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Posts posted by stormrunner

  1. ok that says everything right there guy we answered you many times says we didn't for about the fifth time I don't feel like doing a list of quote and your just not wroth it, so please use the grey matter between your ears and figure it out yourself I'm done trying to teach you. this why I'm not in the business of helping people, teaching lessons or telling stories.

  2. hmmm, so we have work to do to go past what we did last time I think 6- 12 pages in one night, and I was just watching code geass r2 and they were talking about the sword of Akasha being able to destroy gods, does this worry anyone else or just me

    p.s. just a warning I am suffering MD withdraw, anime overload and a need to sleep so i will not be making sense for a while at least till I do sleep

  3. guy once again why are you still talking, now shut the hell up. your merely being pointless and annoying, I'm tired of dealing with you. to be frank(like thats anything new) your being nothing but a brat who can't seem to get the point we have explained over and over again

    we know it's not perfect but we're trying unlike you, repeating the same problem over and over again is not helping, now don't bring it up again, ever. in fact if I ever see your name on this topic again it be too soon

    once again this is my nice request next time will be a flame filled rant only it will be spoiler tags with the real words that tend to be hurtful not dots. we have tried to explain in many ways to you guy. oh and I know some people may not like the word I'm about to use but I don't care right now I'll edit it when I wake up if it's a problem. guy, are you retarded, you didn't imply you out right said it, please read your own quotes before trying to make a point with them.

    on to on topic matters: one I am still doing the silver quest and I have a lot more coins now so I'm not limited to how many I give for a good one. two if any one with a lot silver would like to do run a quest to give them out but don't quite know what to make come see me I'll try to help you I am at the howling gate, if I'm idle just leave a pm I'll get back to you asap.

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