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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. seriously???????????? seigh... good try, who would want to buy dead person.... technically ya are sellin yourself so your master could pull you around the realm since ya cant move... wut possible use as slave can ya provide?
  2. what yrth said is true leaders of land main alliances still hold significant power, they are executors, as for all those councils or w/e is goin on that is holdin some kind of legislative power, from what i see executors of lands atm hold power with exception of mb where clocky isnt interested much so he leaves decisions to council, but in other lands i can clearly see that ally leaders are in charge, ofc we dont really count necro, it aint real land anymore at the moment it doesnt even have capitol marked as sanctuary
  3. yes thats true as for that topic about bug... afaik thats fixed so everythin works as it should
  4. they will get summoned ofc
  5. think its smoothbeauty
  6. yeah i agree with that, but if ya lock him up he will still have heads and continue to accumulate them periodically and also his score will go up, and ofc... there is possibility he could get out during hc again so... this is very interesting issue thats needs to get attention and be solved asap in one way or another
  7. dear esme mine point wasnt for subtitles that are given as gift by mur, ya already mentioned that in your post before that mur then should be the one to protect it if he sees fit, and thats oke imo, problem solved, mine MAIN point in here is for subtitles in general, not only for those with names, i gave that example in first post becoz there was no other example that i knew off, so ya obviously misunderstood me so mine question again is, what about those poor players that buy subtitles with wp and it gets changed by someone else in an unjust fashion ie changin subtitle thats actual at that given moment due to activity in that location with somethin that has nothin to do with activity/events in that location for example what to do if somebody renames followin locations while they are still performin their function sparrin grounds into lets say park of relaxation bob defenders hq into ... idk location of steve sanctuary of seekers into... idk, lets say nobles palace all those examples above would be unjustified changes of subtitle and trashin of still actively performed role activity, in case that described function was still active and that new one doesnt have any foundations or wut so ever so me askin for one hundered and first time, wut can be done if somethin like that happens? from wut i know there is nothin to do about it, while there should be some way of bringin it to court
  8. i dont see a reason why fugitive cant be attacked, so that should get changed, and allow ppl to attack him, otherwise i dont see a problem in fugitives in hc as long as they can be attacked perhaps he cant be attacked for particular reason so that ppl would want to grab him idk but then again if ppl grab him and he gets in jail again, wouldnt he then still have heads and continue to gather points?
  9. well kamisha wars in past were all about profit, wars today are expense for state, but they are still profit for corporations if ya lookin for a way take spoils, why not take it from lands treasury, ya know that thing that gets more and more stuff after land wins tc, its not yet finished but it would be good place from which spoils would be taken or we need some large economy system as well from which this war thingy would be fueled personally, md is goin in very undetermined path, and there are much more important stuff atm to be done, this war thingy aint that important in mine view
  10. works fine trust me, and that 15-60 min thingy said up there... is average interval this topic has been brought up many times before i believe
  11. esme, i dont say that locations shouldnt be renamed, i am sayin that there should be better way of doin it,becoz current way doesnt seems fair, and also system time limit simply cant work, it cant guarantee that location got renamed for just reason, there needs to be SOME LEGAL basis on this that can be brought to md court let me give ya example why this would be so player A has some role tied to some location and he is playin it actively, he eventually named his location with some name, then there comes player B, he says umm nice location me likes it, and then renames it, while player A was still playin actively his role, now some ppl said ya need to fight for your location, so only thing player A can do is rename it again after system allows it after x time, now maybe player B hates player A or has some w/e reason and this fight continues till end, and atm how things look like player B will win, why? becoz both players can use subtitle wish 5 times, so speakin 1v1 original owner will always lose, no to speak if ppl team up so technically a lot of stuff gets wasted this is just one example why there cant be some system that prevents it from bein changed until x time passed, and dont forget that subtitle wish is not just there to so one could name his location in accordance of whats goin on there daily, its also meant to be used to place a mark on some locations where some big historical event happened so as i said it aint simple as it seems, and there needs to be some legal basis to protect your own subtitle in md court of justice, ofc in case ya lost it in unfair and unjustified way
  12. nah imo it wouldnt be extreme it would actually allow introduction of lifesteal all creat, and then there simply wouldnt be best ritual, each fight would require players to think beforehand oh and btw this creat is perfect to have 100 regen in its stat, reason is obvious also, every creature used in rits MUST have at least 1 att/power and at least weaken def ability but me personally would give him luck stat of 1, ability called lucky strike (based on luck skill it would have a chance to strike opponent, chances would range from 0,1-5% and as dmg it would inflict amount of att or power divided by luck) which would make extremely weak ability but hey it would still have ability, imo givin it weaken def would be too OP, so somethin like this lucky strike should come in place instead
  13. k so round 1 ends friday 23:59:59 serv time
  14. hmm ah yeah well true, in that case it wouldnt be so hard to implement it idk for creat itself, but that aura is much needed and one thing that md is missin in counter's arsenal, so even if that creat itself might not show up, that aura mostly will show up in one form or another since imo somethin to negate other auras is needed, but since it aint md style to negate things, but rather steal it (be it ve be it stats) this aura stealin aura works just fine and i guess that if A has 2 of those and B has 1, then B losses his auras while A gets B's auras and keeps his own and what if each player uses one? so wut they exchange auras?
  15. nice creat nice idea but major problem, it would require major system and database change, there is no such thing atm that tracks how much fights creat lost, and what makes it even worse, ya said it would require to lose and survive... which makes it even bigger pain for mur other than that seems to me like it is trained up while being idle
  16. that is true, ya can also have rpc grade while not buyin grade 4 before it but mine point in here was that item scripting is used differently than clicky scripting, meaning that scripts one writes for items have different approach than ones for clickys, and afaik difference between grade 4 and rpc grade is only in which clicky one can put script in rather than havin different approach between them when coding
  17. add item scripting ability in question #2 ^^
  18. me turned off hardware acceleration in ff, me still gettin multiple browser thingy, but it happens much less often
  19. nice work man, yeah me thinks thats all, ya didnt missed a thing however... me is very interested in how that last side of cube ended up in your possession amoran, wanted to ask ya that in chat the other day but ya went afk
  20. as title says, me is LF imps, but only interested in tokened imps atm
  21. ah very good pics me gusta BUT lines are way too thin and way too numerous, and if it gets shrinked (unsure about dimensions in which it would be used) it would look bad, and maybe some more work on tear shape coz atm its too artificial lookin shape rather than natural lookin, but generally its very good
  22. ah so in usual bhc players are awarded with skilldmg stat? me didnt know that, that is cool *wonders wut would happen if 2 players with skilldmg fight, would loser's skilldmg be lowered? interesting thought *
  23. why does that reminds me of this.... [img]http://freemasonrywatch.org/pics/seal.jpg[/img]
  24. and from what me understood, mur offered to nad that if he wins, nad will get skilldmg immunity
  25. thats sad thing to hear
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