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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Nimrodel in Heads Contest Change   
    SInce some of you participated a lot of things changed.
    I am seriously thinking to re enable HC for all again. I have to find a way to differentiate reward because if you already got a reward once you should not get one allover again, especialy a medal...but participating for fun, or a dufferent reward (maybe items??) should become possible for anyone.

    Its a long story, dont start talking about it here, i have my ideas how and when, i just wanted to let you know that it might happen.
  2. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in Heads Contest Change   
    SInce some of you participated a lot of things changed.
    I am seriously thinking to re enable HC for all again. I have to find a way to differentiate reward because if you already got a reward once you should not get one allover again, especialy a medal...but participating for fun, or a dufferent reward (maybe items??) should become possible for anyone.

    Its a long story, dont start talking about it here, i have my ideas how and when, i just wanted to let you know that it might happen.
  3. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Chewett in Heads Contest Change   
    SInce some of you participated a lot of things changed.
    I am seriously thinking to re enable HC for all again. I have to find a way to differentiate reward because if you already got a reward once you should not get one allover again, especialy a medal...but participating for fun, or a dufferent reward (maybe items??) should become possible for anyone.

    Its a long story, dont start talking about it here, i have my ideas how and when, i just wanted to let you know that it might happen.
  4. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Land Timer   
    The saddest thing is that in a week or so some of you will pm me about "a bug that 90 ap is not enough to enter or upgrade some things". It usually happens with old players not with those new.

    The suggestions the kings made are by far better than what i had in mind. I would suggest 70ap for normal players and slower timers. Of course you would say its insane, but only if you compare with whats now. Seeing it "from scratch" is harder than it seems. A new player should discover the game with lower settings and later get it "faster". What you do its like arguing that a new player cant recruit a Grasan on its first day and see that as an issue.

    Makes me laugh when you say i am driving people away with such changes...you should see whats coming.
  5. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from LadyDawn in Land Timer   
    The saddest thing is that in a week or so some of you will pm me about "a bug that 90 ap is not enough to enter or upgrade some things". It usually happens with old players not with those new.

    The suggestions the kings made are by far better than what i had in mind. I would suggest 70ap for normal players and slower timers. Of course you would say its insane, but only if you compare with whats now. Seeing it "from scratch" is harder than it seems. A new player should discover the game with lower settings and later get it "faster". What you do its like arguing that a new player cant recruit a Grasan on its first day and see that as an issue.

    Makes me laugh when you say i am driving people away with such changes...you should see whats coming.
  6. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in Land Timer   
    The saddest thing is that in a week or so some of you will pm me about "a bug that 90 ap is not enough to enter or upgrade some things". It usually happens with old players not with those new.

    The suggestions the kings made are by far better than what i had in mind. I would suggest 70ap for normal players and slower timers. Of course you would say its insane, but only if you compare with whats now. Seeing it "from scratch" is harder than it seems. A new player should discover the game with lower settings and later get it "faster". What you do its like arguing that a new player cant recruit a Grasan on its first day and see that as an issue.

    Makes me laugh when you say i am driving people away with such changes...you should see whats coming.
  7. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Totenkopf in A Scam?   
    As a rule of the internet, if a website ever asks you for the password in writing, it means its a scam, they are too retarded to actualy go without it, or they are too lazy (like me). The only case when you can give a pass out, is with your server admin that NEEEDSS it ... or you can ask him to be reset then you change it back. Most sites cant get your password but all sites can reset it to something else if needed.

    Also basic scam tehnique, you are requested to login to the site, when actually the link points to a ip site or a similar looking domain BUT NOT THAT domain. Of course your password will get "cought" by them, you will get some stupid waring or error , and bye bye your real account ..later.

    You need to be paranoid to survive. At least if you are to be scamed, let it happen when they fake yahoo dns for your isp, then there is realy nothing you could do or know.... but few do it right You should be honored if someone steals your accounts with that methid. (meaning you see url as http://yahoo.com, it looks like yahoo, but behind it its not)

    If i ask you for passwords in md, remind me i don;t need it and pretend you are busy!
    Then ask me next day if it was really me asking
  8. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Prince Marvolo in Tokens   
    i thought about tokens as something to be implemented as part of the gameplay, not only the shop.

    Now you do realise that that changes the entire problem. Imagine tokens could be aquired in altars, by saryficing a similar creature will get you one random token on an other one. Or something like that.

    I stoped integrating tokens in other parts of the game and let them only in shop....not sure why...but i will resume it eventually.

    Creatures are indeed unballanced.

    One thing i was hoping you learned in MD untill now is that things change, they allways do, and before they do you should enjoy them. If tokens are ultra powerfull, fine, use them, your stats wont get resets because you gained them with tokens. Complain about them, that is even better, it makes me FIX the issue much faster, but do not "suffer" from it.

    In the "future" of md, tokens might get to be something tottaly different or of different importance, and you will all laugh at whats now. Once there was no xp cap if i remember right, nothing else than attack and steal life, ..and so on.

    If all of you "abuse" then game is ballance, if only some do, then i need to think why those do and others not. In case of tokens the issue is money, and regardless how BAD the situation is, because its really bad but i stopped complaining, i don't like tokens or drachs to be a sneaky way of draining money out of the players.

    Long ago drachs were what literaly saved md from being closed, now the combination of highly unbalanced things in the shop is what keep it alive. Probably when things will become better worldwide, i will be able to ignore income and focus more on a balanced shop. If i do that now, there will be a ballanced shop but i will have to pay expenses myself and i wont do that anymore.

    So thank the ones buying whats in the shop, get them if you can for free, by trading , free credits, whatever, because its possible..complain about it, enjoy it... but don't let yourself get morally crashed because of it.

    Things will change, sooner or later...and regarding tokens probably sooner. (drachs later)

    What is the worse scenario??? you get "beaten" by others ? Come one..really now, you purpose in MD is to be the happiest grinder of them all and beat anyone you can see? Actualy i can name a few well known fighters that got there without paying 1$.

    More and more things will get fixed, but they are not actualy broken right now. As long as you can still be in MD and do whatever you are doing, things should be considered "fine" or at least "as they are". The rules are the same for all. Unless someone si cheating and you have no ideea how (note the mention) then you can worry and that person will get punished (for not sharing the cheat )

    I am a bit sad to see things getting better than they were, yet complains to remain at same constant level. The good part is that at least now people take their time to actually make GOOD suggestions that i can use, and thats very important. Speaking of that, new regen times and alliance/land changes comming soon, decided by your kings.

    p.s. do you realy want me to remove all tokens and also all drachs? will that make things better? Its almost a retoric question, but think of it and you will see why things are not as black as they look.
  9. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Md Is Boring   
    i cant argue with you on that cutler. offering an alternate activity kind of ruined other activities, yet you did a very cool thing there. (yes i checked it).

    I will not get involved with these thigns, i always say that, no one hears it. Not the astral plane, not the card game, nothing. sorry, but i have enough to worry about.

    RP is not your main goal like some suggested, nor is stats grinding. Each will think differently as each likes one or the other aspect more. I've been 'accused' of favorizing the RP part, and i've been accused i was only doing things for the fighting part...trust me, whatever i will do there will always be voices to complain.

    [b]The facts remain, md is boring because you people say its boring. Think for a second. How many days do you have ..cutler, princ, burns..all of you complaining. LOTS and LOTS. Since you started MD evolved a lot and it has a lot more stuff in it to fill your time with. Now tell me, why should it be boring for a new player? And you veterans would have so much more fun if you would just allow newcommers to get to this point of getting bored on their own, in one or two years of playing.[/b]
  10. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Elthen Airis in Coloured Avatars   
    Ok, in order to eliminate any doubts , or hopes, regarding this, i have to spoil something here.

    Colored avatars will _never_ happen. It is not related to money, amount of work, my time, or anything like that. It is, to keep it short, the same way the scenes will never be colored. The same way tags are given, not set by yourself. Tags will change too, but thats an other story.

    However, there is one change in plan regarding avys. I plan to allow you to upload your own avy, but don't jump of joy yet..read on.

    The uploaded avys should perfectly match the style and way the current avys are made. No color, no gold, hand made, not copied, right proportions, no anime/manga, no disney kind, etc. This obviously is not a feature for all to use directly. The uploaded avys will first be confirmed, before you can use them. Cost for one avy change will be still 1 credit.

    Why you still pay if you create it yourself? Because very few will be able to create acceptable avys, and many will want to trade for them. Yeah, i will eventually finish tradeable avatars feature. This means the artists will pay 1 credit for an avy they put, but will be able to trade or sell it for much more than i currently pay for one.

    The option to sell the avy directly for the md avatar gallery will exchange it for 4 credits, returning 1 credit you payed and paying you 3 credits for the avy.

    This feature will allow custom avys and will increase the flow of avys in the shop.

    Gold avys will remain as they are now, but the time i use now for normal avys i will use only for gold ones. Making your avy gold will probably also be an option again..not sure if for money or for active days or as rewards only, or both, idk yet..

    I hope that clears your questions regarding avys.

    This feature should be ready in summer as part of a larger series of changes i have in plan.
  11. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Dmik King in My Claim   
    joking more or less, i need to specify that Tribunals kingship is not open for debate or elections.
    I need a land to retire too you know
  12. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Watcher in Coloured Avatars   
    Ok, in order to eliminate any doubts , or hopes, regarding this, i have to spoil something here.

    Colored avatars will _never_ happen. It is not related to money, amount of work, my time, or anything like that. It is, to keep it short, the same way the scenes will never be colored. The same way tags are given, not set by yourself. Tags will change too, but thats an other story.

    However, there is one change in plan regarding avys. I plan to allow you to upload your own avy, but don't jump of joy yet..read on.

    The uploaded avys should perfectly match the style and way the current avys are made. No color, no gold, hand made, not copied, right proportions, no anime/manga, no disney kind, etc. This obviously is not a feature for all to use directly. The uploaded avys will first be confirmed, before you can use them. Cost for one avy change will be still 1 credit.

    Why you still pay if you create it yourself? Because very few will be able to create acceptable avys, and many will want to trade for them. Yeah, i will eventually finish tradeable avatars feature. This means the artists will pay 1 credit for an avy they put, but will be able to trade or sell it for much more than i currently pay for one.

    The option to sell the avy directly for the md avatar gallery will exchange it for 4 credits, returning 1 credit you payed and paying you 3 credits for the avy.

    This feature will allow custom avys and will increase the flow of avys in the shop.

    Gold avys will remain as they are now, but the time i use now for normal avys i will use only for gold ones. Making your avy gold will probably also be an option again..not sure if for money or for active days or as rewards only, or both, idk yet..

    I hope that clears your questions regarding avys.

    This feature should be ready in summer as part of a larger series of changes i have in plan.
  13. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in Coloured Avatars   
    Ok, in order to eliminate any doubts , or hopes, regarding this, i have to spoil something here.

    Colored avatars will _never_ happen. It is not related to money, amount of work, my time, or anything like that. It is, to keep it short, the same way the scenes will never be colored. The same way tags are given, not set by yourself. Tags will change too, but thats an other story.

    However, there is one change in plan regarding avys. I plan to allow you to upload your own avy, but don't jump of joy yet..read on.

    The uploaded avys should perfectly match the style and way the current avys are made. No color, no gold, hand made, not copied, right proportions, no anime/manga, no disney kind, etc. This obviously is not a feature for all to use directly. The uploaded avys will first be confirmed, before you can use them. Cost for one avy change will be still 1 credit.

    Why you still pay if you create it yourself? Because very few will be able to create acceptable avys, and many will want to trade for them. Yeah, i will eventually finish tradeable avatars feature. This means the artists will pay 1 credit for an avy they put, but will be able to trade or sell it for much more than i currently pay for one.

    The option to sell the avy directly for the md avatar gallery will exchange it for 4 credits, returning 1 credit you payed and paying you 3 credits for the avy.

    This feature will allow custom avys and will increase the flow of avys in the shop.

    Gold avys will remain as they are now, but the time i use now for normal avys i will use only for gold ones. Making your avy gold will probably also be an option again..not sure if for money or for active days or as rewards only, or both, idk yet..

    I hope that clears your questions regarding avys.

    This feature should be ready in summer as part of a larger series of changes i have in plan.
  14. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Watcher in About Wps And The Codes   
    Belonging to a land means you must obey its rule but you also should have benefits. Or even if you don't obey the ruler of that land he still has some power over you. Being without a land makes you in a way independent, this must come with a cost or else why to join a land?

    Kings are free to sponsor players without a declared land, but should never sponsor players from other lands. If your king is to lazy or is unreachable for you to ask for a wp code, then its your bad luck. Lands should suffer or flourish depending on their leaders.

    There are just a handful of players that are without land but do amazing quests that should be rewarded wp codes. In my opinion, kings should try to get those players on their side.

    If i make wp functional only for players with lands, all this "independent" thing will go out in a week without much argue. But because you have an option, some of you stay without citizenship but still want the benefits of one.

    At the end it is a personal decision of the king what to do and rewards and reward resources are given only to them to distribute (except items that are random and will remain random).

    yrth quoted what i said well and its still valid. Considering the hierarchy, there is nothing above kings , except "gods" but gods are more like guidelines not actual forces to change things. Same here, the king has the power to do it, and they will do it based on what i _suggested_ them to do. This means they can still derail from the rules... risking of course to get struck by lightning if they derail to much

    If you are curious why:
    Personal decision is a healthy way to avoid monotony and rule breaking. It is the type of flavor i am looking for. A leader is not only a policeman reinforcing the rules, or public spokesman, but they are personalities that change the destiny of their people, in good , or bad. They can be dictators, they can be friendly an open to anything, or worse they can be inactive. I believe the kingship elections elected a very interesting set of leaders for the 4 lands and as i said before, i am willing to risk the stability and future of md, unforseen implications of their actions and decisions, based on the way they will "rule".
  15. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Watcher in The Most Insidious Answer In Md   
    And people complain "research" can't be done... you just have to look in the right direction, and how you know that direction? you don't untill you find it
  16. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in About Wps And The Codes   
    Belonging to a land means you must obey its rule but you also should have benefits. Or even if you don't obey the ruler of that land he still has some power over you. Being without a land makes you in a way independent, this must come with a cost or else why to join a land?

    Kings are free to sponsor players without a declared land, but should never sponsor players from other lands. If your king is to lazy or is unreachable for you to ask for a wp code, then its your bad luck. Lands should suffer or flourish depending on their leaders.

    There are just a handful of players that are without land but do amazing quests that should be rewarded wp codes. In my opinion, kings should try to get those players on their side.

    If i make wp functional only for players with lands, all this "independent" thing will go out in a week without much argue. But because you have an option, some of you stay without citizenship but still want the benefits of one.

    At the end it is a personal decision of the king what to do and rewards and reward resources are given only to them to distribute (except items that are random and will remain random).

    yrth quoted what i said well and its still valid. Considering the hierarchy, there is nothing above kings , except "gods" but gods are more like guidelines not actual forces to change things. Same here, the king has the power to do it, and they will do it based on what i _suggested_ them to do. This means they can still derail from the rules... risking of course to get struck by lightning if they derail to much

    If you are curious why:
    Personal decision is a healthy way to avoid monotony and rule breaking. It is the type of flavor i am looking for. A leader is not only a policeman reinforcing the rules, or public spokesman, but they are personalities that change the destiny of their people, in good , or bad. They can be dictators, they can be friendly an open to anything, or worse they can be inactive. I believe the kingship elections elected a very interesting set of leaders for the 4 lands and as i said before, i am willing to risk the stability and future of md, unforseen implications of their actions and decisions, based on the way they will "rule".
  17. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Granos in The Most Insidious Answer In Md   
    And people complain "research" can't be done... you just have to look in the right direction, and how you know that direction? you don't untill you find it
  18. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sharpwind in Granos Screwed Me Too   
    I believed he refered to the trial of JacoAnd & Granos, not a trial about his creature. Anyway, you are taking all this way to far. My mistake was that i assumed Granos had the entire CTC, that was wrong. In case there was proof he had it, cutler could lose his creature because he might be considered accomplice to granos crime. However, its not at all the purpose of it trial to pursue leads to incriminate cutler, in fact i consider now too that he is just a victim of this. (@C regardless that i know everything about that particular creature)

    Now, regarding what i read above with a "trial against mur". Let me make it simple for you because it seems to me that democracy has gotten to far. There are no trials against me. Consider it law. If i do mistakes i am not doing them on purpose and for my mistakes or bad decisions entire md has to suffer, so let me care about my missjudges first, because none of you care about md more than i do (no offence). You are ALWAYS welcome to share your opinion and complain, tell me you do not aprove to what i do, be open. I never punished someone for talking open to me. Keep it polite and respectful, its not for my ego its for the respect that i give you back by trying to be open minded about complains i might not always agree to.

    Should I add it in the rules, or its self understood?
  19. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Inappropriate Public Log   
    I was convinced this matter was solved in a friendly way. Seems not.
    Well its solved now, comment removed, Shoeps sent to prison.
  20. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sharazhad in Md Is Boring   
    i cant argue with you on that cutler. offering an alternate activity kind of ruined other activities, yet you did a very cool thing there. (yes i checked it).

    I will not get involved with these thigns, i always say that, no one hears it. Not the astral plane, not the card game, nothing. sorry, but i have enough to worry about.

    RP is not your main goal like some suggested, nor is stats grinding. Each will think differently as each likes one or the other aspect more. I've been 'accused' of favorizing the RP part, and i've been accused i was only doing things for the fighting part...trust me, whatever i will do there will always be voices to complain.

    [b]The facts remain, md is boring because you people say its boring. Think for a second. How many days do you have ..cutler, princ, burns..all of you complaining. LOTS and LOTS. Since you started MD evolved a lot and it has a lot more stuff in it to fill your time with. Now tell me, why should it be boring for a new player? And you veterans would have so much more fun if you would just allow newcommers to get to this point of getting bored on their own, in one or two years of playing.[/b]
  21. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Yoshi in Md Is Boring   
    i cant argue with you on that cutler. offering an alternate activity kind of ruined other activities, yet you did a very cool thing there. (yes i checked it).

    I will not get involved with these thigns, i always say that, no one hears it. Not the astral plane, not the card game, nothing. sorry, but i have enough to worry about.

    RP is not your main goal like some suggested, nor is stats grinding. Each will think differently as each likes one or the other aspect more. I've been 'accused' of favorizing the RP part, and i've been accused i was only doing things for the fighting part...trust me, whatever i will do there will always be voices to complain.

    [b]The facts remain, md is boring because you people say its boring. Think for a second. How many days do you have ..cutler, princ, burns..all of you complaining. LOTS and LOTS. Since you started MD evolved a lot and it has a lot more stuff in it to fill your time with. Now tell me, why should it be boring for a new player? And you veterans would have so much more fun if you would just allow newcommers to get to this point of getting bored on their own, in one or two years of playing.[/b]
  22. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in Quotes   
    I wish to quote someone whose thoughts shocked me at first because i recognized my way of thinking in them. When i first heard about him i thought its an overrated artist, but later i realized his value goes beyond his paintings.

    [b]Pablo Picasso.[/b]

    - Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.

    - Everything you can imagine is real.

    - My mother said to me, "If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope." Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.

    - Success is dangerous. One begins to copy oneself, and to copy oneself is more dangerous than to copy others. It leads to sterility.

    And listen to this one and think of MD now:

    - To finish a work? To finish a picture? What nonsense! To finish it means to be through with it, to kill it, to rid it of its soul, to give it its final blow the coup de grace for the painter as well as for the picture.

  23. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Tarquinus in Quotes   
    I wish to quote someone whose thoughts shocked me at first because i recognized my way of thinking in them. When i first heard about him i thought its an overrated artist, but later i realized his value goes beyond his paintings.

    [b]Pablo Picasso.[/b]

    - Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.

    - Everything you can imagine is real.

    - My mother said to me, "If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope." Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.

    - Success is dangerous. One begins to copy oneself, and to copy oneself is more dangerous than to copy others. It leads to sterility.

    And listen to this one and think of MD now:

    - To finish a work? To finish a picture? What nonsense! To finish it means to be through with it, to kill it, to rid it of its soul, to give it its final blow the coup de grace for the painter as well as for the picture.

  24. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Paying Vs Free - Fairness In Md Shop   
    Anyone observed that there is no "paid" browser game out there? Or i don't know any yet. They are all "free to play", but when you actualy try to play them they require lots of money just to be able to play them.

    I tried one these days to see whats new in that niche and i was shocked to see nothing changed. On top of that, it was total suicide to play without paying. I did pay, then it only moved me in a stage of the game where if i didnt paid more i had the same choice like before, to quit or watch my account get eradicated by paying members. You all know this frustration i believe, its nothing new.

    The STUPID thing is that the game was not playable without payment after a certain point. You end up in a situation where you should train, but you cant train because there is no one to train upon, all being super high level (the npc i mean) BUT...but... you do have a "XP card" in the shop that you can buy to receive more xp. On top of that, you find treasures that make you think you are so lucky you found them, yet when you want to open them ..of course...you need to PAY.

    Doesn't matter what game it is now, the issue is here about MD. I want md to be a "free to play" game and not a pretended free to play. That means that you should never reach a point where only a paid feature could save you from a situation where no other free option can.

    I am not talking about using free credits to get a rusty, even if that is possible is way to difficult, but not having a rusty wont prevent you from building a strong ritual for example. There are ways around it so to say.

    If by mistake or ignorance, i added things in the shop that prevent non-paying members to do something they should be able to do, something that affects gameplay, then please shout about it here. If it makes sense, i will probably move those items to the wish shop, since WP are not for sale but can be achieved.

    Please do remember that the md shop is the only income that keeps MD free so it has to be attractive to the buyers , but not stupid or to hinder gameplay as some other games do.

    Thank you for your feedback.
  25. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Yoshi in Paying Vs Free - Fairness In Md Shop   
    Anyone observed that there is no "paid" browser game out there? Or i don't know any yet. They are all "free to play", but when you actualy try to play them they require lots of money just to be able to play them.

    I tried one these days to see whats new in that niche and i was shocked to see nothing changed. On top of that, it was total suicide to play without paying. I did pay, then it only moved me in a stage of the game where if i didnt paid more i had the same choice like before, to quit or watch my account get eradicated by paying members. You all know this frustration i believe, its nothing new.

    The STUPID thing is that the game was not playable without payment after a certain point. You end up in a situation where you should train, but you cant train because there is no one to train upon, all being super high level (the npc i mean) BUT...but... you do have a "XP card" in the shop that you can buy to receive more xp. On top of that, you find treasures that make you think you are so lucky you found them, yet when you want to open them ..of course...you need to PAY.

    Doesn't matter what game it is now, the issue is here about MD. I want md to be a "free to play" game and not a pretended free to play. That means that you should never reach a point where only a paid feature could save you from a situation where no other free option can.

    I am not talking about using free credits to get a rusty, even if that is possible is way to difficult, but not having a rusty wont prevent you from building a strong ritual for example. There are ways around it so to say.

    If by mistake or ignorance, i added things in the shop that prevent non-paying members to do something they should be able to do, something that affects gameplay, then please shout about it here. If it makes sense, i will probably move those items to the wish shop, since WP are not for sale but can be achieved.

    Please do remember that the md shop is the only income that keeps MD free so it has to be attractive to the buyers , but not stupid or to hinder gameplay as some other games do.

    Thank you for your feedback.
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