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Posts posted by stormrunner

  1. no burns your on the right track, factions will help this when they come out, the RPC will make items as rewards the lower levels of this would probably be item with little use outside trading or item making. and those in factions who are working to be item makers will be able though the rpc to make common items that would only be useful in trading. or at least this is how it sounded in the faction meeting

  2. remind me to explain the complex interaction between alliances and protectors another time, when I'm not already tired of you and over all and thats offtopic, but heres a question, would a faithful worshiper be the kind of person you want to follow or fight beside.

    this is one of those cases where faith is rewarded

    oh and when I explain protector/alliance interaction remind me to explaim what the diffenct between the MPs is it not just the number goes up

  3. as a way to help spread coins I have started a quest

    "when injustice becomes law
    rebellion becomes duty

    Educatio est omnium efficacissima forma rebellionis(Education is the most effective form of rebellion)

    stories are one of the best ways to educate so I tell stories as I feel the need but telling and hearing the same ones gets boring so send me one I haven't heard and I'll give you a coin or two, but remember a good story must have a lesson"

    - form my protector paper

    I don't have much but what I can give up without hurting my own dealings is going into this quest for now I have 6 that I can part with not much but it something

    edited in note: if anyone wishs to help ether with coin or collecting the stories please pm me I tend to be at the howling gate

  4. [quote name='Willem RedBeard' post='29841' date='May 1 2009, 11:27 AM']I didn't attend the auction yesterday, so I didn't witness this firsthand, but I am appalled that someone would trade their spell document for an item.[/quote]

    [spoiler]*coughsjuniordiditcoughs*[/spoiler]and of couse refuses to trade which is really hurting me doing a quest from kragel to create a item

  5. dst no picking fights with the younglings :P

    all of us who are older know that this is something you would do and be proud of, so we know not to bother talking about it much cause we know you like attention :D

    oh and Harion dst is female so she really can't be a man. it need a few thing changed that shouldn't be, and be confusing

  6. [quote name='LunarGoddess' post='29805' date='Apr 30 2009, 08:41 PM']This kind of sounds like it will depend on how fast your computer is. People with slow computers wouldn't stand a chance, while those with fast computers would have no problem. I don't think this is a good idea, it doesn't have anything to do with your skills and knowledge of MD, just how fast your computer is.[/quote]

    ok I guess it is time to actually lay it out, ALL froms of head hunts wars or really anything doing with the fight system besides random battling is decided by how fast your connection is and have almost NOTHING to do with what you know, maybe WHO wou know but nothing about what

  7. ahh hell why not, good time to see how much I'm worth



    reasonable good fighter

    will not listen to a any male

    sings and comes with his own songs

    tells story both of his own and khalazdad's

    plans on buying slaves himself

    is not too scared to use minions hidden across MD to aid people

    pointed ears :D

    warning: will stab and try to eating the soul of any who would try to make him harm some he would not nomal

    time willing to serve: depends on how much you pay you just pay two you get me for a day, you pay 10 you get me for the week, you pay more then 10 I maybe able to be talked into serving even longer

    p.s. fine MRD, you can have her but I get Intrigue, ;) it my job to protct her any way

  8. [quote name='Nex' post='29452' date='Apr 26 2009, 12:01 PM'][edit: i admitted that i dont know how, for example, the blood drop will work. if it does mean that simply having a specific combination of principles will grant a 25% boost to creature stats and possible special effects than that IS powerful and useable for mp3. remember that blood drop didnt say anything about having high values in those principles, that were the claw tokens.][/quote]

    only if the have the right principles otherwise is like not having the token and a true newbie wouldn't know that tell it was to late, hell, older ones don't know that ether

  9. :huh:
    1. wheres your sense of fun, the gamble is half the fun
    2. the way it is now is as is a rarity in anything is totally fair, no body can use it better then anyone else.where the changes you all want would make it start favoring people with creds
    3. assuming they do stack, more creatures means less chance of then ending up on the same creature

    sidenote: I have bought only 1 token and it one I can't even use but even so in the right hands it can be very powerful, even if the token isn't on the perfect creature
  10. on the free creds part, I am one of those I only have 18 or so creatures my chance of geting a desireable outcome is far higher then say some one who has say 50 creatures at a time, so if I spent my creds on token even if I only get a few my wasted tokens would be less then one who has many creatures

    on the super grasan bit, most of the basic tokens need ether the right Principles, so newer players wouldn't be able to use these really in less they had a inside track, or are affected by the AGE of the creature, which doesn't even mean older players would get the most out of these in less they have old creatures to.

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