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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. Happy birthday Yrth ^^
  2. potatoes
  3. Happy birthday Rencakes ^^
  4. Did you even read the topic? :/
  5. Willow's? And as long as there's a chat log, I don't mind not being there, so the time doesn't matter to me, too much.
  6. If nobody (just ghosts, whatever) is supposed to be in the Tribunal, it wouldn't be open.
  7. You mean equipment? Well, the slots have been there since the beginning, I assume.
  8. Happy birthday Glorcakes! Have fun partying! Or, you know, not partying too...like...sleeping! =D
  9. Rings? We already have tokens. They give enough of a bonus.
  10. I have tokens, I just got them with free credits. Even then, more stats is better than more tokens.
  11. Get more losses. If you have more wins than losses, you get less honour, and vice-versa. Of course, this information can be found in-game under the FAQ in the Live Help button, and more specifically, [url="http://magicduel.com/pages/help.onlineusers.php"]here[/url]
  12. I would, but McDonalds would sue me for theft... D: Plus, their fries suck compared to Pip's Seriously though, if I had money, I would donate some of it to MD, but I don't, so I can't
  13. Unlimited stock? With 0 WP cost? Are you even thinking? :/
  14. Indeed I was
  15. chewett2's ID < Chewett's ID
  16. There's an edit button. Really, triple post? Oh, and if you want +rep, do something constructive to everyone and be generally friendly :/
  17. Here's an idea: How about a totally different server for alts? It'd be neat for the AL, too...different world kinda stuff or something. If you abuse your alts, they get sent there. Sorta like jail, just not as severe...or severe at all ^^
  18. Oh look, another revived topic... Anyways, I've never bought credits, and I'm doing fine :/
  19. With the (possible) WP for active days feature, the price may be suitable...maybe...
  20. It just says "You have already voted in this poll "
  21. It'll be fixed eventually, so I'm just waiting.
  22. Principle cap doesn't balance it enough? 4000 is easy to get...also, revived topic? After 3 months? O_O
  23. Couldn't we have a day or two for nominating, and then just forum polls? Sure, they'd be huge polls, but they'd work...maybe :/
  24. Oh, probably should've posted when I sent them, but I sent my results...went through each one from like 12 AM to 2:30 AM xD Didn't wanna miss anything ^^
  25. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='04 December 2009 - 02:46 PM' timestamp='1259959600' post='49144'] Alts are created to try diffrent things or play diffrent aspects [/quote] This is a good point that people seem to have forgotten. Alts are allowed for experimentation and exploring different aspects, right? What if one of your characters is an RP character, while the other is a fighter that you've been training since day 1? You'll want different things from the WPShop for each of them. The big question is: Are people [u]responsible[/u] enough to handle it? Why should everyone be set back for a few people abusing alts? I voted yes, with 2 each 2 years (1 per year would be best, I think) and originally no for alts, but I'd change now if I could :/
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