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Everything posted by GgSeverin

  1. Coming back to topic. They told me "You have to" 1 000 000 times! Ihad the feeling that they are wrong 1 000 times. Just a gut feeling first and some arguments because of it after. And I was wrong 999 times. ONE TIME i heard: How the hell did you do it? Is that a kind of magik? Since that one time I decided not to follow anything starting with "You have to" Relax, I admit that I'm wrong, But only a-not-common ritual can defeat the loreroot guards!
  2. Nice Idea, Thx Ugard!! What my second think about? DST? I'm having soo much fun!
  3. My goal is that Morrel retreat his post. (i'm stuck in story mode what the hell shall I do?!) If he wins i apologize public in forum. Or I reset my caracter if he agrees that would be the outcome of the fight. What I would like much more is to create a rule fo settling in game forum-debates. RULES OF A PUBLIC DUELL The question from me to you is how some fights can prove which player is the best. I KNOW!!! I KNOW!!! I KNOW!!! We start another caracter (maximum speed), we take 1grasan 2 aramors and fight a well determined amount of time. (let's say 4 hours from 00AM till 04AM )Who gets the more wins is the winner of a PUBLIC DUELL No, it takes too long. I do not wanna apology to a player just because he came here 10 days before me!! Oh, Yes I trust you completely. This is a matter of PERSONALITY ! Ha!
  4. Morrell I disagree: "Reality is what's left over if you trow away your personality." But if u can't throw it (try to throw your self! Come on do it!) See? Then you do not reach reality. You can't know something you are a part of it. "Personality is an illusion created by reality." Again no. And here I won't argue ; I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUELL!! (Glove throwen) Somebody help me organize this. I propose to fight a 24 hrs time. The looser start the game from zero. (just a proposal, open to suggestions) My representant in the negotiations about how the duell shall be org. is DST if he agrees. Hey DST, would you make me the honour to be my second on this?
  5. What is OCD? Another invented disease to make me feel misfit? I'm different and proud about! Hello doctor, I'm fine thank's but yey you do'nt look so well, take care!
  6. I used to go alone in the mountains 2 days distance of any humans. Only after 4-5 days alone my brain cool down. Tried to stay 24 hrs in cave in complete dark, silence. Since then I strongly advice not to do that alone... Home can get from 5 to 15 min after a looot of practise. Is not the monkey mind; Any speeding car need braking space. And some ideas are so bright than it would be a blasphemy to smash them in your own brain. Keep trying; find your perfect spot. Your own sanctuary.
  7. It's nothing less than a Cosmogony. (Recreation (teoreticaly) of everything that exist) exist IN MD (player minds included) Newton tryed based on nr 7 Here is belived to be a Newton manuscript: Mur did the same (because the maximum MP is 7 I supose all the princiles are 14) Principle of Cyclicity - Principle of Balance Element Principle - Transposition Principle Principle of Enthropy - Principle of Syntropy Principle of Imagination - Time Principle Darkness Principle - Principle of Light If these are all the principles here we have a pentagram as visual put the ten principles on the main points of that image In each moment when a decision is taken we make this based on beliefs. We therefore use one principle but the same importance when you take one decision is that you reject all others except one.
  8. I am sure that I will have the pleasure to see the monetar system down. I'm 45! There will come a day when you gonna have only what you can do by your self, or get by exchange in a tight neighborod. And then the nature won't be by our side.
  9. Personality means to view and act on things from your own point of view Realism means to view and act on things from everybodys point of view How do I use those two weapons in a duell? I search inside me, because I wanna prove my point over others, (personality) I use knowledge because I want to win (reality) I use both because i'm enlighteed and reality is the song of my personality; is inside me among everything else.
  10. GgSeverin

    The Voices

    could you find some images for each? Who's the boss when you get out dinner? Who's in charge when you're alone? Who's making sex?
  11. GgSeverin

    The Voices

    You - are - not - insane -!! You have a +1 ability: Speaker with the shades Congratulation! Can I ask some advice to one of your voices?
  12. YES we can do! I'm in. I respected this rule (till now) but if there is gonna be a man-hunt (creature-hunt what ever) I'm not quite sure in which side is gonna be more fun. Just think about: using tricks to mix the traces, having friends on the way to weaken the folowers, YeahOOO !! I will upgrade my internet connnection.
  13. Maybe other players are expressing theyr (as much as it is) Fredom. Are you telling me that you wanna be more Confortable ? Shall we burn some caracter for sorcery? For ataking in a unfair manner? We install some vigilantes and form a National Guard? The other Idea is GENIAL! I wanna (pleeease ) I wanna be able to steel from Willow Shop. Even if the whole bunch of Playng-by-the-rule caracters are beaten me in sanctuaryes two days after. I would try to steal from MD shop but it is illegal! In my culture the Hero is the shepard not the Donkey.
  14. got errors each day. not allways in the same adress.
  15. Fighing sistem could be improved. I do not have the programming skills but here's what i would like: 1 When I pess "atack this caracter" I wanna choose VISUALY my creatures means that i see all my creatures icons (vitality included) choose by click 2 another window select creatures behavior (atack weak creatures by ex) as it is now plus in the same window defense if and defense vitality used select vitality used to atack release stored heat (eventualy) CHAAARGE
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