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Everything posted by Dragoonus

  1. Dragoonus

    Help phrog

    Perhaps the way of cleansing would be of use. Cleanse his soul of the cold. In fire we burn, in fire we learn.
  2. Host your picture on the interwebs somewhere, anywhere. Get the direct link to the image and enter the following code in your profile, replacing the XXX with the image location. <img src = "XXX">
  3. I am Dragoonus, the first to suffer dst wrath after Mur resurrected us. I still lay dead from the night before, in the gazebo of chaos, haunting all those who pass through.
  4. The heads contest page lists locations anyhow though... although not as many. Perhaps this and the RPC locations wouldn't work during a heads contest?
  5. You know you've been on MD too much when... - after completing a job or task at work you ask your line manager for a wishpoint. - you ask your girlfriend (or boyfriend) how to go about receiving her (or his) inner documents. - you stand in the centre of a busy street or building, making people walk around you, and when asked you explain you have to wait another 9 minutes to regain action points. - when going on holiday, you have to limit your sightseeing due to lack of exploration points. - you give 12% less money to the storekeep for your goods because of your tradesense skill. - you begin to wonder why the eggs in your fridge, although old enough... have yet to upgrade...
  6. An extra feature that reveals the location of your buddies when you mouse over them, similar to the RPCs location extra feature. This idea seems too short... lol
  7. I've created a small puzzle and riddle, and would like to run them by you. *I think this is the right section, or is this only for official contests and RPC quests?* ***Correct Answers*** Behind the secret door 2 Riddle The Odd Chest 2 Behind the secret door... Many moons ago I laid seige and plundered a small village community far to the north. As per usual, I then proceeded to burn and raze the village to the ground, leaving no survivors. However, from one of the chief acolytes in the village I had stolen a map of sorts, a large assortment of numbers that I believe are used to decipher a code used on a great magical door... that with luck holds my precious Shikaku... Anyway, unfortunately, while I was turning the chief acolyte into cinders, I accidentally burned most of the paper... I managed to prevent a single quadrant from burning, the top right. The chief acolyte did inform me that all the numbers corresponded against each other... I put it to you to solve this puzzle, and produce for me, the entire page. Further information found, image updated Should there be any major difficulties, I am soon heading into another village I believe to hold further secrets to the magic door, I will interrogate any acolytes I come across and feed back what information I can. I hold another page, that when combined will reveal to me the code required to open the magical door... but I shall keep that to myself for now. Should you manage to solve this puzzle, please PM me, or contact me in game. ---- Riddle A little simpler, perhaps too much so, then the puzzle, this one can be found in my personal comments page, however nobody has given me the right answer yet, so figured I'd put it here too. I am not of the earth Nor of the sky I do not walk the ground Nor can I fly I am not of the ocean But dwell in the streams Living I am Yet I have no dreams Small I may be But amazing am I For without me Surely you’d die. What am I? --- Answers Please don't send the answers publicly, in case others wish to solve these.
  8. Imp Weaken - Random Smart and mischievous, Imps like nothing more then to play pranks and trick their opponents. Imp II Weaken, Protect - Random Through vigorous study, the Imp has gained new insight into the arcane. Imp III Weaken, Protect, Steal Life - Random Although some say the tom foolery of an Imp ir churlish and an annoyance, they always manage to be standing when you lay near death... Upgrade Options, Demon or Changeling Assuming it is possible to choose between two evolutions, the Demon option should be something that is decided randomly, when you very first buy the imp. Demon Damage - All Few Imps are able to ascend to such dizzy heights, through dark rituals, and unwise dabbling in the arcane arts, the Imp is able to summon a demon from oblivion... this often results in the death of the imp, but through the ritual, the demon is bound lto the same loyalties as the Imp was... you. Changeling Mimic - Random, Weak, Strong By focusing all it's arcane research into improving it's ability to funnel life from it's opponents, the Imp has managed to funnel their very essence. Dangerous and never unique, the changeling will assume the form of it's opponent. The ultimate trickster. Mimic - Copies an enemy creature, gaining it's form, abilities and stats. The higher your power, the larger the percentage increase in the Changelings copying. (For instance, low power might only give 50%, but high power might give 200%.)
  9. Hmmm... Black Goo Weaken -- Random. A sticky 'goo' like substance, with no real conscious will follow you blindly. Becomes more self-aware at later stages. Black Goo Weaken - Random Although still just a blob, it does appear that within there are some traces of a humanoid creature... it's like looking into a womb almost... Shadowfiend Weaken, Damage -- Random Although it still appears to be covered in goo, it has grown somewhat into a more humanoid form, although it lacks a spine of any kind, it has more then enough courage. Shadowfiend II Weaken, Damage -- Random, Strong The shadowfiend has less visible goo, but traces run accross it's back still. Shadows dance around it's ankles. Shadowfiend III Weaken, Damage, Paralyse -- Random, Strong, Weak The Shadowfiend now stands tall, it holds a spine as a weapon, as if hoping by stealing it from it's victim it would have been able to use it itself. It's shadow seems warped and odd, like it's almost alive. Paralyse would make one target unable to act for 1 round. Stats are the hard part though... Dark Horse Damage - Weak A trusty steed that won't let you down. Dark Horse II Damage - Weak, Multiple Charging in at full speed, this horse can quickly deliver lethal blows to all opponents before they see what hit them. Nightmare Damage - Weak, Multiple Now with a fiery mane, your trusty steed has become a powerhouse of destruction. Watch it's eyes burn with delight as it's victims perish in wonderful flames. Just some quick thoughts there...
  10. Combines the the three MD shop creature to create the Imperial Bloodpact Joker.... *cackles manically*
  11. Dragoonus Artificer - OR - Lord of Destruction An artificer, master of the crafts. Born a slave, tortured and beaten as a youth, later freed by his own hand. Destruction, obliteration and destruction bring solace to his soul. ---- Summing it all up in 150 characters... not so easy.
  12. England
  13. Well, I've been playing a little under a month now, and figured I'd give a formal greeting of sorts to the community. I feel I am a polite player, I enjoy the occasional RP but have met a relatively small amount of people at the moment. I will gladly help anyone, in any way I can, but I'd rather it not interrupt any RP I may be partaking in, and would prefer such questions to be private. Of course if I'm not currently RPing, I'll gladly answer in open chat. I currently have no adepts, other then my other account and I have yet to start actively advertising for any, but I shall in due cause. Thank you for greeting me the way you have. Now... onto the character stuff... My main character is Dragoonus. Please note this is the first draught of my back story and although the basics will not change, I may elaborate on some parts at a later date. I am a man with passion, I feel not remorse, pity or sorrow, and indeed my apologies are empty. But none the less I remain polite. When questioned, or put under scrutiny I am often referred to as evil, and although I myself do not believe my actions to be evil, I take on the façade as I feel it helps me to achieve my goals. My passion is simple, to become powerful, for the sound of my name to strike fear into the very core of all who oppose me. Feelings, emotions, all of these, other then passion are nothing more then distractions and nuisances on the battlefield. Love, sadness, joy have no place on the battlefield. Passion drives us, with true passion comes progressive power. Two equally skilled warriors may fight, but he who is less distracted by emotions and has a greater passion to accomplish his goals will surely overcome the other. I seek few out to call friend, and it is only by chance that I discovered the Necrovicon Sentinels to have similar goals to my own. My end goals shall remain my own. My Story. As a boy, I was quickly plunged into a world of combat and torture, for many years I endured physical and mental torture, I still remain scarred and branded from the fires of the furnace. But in my teenage years I finally overpowered my wardens, I enjoyed watching them suffer, seeing their blood slowly drip from their hanging corpses. To the eldest of my wardens, I removed his intestines, moving with such speed that I was able to strangle him with them, during this time, his brother watched in pure horror screaming out for mercy. His brother, oh how I toyed with him, at first I simply pushed my thumb into his eye until the blood began to run down my arm. Then with great glee I slowly slit each of his fingers and toes open then, at long last simply diced them. As I worked up his arm, he continued to scream, begging for death. Did he ever grant me the mercy of death when he would torture me? No, and thus I decided I would leave him limbless, and half blind screaming in a pool of his blood. To this day I do not know his outcome, my only hope is he lives to this day in pure sufferance. Not long after my escape, I realised I had nothing, I was nothing, I had no name, no money nothing. Yet, I felt something I had never felt before, a passion to become something. I walked for seemingly miles and met nobody. Cold and tired I fell unconscious by the road side. When I awoke, the ground around me was scorched and smoking as if a great fire had erupted around, as I looked around, I realised that the scorched earth was in a near perfect circle, and in the middle was where I had laid. To my astonishment, my clothes were not harmed in any way and I felt fine... a realisation came over me, I had been caged, tortured and made to slave for this reason, this is why I was referred to as monster. The room I was kept in, the furnace... it all become to make some form of odd sense, I had been kept in this room so long that I had forgotten why all the walls were scorched, why the furnace would be out by night, but fully lit in the morning. But who had done this to me, why would they do this to my power? Hide it, hinder it, with time I may learn to control this gift... I began to wonder aimlessly, thoughts running through my head at such a pace they were beginning to overlap. I had this power... a power I could come to control and use.. had been hidden from me, and had caused me many years of grief... people... society... civilization could not stand the fact I was different, anger filtered through my core. I decided to take revenge, people were not to be trusted, I would gain power by my own terms, anyone who got in my way would fall before me. I cackled, almost manically, as I ran towards the now visible town. Several years later, although I have yet to learn to control my ability, I have at least managed to prevent it triggering while I sleep. I have come to research certain principles of magic in hope this will unravel certain mysteries surrounding my existence. My anger soothed, and my enemies fel, I stand here looking to be recognised, feared and even worshipped. I battle fiercely, my passion for combat is rarely subdued. My power shall be recognised, the mere mention of my name shall soon strike heart into the very core of your existence, but until that day, I shall remain in the shadows somewhat, not showing my true objectives or goals until the time is right.
  14. Unfortunately, due to the knowledge needed to wield this sort of magic, one would need to take up a lot of research into identities and gaining them may not be easy, and indeed even exhausting. Although, amongst my enemies a common identity may be apparent, each will still have their own unique identity, a person is made up of many parts, and each part has a unique identity, albeit similar to the previous. To that end, the greatest way to fully hinder an opponent would be to gather his unique identity, either by way of gathering body hair, blood or items they once used. Now, I'm sure even with a common identity, some form of transposition would be possible, but with the enemies unique identity, much more could be accomplished. Truly mastering this principle would be a feat in itself, but imagine at the strongest levels, fully mastering every aspect of transposition would effectively allow you to merge objects and creatures. Of course this is quite a task, and would take a lot of power and research into the two parties involved. If one were to simply merge two creatures, without truly understanding every unique identity that makes the creature what it is, you will not create a new creature, but something hideous. Due to the sheer knowledge required to gain a true and full understanding of this, and indeed to gather truly unique identities, quickly, coupling this principle with time would highly speed the process up. Of course, by taking other principles, you could merge your enemies with the spells themselves. By combing with imagination, and element you could create a fireball and place it within your enemies heart, or any internal organ effectively burning them from the inside out. Brings a whole new meaning to the term Heartburn. Let's break the principles down for the reasons... Elements - Let us assume this grants us the ability to control elements, and let us assume fire is one of the said elements. Now, let us assume this grants control, but not the ability to create. Imagination - Let us assume this grants us the ability to create objects, coupled with transposition one could effectively create anything you know the identity for. Let us create fire, and control the fire with the element principle. Transposition - By using the identity of our enemy, and the identity of the fire ball you have created, and controlled, you are now able to fuse the two together. Causing severe heartburn. The mumblings of a madmen? Time shall tell.
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