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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. Pipstickz

    Who Is Right?

    Right and wrong are subjective, and therefore, to Grido, Grido's right and to dst, dst's right Also, to me, fries are right. Nomnomnom
  2. That's the cure? O_O I was thinking it was more like "Don't play MD at 2 AM" :/
  3. 1.7=1.70
  4. I think Zleip was kidding xD Anyways, I really loved the Astral Plane, and I hope to see more ^^
  5. Why not make it 3-4 used WP and one to buy? Not very many people could get it, if you look at the list...
  6. I've had two WP with about 450 days x3 Oh right, as for on-topicness: I think 4 WP may be a bit much, but then again, you never know what'll happen in the future. Wishpoints could become common currency, and this creature could become common with pretty much everyone, just like the drach is now.
  7. 2 warnings, 1 day ban, week ban, month ban, etc.? Will it be like LHO to accommodate all time zones, or will there only be one or two people?
  8. So I can't use my really really secret (<--sarcasm) MP2 alt to take heads for fun? Aww
  9. I can help if you need me to, I suppose Though...couldn't we totally wipe logs or something, and then watch for spam comments?
  10. Happy Birthday PS: GO TO BED!
  11. I'm not an overly strong fighter, it's no secret, but I've managed to stay out of skill damage...I mean, 1000 losses is quite a bit, work with it.
  12. [quote name='Totenkopf' date='30 November 2009 - 03:50 AM' timestamp='1259574648' post='48751'] That page sends you to the login screen if you refresh while logged out. If you were able to refresh it, that means you weren't properly logged out. [/quote] He was most likely logged into an alt. It's quite a common tactic...at least, common enough for me to use it xD
  13. Of course. It's like saying that today, the Canadian dollar to American dollar ratio was 1:1 and tomorrow it'll be 6:1 Don't you think prices would be adjusted accordingly?
  14. I'm just gonna put my totally selfish opinion out there: I've got over 400 active days, but lots and lots of people can beat me...I like fighting and slowly getting stronger, rather than just farming creatures for huge stats (mostly impatience x3)...if it's based on time in MP5, it'll just leave me behind, and I don't necessarily want that :/
  15. Now that you get heads quicker, shouldn't the penalty for holding heads be adjusted to match it? Unless I have the wrong idea of what the penalty is...but I'm pretty sure... EDIT: Also, what about attacking in sanctuaries?
  16. It may make some people quit, but it also adds interest to the game for older players. Really, it's old people vs. new people.
  17. Alliance, Kyphis.
  18. Can't you just report it to Mur? Or talk to someone who is in contact with Mur? EDIT: Oh wait, new players...I guess they report it to an LHO, and LHO reports it to Mur
  19. Bai Peaceycakes
  20. Jester does have a good point...you can delete forum profile comments, why not PL entries? If people want to say something bad about you and you won't let them do it in your PL, they can post it in their papers, or talk about it in chat...
  21. Bai bai and good luck with your college stuff! ^^
  22. The way I view insults, is if it wasn't intended as an insult, then you shouldn't be offended...you obviously don't mean to insult your friends, so why should they see it as an insult?
  23. Tomorrow, I'm going to say FML because I know someone's going to vote FML. MLIA
  24. [url="http://mylifeisaverage.com/"]MLIA[/url] [url="http://www.fmylife.com/"]FML[/url] I <3 MLIA Today I posted a poll asking which was better, FML or MLIA. MLIA. PS: The meaning is obvious if you go to the links and look at the URLs, in case you're wondering
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