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Everything posted by Treehill

  1. You can be more creative than making evil bunnies to make to lv 3 more.....put angel wings or batty ones make with nine fluffy tails...be creative only giving ideas since i do not know how to draw...T_T
  2. Okay not to ruin the fun but....where is the fun,trying to discover an anagram wit 720 possibilities?I think im going to create a program to solve that puzzle....lol
  3. I was there........simply teleported me there with more players i even saw the ship and the fenth...
  4. ...Then...that...headache...is....for...nothing?T_T
  5. Its the one about the portal and spell thing......simply teleported me there...
  6. Can someone give hint for the puzzle from Pillars Of Harmony,i alread know how it works but goddamnit my english isnt very good..............helpppppppp headaches....dying............
  7. Gai the rpc im talking about send me in the two ways his profile and i tried through the game,it didnt work both...and yes its dificult too ctach some rpcs....
  8. Im not saying strong players attacking weaker ones,im saying taking advantage from people that already tecniacaly dead,or you think its right attacking someone online with 8 vit on each creature?And for most of the people that frequents the dojo i allow lots of things even attacking iddle people but there are somo of the dojo breakers that made an sport out of that,i `ve been attacked 9 times in a row by a player do you think its right?I dont,coz i dont aim in one player only(except when i knw he wants losses,then it wouldnt be bad)what i cant take its people that attacks in the dojo sometimes comes in and when get attacked just complain,if you are talking about restraining people hell its just one place that is really populate its easy just kill outside of the dojo,there are tons of players who are weak and keeps walking around yet i dont see a point in attacking only weak players coz most of the olders players put one creature rit(normally a healer to protect their main rit) then why only main on the obvious when you can get much more xp and skill from others. Obs.:What you said is true but has two sides why they cant obey rules if we want to obey,there are two ideas there and both are being ignored,the only diference is that the dojo only ocupies one place people claims that the dojo is unfair coz limits the areas,but how many areas exists in the game without the dojo?I can count more than 10...yes its unfair to the ones that doesnt know how to make roles the ones that usually dont really work on the game improving him by the roleplay or even help people,they are just click and continue players like mafia games,the ones that are being punished by wanting only one place where you can train in peace are the ones with roles,like peneope,elias,Calyx,riddick,blaze and so many others that suport the idea. I dont think its unfair to let people who train the dojo ground have their vegeance,since the ones who attack in the dojo kill at least 3 people and end up with low vit then go to sanctuary to heal themselves to do again,we could at least stop those types of behaviour that pretty much discourage people who are starting or that get sick of selfish people.
  9. But ninjunny the problem is:the ones that obey rules are the ones who lose more,we cant attack without asking and if we attack wodin would kill us and stat decrease,coz manu aproved the idea...and if we dont stand by ourselves we get bashed by strong players,and its not about freedom its about gameplay.do you think its right to someone with more than 20k of ve attack someone with barely 500?They wont get any xp or skills,they are just for the win,this balance system sometimes its a curse....
  10. Well since latest events in the dojo and some ideas i think we should have a therapist there,at late hours people really get depressing....
  11. Can you put the quests for the scroll here?Some rpcs arent very often on and we cant find them to do the quest(not saying sending here,just to get the quest then make it in game)and too because some links i cant click,it just doesnt apear the quest.....
  12. Hey i loved the Egg Warrior...its cuuuuuuuuuuuteeeeeee
  13. Hmmmm female goats doesnt have horns.... Glaistig didnt you said you hadnt horns???lol Hey Sol can you make one of me tooo,i'm a bit crazy and have 7 personalities: Glenn,Dr. Beckett,Hisoka,Lilith,Treehill,Jockie,Jackal Make me nuts!
  14. Treehill

    The Voices

    Hmmmmmmm....Iddle hands make good things huhhuhuhuhuhuh...... Still down Hisoka its pg-13 here dont even try it! Go away Becktty.Huhuhu ....
  15. Oh nono nononono,sory for cofunsing you the iddle thingy was me,elias just enlight me with this no problems over the iddles anymore,and the size yes i overreacted and i knew it would be probably wrong putting her name here but i was soo pissed of she attacked me 4 times in a row,if i only knew how to copy the message and the battle log.....well but you can at least ask elias i will try to cop the archives i made...
  16. Treehill

    The Voices

    HELLLO VOICES.......doesnt you have names?You didnt even tried to figure why black named himself as that?And worse named you by colors............at least black has some regular voices,mine just taken over my body sometimes mainly that little annoying girl,hate her........they are all annoying except Dr.Beckett and Glenn,yet the last one is a little paranoid....
  17. Since no one created i'm not going to stay behind to those Golemus and Necro-Avians(lol)... Why dont we have something like Harpias,Najas,Earth Elemental?Since we are a land mainly on nature water and earth would match us,i would like to see some quimeras and/or and sphinx with a scorpion tail!!!! Can we make too beats made of bones and roots? Please contribute to our growing we need your suggestions!*This is just to get started*
  18. Hey....i would recomend you staying near populated areas at least is a sure way to be revived........imagine if you died at mistletoe bridge?Not to mention you can still talk to people. Hope Calyx is already alive........the dojo is going through a hell with her....
  19. -----------------------------------Two wrongs doesnt make one right-------------------------------------
  20. Its been one week and Hot Rpg games link isnt opening for me.....eternal game list too but i didnt voted in him today(actually im voting right now,im just lazy too wait and see if comes back to normal...)
  21. Name:Treehill Tittle: Everflowing Nature Role:Once he fought to protect his life by deceiving and learning strategies from others villages,now with all the fight he seems to have created more personalities and keen sense about nature thus earning the tittle of Everflowing Nature.Sometimes acts like a teacher others like a joker yet secrets he shall have while talking to the others seventh heads.
  22. Becoming Part I In the moisture of the Knator Tavern it could be heard a young bard singing new music about a kid,interesting or not could be the story no one wanted or seemed interested in the music,except a young man with green eyes,humming with the song: In a common day A kid was paid By the twelve stars Of the hundred arms To learn and deceive Village ways and thoughts With no mistakes he would live And grow into a great chief And that music kept being played until the last drunk left the tavern, remaining just two ascending heroes,the bard,by the name i must not reveal for now,and the lonelier,Treehill.And this is where all began: The Tale Of The Bard,General And The Beast Under Construction....
  23. Hey!!You stole a book from the manor!?You are going to jail!
  24. HEYYYYY That creation was going to be my role!!!!I am writing my role about that searching and learning th principles to discover a new one.....................Principle o f Creation................T_T sad
  25. Hey Meiche actually Manu is quite all right to contact i send him a pm regarding this and was very polite and he answered me with nothing but a good answer,he just told me i should wait and the locations where already at the post,and to get the xscrolls you dont necessarily need an quest you can get by doing favors or helping others its just more complicated but i think its even easier,im doing everything i can do to help people and be noticed by some rpcs...
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