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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sharpwind in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    items will still be stplitted in rare and common items. Raw materials might get more common , such as silver for example, but if so they will also have a different dynamic. Maybe they will be just temporary untill you convert them into somethign or gain something for them. The rare or unique items will remain unique, their value won't change, in fact it might grow once they get any kind of usability.

    You better don't haste to make assumptions on what it will be. I am still not sure of the things i can do with the new features. It might surprise me as well in the end.

    The only stable things you can rely on are the things i place in the announcements. Here on forum i say ideas, how things might be , etc. If you want to plan ahead and anticipate if the item value will raise or drop, its your own risk.
  2. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Pipstickz in 1St Md Special Merchendise Auction   
    postponed, sorry for the delay.
    merchandise and offers remain, its just me that cant review and sort them at this time. When they will be sorted I will update this topic with the highest bids for each item and we will resume the bidding from there.
  3. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Peace in 1St Md Special Merchendise Auction   
    postponed, sorry for the delay.
    merchandise and offers remain, its just me that cant review and sort them at this time. When they will be sorted I will update this topic with the highest bids for each item and we will resume the bidding from there.
  4. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    items will still be stplitted in rare and common items. Raw materials might get more common , such as silver for example, but if so they will also have a different dynamic. Maybe they will be just temporary untill you convert them into somethign or gain something for them. The rare or unique items will remain unique, their value won't change, in fact it might grow once they get any kind of usability.

    You better don't haste to make assumptions on what it will be. I am still not sure of the things i can do with the new features. It might surprise me as well in the end.

    The only stable things you can rely on are the things i place in the announcements. Here on forum i say ideas, how things might be , etc. If you want to plan ahead and anticipate if the item value will raise or drop, its your own risk.
  5. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from cutler121 in 1St Md Special Merchendise Auction   
    postponed, sorry for the delay.
    merchandise and offers remain, its just me that cant review and sort them at this time. When they will be sorted I will update this topic with the highest bids for each item and we will resume the bidding from there.
  6. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from xPo in Homing Items   
    Since server is down and hosting is not responding, i will write a bit about what i did today.

    Homing items, well, its possible now. I have a few ideas that might change md a lot in the future, for example:

    - pet items, you feed them with heat or me, or with creatures, they can weaken enemies or simply be cute. They have a fixed number of uses. While in your possession the number resets every time it reaches zero, but when they give them to someone, they will return to you once they are used a given number of times.

    - homing pigeons, owls ... You could give them to someone then when used they would return to you and their description would have a text written by the one that set them free. Of course there is no practical purpose because we have pms ..but maybe for a quest or something...

    - Tool renting. There could be a place where you could rent tools for different things. You pay something for them, like one silver, or other items (supposing there will be many raw material items), or for free, and you could use that tool for a limited number of time. Once its used entirely it would reset back to its "base", reset, and be ready for an other player to use it.

    - torch competition. Heheh...this one is related to somethign bigger and you will see when time comes. Nice part is that without this feature some things that i planned long ago would not be possible, yet back then i was not expecting such a thing.

    There are obviously a lot of new items possible. I just built myself a heat-to-vitality conversion device. It lets you store heat (that drops 1 per sec) and you can activate it whenever you want and heal anybody with that same amount of Ve. It has also the homing feature and limited use, so its very likely i will be passing my new toy around for some of you to test.

    Right now server is dead, and i am at the edge of eating my keyboard out of frustration, so i cant think streight about more possible uses, but i knwo there are.

    one question is most important. Economy or not economy, should there be raw items, and a sort of industry to convert and use them, and together with that skills such as mining, crafting of all sorts and such? I am a bit afraid of making that part of the game. Economy leads to abuse, and in time will need a lot of "continuation" i will not be able to provide ... (because i will be always working on stuff i enjoy and never on stuff i should).

    So its difficult to decide. For now i will be playing with the new toys and try to find a way to keep them balanced, or more towards the unefficient side. Items still have an importance just as such, without their use, so their use can remain on the luxury side for a while.

    Now, this is outrageos, server still down...i'm so gonna kill somebody/thing/....argggg
  7. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sharpwind in Homing Items   
    Since server is down and hosting is not responding, i will write a bit about what i did today.

    Homing items, well, its possible now. I have a few ideas that might change md a lot in the future, for example:

    - pet items, you feed them with heat or me, or with creatures, they can weaken enemies or simply be cute. They have a fixed number of uses. While in your possession the number resets every time it reaches zero, but when they give them to someone, they will return to you once they are used a given number of times.

    - homing pigeons, owls ... You could give them to someone then when used they would return to you and their description would have a text written by the one that set them free. Of course there is no practical purpose because we have pms ..but maybe for a quest or something...

    - Tool renting. There could be a place where you could rent tools for different things. You pay something for them, like one silver, or other items (supposing there will be many raw material items), or for free, and you could use that tool for a limited number of time. Once its used entirely it would reset back to its "base", reset, and be ready for an other player to use it.

    - torch competition. Heheh...this one is related to somethign bigger and you will see when time comes. Nice part is that without this feature some things that i planned long ago would not be possible, yet back then i was not expecting such a thing.

    There are obviously a lot of new items possible. I just built myself a heat-to-vitality conversion device. It lets you store heat (that drops 1 per sec) and you can activate it whenever you want and heal anybody with that same amount of Ve. It has also the homing feature and limited use, so its very likely i will be passing my new toy around for some of you to test.

    Right now server is dead, and i am at the edge of eating my keyboard out of frustration, so i cant think streight about more possible uses, but i knwo there are.

    one question is most important. Economy or not economy, should there be raw items, and a sort of industry to convert and use them, and together with that skills such as mining, crafting of all sorts and such? I am a bit afraid of making that part of the game. Economy leads to abuse, and in time will need a lot of "continuation" i will not be able to provide ... (because i will be always working on stuff i enjoy and never on stuff i should).

    So its difficult to decide. For now i will be playing with the new toys and try to find a way to keep them balanced, or more towards the unefficient side. Items still have an importance just as such, without their use, so their use can remain on the luxury side for a while.

    Now, this is outrageos, server still down...i'm so gonna kill somebody/thing/....argggg
  8. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Demoting Forum Mods   
    I was requested to investigate the demotion of Fenrir Greycloth as a forum mod. Here are my conclusions.

    Since the forum has a chain of command, in this order: regular user -> forum mods -> forum admins -> me, the decisions comming from the same people that placed you in that position can not be contested.

    You got accepted as forum mod by a forum admin, forum admins can demote you WITH OR WITHOUT REASON. Moderator job is to keep the forum going alright and clean bad things, organize topics, etc, and forum admin job is to keep a good team of forum mods and take important decisions about the forum.

    currently Chewett is the head of forum (since the beginning of times i might add), and akasha is also root admin (also since the beginning of times). Forum hierarchy in the admin section is mods->akasha->chewett->me.

    If fenrir was or was not demoted based on a good reason its irrelevant, because he could have been demoted also without reason.
    Once i have someone in charge of something it means i trust that person decisions regarding the matters i placed him in command over. In this particular case i think there was a very strong reason to demote fenrir because ALL mods, and admins agreed to his demotion. Even if it was not a good reason at all, the simple fact that you managed to get the other "team members" against you is reason enough for you not to continue to be a forum mod.

    For general knowledge, demotion up the hierarchy is also possible, meaning that for example more regular users can file a complain to a forum admin to demote a forum mod, for good reasons. The same way more forum mods can file a complain to me to demore a forum admin, but the reasons would have to be ridiculously strong to make me demote either chewett or akasha, so unless you have solid proof of abuse,insane acts, or such, dont waste my time. Forum admins usualy get demoted based on inactivity, so when they no longer come around to handle things when needed, i will replace them by someone else after a certain period of time.
    As for me, sorry i can't be demoted, you'd wish ..or lets say i can demote myself and get rid of the responsability ...ah, i'd wish

    So back to fenrir situation.
    I think that anyone that served the community for a decent period of time deserves a reward. Fenrir was a mod for a decent period of time over half a year if i know right. Being a mod means serving the md community. Regardless of the reason he got demoted, his work on the forum in previous times remains unchanged so his reward should be there for him.

    The reward will be sent shortly, and will consist (as chewett suggested) in a wishpoint for service to md, and a valuable creature. i will probably slightly change this reward after i think a bit how much time means how much reward. Right now i am not sure if this is too little for 8 month of moderating or too much. (feel free to make suggestions)

    and a personal note to fenrir: you being a mod wont prevent you from getting baned from the forum for rudeness to other mods or admins.
  9. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Lazarus in 1St Md Special Merchendise Auction   
    postponed, sorry for the delay.
    merchandise and offers remain, its just me that cant review and sort them at this time. When they will be sorted I will update this topic with the highest bids for each item and we will resume the bidding from there.
  10. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Ledah in Demoting Forum Mods   
    I was requested to investigate the demotion of Fenrir Greycloth as a forum mod. Here are my conclusions.

    Since the forum has a chain of command, in this order: regular user -> forum mods -> forum admins -> me, the decisions comming from the same people that placed you in that position can not be contested.

    You got accepted as forum mod by a forum admin, forum admins can demote you WITH OR WITHOUT REASON. Moderator job is to keep the forum going alright and clean bad things, organize topics, etc, and forum admin job is to keep a good team of forum mods and take important decisions about the forum.

    currently Chewett is the head of forum (since the beginning of times i might add), and akasha is also root admin (also since the beginning of times). Forum hierarchy in the admin section is mods->akasha->chewett->me.

    If fenrir was or was not demoted based on a good reason its irrelevant, because he could have been demoted also without reason.
    Once i have someone in charge of something it means i trust that person decisions regarding the matters i placed him in command over. In this particular case i think there was a very strong reason to demote fenrir because ALL mods, and admins agreed to his demotion. Even if it was not a good reason at all, the simple fact that you managed to get the other "team members" against you is reason enough for you not to continue to be a forum mod.

    For general knowledge, demotion up the hierarchy is also possible, meaning that for example more regular users can file a complain to a forum admin to demote a forum mod, for good reasons. The same way more forum mods can file a complain to me to demore a forum admin, but the reasons would have to be ridiculously strong to make me demote either chewett or akasha, so unless you have solid proof of abuse,insane acts, or such, dont waste my time. Forum admins usualy get demoted based on inactivity, so when they no longer come around to handle things when needed, i will replace them by someone else after a certain period of time.
    As for me, sorry i can't be demoted, you'd wish ..or lets say i can demote myself and get rid of the responsability ...ah, i'd wish

    So back to fenrir situation.
    I think that anyone that served the community for a decent period of time deserves a reward. Fenrir was a mod for a decent period of time over half a year if i know right. Being a mod means serving the md community. Regardless of the reason he got demoted, his work on the forum in previous times remains unchanged so his reward should be there for him.

    The reward will be sent shortly, and will consist (as chewett suggested) in a wishpoint for service to md, and a valuable creature. i will probably slightly change this reward after i think a bit how much time means how much reward. Right now i am not sure if this is too little for 8 month of moderating or too much. (feel free to make suggestions)

    and a personal note to fenrir: you being a mod wont prevent you from getting baned from the forum for rudeness to other mods or admins.
  11. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Chewett in Demoting Forum Mods   
    I was requested to investigate the demotion of Fenrir Greycloth as a forum mod. Here are my conclusions.

    Since the forum has a chain of command, in this order: regular user -> forum mods -> forum admins -> me, the decisions comming from the same people that placed you in that position can not be contested.

    You got accepted as forum mod by a forum admin, forum admins can demote you WITH OR WITHOUT REASON. Moderator job is to keep the forum going alright and clean bad things, organize topics, etc, and forum admin job is to keep a good team of forum mods and take important decisions about the forum.

    currently Chewett is the head of forum (since the beginning of times i might add), and akasha is also root admin (also since the beginning of times). Forum hierarchy in the admin section is mods->akasha->chewett->me.

    If fenrir was or was not demoted based on a good reason its irrelevant, because he could have been demoted also without reason.
    Once i have someone in charge of something it means i trust that person decisions regarding the matters i placed him in command over. In this particular case i think there was a very strong reason to demote fenrir because ALL mods, and admins agreed to his demotion. Even if it was not a good reason at all, the simple fact that you managed to get the other "team members" against you is reason enough for you not to continue to be a forum mod.

    For general knowledge, demotion up the hierarchy is also possible, meaning that for example more regular users can file a complain to a forum admin to demote a forum mod, for good reasons. The same way more forum mods can file a complain to me to demore a forum admin, but the reasons would have to be ridiculously strong to make me demote either chewett or akasha, so unless you have solid proof of abuse,insane acts, or such, dont waste my time. Forum admins usualy get demoted based on inactivity, so when they no longer come around to handle things when needed, i will replace them by someone else after a certain period of time.
    As for me, sorry i can't be demoted, you'd wish ..or lets say i can demote myself and get rid of the responsability ...ah, i'd wish

    So back to fenrir situation.
    I think that anyone that served the community for a decent period of time deserves a reward. Fenrir was a mod for a decent period of time over half a year if i know right. Being a mod means serving the md community. Regardless of the reason he got demoted, his work on the forum in previous times remains unchanged so his reward should be there for him.

    The reward will be sent shortly, and will consist (as chewett suggested) in a wishpoint for service to md, and a valuable creature. i will probably slightly change this reward after i think a bit how much time means how much reward. Right now i am not sure if this is too little for 8 month of moderating or too much. (feel free to make suggestions)

    and a personal note to fenrir: you being a mod wont prevent you from getting baned from the forum for rudeness to other mods or admins.
  12. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from LadyDawn in History of the inner magic docs   
    As i allready said , the publication of these docs is a big step from my point of view. Not so long ago i was imagining that these docs or the outer magic (special actions) will be part of the final game version, but in time i realised that it will probably never be a final version because the game will always evolve.
    With the publication of the docs i realised that the game passed a stage that i was thinking it will be beyond Alpha stage.
    A lot of you are probably confused and dont quite understand what these docs are about or what their use is... well i wont explain that here. For the time beeing just enjoy them as they are, a simple collection of "things"
    These docs were build before the game was conceived, they are not made up for the game, but i dare to say the whole game was made up for them. When i think of these docs i think about a part of my life that i put aside for a very long time because i got into computer/webdevelopment business and i sware one day i will stop looking at a stupid monitor and get back to the things that i realy enjoy doing.
    Who remebers Adi?, the genius that wrote the storyline texts ... well everyone has its own personal interests and i can not blame him he stopped beeing part of this project. He translated the texts from Romanian to English. I have to say it was a dificult translation because the original texts i wrote in ro contained several subtle parts that a normal translator usualy omits or skipps. I stayed on the poor guys head for every word he translated to keep the meaning, and i dont think anyone else except him could have translated these texts better. In same cases the english version sounds much better than the romanian, but i am afraid in some other cases the romanian still contains traces of info i could not put in clear words and i left it there for those that know where to look...oh well , sometimes you need to make small sacrifices to achieve a greater goal. The english version can be read by many more people than the romanian and thats most important.
    I am a bit afraid in a way. This is the second time i try to make this texts part of the game. You wonder what happend the first time? ..........well my explanation wont be very objective and you might think i am not a realistc person, and i am not. I go both on logic as well on intuition, and when it comes to the inner magic docs, its all about intuition. First time i tried to post this in a public form , computer crashed, Adis computer _burned_, my papers went mistriously lost, and on top of all the sever had a permanent failure. for one moment i realised all the work on the game was lost, but it happend that i kept them on a usb stick when transfering them to Adi when he needed them for the translation. Of course .. a coincidence ..but a great one. Oh i almost forgot to mention the nightmares and weird dreams i had....and i hope Adi wont see this anytime soon, but i fear the problems he had in that period were becasue of this too..i had to say it one day.
    I actualy stopped completing the texts because of all the weird problems that appeard and i focused on the pure game development hoping that one day i will be able to create the proper virtual world for these docs. One day, maybe not that far away, i will resume the work on them, untill then there are plenty docs to give to all current rpcs and future rpcs. Work on principles stopped in the same period. Btw the number of principles is not the final one, i still have to add a few more to complete the series.....one day.
    When writing the docs i realised they mirror my way of beeing and they can not cover all the needed areas. The docs about healing and such are way more simplistic in information and have less levels than the offensive magic docs or the misc category. I needed someone else to help me with that part of the docs and i contacted someone i know to be familiar with this but unfortunalty that person was not so exited about the ideea of making such knowledge public in any way, nor did he posses the ability to put the things he could do in a written form or to teach them to others....so i am on my own in this, except maybe one day this whole project will do its purpose and spot that person in a million that fits the profile.
    You know where is the best place to hide something? there were everybody can see it.
    A lot of people and organizations try to hide fractions of the things i have to say, but whats the point to do that if you can write them in such way that only those who should know them understand them.
    What do i mean? ...exactly, those confused after reading the last words are the type that have nothing to do with what i am refering at no offence, you are still the best gaming community i have ever seen.
    I said enough.
    Thank you all for playing this..game..and i will continue to provide you with state of the art gaming experience as best as i can, because games, books and movies are the main ways to send this kind of ideeas to the general public and this game covers the "book" type also in a way
  13. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Tarquinus in C'est Impossible!   
    mp3 cap for vp set to min zero, OR, based on active days, meaning players under X days will never get negative vp.

    That will protect new players but will also make md more unpleasant the more you stay in it.

    Anyway, as long as this is done only by two players , there two can be warned, then baned if they continue...BUT..this can get easy out of hand and become an easily abusable reason for ban and i don't like that.

    Anyway, keep an updated list, warn them, and if it turns to be an isolated event I will ban them for a while. I will be working on the general solution with the vp cap too but might not be done in time.

    p.s. ads are running like crazy and it would be a pity to scare newcomers away like that
  14. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in C'est Impossible!   
    mp3 cap for vp set to min zero, OR, based on active days, meaning players under X days will never get negative vp.

    That will protect new players but will also make md more unpleasant the more you stay in it.

    Anyway, as long as this is done only by two players , there two can be warned, then baned if they continue...BUT..this can get easy out of hand and become an easily abusable reason for ban and i don't like that.

    Anyway, keep an updated list, warn them, and if it turns to be an isolated event I will ban them for a while. I will be working on the general solution with the vp cap too but might not be done in time.

    p.s. ads are running like crazy and it would be a pity to scare newcomers away like that
  15. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from redneck in Md Real Coins O.o   
    Listen to this ...
    i can make COINS, gold plated (24k), silver or bronze. I mean like REAL COINS with 3d engravings and writing, just like currency coins. Diameter of about 40mm (1.56'). Problem is that i need to do at least 100 or they wont create the dies, so i cant just do a few for those that want, i must do all or none.

    I can cover a big part of the cost myself, but i wont do them without first checking if enough people are interested in this and also take preorders.

    I have a few ideas, but remember, only one of them can be made real, i can't make one of each.

    1) Matte or Shiny gold plated , marked with "1 Gold" or something similar, refering clearly to the gold coins in MD.
    2) Silver with 1 Silver, refering to the Silver coins in MD. Silver looks better than gold it seems.

    Advantages of making them currency coins with a value is that people could get more than just one.

    3) Bronze or any of the other options, with something generaly valid for MD, like log on one side and "something" else on the other (i have to think about it and it good). Maybe a thematic coin of some sort. If i am planning to make these in 100 coins series, each time i do a new series it could have the same main design but with one side changed (like Euro is in each country).

    Bad thing is that if its general , there is no reason to get more than one, and there won't be 100 individual buyers for sure.

    Other "communist" ideas:
    4)put a tax/donation/optional payment of 3-5 credits for all players and then give these as awards based on different reasons (but not to those making the credit payment).

    5)Use these both as rewards and purchased items (it wont be fair!) until i can get a second type of coin just for one of these purposes.

    Gold plating is more respectable, but in my opinion looks bad, contrast is low and if its matte its two faded (its also more expensive). Silver doesnt look like actual silver, its more like a grey (see pics) but keeps better contrast and resembles more actual coins that are in currency. Bronze is the cheapest material, and it has low symbolic value, but looks great and heavy, especialy the 3d one (thats almost as much as the flat gold one).

    I wished i could get these to you for free, but obviously i cant. I also have to make a price differentiation between those that preorder and those that will order later, or none will preorder at all. So i am thinking of this. The preorders will be priced at exactly the cost price. So whoever gets them with preorder will have the minimum price possible, but i can't guarantee a price because i have no idea what are transport and customs taxes exactly. So for preorder price will be a lot smaller, but might fluctuate a bit.

    Estimate price, without shipping from Romania to international:
    With preorder (actual coin cost from mint, plus shipping here, without any profit or taxes added by me) is about 7$ (+/- 1$) plus 1$ for gold matte plating (depending if thats the coin will be made or not).
    Estimate price after, without preorder, 12-16$ (includes MD profit part, handling)

    These are raw estimates, its first time i work with this provider and i have no clue what will be at the end.

    They will have to be shipped here in Romania first, then i will send them to you. The shipping from me to you will be depending on location, i have no idea how much, but you can check out with your local shipping services to get an estimate quote. For more coins in same package the shipping will be almost null for the additional coins so you will get a much better price per coin if you get more. I am thinking maybe for people in same town you can join and get them all in one package to save shipping costs and then meet and get them in person.
    (In Romania you can come and get them from me if you are in Bucharest or domestic shipping charges via Fancurier, Cargus, etc)

    So, i am waiting for your opinions.
    Because this topic might get very big very soon, please write only if you are realy planning to buy. I am sure most of you have good ideas about this, but those that will actualy buy them should have a heavier word than others.

    Check out samples:
    I marked them with letter so you can refer better to them if you want to indicate a certain model in the picture.
  16. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sharpwind in Md Real Coins O.o   
    Listen to this ...
    i can make COINS, gold plated (24k), silver or bronze. I mean like REAL COINS with 3d engravings and writing, just like currency coins. Diameter of about 40mm (1.56'). Problem is that i need to do at least 100 or they wont create the dies, so i cant just do a few for those that want, i must do all or none.

    I can cover a big part of the cost myself, but i wont do them without first checking if enough people are interested in this and also take preorders.

    I have a few ideas, but remember, only one of them can be made real, i can't make one of each.

    1) Matte or Shiny gold plated , marked with "1 Gold" or something similar, refering clearly to the gold coins in MD.
    2) Silver with 1 Silver, refering to the Silver coins in MD. Silver looks better than gold it seems.

    Advantages of making them currency coins with a value is that people could get more than just one.

    3) Bronze or any of the other options, with something generaly valid for MD, like log on one side and "something" else on the other (i have to think about it and it good). Maybe a thematic coin of some sort. If i am planning to make these in 100 coins series, each time i do a new series it could have the same main design but with one side changed (like Euro is in each country).

    Bad thing is that if its general , there is no reason to get more than one, and there won't be 100 individual buyers for sure.

    Other "communist" ideas:
    4)put a tax/donation/optional payment of 3-5 credits for all players and then give these as awards based on different reasons (but not to those making the credit payment).

    5)Use these both as rewards and purchased items (it wont be fair!) until i can get a second type of coin just for one of these purposes.

    Gold plating is more respectable, but in my opinion looks bad, contrast is low and if its matte its two faded (its also more expensive). Silver doesnt look like actual silver, its more like a grey (see pics) but keeps better contrast and resembles more actual coins that are in currency. Bronze is the cheapest material, and it has low symbolic value, but looks great and heavy, especialy the 3d one (thats almost as much as the flat gold one).

    I wished i could get these to you for free, but obviously i cant. I also have to make a price differentiation between those that preorder and those that will order later, or none will preorder at all. So i am thinking of this. The preorders will be priced at exactly the cost price. So whoever gets them with preorder will have the minimum price possible, but i can't guarantee a price because i have no idea what are transport and customs taxes exactly. So for preorder price will be a lot smaller, but might fluctuate a bit.

    Estimate price, without shipping from Romania to international:
    With preorder (actual coin cost from mint, plus shipping here, without any profit or taxes added by me) is about 7$ (+/- 1$) plus 1$ for gold matte plating (depending if thats the coin will be made or not).
    Estimate price after, without preorder, 12-16$ (includes MD profit part, handling)

    These are raw estimates, its first time i work with this provider and i have no clue what will be at the end.

    They will have to be shipped here in Romania first, then i will send them to you. The shipping from me to you will be depending on location, i have no idea how much, but you can check out with your local shipping services to get an estimate quote. For more coins in same package the shipping will be almost null for the additional coins so you will get a much better price per coin if you get more. I am thinking maybe for people in same town you can join and get them all in one package to save shipping costs and then meet and get them in person.
    (In Romania you can come and get them from me if you are in Bucharest or domestic shipping charges via Fancurier, Cargus, etc)

    So, i am waiting for your opinions.
    Because this topic might get very big very soon, please write only if you are realy planning to buy. I am sure most of you have good ideas about this, but those that will actualy buy them should have a heavier word than others.

    Check out samples:
    I marked them with letter so you can refer better to them if you want to indicate a certain model in the picture.
  17. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Akasha in Historic Documents, Legends in Loreroot.   
    I am very sorry, but look at the important infos that they stored here..This is what i try to point: NOTHING!

    until today..late yesterday night in historical was just a post by Metal Bunny from 2008, The CoE, Savels, Crafter had no ally forum sin here...WHY? because they never though that this is the first place were you come and say you are a part from MagicDuel world. Not somewhwere else. Yes, I would like to see the ideea of the HC.

    The informations need to be public WHY? so that there won't be any disscussion inside that supposed to exist High Council ..(should i give the example?) Also...what should a HC do? where do i find this?

    Should i point at some loreroot ppl that ask what and were? These informations and the allys are Magicduel allys, not exeptions, not private things. Loreroot again is not a private group or groups of ppl. Loreroot and the informations about loreroot and it's alliances (not the things that need to stay secret OF COURSE) ARE PUBLIC NOT PERSONAL OR PRIVATE OR EXCLUSIVES. That's why.

    U can;t come to me and ask me (me= one md player) to accept something that is in no records and not explaned. i hear things have changed. I ask from what? Where can i see how it was and how it is? There is no history you erased that history in order to make what?

    On this forum, again was nothing intresting ..was closed for 1 day...that's how much time took to the loreroot to find out about this forum..and you know the big issue: 'Was deleted..if yes OMG how can we find who joined Black Thorn quest????'
  18. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Akasha in Historic Documents, Legends in Loreroot.   
    The forum was not deleted. I did not act like a GG ally. I act like a MD player. I would like to know things that need to be public. Kragel IS from Loreroot. LOREROOT IS NOT THE GUARDIANS OF THE ROOT ALLy. Loreroot is a LAND with ppl inside. the probelem comes when the ppl inside start to ask questions. I woul dlike to know the story of the HC, the recent story of Loreroot why can't i know these things? Because i am not in gotr ally or CoE? that's why? Why does Loreroot act ..or some ppl from it act like it is a private land when it is not. Necro did not had elections. There is a dynast. Khal asked Peace to continue the dynasty. that is in the News log so everyone can see it and check and confirm it. The elections, the HC members..sorry i can't go and check if something is true or false since i have no records. Alll the records have are few topics here. Acording to this OFICIAL FORUM, High Council never existed , ELECTIONS never took place...some alliances never existed in Loreroot but maybe in another unoficial forum were a small group of ppl pretend they do the laws and start to order here and there things that should not be like that.
  19. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Akasha in Historic Documents, Legends in Loreroot.   
    Mur posted the stories written by adi, signed by adi because adi didn't bother to create a forum account.
    The stories u refer were submitted by Mur, but it was specified who wrote them and that is ANCIENT LORE.
  20. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Akasha in Historic Documents, Legends in Loreroot.   
    The main reason the forum was invisible, was to see when someone is actually realizing that the official MD Loreroot forum is not existing anymore.a lorerootian.
    You all act like Loreroot is a private land, not part of MagicDuel. Well, as long as it is from MagicDuel, it is not private but public.

    Here is a more civilized way of attracting your attention about what is going on, Questions:

    1.I do not recall the elections. They never took place.
    Why? : There is no record about them in Loreroot Historic documents.(just Metal Bunny post from 2008)

    2. I do not admite that Council ever was born.
    why? : There is no record about it in Loreroot Historic documents.(just Metal Bunny post from 2008)

    3. Wanted to click the link from CoE ally statement.Went to a private forum, unknown, free to download and not a MD official one. They do not exist in MD?I can't look for more details because i am not registered to a private forum?that is not part of MD?
    Why? Errr..do you see the ally page in the MD official Loreroot forum? I don't.

    4.Who made the council?
    why? There is no record about it in Loreroot Historic documents.(just Metal Bunny post from 2008)

    5. When was Loreroot declared not part of MagicDuel and a PRIVATE land?
    why? you act like Loreroot (not the ally guardians which is part of Loreroot, the LAND) is a private thingy and come to throw some infos that we, the humans need to accept them.

    6. What happens to the ones that have access to Loreroot but they are not observed by the actual Group. Is it like..there are 2 separated Loreroot lands? Is this part of you constitution or just an unfortunate event?
  21. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Historic Documents, Legends in Loreroot.   
    I will be posting a few documents pertaining to Loreroot soon. I have a lot to sift through concerning Loreroot but know that I am working on putting a few things up.
  22. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Akasha in Avatar Bounty   
    Sample avatar work will be sent at[b] art at magicduel.com[/b], please.
  23. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Akasha in Avatar Bounty   
    [color="#8b0000"]Considering there is no more Artisans, due to inactivity, as the announcements say, sample art will be sent to [b]manu@magicduel.com[/b][/color]

    [quote][color="#cccccc"][2009-10-03 12:54:47 - Alpha 9][/color]
    The Artisans Guild was disbanded.
    Reasons: They were unable to create a constant flow of artists to submit artworks. They kept their ranks closed for a huge period of time, IGNORING artworks submited on the forum by people with great potential, instead they sent in artworks that were not checked for authenticity and they were copied/stolen. The Artisans _guild_ became just a nice alliance logo to keep the reputation of their inhabitants but its management was unable to keep it running as it should. For a while there won't be an other start for the Artisans Guild. All current members (that were selected just now close to the festival anyway) were removed from the guild. All its current members with a rank within the guild will have their tags adjusted.

    Players that submited artowrks samples and never got an answer back are requested to submit it again this time to manu@magicduel.com. For now, all artwork related things will be sent to me directly.[/quote]
  24. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Calling All Archivists!   
    What I'm curious about is why the concept of 'giving someone a chance' doesn't apply here. Gargant you have done quite a lot for the community I think, and I do not believe you deserve this kind of treatment simply for making a helpful suggestion.
  25. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Akasha in Calling All Archivists!   
    About the calendar...

    In the last month Awii sent to me, we spoke about including the AL events / dates, make it with a MD feeling not only outside. The AL was supposed to be the official one, wrote by Mur... The Order will take this task and make a list of the AL events for the calendar, will be submitted to me ..so whoever has any ideas regarding this subject or similar/ magic events please, i wait your pm's, thank you.

    Also, we should all start using the md-archives, it is a site dedicated to all of us , not for the archivies ally only , but to archive our achievements.
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