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Posts posted by stormrunner

  1. ok you know what I keep hereing the anyone can but anyone thing so you know what I haven't seen it and I know the combat system well enough I will not act like I'm a master at it

    here's my skills

    Regeneration: 108 (103.82 + 5)
    Energetic immunity: 339 (279.97 + 10 + 50)
    Trade sense: 93 (93.12)
    Briskness: 186 (180.85 + 6)
    Initiative: 69 (69.44)
    Defence: 321 (259.51 + 26 + 36)
    Attack: 845 (677.22 + 20 + 100 + 48)
    Power: 219 (166.03 + 3 + 50)
    Luck: 63 (43.06 + 20)

    I have one of each nomal(no MDshop not insanely rare) creature at max except loreroot archer, bird, and the two necrovion creature a know how can I beat say dst who's creatures kill most of mine first or 2nd hit and she hits first every time, tell me this and I'll agree stats are meaningless but that will alsp prove the point the reset wouldn't hurt the fighting focused players because all the work they do is meaningless any way, but if you can't do it it proves they do have a huge effort and the reset would help balance the game even if people still know what they do

    no theory now just facts and a end to this it not our choice any way it mur's

  2. so it go back to how it is any way lightsage, thats not really a negative. it Cyclicity Principle the game will always become unbalanced, of couse mur reset creatures too that solve it for a time

    you want it to be balanced mur could just delte all the accounts then no body would have anything. it be totally fair everyone back at step 1

  3. I agree with burns on this one, I used to have a small chance, but now days in less I went and begged the right people there no chance in hell, I didn't it even look at the score during this last one

    oh and heres a odd note way back near this time last year during the week I was mp 4 I probably could have placed but I got bored and lost the heads I had, so on a whim I attacked the loreroot guards and won, also reached the cap in that fight, so I want to mp 5, only time I'v been even close.

    that was before all the B.S. that comes with the head hunt now days, tell the showed up I did try for atleast of few hours but I have a short attention span for such things

  4. for me a reset would be probably a good thing in the long run I screwed up in a few places with my skills, creatures, and storymode, and even if in theory anyone can be beaten easily, reality(odd when talking about a game) it not so simple after all if anyone can be beaten then no body would ever lose which clearly doesn't happen but that is another topic for another time

    but yeah I would love another land war, more so if it replaced the clearly flawed head hunt as the monthly fighting contest I would still lose but it at least have a shot in theory that is

  5. actually because of lack of support namely the little I had disappearing on me I ended up droping this a long time ago, and look around a bit harder llewop you may see few things, and when I started this most of the current staff hadn't even started the game at all in fact the staff was calyx, sage, and meru chi. though next time you bring up one of my past failures do pay more attention it was called shadowguard for a reason namely not much was out in the open that may have been part of the problem but it done with now

    close this before someone else decides to bring it up. it was a vein hope anyway

  6. yes, yes,the reason aia won last time was freinds and is the same this time, she isn't hiding it hell look in her papers she even says it and has a list, the question is way do you care, don't say you don't you wouldn't be ranting if you didn't, the head hunt is UNFAIR it said every time it comes up. we all know it about who you know not what you can do. thats why I'm never in it

    if you want a test of who the best fighter is have mur do another war test, which even though I probably wouldn't win I would try because I'd have a shot

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