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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. [quote] Willow left his heritage Worthy of strongest mage [/quote] But Me left mine heritage to those ppl [quote] [x] Akasha joker +4 silver [x] Chewett joker +4 silver (and well ya already got adorable slippers ) [x] yrthilian joker +2 gold [x] Grido +1 gold imp [x] Metal Bunny +1 gold imp [x] Laz +1 gold pimpy [x] AqlBeast +1 gold pimpy coin pouch [x] dst +1 gold pimpy [x] Firsanthalas +1 gold pimpy [x] No one +1 gold pimpy [x] MRD +1 gold imp [x] I am Bored +1 gold imp [x] BloodPrince +1 gold imp [x] Rendril Revant +1 gold torm soul [x] Cless +1 gold pimpy [x] *Burns* +1 gold imp [x] Lightsage drach +4 silver [x] Jester +1 gold soulweaver [x] Jtz Champion +1 gold pimpy [x] MRI +1 gold pimpy [x] MRWander +1 gold pimpy [x] Lifeline +1 gold shade (sry no pikachu plushies left) [x] Unbelievable Power +1 gold 4 bps [x] *Clock Master* +1 gold colorless joker [x] Death Ring +1 gold reindrach [x] Emerald Arcanix +1 gold torm soul [x] MRAlyon +1 gold imp [x] Czez +1 gold drach [x] *Observer* +1 gold unholy [x] Handy Pockets pimpy [/quote] note: heritage will be distributed by list above asap... well till end of day, some creats have tokens some dont, some have age some dont... why is this? well me is leaving game as some of ya might have already heard from me, me is here till end of week then me is away, so i will just come back when mine angy gets enough age for maxed lvl and that will be last time ya will see me, al will continue without me when it will continue, i guess this is goodbye, so bye everyone, and tnx to mur for making unique game edit: please collect your creats asap, no longer than 2 days time please.... tnx
  2. ah finally ya are back
  3. 45 for mine
  4. redd in cro WU demands 20 bucks for transferring service
  5. 55 for 100 bucks? no way thats way too much, but then again 15 is too low.. it doesnt covers transfer expenses, 6 months ago i paid 80 and got 100... so it aint logical to me.. but maybe it changed, anyway best thing to do is pm mur about it and ask him
  6. lol, eh i think i should start giving presents, change mine name to santa lib and maybe start mine own church since i will get believers in exchange for presents sweet
  7. sretan rođendan, moram priznati da imam cudan osjecaj da ti je ovo vec drugi rodendan u ovoj godini... al mora da se varam
  8. no, firefox and seamonkey use flash player 10 on nix, while rest use flash player 9
  9. actually that would be easy to do.. since oak tower and front of it is same location, 1_-5x1_X are all oak tower locations, exterior is X=1 and X=2 or 3 are interiors, so it would be easy to do, but ya wont be able to shout from grassy roads towards wasps altar or in similar situations becoz middle of coords are different.. and then also since realm 7 got into game coordinate system isnt used anymore for new locations, like ya can see coords in tribunal 7_plains_1
  10. hard to implement?
  11. well i agree partially, but i see ya havent understood me, if there is no god, then everyone can do wot he wants, but for stability of development of community ppl made laws, one can go against them, or even group or even big majority of ppl and make anarchy in that case, which will then develop into dictatorship or democracy depending who is "stronger" as ya said, but if it was in start that one individual who wants to rebel who doesnt cares and is fully capable to do that, nothing stops him to rise anarchy and establish dictatorship and do as he pleases as long as he can control key elements that will keep him in that position of power, and yeah mine point in here that dictator is unethical towards "must obey crowd" while he does everything needed remain in power like taking good care of military which will in return be loyal to him in any situation, so... "treat others how ya want them to treat ya" cant be quite applied in here, and also.. lets say ya have to kill someone innocent in order to save your big family from miserable life which allows ya barely to have something to eat, wot would ya do? so killing innocent man isnt ethical, and i guess that goal doesnt justifies means, i guess that many would act unethically, but mine both guesses could be wrong, mine point in here is that ethics doesnt say much, from mine point of view, if we dont count man made laws there is nothing to stop that person from murdering other one, ethics wont stop him, and if nobody knows who is murderer and there are no laws even family or friends of murdered person wont be able to revenge that death, so in here treat others like ya want them to treat ya doesnt applies, so murderer got away even if it still unethical to kill person and not get caught, if we remove religion and man made laws, one can do wot he wants as long as he has community or majority of community supporting him, why would they support him for doing something bad? becoz he is making them more good than bad, for example napoleon, he did many great things for his ppl, then he lead them to war, many got killed but france expanded, became very powerful, got big market, fame, it developed quickly, ppl got wot they wanted, later he got stopped by outer factors (meaning not inside his state), when other countries saw how much bad things he can do to them, they crushed him together, they were stronger, so as long as affected community does cares wot ya are doing or even is supporting ya, ya can obviously do wot ya want, becoz they will have more use of your actions than harm so in mine opinion ethics is meaningless by itself, but ethic is foundation for man made laws, which are "enforced", so thats only good side of ethics, but if god exists then ethics get bigger meaning
  12. i must say that if we have limitations upon us, even then we cant blame them for stopping us, again we are the ones to blame becoz we didnt rebelled against them, also ya didnt quite understood wot i wanted to say in end of mine post... and point was we dont know which one is correct, does creator exists, does start and end exist or are they 2 infinities, there is nothing that can FULLY prove one of those dilemmas, meaning that all options are possible as for why i moved to physical limitations... lets have a look at it for a little, we humans by our nature have social freedoms, but as other things we are limited by physical laws, laws of world.. principals, we are limited by them, so when we do something wrong we see it, we cant pass over that limit, that allows us to learn and understand how world works, those things are proven facts, while on other hand our morality is our thing, by freedom of choice we can do anything, for a bit lets forget about man made laws, so atm we have just ethical questions, is there god and such, every ethical question becomes in the end dilemma between many options, ethical questions doesnt end with answer, it ends if there is god and we are members of this religion then we do as they say, if we are members of other religion then we to something else, if there is no god then we can do wot we want, so it falls down on our subjective mind to do as we believe since we cant know by our objective mind which one is true, there is always option that there is creator and that there isnt creator, in short all this means we dont know if other world exists and if it does we dont know how we will pass over to it, but in this world we have just physical laws while those "divine" laws arent defined and fall down to our belief, thats why in here come man made laws, since everyone would have different belief, one could believe that there is no god and that he can do wot he pleases, so man made laws are limitations set by community so that community can prosper and doesnt get sabotaged by individuals
  13. actually... it doesnt works in many browsers becoz mur blocked them, ie, ff and opera arent blocked, so nix users have to use ff or opera, since md is flash game... forget about opera since it doesnt have flash 10 support for nix, and atm... idk if its just me but last ff update 3.5.5 screwed it up, it messes up displaying of png images and if png image is in background... ya can forget about visiting that site since whole interface will be slower than modem but apparently its not just the case of png images in bg, but also its a case of some css properties combined with that image, i personally am waiting for next update 3.5.6 which is apparently scheduled for 15th dec, if it doesnt get fixed... i will downgrade it to 3.5.4
  14. these days we have full freedom of choice according to the laws of many countries, we can do wot ever we like, but some actions like stealing is something for wot we take responsibilities when caught redhanded, and we get punished, thats a example of good limitation, if there is nothing against stealing, well then we have example of bad freedom, mass stealing will occur and society will progress much slower, in all democratic countries everyone has right to vote if they want too, so thats a example of good freedom, if voting is limited becoz of gender, then thats an example of bad limitation, so we have 4 sorts: [list=1] [*]good freedom [*]bad freedom [*]good limitation [*]bad limitation [/list] so.. limitations and freedoms.. are sort of opposite to each other, if ya have freedom to do something then ya arent limited (permitted) for not doing it but... some good freedoms in mine opinion can actually hurt us and some bad limitations can actually help us, well.. depending on individual for example freedom of choice, when we need to pick something, we can pick anything, and out of all possibilities we usually dont know wot to pick, it depends on individual person will he pick something asap, will he take long time to pick something, will he pick something then change his mind, will he pick something to find out later that he doesnt likes it and then suffer becoz of it, or maybe number of choices will paralyze him so he picks nothing, in here its clear that the more we limit freedom of choice, the more will be limited number of possible choices... so limitations can actually guide individual person to make choice, instead of not making it, and if rules are pretty good he will most of time pick right choice out of which he will be almost always on gain, but limiting freedom of choice is considered bad limitation, and limiting it is an unrealistic example i would say, but that doesnt matters, it is the point in it that matters its said that human can do anything, so can we? we are limited to walk on ground we cant fly by our nature, we need airplanes for that, this is example of limitation for which we found relative solution, then we have limitation of our time on this world, we have our need for food, water, air, etc we cant live outside those conditions, are all those good or bad limitations for us? if its said that we can achieve anything, are we capable of breaking those limitations eternally or can we just find temporal solutions for them and then count those temporal solutions as achieving impossible, we have fact that humans can achieve anything, fact that humans need water to survive, means that its impossible for us to live without it, and to be able to achieve anything means we can achieve impossible..... but its not logical that we can live without water, or that we can live forever in here achieving anything represents total freedom and our limited time on this world represents total limitation which is stronger? which is right one? if temporal solutions for those total limitations are considered as achieving anything, which logically doesnt looks right, then total limitation is end across which we cant go, then we dont have total freedom in its full meaning if we can go over those limitations then we can truly achieve anything, and go to infinity, but then we dont have total limitation in its full meaning but theoretically there is no limit for both or there is end but we cant see it, its out of our imagination which ever case it is, limitations and freedoms... balance each other in a way... and idk how to explain this thing further.. i would say that theirs balance doesnt allows us to see is there end or is it infinite, but then we have balance of limitation and freedom again as our limitation, or at least it is limitation at this moment, maybe at some other time it wont be limitation, but for now it is, and we have thoughts that are both correct but they oppose each other... meaning that human in same time can achieve everything and nothing any more thoughts on this?
  15. i dont agree with ya chew, everyone cares so they can rant whole system about being unfair, nobody wants to point out someone in fear that s/he wont do something against him/her, but if that abuser does something that is against interest of other person, that other person will suddenly jump out and start digging accusations of past misdeeds of abuser and publicly flame him, and then suddenly that one person gets respect of community (well part of it) for "unveiling" and "reporting" about "heavy" abuses (which are done by everyone else) and he also then is marked as some sort of "good doer" becoz of that question is where was that "hero" before when abuse happened, if s/he knew about it why did s/he waited so long, oh... i forgot s/he put public black mark on that person just becoz that person did something that isnt in his/hers interest, so lets then flame him about his abuses regardless if both are "sinners" thats where big fights start, ya think it wont happen with wps? all those votes FOR are becoz everyone is greedy, once ppl get those free wps, it will be kewl, then everyone will start abusing alts for wps, and then jealousy will come up, and conflict of interests will come up, insults, and other crap, so it will look like always in similar situations which i described earlier in this post, this already happened with tolerated level of abusing bugs and tolerance of having alts, so it will happen again with wps phase 1 overall greed phase 2 abuse phase 3 complains about system and individual conflicts of interests i will conclude this with question: is it possible to satisfy greed of players and prevent abuses?
  16. ya say there wont be ppl abusing alts to get wps? yeah same thing ppl said about alts and angiens abuse for ve and in the end it really happened and it became massive
  17. ah good point @rhaegar, but i must admit that in here is just like ya said, keeping up your own alt with age, especially if ya have bunch of them is hard, unlike dst's alts since she inherited them from real players... 1 wp on alt means almost nothin, with 1 wp in shop ya cant get anythin good, at least in mine opinion but this opens up broken pattern wp in consideration, and if age wp is placed at start... huh then yes we have problem i voted 1 wp per year and yes to alts, but now i see it as problem of a kind... so idk this will obviously create wp inflation in mine mind, maybe to look for some other alternatives to motivate young ones and keep loyalty of vets?
  18. yeah why not, 1 wp per 365 days why not, its symbol of loyalty to the game, aha... reach 1 year with bunch of alts.. right.. even if somebody does it i dont see problem, wps arent transferable, so i dont see how this could be abused :s
  19. best drunkard? eh? since when alcoholics are to be praised? doesnt it gives.. a bad image of society? hmm AD... how did ya got 80? 90 sounds more logical to me
  20. no peace, i wont be the one to do it, when did ya saw me last time ingame? i dont have time and that made me pretty inactive in md, mine time in md is almost at end, well actually its over for quite some time already... all i do for last 1-2 months is check forums and login for active days, thats it, i will stay till xmas just becoz i really really love md xmas and after that its good bye for me so if i dont actually do anything about that matter and i just whine around, well its better to say wots goin wrong than to be silent, dont ya think so?
  21. ya all tell me if archies get assembled again.... wot would they do? cmon really... i think that archies have no more job, every land leader would want his own man to write history of land and not some outsider, its clear that archies never were objective they were always praising one side (depending on writer), mda site is... well inactive nothin up in there, is there anythin useful to write anymore? since happenings in md are regular if any, too few player to organize anything outstanding, inner magic and principal talks dont exist anymore or is only in closed groups, al is paused, and as i said every land manages its own records, so wot work is left for archies?
  22. i will say that real newb that puts enough effort in game can reach mp5 in 2 weeks, actually i think we have many examples in here, every player that has dedication and potential can reach it but they dont click that one button that will make them mp5 becoz.. they heard wots up there, but that isnt point, point is that every new player can hit requirements for mp5 pretty fast and if he chooses to go to mp5 becoz of story he will do it, so... dont rush with conclusions, after all its a shame to lose such a player
  23. lol why to remove alts reward if some alts have been banned? those that crossed line got banned so wot? i never heard for most of them before i readed in announcements that they got banned, so how could they affect popularity contest? market... how would ya know whos the best trader?
  24. nice to hear about update... just dont reset libs to mp3... it took a lot of effort to get there
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