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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. It's never good to see a friend leave
  2. Look, a distraction that may or may not be pudding!


  3. I agree as well While it is nice to vent at times, the forums really aren't the place to do it (at least not when there's no real point to prove >>)
  4. [quote name='CrazyMike' date='11 March 2010 - 01:26 AM' timestamp='1268292407' post='56205'] I really don’t see the point. [/quote] I said the same thing at the very beginning...
  5. Row 4 column 14
  6. Happy birthday to my favorite evil Brit that has a birthday today...^^
  7. Row 4 column 25
  8. Row 4, Column 35
  10. [quote name='awiiya' date='04 March 2010 - 05:57 PM' timestamp='1267747044' post='55751'] Maybe I wasn't clear enough, but what I meant was not that you could not attack others with tokens, but instead that their tokens would not work if you had no tokens yourself. Awi [/quote] I think token/non-token rituals would be better, for exactly the reason Jester pointed out.
  11. Why not just reduce token boosts? Enough to still make them nice to have, but not totally change the outcome of battles. I also like the idea of people with tokens only attacking other people with tokens, but that would lower the amount of people you can attack anyways. Why not have two attack buttons, one for token fights and one for non-token fights? Of course, that would make defense strategies change, but a little challenge never hurt anyone. Or, if that doesn't work, there could be token and non-token rituals too. Anyways, all of this would mean more work for Mur >>
  12. I haven't used GGG since who knows when. As far as I know, I used to be the most active staff member. When someone was banned, people wanted them unbanned. When I started talking about making GGG better, people accused me of breaking the rules, even though there's always chat about whatever in GGG. By the way, does anyone care what you wanted, Fenrir?
  13. Row 6 column 24
  14. In response to hoarding and inability to get items, as a general topic: For the last 3-4 days (I think, haven't really been keeping track), I've been trying to hunt down and collect as many items as I can, to prove a simple point. I collected a White Ash plank, a White Pine plank, a Willow log, an Onyx Shard x2*, an Accursed Branch, and a Box of Forks (not a raw, but could be traded for one easily). That's seven items. I spent three gold and twenty-six silver. Assuming 1 gold is 15 silver, that's 71 silver, or about 10 silver per item. One person I traded with is Leixer, who, according to his PL, hoards items to stay on the list. He gave me two raw items for a dream joker that I bought for 1 gold. Quite a good deal, if you ask me. It's not as hard as you make it seem, to get raw items. *Gave one Onyx Shard to Firs...or at least, I think it was an Onyx Shard, don't really remember >>
  15. Did you check your magic scroll? >>
  16. Debates in MD are usually decided by how many people are on each side, and if that doesn't solve it, then it's WHO is on each side (veterans). Doesn't actually matter who's right or wrong, because once it's decided, nobody will keep arguing it unless they want to be yelled at by everyone else. If the argument is still going on in the community, Mur usually steps in and stops it, and everybody moves behind him. For example, Shape Shifter. Mur posted on phantasm's "Calling out Shape Shifter" topic, and is anybody talking about it or arguing the point anymore? No. Another one: Elections. These are perfect examples. Did anyone bother to read the potential ruler's statements, or did you have a pre-formed opinion? Look at who was chosen: Lifeline, Peace, Firsanthalas, Yrthilian. All of them already had leadership within their lands, all of them were veterans and what are they doing now? Anything except being rulers. The kings haven't made any difference that I can see. Lifeline sets up his alt in Winds and waits for other people to talk to him, Peace left her position, Firs is doing his little shop thing and Yrth is hidden in GG, isolating himself from anyone except for forum and out of game communication, as far as I know. Does anybody care? No. Know why? Because life with the kings is just the same as life without them, only now there's someone to supply quest-makers with wishpoints. Think back, did you actually read statements of potential rulers, or did you just vote on who you thought was already "doing a good job"? Did you actually have an opinion, or were you just a fish in the stream, going along with the current?
  17. I donated a Piece of Bone to Firs's market thinger ^^ Also, I gave an Unholy Priest and a Tree (both aged) to a friendly MP4 ^^
  18. It doesn't really matter anyways, he can't win twice. That's what the grey name means.
  19. Pipstickz


    So you know, 1% would be 1 coin out of every 100, so you're actually proposing to take 10%...not that I see a problem with that or anything Would the numbers be anything, or would there be a specific range? Because any five numbers at all sounds quite ridiculous to me. And I agree, use a random number generator, or do something like: The number of people for one number, the number of tickets bought for another (unless there's only one per person), the number of people online at any given time for another number, etc.
  20. I'd suggest the area at the bottom of the stairs, past the pub, or the area right outside the pub.
  21. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='26 February 2010 - 02:47 PM' timestamp='1267217264' post='55343'] But maybe a stupid suggestion is actualy unexpected enough and might be what i was lookign for. If someone will filter out opinions then that someone might start to remove those players that he/she dislikes too, disregarding their actual comment. An intermediary is not good i think, better lets find some "score" that can separate players in those that can and those that cant participate. Active days do not show the actual involvement in current days but more like loyalty towards MD. Maybe there is a need for an other score. What about wishpoints? or they are hard to get and should be at the end of the AL not at the beginning? Idk... Purpose is to have under 50 form over 320 and keep those that are realy creative and interesting, but not exagerated with creativity. Maybe the kingship voting score? what about that?..but its not updated constantly. brainstorming. [/quote] 1. Make it anonymous, no name attached to comments(for the person who mediates) 2. Include a skip button if someone doesn't want to comment on the AL, because I saw a lot of "Ignore this" or ".", etc. 3. Include the ability to comment on previous entries that haven't been continued on yet, in case someone is busy or something
  22. So, basically you're suggesting that we shouldn't try to make a profit? [quote]-20 pts for reselling to a collector or for profit in general[/quote] I'd suggest that if a unique item doesn't sell to someone who wants it for their role for a certain period of time, then you open it to anyone. Raw materials shouldn't be part of this though, just because hoarding raws means less items for everybody.
  23. Did she use bad language though? Are you allowed to star it out? But technically, she didn't use a swear word. She said F****, which could be anything from fires to folds to frame. (I know it's obvious what her meaning is, I'm just proving a point.) Edit: I'm not saying that your provoking her makes it alright, I'm saying that you share responsibility, in whatever amount it may be Also, cyber sex has nothing to do with this that I can see.
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