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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. zleiph, ofc its never a min bid, but this is md, and only time imo when ya might want to say reserve value is when ya are puttin up somethin thats new on market or some antique of yet undetermined price or somethin like that, but value on tainted is already known, so in case like this and in community like this... i still think this one can be safely called min bid although technically its not
  2. well unlike being drunk... which lasts quite long irl, this one lasts only until ya swallow it.. so 1 min or so and it shouldnt stack... if ya ate one candy and ya are eating second one, effect from first one shouldnt count since ya already chewetted and swallowed that one...
  3. gray has been already taken for bracket thingy pinkish would be fine ^^
  4. seigh let me tell ya somethin *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* there ya go now i feel mucho better
  5. zleiph is right... however reserve is somethin that should be known only to seller... otherwise its pointless and acts as minimum bid, cuz its known that seller wont sell it for less than that hence no point in bidding lower in short in this case reserve is min bid
  6. omfg ffs, again shadowseeker, why does he always steal mine stuff?!?!?! O.o if i were to make a list.... it would be bigger than md's db and ofc ya forgot about me poliwrath or electabuzz pls or legendary bird btw rj=dragonite
  7. me still gettin this every few mins, have everythin in latest updates, well imo it only happens if ya move like crazy which i always do (ya dont allow pages to fully load when moving from scene to scene so you click arrow as fast as ya see it)
  8. same here... but i thought that its just mine clicking speed that got improved so kinda unsure who to blame here
  9. the numbers aint impossible there is... i didnt counted how much but there is like lets say 30-50 combinations altogether which randomly rotate, so there is some list.... and only 259444 is impossible, cmon i solved this thingy like... 130 times or so, me knows wut me is talkin about
  10. obviously... thats not possible with this one... there arent number 4 three times
  11. negative sir, it doesnt shows how much money ya spent, bought creds, free creds and awarded creds are counted up together in this regardless if ya used them in shop or they just sit there
  12. have to agree with burns on this one, if there are no tools to keep citizens in line... for ally citizens there is always kick button
  13. eh... i am not sure about that... you noticed your number goin up after buying for others? well since creds from hc add up to that number... i would guess that those creds bought to others count for them, also i didnt saw duxie's number goin up and mine guess is he got bunch of gcs lately mainly from buyin creds for others... so...
  14. got another sharpie for 8 sc meaning that atm me still lookin for 3 maxed bps 1 maxed sharpie 1 maxed lore
  15. it means ya have received 599 creds overall, meaning spent + remaing creds= your 599
  16. this has been mentioned around for some time but i dont see it being posted so if player has 1 avy and tries to put it in vault it wont happen which also results in following things to happen if you buy another avy from shop, your old avy gets put in shop and you dont get credit refunded for it but you still pay additional credit for your new avy how it should work? ya should be able to store avy in your vault regardless of number of avys ya posses buying additional avatars from shop should put that avy in your vault, or put your old one in vault and make new one active, so old avy shouldnt be put back in shop the way it currently works is old avatar shop mechanic, before vault and avy trading got introduced, and by vault offered options (to store avy inside, to return avy to shop for 1 cred refund) its logical that you could put active avy to your vault, and that return avy to shop gives cred back, and buying avy costs 1 cred as well, so even if it was maybe meant to be the way it is... shouldnt then replacing current avy by new one from shop be free of charge? since old one goes to shop, ofc this is just the matter of clicking few buttons, so atm one can manually return avy to shop and then buy new one, which will make purchase free of charge, but if he does it by just clicking to buy new avy, result will be same but player loses 1 additional credit, makes no sense to me OR maybe i misinterpreted the whole thing and it actually works as designed... but then again shouldnt there be some way to make players able to buy more than just 1 avy from shop without the need of transferring them between accs? becoz atm if ya wanna get more than 1 avy from shop, ya need to put one back in there, which makes no sense since ya have 8 slots in avy vault to use...
  17. players that dont have title can see it in their supporter title, as for rest only mur can tell
  18. okies i bought that one for 10sc
  19. 1gc for whole bundle any chance that if there are no bids in 24h time bidding ends? dunt feel like waitin whole week
  20. burns i have somethin to say to ya about that... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=768h3Tz4Qik&feature=related"]This[/url] and [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b0n8m9Qwj4&feature=related"]this[/url]!!!
  21. yes you do get new combination, but mine point in here is even if you can get new combination, impossible ones still shouldnt be there, afaik that one is only one being completely impossible
  22. 259444 cant be solved by what i know
  23. i am lookin to buy followin creats, if creat is tokened i wont pay more, tokens are of no use to me[list] [*]3 bps with max heat [/list] max heat means they have enough heat to max ofc, would like if they are at least a bit aged, and i pay in coins (gold) so tell me if ya have wot me is lookin for and at wot price
  24. did anyone tried to ask for turning his avy into "lvl3" (colored avy, only mur had it fully colored and most important rpcs had it semi-colored)
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