So here's some stuff about me:
Pipstickz is a gentleman and a man of honor. When he puts his mind to a project he finds a way to finish it, and he tries to see both sides of an issue. His knowledge of fighting and what is needed to succeed against a given ritual is outstanding.
Handy Pockets
A good, if frequently absent, friend.
.Envy of Endurance.
Seems like a happy sort
Very Friendly =3
I m so proud of my Pip
also Pip DOMINATES!!!
A good friend who is a great sparring partner.
*smiles* A great guy, always willing to help.
Rendril Revant
Pipstickz. FTW.
Sir Blut
I really like him. His actions are unexpected and he\'s very precise in what people actually ask him to do. That is part of his intelligance. A great friend overall.
*Je Suis Oeufs Fous*
Pip is one of my best friends. I\'d do anything in the world for him. He is, and always will be, a brother. Thanks for everything, Tater.
treats others like you want others treats you.
hello Pip
Pippy is one of the nicest people I have met in these lands.
Penelope LightMoon
Capable of being tolerable.
He\'s growing on me.
Silver Renard
a true odd ball, but that\'s why we get along
I guess since I consider Eggy my brother and he considers you his brother.. we\'re brothers too. Welcome to the family.
Canadian. Nothing more needed.
Sandra Klien
Pip is a funny and good not mess with his fries. *hands him choco fries specially made with Mir chocolate*
PS: He hates snow fries
Robin Mea
I think he is a great loony Chatty one and noisy ^^
Realy funny too.
Would give ya a medal for that but can\'t find it... *rides pockets* Nope next time.
Pipstickz would make a great king. He's trustworthy, loyal and hardworking. He's very active in MD and also owns my corn. He'd also make a great king because of his ability to lead a group to victory.
To me, you have always been the joking around type, the type to have a good silly conversation, and that's good, but not exactly the type I would see as being a King.
I am not saying that you would be a bad King, because honestly I don't think I know you well enough to say that. And, compared to the other candidates (Lifeline, Liberty to my knowledge are the only others? I could be wrong), you are just as good.
I'm not sure who I'm going to vote for, but you are definitely a candidate. You are also active, which will go into my decision.
Pipstickz is a natural born leader, he has helped me many times, with many a dilemma, under his supervision I was able to accomplish much in my creature quests and other personal goals.
pip is at times evil and at times a real dear those thing are needed in a king he must be hard and soft but also fair