning at the end of this post.[/b]

    I believe a mass histeria turned into a public stoning, and a very very rude person got his actions exagerated and ..punishment badly judged.

    warning to backlash: If i see any more similar talk on your side you will get 4 month of jail without warning and immediatly without a trial of any sort. This is basically your one chance to change or leave. It also means that anyone pissed enough on your disrepectful attitude will provoke you to get you jailed...you WILL get jailed if you don't learn to controll yourself, and you will get jailed at first mistake from now on. Espressions like "give it to me bitches" have a different context meaning in romanian, i know, it means like "i am the strongest"..regardless ..you are not among your fellow tribe members to speak like that, you are in an international community that sees such talk as offensive, and it is. Respect in md is earned and becomes mandatory, when you address to people that earned their status in here you talk respectfully, not like if you are beer friends. "nu ati mancat din aceiasi oala, ma intelegi". If you can not understand such basic concepts then its game over. If you get in jail again for talking like that, after 4 moth when you will be out, if you do it again, the punishment will be 6 month, and so on, till eventually you will give up disregarding this warning.

    For now you are free and i consider this trial as i said, a mass histeria that i do not enjoy seeing. Its up to you how serious you take it from now on. Players that were in similar situations like you managed to understand what respect is, and they even got in highly important public roles. Your reputation has a chance to get rid of any stain, i will always treat anyone as i think fair.

    Enough said
  21. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from BFH in Western Union Tombola   
    add this - the purchased credits are deliverable also in credit codes, 5, 10 and 20c codes.
  22. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Junior in Western Union Tombola   
    add this - the purchased credits are deliverable also in credit codes, 5, 10 and 20c codes.
  23. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from SageWoman in Regarding account lock of CrazyMike, MRI, MRAlyon, a, lone wolf pup   

    A big MINUS in front of all his stats. Sent to jail, 8 month, changed tag to "Stats addict", description: "Abused alts and farmed stats so much that they became negative." He also received a "jailregular" medal, the name might change by the time the art is done. I will upload the art later. Also receives a public warning that if any of his alts will be caught participating in any criminal activity of any sort they will be instantly removed without warning and the punishment on his main character further increased.

    MRI and Kamate
    reset stats to zero, jail 6 month. Mentioned in description again that Kamate goes because its fate was bound to MRI on a previous punishment and not because of this incident

    MRAlyon and a
    jail 2 month . Reason, their alts were put at the disposal of the abusers and served in their crime.
    MRAlyon gets to chose between -20% stats and 2 month jail. Currently he is in jail, he should make his decision public within a week, or the default choice will be jail.

    Azkrama, Tamak, Kirtan, Gustav, xDalex, Jdelacroix, S U O M I, Telmomarques
    Permanently baned: "Alt account permanently removed for participating in alt abuse. Achievements of any sort residing on this account locked with the account." Game over.

    lone wolf pup
    Issued public warning, next time he (or his main "Lone wolf") will participate in any criminal activity of any sort, his punishment whatever it will be will be doubled. Goes free for now.
  24. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Regarding account lock of CrazyMike, MRI, MRAlyon, a, lone wolf pup   

    A big MINUS in front of all his stats. Sent to jail, 8 month, changed tag to "Stats addict", description: "Abused alts and farmed stats so much that they became negative." He also received a "jailregular" medal, the name might change by the time the art is done. I will upload the art later. Also receives a public warning that if any of his alts will be caught participating in any criminal activity of any sort they will be instantly removed without warning and the punishment on his main character further increased.

    MRI and Kamate
    reset stats to zero, jail 6 month. Mentioned in description again that Kamate goes because its fate was bound to MRI on a previous punishment and not because of this incident

    MRAlyon and a
    jail 2 month . Reason, their alts were put at the disposal of the abusers and served in their crime.
    MRAlyon gets to chose between -20% stats and 2 month jail. Currently he is in jail, he should make his decision public within a week, or the default choice will be jail.

    Azkrama, Tamak, Kirtan, Gustav, xDalex, Jdelacroix, S U O M I, Telmomarques
    Permanently baned: "Alt account permanently removed for participating in alt abuse. Achievements of any sort residing on this account locked with the account." Game over.

    lone wolf pup
    Issued public warning, next time he (or his main "Lone wolf") will participate in any criminal activity of any sort, his punishment whatever it will be will be doubled. Goes free for now.
  25. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from apophys in A series of questions...   
    i am thinking to make this in place of the registration form .. or mp level advancement requirement or so. It tells so much about someone.
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