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Posts posted by stormrunner

  1. I'm not sure if this is a bug or what but it rather odd my name doesn't apper on the list while at the dojo(The Marble Dale Park) and when I asked Priestess Aia to attack me I got a win I shouldn't have gotten, I've tried clearing my cache, going idle, and even logging out. it only seems to be at the dojo if I move to the shop my name appears as nomal
    I attached a few screenshots
    1 of The Marble Dale Park where my name doesn't appear
    1 of the shop where it does
    1 of my battle log with the odd win, I don't know if thats related or just happened at the same time

  2. as amusing as this would be for a min it just turn into a pain, I keep a sacrifice rit set when I'm not training so others can train on me but it be bad if I lost all regen and they ended up face to face with my drachorn or one of my other strong ceature when they are only ready for a few priests and trees

  3. willowed enter and never come out, khalazdad and sagewoman have both entered and came out, though we all know what khalazdad was back then, and sage was dieing as she came out, and there is a shade traped in the house LD as well by khalazdad's words, now ren is traped

    see why I don't want anyone near it

  4. ren a nice guy when you don't annoy him and he does do his job well I have gotten info from him shockly just by asking and he once locked one of my alts in the passage of war, so I would have a reason to dislike him but if he is a 'holier than thou' preacher with all the subtle nuances of a well placed brick to the face. as watcher so colorfully painted him he is OUR 'holier than thou' preacher with all the subtle nuances of a well placed brick to the face. and I don't want to have to look for another it hard to find one who is also useful

    though I think he more of a egocrazed nutjob myself and you got to admit he has a sense of style and more guts then a grasan on thanksgiving, to actually crash into the shade Sentinel to take him out if you have to nearly die that a nice way to do it

  5. death by snoo snoo :P only way to die death during sex with gaint amazon woman who wouldn't want that if you got to go, go happy

    that or death during a fight to protect the one I love most the honorable way out

    ether way I how the last thing I see before I burn is a pretty face :D

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