[quote name='Yrthilian' date='04 December 2009 - 02:46 PM' timestamp='1259959600' post='49144']
Alts are created to try diffrent things or play diffrent aspects
This is a good point that people seem to have forgotten. Alts are allowed for experimentation and exploring different aspects, right? What if one of your characters is an RP character, while the other is a fighter that you've been training since day 1? You'll want different things from the WPShop for each of them. The big question is: Are people [u]responsible[/u] enough to handle it? Why should everyone be set back for a few people abusing alts?
I voted yes, with 2 each 2 years (1 per year would be best, I think) and originally no for alts, but I'd change now if I could :/