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Everything posted by Liberty4life
actually last year there was best pwr and best rpc AND best roleplayer no? since zleiph won both best rper and pwr
okies... primary point of this topic was inner magic, principals, story mode and scene poems, and similar stuff not creats and al, they are secondary in this topic, i just mentioned them becoz creats arent anymore wot they were a year ago, they are treated completely different than before, and i mentioned al becoz it stagnated for quite some time already i wonder why everyone in this topic stopped talking about primary points of this topic
i think it isnt dyslexia in this case, i would say it problem with staying focus and concentrated, i think its called synthopina, so when guy is reading he doesnt gets info and gets dizziness
well as for AL some ppl got chance to write it instead of mur, but they couldnt wrote in there wot mur wanted to say, in here i am speaking about "point", adventure log isnt only about happenings, it has its own message and mur is the one who knows wot should be that hidden message, its connected to things, and its most important part of md history, this may sound confusing but idk how to explain it better
Taking A Break
Liberty4life replied to Blackwoodforest's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
čestitam i nek ti bude sa srećom -
yup something should be done, things turned in wrong way, we lost this mystery of game, it was passion that was leading us forward, we still have our ability to shape things, but ability to shape without passion is noneffective edit: its very reasonable and expected point of view, newcomer with point of view like ya have usually stays in game long time
once mur said when inner magic put its step into game, that inner magic wasnt made for md but md was made for inner magic, concept of inner magic.. didnt improved, even worse it went forgotten, with dismissal of rpcs, inner magic docs were unable to be redistributed, and before that happened they were just used as collectibles, principals as laws of this realm, arent used in way they were meant to be used, now they fuel tokens, they arent used anymore to think about things, to try using them for something great and unusual (inner magic), this concept with inner magic and principals was most important aspect of game which was meant to teach, made ya think, made ya use your brain... that key element isnt only one that died, story mode... it became unimportant, not much closed locations anymore as well, poems of locations lost its meaning, nobody cares for them, signs at entrance to each land... huh? who reads it? afaik story mode was also only one that made connection of creats with us, today in md... in everyday rp how often do we have creats involved for anything? players are merchants, warriors, not circus tamers or TCG cards owners, why do i say that? simple.. creats are those days to rpers second part of game.. like Magic: The gathering is to us irl, ya trade creats, ya play some fighting that has nothin to do with ya, to fighters thats only aspect of game, now why would warrior with sword or somethin need tree to fight with? from rp view that got created in md which is realistic or godmoding one, md creats arent used in it, and in those rp situations where ya use them.. idk if it can be said that they are used as it was meant to use them and now... adventure log died as well it seems tell me what is AL today? what is story mode today? what are poems today? what are principals today? what is inner magic today? what is md's background story today? traces of it everywhere, but still... its used for nothing, does anyone that is older than 2 months in this game notice those things anymore? i dont think so story mode and AL got fully replaced by papers and "casual rp" of all sorts.... poems and lands descriptions mean nothing, everyone has same opinion about every location and acts same, all they care is if location is crowded or is it remote one, thats all principals.. another stat to grind till 1k and thats it inner magic and background story.... wot are those? creats? ah thats some side game inside real game to one kind of ppl to another they are whole game this is current situation about those things in md papers are giving big freedom to players to express themselves, yes kings will assure human judgment on players but lately md is getting more and more automatized, and kinda more and more towards game that is actually click to advance md script is cool yeah but now... game can be 100% played without any contact with players, ya just roam around mainly at mdp and ggg, to improve your stats and creats, if ya want wp for something just do automated quests, but somethings keeps players socialized, is it theirs high need for socialization or are the "forgotten" parts of this game that makes them ask around when they start playing and fires up theirs curiosity? fact is that lately there didnt came much new players that stayed for longer time, and if ya ask players that are in here for longer time wot made them stay in md, wot made them keep playing, they will most likely say one of this "forgotten" parts of game question is... if md removes those parts of game which arent used, is md then still md or is just like any other game? idk and idc wot ya will say but i am one of those players that like revealing mystery, i wanna know wot happened next in story mode, i wanna know about inner magic and principals uses, i wanna know meaning of storymode story, meaning of AL since it had its message to tell each time, i wanna know meaning of poems, i wanna know more about creats, many creats dont have description, some creats like barren soul contain description that is related to ancient lore which got banned, and many more things, i cant think anymore if i could i would most likely wrote more, this is all i have to say for now PS i have been thinking about this few days ago but forgot to post it, then emerald arcanix made me remember it but then again i forgot, then lifeline made me remember it after his talk with arcanix, so i finally managed to post it, tnx guys
Debate - Strategy, Subterfuge, Propaganda
Liberty4life replied to de la Rey's topic in General Forum
hmm interesting event, maybe md university will get up running again if i manage i will come to see it -
It's Time To Say Goodbye
Liberty4life replied to Blood Prince's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
gl irl -
Brainstorming And Listing Possible Game Concept
Liberty4life replied to Liberty4life's topic in Offtopic
exactly that will be possible, leaders will need to have support from theirs citizens to stay up there, and yup in wars, anything can happen, take another country reward your soldiers by giving them foreign land and slaves, why not, revolutions why not if ya manage to outsmart occupators and get some weapons so that ya can have chances... fleeing is always possible, but how much effort will be needed for those things... ofc that falls down to how good conqueror took care of possible revolution for now dont torture me with that aspect of game, first to make "normal" stuff functional, later will be work on political stuff system, and spying... well that is delicated part of game... it will be needed much much more for something else rather than leader spying on his own ppl, and that would be to find enemy guy that is workin on discovering some new deadly tech, ya dont want him have it before ya, or if he gets it, why wouldnt ya have it as well -
Brainstorming And Listing Possible Game Concept
Liberty4life replied to Liberty4life's topic in Offtopic
well ya are one char... ya do everythin on your own.. and interact with others, ya will earn money if ya manage to sell something to other players, not to system, if ya get support of player to lead nation.. nice if nation is at war those same players who chosen leader.. mainly ones that are fighters.. will have to defend it, leader will order stuff around... would ppl do as he says? idk up to them thing which burns stated, required fire to keep interest.. well i hope that will achieve big scale of things available connected with politics, player who wants higher social position ingame will have to earn it from others, to get theirs support to lead nation, region, village, wot ever, it will be up to leaders how much dynamical it all would be, politics will make many things possible or impossible, and well all sort of things to do will make it quite challenging, ya will pick wot ya think is best, and maybe change it later due to change of situation, oke so i will compare it with gameforge's bitefight, ya put your char on work to dig graves for 8h, he have done work all fine ya got money all fine, now ya can be attacked and robbed and ya can get back to work and do it again all the time, in mine game however... ya can send your dude to chop some trees, then sell wood on local market by local prices, interesting stuff is.. there can be any price, there can be theif that will pickpoceket ya after selling wood, there can be thief that will stole your axe from your home, there can be jerk that will burn your home and eventually get caught and hanged, there can in sudden moment in your place appear many new woodcuters and price for your product can became too low for ya so ya might want to move somewhere else, change your job, or many things, thing is as long as player is success at his current place he will stay doin it, becoz he knows he is good at it, and if he is good at it... he can grow, he can make guild few ppl cut wood, few are carpenters, few are sailors, so they can trade in more places, he can achieve better social status in his local community, maybe he can invent new tech that will improve woodcutting like circular saw, there will be tons of options while in bitefight ya dont have those rich options, ya are either vampire or werewolf and thats damn it, 2 types of chars to interact/play with and both have same concept -
Brainstorming And Listing Possible Game Concept
Liberty4life replied to Liberty4life's topic in Offtopic
yeah some of ya understood some points i made.. so i will go to explain more if game starts at bronze age.. and ppl make it advance further.. lets say to modern age, new player continues in modern age, its not individual advancement, its overall advancement, becoz irl.. ya are born while others are in modern age.. ya dont live in cave with stone age tech lol fantasy aspect of game.. will be very slim and undocumented, it will do very minor effect to overall game but still it will be there, ya act as if whole game is 100% realistic yes basic skills would be something similar like that as totenkopf said... but for jobs like leadership of somethin or artist or poet... there wont be stats ya will have to show off your work to other players, or trade which is also social thing.. basic skills will be capped, becoz no matter how much ya train irl ya cant keep running full 24h, unused stats will get dropped over time, there will be stats that will be related to item usage and jobs, which will be shown in percentage.. if ya are woodcuter and go to builder job.. your skill with hammer will start increasing and your building skill, while ya will start losing your woodcuting and axe skills, those skills wont drop drastically.. but it will drop enough so ya arent as proficient in your ex job as ya used to be and there will be some kind of "skill memory" if ya get back to that job.. your skill in that job will get back to point where it once was MUCH faster yes abilities/feats are very job related and technological relationship exists, it takes to be expert in specific field and posses specific knowledge to perform it... all kind of resources will always exist, but at early point there wont be need for most, also at later stage... for productions i might put that they will need to use already processed resources.., but since improving of quality of resource.. is just a middle man work with no specific use i will most likely remove it.. for example wool.. if middle man processes wool and makes it washed and combed wool.. well still next destination is textile factory.. no other option to send it to, so i will skip that part and say that factory itself does that part of job -
Brainstorming And Listing Possible Game Concept
Liberty4life replied to Liberty4life's topic in Offtopic
nice advice kafuuka, no idk c++ but believe it or not threading can be "done" with php for example yes i plan to use idea of advancement through ages "like empire earth has it" but there actually wont be ages, there will be technologies, so technologies will speak for themselves, for example if nation can build aircraft then it aint in medieval age no? yup i will use some elements from d&d, although for example.. in fights there wont be stuff like hp or damage, if ya manage to cut opponents head... well its over for him PS looks like dwarffortress doesnt likes nix so i wont try it -
for some time already i was planning to start workin on game of mine own, bit by bit at a time, i have some general concept in mind already, it will be kind of strategy/rpg, not yet sure will it be mmo or single player game, that point i will decide on course of development, questionable is to make it real time or turn based, then if its real time wot should happen if two things happen at same time which should effect each other, to give one of them priority, to execute both or to make them block each other, thats wots bothering me from game type aspect since i want it to be very realistic game with some bits of fantasy, there wont be races, player is human, but there will be cultures, nations and other aspects that will make impact on type of player, i also dont like idea of making classes, each player should get freedom to improve itself in any aspect of game, things that are in other games limited by class and level system i plan to limit by various other requirements, so it would look similar like "feats" system in nvn, but... not sure on wot should i base all of it, i must say that i dislike idea of stats, but since i cant think of any other way.. it will be complex stat system, how you advance your char it will affect your status and job abilities, etc for example veteran sailor will very unlikely be in same time best woodcuter in country, so how ya advance your char ya change many other things in progress and hopefully advance much further, buy more land, improve your home, hire others to work for you and many other things, so in other words ya are getting more power, and more power ya have more ya control, if ya get up to status of village ya can control all in it, and if ya go even further... who knows wot can happen, thing is unlike other rpg games this one as i said i want it to be more realistic, means less fights, more work, ofc ya can be warrior of sort, but merchant will be far more powerful, merchants with theirs wealth can get to positions of power much faster, but that doesnt means that thief cant brake in kill guards and merchant on macro strategical view, game will be pretty large, big land, with many nations, resource scale would be big, if someone played stronghold then he knows that it had many resources, big economical concept, and ofc all sorts of defensive stuff to use, but this is not all, there will be way of improvement in tech, if ya have people in your land that can pull it off, why not be more advanced than your neighboar, let him invade ya with swords and then ya wipe him off with cannon the game will change a lot over time, it would be like empire earth tech wise, but tech advancement wont be achieved by spending res but by having capable people which can hit high req in specific field now since ya got small sneak peek i ask ya to do for me few things and/or answer some questions at which historical point should game start from? make a list of possible stats player should have that arent related to anything except mind and body (good example: physical strenght, stamina; bad example: attack, defense) make list of resources make list of possible jobs make list of possible feats/abilities make list of useful items that will be produced (just general names no variations please becoz players ingame will be able to make variations of items during production of them) have any other idea that could fit in? or want to add possible requirements for harvesting of each resource or uses for res, how to get better at some job, ideas of specific item production, how feats can affect each other, how stats can be used or something else is on your mind feel free to discuss generally... i am most interested in getting huge lists stats, feats, jobs, res and item classes 2 best contributors will get wp
sretan rođendan
no no no no no, knights of bell got changed leadership due to rp events, losing in war which is reasonable, well seal of six... that was personal revenge, and in this case badge was taken down for good, but well brotherhood is still alive
increasing level of cube? O.o i dont get point in here, combining cubes to get some kewl abilities? ofc everyone would start abusing, and well afaik cube is your soul, give it away and you are slave
Happy Birthday Rendril!
Liberty4life replied to Grido's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
happy b-day -
*returns the favor * umm ledah thats slow 1 pm in 3 sec? are ya kiddin?
beat this [img]http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/7021/murs.jpg[/img]
no grido... with 0 adepts ya have pray power 8% with ghost adept ya have pray power 16%
yeah i can confirm this
yeah i have 195 tradesense thats too low in mine opinion to be nullified
i just noticed today that it says in recruiting window that angien costs 20k vp, but when ya buy it ya dont lose any vp
dst is our fuhrer, if ya arent her follower then she is arch enemy to ya and she will shun ya sooner or later