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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. rl friendship shouldnt effect ingame things (similar as shoeps thing which already happened) and ingame love for land should be above any other friendship
  2. ya dont need to bestove flag, its enough to see who are ya backin up
  3. it was metaphor
  4. yeah akasha said it good, its all question would it just weaken them or completely wipe them out
  5. hmm dirty play from opposition i see, afaik there is no bugs left that can mess up allys, and i check it, if there is prove me that, and then i will say myself that i am shit of bug finder so cut down your bs, in every post somebody is exaggerating
  6. ya mean deathmarrow, not liquid dust right? edit: didnt saw akasha's reply
  7. stone to avange drachs still havent been fired from catapult so if ya wish to drop it, dont complain later
  8. wizard was dangerous, tiny ppl werent dangerous so tiny ppl taming drachs are still problem, but atm since everyone is killing them they cant balance nothin
  9. why not? it influenced all this events that happened afterwards as well, didnt it?
  10. heh before was also golemus wizard alive
  11. yeah awi thats it i agree, kill wodin, yeah cmon peace do it, kill wodin and with him all shades die as well as peace, nothin will remain that will oppose shades me votes for it
  12. lol same for your peace, ya took two things remember, both ally and wodin, so shush, ups forgot about all those drachs, so 3
  13. no, wodin had the cube, but before wodin's first vanishing he hid the cube and told yrth how to obtain it, end of story oh almost forgot, yrth was supposed to totally destroy khal's soul, but things changed and he got control over khal the white, which was totally unexpected outcome
  14. having you as hostage is totally worthless, and if peace wanted she would have done the trade somewhere around tuesday evening, or wednessday, she had chance
  15. too many drachs ingame already
  16. as much as i remember yrth said that he will do it few mins after he noticed his ally has been taken away, just so ya know, if peace didnt thought he is serious, her mistake
  17. i would like it if liberty becomes public char well its kinda interesting to see or read later how others would act in your skin
  18. nah i am not in confession mood i will do it in next 10 years again
  19. heh nice work but not all logs were posted for example in end "eigger" came and smashed us all
  20. KOB lost the fight, I honored agreement and surrendered ally and went out of it. Now Cless is the guy with biggest loyalty in there and he will ensure that everything happens as agreed. Necrovion sent his guy, Jinta Shook into ally to watch over for time being. i guess thats all needed to say
  21. http://storenow.net/my/?f=970 http://storenow.net/my/?f=971 http://storenow.net/my/?f=972
  22. bs
  23. ya heard that dst
  24. wait wait wait, i normally did my md confessions to dst.... not in public, isnt she priest for those kind of stuff?
  25. yeah genocidal says it right, its more realistic to have two fights, thats why we agreed on two fights, but since all this is hell to organize and after fights it will be hell to see wot happened, thats why we decided that there will be no second fight, only first one, so wot happens in necro decides fate of both alliances
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