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Everything posted by Treehill

  1. Liked this poll and mainly about the second question,for some time i thought that christianity made more negative aspects than positive,and in some facts they pretty much ruined humanity,but i must say they helped a lot not because its guiding people to do good or "be in the line" but for giving people hope,and that my friend is the only treasure that humans have,the power to always believe in something better. P.S.:About you two on top,i do not think thats the way it should be put wars arent bad or good,animals kill themselves to control population and rule over another clan,its natural if one religion starts a was against other its not us that have right to blame the religion,but it is our right to look in the mirror and ask who started the war?The human or the god?,its like saying about people who dies from starving but when you walks the streets and see someone without food and decent clothes you dont have the courage to see in their eyes,you only pity them or repugnates you,its like being an hipocrite,and no one escapes from that way of thinking... P.S².: Ohhh one other thing my god have various names: Love,Belief,Hope,Brotherhood,Friendship,Ever Forgiving and so onif you want to join my god say yay!
  2. Lol...when i joined i didnt thought it was ugly mostly contrary i loved the drawings and the look of the game...
  3. Send me via pm here or in MD,i really need them, some people are already asking for them
  4. I want all the teachers copy their classes,im recording them after i think i will put them on the library.
  5. I want a option for south america!!!!I want to get credits(im from brazil)!
  6. You want see immagination here take some of this hadn made in less than 10 min:! Be my little lion,once the snow fall in december,embracing me with your warmth blessed by Uriel,roar when the wind blows,stand up when the earth shakes,let others see your face when the moonlight comes in midday.... okay there is no sense in that but who cares!?From now on i will stop trying so hard to make my role.....i bumped my head too many times to make it right,now im just a writer with some pets to fight....
  7. ...ok now i may sound stupid but....im not good with the clock wesyern means brazil too right?And Calyx i need to speak with you once the server is up.
  8. Dont know if its a bug or not but some illusions arent working,the stats ones aint increasing i put more on VE and VP and it didnt increased... obs.:I lose all my creatures disapeared,dont have any,i choose stats and skill increasing illusions(together with the skill dmg) and dont have any crit now) Again more news,the last illusion didnt wore off,my profile page still says im wodin guard and all my creatures apear there yet in the game there is none....the skills match the ones i have now with my current illusion,except its still missing one lv2 elemental and two animated treelv2 from the profile page....i cant see all the bugs at once sorry guys,i keep editing the sdame post...
  9. Treehill ID:73476
  10. Lol really poor pluto why they made that to him...he was like a pet for the class........
  11. First of i dont think it should be created something like a school of religion,religion is a frail aspect for everyone and we really dont want something as heavy as that making fights in here everyone has their opinions,there are already philosofy topic no need for another topic as heavy as that,we really shouldnt make this since this is supposed to be fun and inteligent and as far as i read here this type of topic would only make fight and arguments.
  12. Hey people try to drinnk that conction from the game with nightshade maybe you will see all the monsters lol!
  13. Thx
  14. Hey i wanted to know if the shop reset aplies to the whole shop or just the section you are....example i bought all itens in permanent and want more i reset and only the itens on permanent will come back or is it for the wholoe md shop?
  15. [quote name='dst' post='17066' date='Sep 21 2008, 09:34 AM']When I saw the title my heart started beating faster (and my brain cells started screaming:what is going on? Has Chewett gone mad?) but after I have read the post I calmed down:what you propose it's a great idea. It will make a lot of players happy...(if their happiness resides in correct spelling of this game...).[/quote] Lol Dst - The Post Killer
  16. Hm.....i never got into Necrovion to see that toiler but that made me think,what are the principles given there is it possible be totally oposite from wasps altar gives(time,light,symthropy)?Maybe they act in the same way but doing the oposite and since we know shades like loreroot needs some kind of balance(note they only attack when they get attacked mirroring others acts)maybe just maybe they act like a balance in times of trouble when that balance shifts towards one side one of the two may needed to be activated. Dont know for sure still need some research....
  17. Hey how much heads is acceptable to get to third winner in mp4...im curious...
  18. God help me........Found mrnegative and liberus........now im stucked there logged out they are evil
  19. Hey can someone teach me maths?Lol im pretty bad at them...
  20. Treehill

    Help phrog

    He will turn into an fire elemental!!!He is ascending,lol i dont think syntropy would help,try transposition and imagination,giving form to something through imagination.He already has life,he only needs a vessel,that can be created with transposition and imagination(and if you want element too,imagine a phrog fire based....yay)
  21. This is called meditation and it is possible not very easy for hiper people but possible,i do that everytime i go sleep,its better to relax and regain energy... Dont read below if you cant stand more than pg-13...
  22. 1.Not so right,personality is okay yet from others posts you can see some of us talk about multiple personalities then it cant be considered a view one being but his conciousness,this mean that if i have more than one couciousness i have more tahn one personality and more than one point of view,second realism doesnt mean acting on thing from everybodys point of view but act from a common sense(its not the same),its like using logic,you throw a ball to another person and the other will catch it,right?Thats what means reality its foretelling what could happen and predict the best or worse course of something based on data reffering to the whole event yet it cant be only described as simple as that since those types of conceits can change from society and other events that may cause a drastic change in human behaviour. Nuff said. Obs.:The egg will die if you dont click....T_T
  23. If you think its fun clicking 46k....Lets goooo im cheering you youuuu Manu >X lol
  24. Treehill

    Help phrog

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Dont let him die people,he is on fire now see what you've done wanting to put him on fire like that!!!Mean people....
  25. Going there again!!??Hell i dont want that puzzle ended with the leaft overs of my brain no thanks im good with out the puzzle, i only want to enter there when the new creatures be implemented....
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